Sunday, September 5, 2021

The Middle Update 9/5/2021

What a week!  After this week, I feel like I was able to connect with students in such a more meaningful authentic manner....I really enjoyed being back in the rhythm of school with having the main focus on learning.  Make no mistake...COVID 19 is around us and will most likely impact our instruction at points throughout the year...but I'm optimistic, learning experiences like we experienced in week 1 will be the norm for our kids.

The week just proved how awesome of a staff that we have.  Nearly all of the students I talked with are having a great experience, and the focus on getting to know all of our students, what makes them tick, and how they learn sets the tone for a strong culture and effective learning experiences.  Thank each one of you for your role in shaping this culture in our school.  I'm already excited for next week!!

Friday WIN Time
We had a little confusion among the students about Friday WIN I wanted to clarify in this post.  This time is truly a time for students to take a breath and have an opportunity to catch up if needed, and for teachers to work with specific students that may need a little extra time with outside of class or regular WIN time.  The expectation is that this is a quiet work time in classrooms, and if students are caught up, they should be reading a good book.  The groups are centered around Homeroom or Class Groups, but have some variation depending on teacher availability.  You can see the groups HERE.  

Teachers can request to have students report to them by using this DOCUMENT.  This document should be updated by Friday morning each week, and Homeroom teachers should communicate with students about where they should report that Friday WIN time. 

Puma Pride Reporting
We revised our Puma Pride standards so that there are four of them now.  These standards can be really important feedback for students and parents, and we already use (and have the potential to use) the data from the results in many different ways.  To help have our students get consistent feedback they can count on, we have proposed a system of expectations for the reporting of student progress within the 4 Puma Pride standards.  Please take a moment to review a DRAFT of the expectations for the reporting of Puma Pride standards.  I have sought some feedback from teachers during August EE meetings, and will seek some more feedback before putting a plan in place by the end of the week.

Bi-Weekly Meeting Schedule Coming Soon
Invites for BW Meetings will be hitting the inbox of teachers soon...we'll use this time to check in, review Educator Effectiveness Plans, and give teachers a chance to get questions answered.  BW Meetings will take place in teacher classrooms and either myself of Miranda will be there.  Please let me know if you have a preference for your BW meeting time.

PLC Meetings Starting Up Soon
Now that we have 3 days under our belt and have started to collect some data our PLC meetings will be starting up soon.  Thanks to all for setting up your meeting schedule.  I'll be working to set up our staff meeting schedule for the year, along with larger department check-ins in the next week.

I'll ask each PLC group to check the document for meeting times, and update them with more specific times (for example...2nd and 4th Wednesday, or every Wednesday morning).  I'll schedule larger group meetings around those dates.  Also, I need two of the grade level teams to update their weekly meeting time and locations.

Employee Handbooks
As per usual, I'll be posting regular sections from the Employee Handbook to keep those guidelines in the forefront of our thought processes throughout the year.

Conflict of Interest and Ethical Standards (page 15)
It is imperative that our professional organization not create the perception of favoritism or special privilege. Employees are not permitted to gain monetarily by their position within the district. Employees are prohibited by Wis. Stat. §118.12 from receiving anything of value for their own benefit that results from selling, soliciting, or promoting the sale of any goods or services to any public school pupil while on school property or at school-sponsored events.  (Policy 3230, 4230)

Whenever possible, staff will not have instructional responsibility for their own children, guardians, or blood relatives.  Employees are expected to avoid situations in which their personal interests, activities and associations may conflict with the interest of the District.

Outside Employment (page 16)
Employment with the School District of Poynette must be considered pre-eminent. Outside employment must not interfere with the employee’s performance or work schedule. Employees may not perform any duties for an outside employer during regularly scheduled working hours or during additional hours required for professional responsibilities.

Personal Data Changes (page 16)
All changes in personal information, including changes of name, address, telephone numbers, education, marital status, dependent status, etc. should be updated with the Business Office in a timely manner.

Political Activities of Staff (page 16)
Because political activities may be disruptive, divisive and distracting to a positive learning environment, such activities are not appropriate within the school setting. The Board prohibits political activities on all District owned and used property, within all school buildings and at all school sponsored activities unless part of a Board approved teaching unit.

Information from Shelley Kaschinske about Muscular Dystrophy
A message from Shelley below...

I have attached a handout that I prepared for teachers in 2020 on DMD (Muscular Dystrophy). It would be helpful to forward to all of the teachers, and encore teachers, office staff, etc, that may work/interact with the student(s) at the Elementary and Middle schools.

I am happy to answer any questions staff have about these students. Generally, if there are behaviors, we assess/consider fatigue and build in and encourage more rest/sleep breaks and encourage wheelchair use to limit fatigue from walking within the school environment. 

