Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Middle Update 9/26/21

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School 

We continue to navigate another unique school year in so many ways.  Thank you for your dedication, patience, and consistent approach.  There have already been many students that may have struggled early, but staff worked with the student on a solution and have improved...there are some whom we've discovered new struggles that we'll work with them to solve, and there have been some who continue to work with at finding the solutions to help them be at their best consistently.

The COVID/quarantine realities have hit my house over the last two weeks, so my wife and I will be scrambling to cover the little one at home over the course of this week...many thanks to all of you for stepping in to help out when needed.  A reminder that both Miranda and I are "go-to's" when we are both in the building, and if one of us is out of the building the other one remains the "go-to" regardless of the matter.  We communicate often and operate as a team.

Resource of the Week

As we are learning more and more each day, it is sometimes hard to remember that this is the first real middle school experience for our 5th-7th graders.  They continue to get comfortable with new routines, and adjusting to life back at school.  Our resource this week provides a reminder for all of us about what our students have been through, and some simple strategies that we can use to help them and their mental health.

"Helping Students Cope With a Difficult Year" - Carolyn Curtis

Staff Meeting Wednesday (9/29) - 7:15am

We'll have our first during the school year staff meeting on Wednesday (9/29) morning at 7:15.  Let's plan to meet in the cafeteria.  We'll be focusing on school culture, sharing best practices, and the work of a PLC.

PLC Updates

Thank you all for your dedication and participation in our PLC groups to start the year.  We'll be taking a closer look at the work we've been doing so far, and the work that we'll be working towards getting.  Miranda and I will be looking at your PLC notes on Wednesday mornings and following up with groups or group leaders.  If you have a teacher or two that have emerged as leaders of your PLC, please let us know. 

Parent-Teacher Conferences (10/14, 2:00-8:00)

We'll be hosting our fall parent teacher conferences on Thursday, October 14 from 2:00-8:00.  We'll have an Early Release on this day for our students.  We'll follow this SCHEDULE on this date.  Please review the schedule keeping a special eye on what your day would look like.  If you notice a conflict for you, please let me know as soon as possible.

I'll have more information to share in a couple days regarding the format of our fall PT conferences (virtual or F2F, etc).

Substitute Teachers and Calling

I want to thank so many of you for stepping in and helping out when we've been short handed...your efforts are truly appreciated, and as a reminder, please stop down to see Patti for a time sheet in those instances.  I can't tell you how much it's appreciated when a teacher is willing to help us out, even though we all know it's not ideal.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Moving forward, if you end up calling Gary or Becky (see below) for a sub, if you could please also notify me either by email or via text (608 692 2088), so that I can begin the process of preparing for coverage if necessary.  A little extra time makes a big difference for me.  

As a reminder, our Sub Caller is Gary Laib and his phone number is 608.635.4879.  Please refer to his previous email from this week for the times you should call.  As a reminder from October 5th-October 23rd, please call Becky McFadden at 608.444.2305. 

Employee Handbooks

As per usual, I'll be posting regular sections from the Employee Handbook to keep those guidelines in the forefront of our thought processes throughout the year.


Employees are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of all information concerning employees, students, clients, donors and organizations with which the District does business.

Student education records are treated as confidential under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and Wisconsin state statutes, and District policy.  Policy 8330

When there is separation of employment, individuals must return all paper and/or electronic documents (including storage devices) containing any confidential or proprietary information.

Professional Appearance

Employees are expected to dress in a professional manner appropriate to their working conditions and type of work performed. Certain departments, such as Food Service and Buildings and Grounds require special attire for work.

Employees should consult their supervisor regarding dress code requirements specific to departments. For most instructional and secretarial staff, business casual is most appropriate. Casual dress is appropriate for certain field trips, shop experiences, lab experiments or times when clothing could become soiled. Piercings and/or tattoos cannot be distracting or contain inappropriate material. Administration may require removal of piercings or covering of tattoos.

Beach or “gel” style footwear (flip flops, shower shoes, Croc® style) are prohibited.

All employees are District representatives at co-curricular activities and conferences and should appear as such.


The District expects all employees to model legal and ethical behavior. Therefore, all copyright, video, web publishing and internet laws and guidelines must be followed by all District employees. For additional information regarding Copyright, see Appendix C.

Co-curricular Duties

Learning in our schools goes beyond the classroom. Employees are encouraged to attend co-curricular events. Teaching staff may receive assignments of supervision at school co-curricular activities.

