Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Middle Update 5/16/21

Poynette Middle School - Livin' the PUMA Way Every Day!

Resource of the Week

Throughout the year, we've taken different opportunities to look at stereotypes, biases, and how little things that we do can have a big impact on our students in various ways.  One example historically, has been fewer females in the Math and Science fields.  There has been some long-standing stereotypes about females in these career fields.  The article this week takes a look at a fascinating research study around this topic.

"How Hidden Classroom Dynamics Can Stymie Girls in STEM" - Youki Terada

As I read the research study, I can't help but think of one of the cornerstone phrases about our culture that we share often - "ALL students will learn at high levels because of what WE do".  Specific areas will improve if adults focus on doing what it takes to improve the specific area...improvement will happen regardless of the students of focus.

PMS Staff Meeting - This Wednesday (5/19) 2:30 -

We'll meet virtually on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30.  We'll spend our time reviewing some recent data, share RTI updates, analyze our school culture, review suggested Puma Pride revisions, and discuss items that will impact next year's planning.

May Fire Drills

Thanks to those of you who have emailed me to confirm your class has practiced your fire drill.  We are looking for a discussion about fire drill procedures with your class, followed by a quick walk to the site.  Teachers can do the drill when it fits best in the schedule for your group.

Gender Identity, Names and Pronouns

We are committed to making PMS a safe space for EVERY student.  Part of this process if equipping our staff with the tools to feel confident handling situations that you may not have encountered yet.  Please review the helpful tips from Mrs. Morton below:

We have had more and more students requesting to use alternate names and pronouns.  Here are some things to ask or consider as you have these conversations:

  • All the training sessions I've been to recommend that we honor these requests as much as we are able to support their identity development.  We are able to change names on everything except Infinite Campus (and systems based on IC).  The only way to change a name there is through an official name change in court.
  • Do your parents know that you are making this request?  If not, how do you want me to handle communications with them?  - The number one thing you do not want to do is out someone to their family.  The rates of teens in the LGBTQ+ community getting kicked out of their homes or physically abused are much higher than other populations.  You don't want to create an unsafe situation in their home.
  • How do you want to handle other students and their questions?
  • Do you want me to notify your other teachers?
  • Do you feel comfortable using the girls/boys bathroom?  If students want another option, I offer the individual bathroom in the health room at the office or the individual bathroom by the multi-purpose room.
  • I always let students know that I am going to do my best, but I will make mistakes since my brain has spent years calling them something else.  I ask them to correct me when I mess up and to be patient with me as I retrain my brain.  I make it clear that a mistake is not because I won't honor their request, but because I'm old and change is hard.
  • If you are not comfortable having these conversations, please send them to see me and I will let you know what was decided.

STAR Results

STAR testing for the spring has come to an end, and it's been interesting to review the results as they have come in.  There still are some students that need to take the STAR test, or I'd like to have ReTake the test.  We may be pulling some students to either test or retake sometime this week.  If you had a student retake the STAR, and their result has changed, please email me so I can update the spreadsheet.  Also, please review the data (previously shared sheet) and if your overall class Percentile average in either Reading or Math rose 5 or more points, please email me what type of treat your class would preferred (donuts in the am or a sweet treat in the pm).  

Puma Pride and the PUMA Way

We had an awesome group get together this past Thursday after school to pick apart our current Puma Pride rubric, and take a look at how we can improve upon it, and also infuse the components of the PUMA Way.  Please take a moment to review the current DRAFT of the rubric and be prepared to discuss and share some feedback at our staff meeting Wednesday afternoon.
We'll also be reviewing the roll-out of the PUMA Way as a way to define our culture and have a common language for those learning discussions with our students.  We'll take some time to assess and provide some feedback about the PUMA Way.

Monday Board Meeting and Mitigation Strategies Update (from Mr. Hausser's blog)

In lieu of many events that have taken place in the last week, masks have become a hot topic. There is a board meeting Monday night and I believe that our mitigation strategies may be a topic. At this time, the current plan has been for us to only keep the district mask mandate through summer school and hope that we open next year in the fall without one. At the same time, our board has followed the science and our policy will follow recommendations from groups like the CDC and DHS. The CDC has been coming out with new recommendations and those are all part of the items the board looks at. We anticipate that there will be community members that are coming to the board meeting to address the board on this very topic. At this time, we will continue to adhere to the board approved mitigation strategies.

Policy Reminder

My goal is to share a policy or two each week as a review for everyone.  Please let me know if you have any questions about the policies.

Conflict of Interest and Ethical Standards

It is imperative that our professional organization not create the perception of favoritism or special privilege. Employees are not permitted to gain monetarily by their position within the district. Employees are prohibited by Wis. Stat. §118.12 from receiving anything of value for their own benefit that results from selling, soliciting, or promoting the sale of any goods or services to any public school pupil while on school property or at school-sponsored events.  Policy 3230, 4230

Whenever possible, staff will not have instructional responsibility for their own children, guardians, or blood relatives.

Employees are expected to avoid situations in which their personal interests, activities and associations may conflict with the interest of the District.

Outside Employment

Employment with the School District of Poynette must be considered pre-eminent. Outside employment must not interfere with the employee’s performance or work schedule. Employees may not perform any duties for an outside employer during regularly scheduled working hours or during additional hours required for professional responsibilities.

Personal Data Changes

All changes in personal information, including changes of name, address, telephone numbers, education, marital status, dependent status, etc. should be updated with the Business Office in a timely manner.