Images from the Week

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The Middle Update 9/5/2021

What a week!  After this week, I feel like I was able to connect with students in such a more meaningful authentic manner....I really enjoyed being back in the rhythm of school with having the main focus on learning.  Make no mistake...COVID 19 is around us and will most likely impact our instruction at points throughout the year...but I'm optimistic, learning experiences like we experienced in week 1 will be the norm for our kids.

The week just proved how awesome of a staff that we have.  Nearly all of the students I talked with are having a great experience, and the focus on getting to know all of our students, what makes them tick, and how they learn sets the tone for a strong culture and effective learning experiences.  Thank each one of you for your role in shaping this culture in our school.  I'm already excited for next week!!

Friday WIN Time
We had a little confusion among the students about Friday WIN I wanted to clarify in this post.  This time is truly a time for students to take a breath and have an opportunity to catch up if needed, and for teachers to work with specific students that may need a little extra time with outside of class or regular WIN time.  The expectation is that this is a quiet work time in classrooms, and if students are caught up, they should be reading a good book.  The groups are centered around Homeroom or Class Groups, but have some variation depending on teacher availability.  You can see the groups HERE.  

Teachers can request to have students report to them by using this DOCUMENT.  This document should be updated by Friday morning each week, and Homeroom teachers should communicate with students about where they should report that Friday WIN time. 

Puma Pride Reporting
We revised our Puma Pride standards so that there are four of them now.  These standards can be really important feedback for students and parents, and we already use (and have the potential to use) the data from the results in many different ways.  To help have our students get consistent feedback they can count on, we have proposed a system of expectations for the reporting of student progress within the 4 Puma Pride standards.  Please take a moment to review a DRAFT of the expectations for the reporting of Puma Pride standards.  I have sought some feedback from teachers during August EE meetings, and will seek some more feedback before putting a plan in place by the end of the week.

Bi-Weekly Meeting Schedule Coming Soon
Invites for BW Meetings will be hitting the inbox of teachers soon...we'll use this time to check in, review Educator Effectiveness Plans, and give teachers a chance to get questions answered.  BW Meetings will take place in teacher classrooms and either myself of Miranda will be there.  Please let me know if you have a preference for your BW meeting time.

PLC Meetings Starting Up Soon
Now that we have 3 days under our belt and have started to collect some data our PLC meetings will be starting up soon.  Thanks to all for setting up your meeting schedule.  I'll be working to set up our staff meeting schedule for the year, along with larger department check-ins in the next week.

I'll ask each PLC group to check the document for meeting times, and update them with more specific times (for example...2nd and 4th Wednesday, or every Wednesday morning).  I'll schedule larger group meetings around those dates.  Also, I need two of the grade level teams to update their weekly meeting time and locations.

Employee Handbooks
As per usual, I'll be posting regular sections from the Employee Handbook to keep those guidelines in the forefront of our thought processes throughout the year.

Conflict of Interest and Ethical Standards (page 15)
It is imperative that our professional organization not create the perception of favoritism or special privilege. Employees are not permitted to gain monetarily by their position within the district. Employees are prohibited by Wis. Stat. §118.12 from receiving anything of value for their own benefit that results from selling, soliciting, or promoting the sale of any goods or services to any public school pupil while on school property or at school-sponsored events.  (Policy 3230, 4230)

Whenever possible, staff will not have instructional responsibility for their own children, guardians, or blood relatives.  Employees are expected to avoid situations in which their personal interests, activities and associations may conflict with the interest of the District.

Outside Employment (page 16)
Employment with the School District of Poynette must be considered pre-eminent. Outside employment must not interfere with the employee’s performance or work schedule. Employees may not perform any duties for an outside employer during regularly scheduled working hours or during additional hours required for professional responsibilities.

Personal Data Changes (page 16)
All changes in personal information, including changes of name, address, telephone numbers, education, marital status, dependent status, etc. should be updated with the Business Office in a timely manner.

Political Activities of Staff (page 16)
Because political activities may be disruptive, divisive and distracting to a positive learning environment, such activities are not appropriate within the school setting. The Board prohibits political activities on all District owned and used property, within all school buildings and at all school sponsored activities unless part of a Board approved teaching unit.

Information from Shelley Kaschinske about Muscular Dystrophy
A message from Shelley below...

I have attached a handout that I prepared for teachers in 2020 on DMD (Muscular Dystrophy). It would be helpful to forward to all of the teachers, and encore teachers, office staff, etc, that may work/interact with the student(s) at the Elementary and Middle schools.

I am happy to answer any questions staff have about these students. Generally, if there are behaviors, we assess/consider fatigue and build in and encourage more rest/sleep breaks and encourage wheelchair use to limit fatigue from walking within the school environment. 

Images from the Week