Food Service Purchases

All staff are welcome to purchase a meal or a la carte items during scheduled meal hours. Meal hours vary by building and level. Purchases are made utilizing a District supplied identification number. ID numbers correspond to a personal lunch account. The account is a debit system; therefore, funds must be in the account prior to making a purchase. Cash is not accepted in the lunch line. All food service items must be paid for at time of service. Food service employees are eligible for one (1) meal per day at no cost on days when they work

General Rules of Conduct

Employees represent the District at all times and in all places. Employees are expected to model positive, effective behavior and to adhere to the highest standards of their professions.

Below are general guidelines for employee conduct. Many of these guidelines appear elsewhere in this Handbook.

These guidelines are by no means exhaustive or complete, but simply list examples of conduct that may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The District reserves the right to determine the appropriate discipline based on the circumstances of the individual incident.

Violations of policy include, but are not limited to:

1. Falsification or unauthorized altering, deletion or omissions of records

2. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential or privileged information

3. Unauthorized use and/or possession of intoxicating beverages, narcotics or drugs on District premises

4. Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or drugs. Misuse of prescription drugs.

5. Failure or refusal to report child abuse

6. Unauthorized use or misuse of electronic resources

7. Time theft: being late, leaving early, being absent from work without permission/prior notification, fraudulent requests for time off, fraudulent completion of time/duty cards, sleeping while on duty, etc.

8. Stealing or damage/destruction of property belonging to the District, other employees, or students/community members

9. Gambling on District premises

10. Violating or ignoring safety and sanitary standards and expectations

11. Failing to obtain or maintain a current license, certification or other qualification required by law or the District.

12. Promoting, encouraging, engaging in, or facilitating, any illegal strike slowdown, sickout, work stoppage, curtailment of work schedules, or refusal to perform customary and assigned duties

13. Refusal to follow a directive/carry out assigned duties

14. Insubordination

15. Physical assault

16. Use of obscenities and/or abusive language on District premises or at District events

17. Threatening, harassing, abusive or bullying behavior

18. Failing to fully cooperate in any District investigation

19. Failure to maintain professional or ethical standards

20. Failure to follow chain of authority

21. Failure to protect/Misuse of/Failure to follow proper procedure when dealing with District funds

22. Dishonesty

These rules do not trump or restrict legal rights and activities of employees.

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The Middle Update 9/26/21

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School 

We continue to navigate another unique school year in so many ways.  Thank you for your dedication, patience, and consistent approach.  There have already been many students that may have struggled early, but staff worked with the student on a solution and have improved...there are some whom we've discovered new struggles that we'll work with them to solve, and there have been some who continue to work with at finding the solutions to help them be at their best consistently.

The COVID/quarantine realities have hit my house over the last two weeks, so my wife and I will be scrambling to cover the little one at home over the course of this week...many thanks to all of you for stepping in to help out when needed.  A reminder that both Miranda and I are "go-to's" when we are both in the building, and if one of us is out of the building the other one remains the "go-to" regardless of the matter.  We communicate often and operate as a team.

Resource of the Week

As we are learning more and more each day, it is sometimes hard to remember that this is the first real middle school experience for our 5th-7th graders.  They continue to get comfortable with new routines, and adjusting to life back at school.  Our resource this week provides a reminder for all of us about what our students have been through, and some simple strategies that we can use to help them and their mental health.

"Helping Students Cope With a Difficult Year" - Carolyn Curtis

Staff Meeting Wednesday (9/29) - 7:15am

We'll have our first during the school year staff meeting on Wednesday (9/29) morning at 7:15.  Let's plan to meet in the cafeteria.  We'll be focusing on school culture, sharing best practices, and the work of a PLC.

PLC Updates

Thank you all for your dedication and participation in our PLC groups to start the year.  We'll be taking a closer look at the work we've been doing so far, and the work that we'll be working towards getting.  Miranda and I will be looking at your PLC notes on Wednesday mornings and following up with groups or group leaders.  If you have a teacher or two that have emerged as leaders of your PLC, please let us know. 

Parent-Teacher Conferences (10/14, 2:00-8:00)

We'll be hosting our fall parent teacher conferences on Thursday, October 14 from 2:00-8:00.  We'll have an Early Release on this day for our students.  We'll follow this SCHEDULE on this date.  Please review the schedule keeping a special eye on what your day would look like.  If you notice a conflict for you, please let me know as soon as possible.

I'll have more information to share in a couple days regarding the format of our fall PT conferences (virtual or F2F, etc).

