Friday, July 9, 2021

The Middle Update (Early July Edition)

In the midst of all of the planning that takes place over the summer, one key principle keeps rising to the top of my mind, and all of the logistical things we do day in and day out don't necessarily make as much of an impact if we all don't encompass the following understanding:

"Our beliefs shape our actions"

When you think about it beyond the surface level, there is so much truth to that statement, what we believe will drive what we say and do each minute of each day, especially in the days and months after the newness of a school year wears off.  In this post I wanted to share a couple of the fundamental beliefs that we have discussed as a staff, but also that are cornerstones of high performing schools.  I believe these are some beliefs we all need to know, talk about, reflect on, and embody to be the best place possible for our kids.

"All kids can learn at high levels"

"Kids will do well if they can"

"My number one priority, as a staff member, while I'm at school is to do anything I can to serve my students"

"I, as a staff member, make a positive difference in the life of each kid I interact with"

"Our school will be a steady, reliable important part of the life for EVERY kid"

Summer Updates

Listen HERE to a podcast with some recent news that will affect our day to day school day operations.

-I forgot to add a section in the podcast on construction.  We are well underway with the rooms that are being carpet, paint, and ceilings in 5 classrooms, and new carpet in 5 additional rooms!

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The Middle Update (Early July Edition)

In the midst of all of the planning that takes place over the summer, one key principle keeps rising to the top of my mind, and all of the logistical things we do day in and day out don't necessarily make as much of an impact if we all don't encompass the following understanding:

"Our beliefs shape our actions"

When you think about it beyond the surface level, there is so much truth to that statement, what we believe will drive what we say and do each minute of each day, especially in the days and months after the newness of a school year wears off.  In this post I wanted to share a couple of the fundamental beliefs that we have discussed as a staff, but also that are cornerstones of high performing schools.  I believe these are some beliefs we all need to know, talk about, reflect on, and embody to be the best place possible for our kids.

"All kids can learn at high levels"

"Kids will do well if they can"

"My number one priority, as a staff member, while I'm at school is to do anything I can to serve my students"

"I, as a staff member, make a positive difference in the life of each kid I interact with"

"Our school will be a steady, reliable important part of the life for EVERY kid"

Summer Updates

Listen HERE to a podcast with some recent news that will affect our day to day school day operations.

-I forgot to add a section in the podcast on construction.  We are well underway with the rooms that are being carpet, paint, and ceilings in 5 classrooms, and new carpet in 5 additional rooms!