Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Middle Update 4/24/2021

In strong school cultures, people articulate two core beliefs through how they behave

ALL Kids Can Learn at High Levels!

ALL Kids Will Learn at High Levels Because of What WE Do! 

Resource of the Week

Talking about topics that can be sensitive like race can be an uncomfortable situation if we have not engaged in those conversations often.  To get to a point of becoming confident leading those conversations with our students, it is going to take some knowledge building and practice.  Our resource this week provides tips to equip us with the knowledge and confidence to lead these important conversations.

"Talking to Children About Racism"  

Forward Testing Wrap-Up & ReTakes

Thanks to all of you for the efforts you put in to make our Forward Testing run smoothly.  Our current structure caused us to execute the proctoring of the exam in a little bit different manner than the spring of 2019.  Most students have completed the test, and we'll be looking to complete the retakes this week.  We'll be running another testing session on Wednesday, and may look to test students who are at school when we can.  Thanks in advance for your flexibility with the students as we finish up the state testing.

4th Quarter Grade Updates

As a reminder, I'll be sending out a notification to parents and students letting them know that current student progress grades are posted in Infinite Campus.  As a reminder, at least one Puma Pride grade should be posted for each class, and the Standard grades along with the Puma Pride marks, should be updated at least weekly.

Seeking Feedback

I will be looking to form a couple of groups composed of interested individuals who are willing to share feedback and plan for a couple of topics that may be in need of a closer look.  See details below and let me know if you would be willing to join the discussion on these items:

-Puma Pride Standards and Rubrics - With the implementation of the Puma Way, and a heavier focus on some standards, more than others, it appears time to review the standards and how we use them.

-Forward Exam Planning - With the Forward Exam fresh in our minds, it seems like a good time to come together to plan for the best possible execution of the Forward Exam for next year.

-Student Leadership Groups for 21-22 - We have had a Student Leadership Team in place in years past who were able to accomplish some impressive tasks.  Looking ahead to next year, some fresh ideas and planning is in need for how these groups can look and operate.

4th Quarter Schedule Adjustments

Although there certainly was more planning for the adjustments to schedules and groups in the past few weeks, it certainly seems worth it when you visit the classrooms.  We are getting a little more closer to normal school, and it was fun talking with the students about their perspectives and just being in classrooms where there was more teacher-student interaction than screen-student interaction.  We have come a long way this school year, and everyone has much to be proud of, and much more teaching and learning to take place over the next 6 weeks.

PMS Staff Meeting

We'll meet virtually as a staff on Wednesday, May 19th at 2:30.  We'll be reviewing our experience from the past year and plan together for how that will impact the 21-22 school year.

Images of the Week

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The Middle Update 4/24/2021

In strong school cultures, people articulate two core beliefs through how they behave

ALL Kids Can Learn at High Levels!

ALL Kids Will Learn at High Levels Because of What WE Do! 

Resource of the Week

Talking about topics that can be sensitive like race can be an uncomfortable situation if we have not engaged in those conversations often.  To get to a point of becoming confident leading those conversations with our students, it is going to take some knowledge building and practice.  Our resource this week provides tips to equip us with the knowledge and confidence to lead these important conversations.

"Talking to Children About Racism"  

Forward Testing Wrap-Up & ReTakes

Thanks to all of you for the efforts you put in to make our Forward Testing run smoothly.  Our current structure caused us to execute the proctoring of the exam in a little bit different manner than the spring of 2019.  Most students have completed the test, and we'll be looking to complete the retakes this week.  We'll be running another testing session on Wednesday, and may look to test students who are at school when we can.  Thanks in advance for your flexibility with the students as we finish up the state testing.

4th Quarter Grade Updates

As a reminder, I'll be sending out a notification to parents and students letting them know that current student progress grades are posted in Infinite Campus.  As a reminder, at least one Puma Pride grade should be posted for each class, and the Standard grades along with the Puma Pride marks, should be updated at least weekly.

Seeking Feedback

I will be looking to form a couple of groups composed of interested individuals who are willing to share feedback and plan for a couple of topics that may be in need of a closer look.  See details below and let me know if you would be willing to join the discussion on these items:

-Puma Pride Standards and Rubrics - With the implementation of the Puma Way, and a heavier focus on some standards, more than others, it appears time to review the standards and how we use them.

-Forward Exam Planning - With the Forward Exam fresh in our minds, it seems like a good time to come together to plan for the best possible execution of the Forward Exam for next year.

-Student Leadership Groups for 21-22 - We have had a Student Leadership Team in place in years past who were able to accomplish some impressive tasks.  Looking ahead to next year, some fresh ideas and planning is in need for how these groups can look and operate.

4th Quarter Schedule Adjustments

Although there certainly was more planning for the adjustments to schedules and groups in the past few weeks, it certainly seems worth it when you visit the classrooms.  We are getting a little more closer to normal school, and it was fun talking with the students about their perspectives and just being in classrooms where there was more teacher-student interaction than screen-student interaction.  We have come a long way this school year, and everyone has much to be proud of, and much more teaching and learning to take place over the next 6 weeks.

PMS Staff Meeting

We'll meet virtually as a staff on Wednesday, May 19th at 2:30.  We'll be reviewing our experience from the past year and plan together for how that will impact the 21-22 school year.

Images of the Week