Substitute Teachers and Calling

I want to thank so many of you for stepping in and helping out when we've been short handed...your efforts are truly appreciated, and as a reminder, please stop down to see Patti for a time sheet in those instances.  I can't tell you how much it's appreciated when a teacher is willing to help us out, even though we all know it's not ideal.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Moving forward, if you end up calling Gary or Becky (see below) for a sub, if you could please also notify me either by email or via text (608 692 2088), so that I can begin the process of preparing for coverage if necessary.  A little extra time makes a big difference for me.  

As a reminder, our Sub Caller is Gary Laib and his phone number is 608.635.4879.  Please refer to his previous email from this week for the times you should call.  As a reminder from October 5th-October 23rd, please call Becky McFadden at 608.444.2305. 

Employee Handbooks

As per usual, I'll be posting regular sections from the Employee Handbook to keep those guidelines in the forefront of our thought processes throughout the year.


Employees are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of all information concerning employees, students, clients, donors and organizations with which the District does business.

Student education records are treated as confidential under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and Wisconsin state statutes, and District policy.  Policy 8330

When there is separation of employment, individuals must return all paper and/or electronic documents (including storage devices) containing any confidential or proprietary information.

Professional Appearance

Employees are expected to dress in a professional manner appropriate to their working conditions and type of work performed. Certain departments, such as Food Service and Buildings and Grounds require special attire for work.

Employees should consult their supervisor regarding dress code requirements specific to departments. For most instructional and secretarial staff, business casual is most appropriate. Casual dress is appropriate for certain field trips, shop experiences, lab experiments or times when clothing could become soiled. Piercings and/or tattoos cannot be distracting or contain inappropriate material. Administration may require removal of piercings or covering of tattoos.

Beach or “gel” style footwear (flip flops, shower shoes, Croc® style) are prohibited.

All employees are District representatives at co-curricular activities and conferences and should appear as such.


The District expects all employees to model legal and ethical behavior. Therefore, all copyright, video, web publishing and internet laws and guidelines must be followed by all District employees. For additional information regarding Copyright, see Appendix C.

Co-curricular Duties

Learning in our schools goes beyond the classroom. Employees are encouraged to attend co-curricular events. Teaching staff may receive assignments of supervision at school co-curricular activities.

Food Service Purchases

All staff are welcome to purchase a meal or a la carte items during scheduled meal hours. Meal hours vary by building and level. Purchases are made utilizing a District supplied identification number. ID numbers correspond to a personal lunch account. The account is a debit system; therefore, funds must be in the account prior to making a purchase. Cash is not accepted in the lunch line. All food service items must be paid for at time of service. Food service employees are eligible for one (1) meal per day at no cost on days when they work

General Rules of Conduct

Employees represent the District at all times and in all places. Employees are expected to model positive, effective behavior and to adhere to the highest standards of their professions.

Below are general guidelines for employee conduct. Many of these guidelines appear elsewhere in this Handbook.

These guidelines are by no means exhaustive or complete, but simply list examples of conduct that may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The District reserves the right to determine the appropriate discipline based on the circumstances of the individual incident.

Violations of policy include, but are not limited to:

1. Falsification or unauthorized altering, deletion or omissions of records

2. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential or privileged information

3. Unauthorized use and/or possession of intoxicating beverages, narcotics or drugs on District premises

4. Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or drugs. Misuse of prescription drugs.

5. Failure or refusal to report child abuse

6. Unauthorized use or misuse of electronic resources

7. Time theft: being late, leaving early, being absent from work without permission/prior notification, fraudulent requests for time off, fraudulent completion of time/duty cards, sleeping while on duty, etc.

8. Stealing or damage/destruction of property belonging to the District, other employees, or students/community members

9. Gambling on District premises

10. Violating or ignoring safety and sanitary standards and expectations

11. Failing to obtain or maintain a current license, certification or other qualification required by law or the District.

12. Promoting, encouraging, engaging in, or facilitating, any illegal strike slowdown, sickout, work stoppage, curtailment of work schedules, or refusal to perform customary and assigned duties

13. Refusal to follow a directive/carry out assigned duties

14. Insubordination

15. Physical assault

16. Use of obscenities and/or abusive language on District premises or at District events

17. Threatening, harassing, abusive or bullying behavior

18. Failing to fully cooperate in any District investigation

19. Failure to maintain professional or ethical standards

20. Failure to follow chain of authority

21. Failure to protect/Misuse of/Failure to follow proper procedure when dealing with District funds

22. Dishonesty

These rules do not trump or restrict legal rights and activities of employees.