Images from the Week

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The Middle Update 5/16/21

Poynette Middle School - Livin' the PUMA Way Every Day!

Resource of the Week

Throughout the year, we've taken different opportunities to look at stereotypes, biases, and how little things that we do can have a big impact on our students in various ways.  One example historically, has been fewer females in the Math and Science fields.  There has been some long-standing stereotypes about females in these career fields.  The article this week takes a look at a fascinating research study around this topic.

"How Hidden Classroom Dynamics Can Stymie Girls in STEM" - Youki Terada

As I read the research study, I can't help but think of one of the cornerstone phrases about our culture that we share often - "ALL students will learn at high levels because of what WE do".  Specific areas will improve if adults focus on doing what it takes to improve the specific area...improvement will happen regardless of the students of focus.

PMS Staff Meeting - This Wednesday (5/19) 2:30 -

We'll meet virtually on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30.  We'll spend our time reviewing some recent data, share RTI updates, analyze our school culture, review suggested Puma Pride revisions, and discuss items that will impact next year's planning.

May Fire Drills

Thanks to those of you who have emailed me to confirm your class has practiced your fire drill.  We are looking for a discussion about fire drill procedures with your class, followed by a quick walk to the site.  Teachers can do the drill when it fits best in the schedule for your group.

Gender Identity, Names and Pronouns

We are committed to making PMS a safe space for EVERY student.  Part of this process if equipping our staff with the tools to feel confident handling situations that you may not have encountered yet.  Please review the helpful tips from Mrs. Morton below:

We have had more and more students requesting to use alternate names and pronouns.  Here are some things to ask or consider as you have these conversations:

  • All the training sessions I've been to recommend that we honor these requests as much as we are able to support their identity development.  We are able to change names on everything except Infinite Campus (and systems based on IC).  The only way to change a name there is through an official name change in court.
  • Do your parents know that you are making this request?  If not, how do you want me to handle communications with them?  - The number one thing you do not want to do is out someone to their family.  The rates of teens in the LGBTQ+ community getting kicked out of their homes or physically abused are much higher than other populations.  You don't want to create an unsafe situation in their home.
  • How do you want to handle other students and their questions?
  • Do you want me to notify your other teachers?
  • Do you feel comfortable using the girls/boys bathroom?  If students want another option, I offer the individual bathroom in the health room at the office or the individual bathroom by the multi-purpose room.
  • I always let students know that I am going to do my best, but I will make mistakes since my brain has spent years calling them something else.  I ask them to correct me when I mess up and to be patient with me as I retrain my brain.  I make it clear that a mistake is not because I won't honor their request, but because I'm old and change is hard.
  • If you are not comfortable having these conversations, please send them to see me and I will let you know what was decided.

STAR Results

STAR testing for the spring has come to an end, and it's been interesting to review the results as they have come in.  There still are some students that need to take the STAR test, or I'd like to have ReTake the test.  We may be pulling some students to either test or retake sometime this week.  If you had a student retake the STAR, and their result has changed, please email me so I can update the spreadsheet.  Also, please review the data (previously shared sheet) and if your overall class Percentile average in either Reading or Math rose 5 or more points, please email me what type of treat your class would preferred (donuts in the am or a sweet treat in the pm).  

Puma Pride and the PUMA Way

We had an awesome group get together this past Thursday after school to pick apart our current Puma Pride rubric, and take a look at how we can improve upon it, and also infuse the components of the PUMA Way.  Please take a moment to review the current DRAFT of the rubric and be prepared to discuss and share some feedback at our staff meeting Wednesday afternoon.
We'll also be reviewing the roll-out of the PUMA Way as a way to define our culture and have a common language for those learning discussions with our students.  We'll take some time to assess and provide some feedback about the PUMA Way.

Monday Board Meeting and Mitigation Strategies Update (from Mr. Hausser's blog)

In lieu of many events that have taken place in the last week, masks have become a hot topic. There is a board meeting Monday night and I believe that our mitigation strategies may be a topic. At this time, the current plan has been for us to only keep the district mask mandate through summer school and hope that we open next year in the fall without one. At the same time, our board has followed the science and our policy will follow recommendations from groups like the CDC and DHS. The CDC has been coming out with new recommendations and those are all part of the items the board looks at. We anticipate that there will be community members that are coming to the board meeting to address the board on this very topic. At this time, we will continue to adhere to the board approved mitigation strategies.

Policy Reminder

My goal is to share a policy or two each week as a review for everyone.  Please let me know if you have any questions about the policies.

Conflict of Interest and Ethical Standards

It is imperative that our professional organization not create the perception of favoritism or special privilege. Employees are not permitted to gain monetarily by their position within the district. Employees are prohibited by Wis. Stat. §118.12 from receiving anything of value for their own benefit that results from selling, soliciting, or promoting the sale of any goods or services to any public school pupil while on school property or at school-sponsored events.  Policy 3230, 4230

Whenever possible, staff will not have instructional responsibility for their own children, guardians, or blood relatives.

Employees are expected to avoid situations in which their personal interests, activities and associations may conflict with the interest of the District.

Outside Employment

Employment with the School District of Poynette must be considered pre-eminent. Outside employment must not interfere with the employee’s performance or work schedule. Employees may not perform any duties for an outside employer during regularly scheduled working hours or during additional hours required for professional responsibilities.

Personal Data Changes

All changes in personal information, including changes of name, address, telephone numbers, education, marital status, dependent status, etc. should be updated with the Business Office in a timely manner.

Images from the Week