Monday, December 23, 2019

The Middle Update 12/23/19

It's Winter Break Time!  A time to reflect on another year that has gone by, and look ahead to 2020!  A few year's back we put in place our Vision 2020 be the best district of our size in the state.  As I think back to the last 6 years of work in our Middle School, I am proud of the work that we all have done to help us move closer to achieving that goal.  Our student achievement data is trending in the right direction, and the adjustments we have made this year appear to have our school culture and climate data on the right track as well.  As I reflect on the time, and look ahead to the next decade, I am proud of the staff that we have at Poynette Middle School.  A group that puts students first, seeks to innovate, likes each other, and works very hard.  Thank you and enjoy the break!!

IE Roster Adjustment to start 2020
After our Math team met to review student progress and plan for how we can meet our student needs, we have made a few adjustments to our IE Rosters.  We will start with these groups on Monday (1/6).  Please share with students on Thursday (1/2) and/or Friday (1/3).  Also, please let me know if you notice a student missing from the list (send me an email), and I'll make sure they find a home.

Images from the first half of the school year

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Middle Update 12/15/19

We are heading into the last school week of 2019...This time of year can be extra stressful, for both students and staff members, with all that is going on in school, and out of school.  Providing a focused, well-planned environment in all classrooms is going to be crucial to maintaining that sense of structure that is so important for our kids to learn at high levels.  The kids will have a good week and a half to rest their brains and recharge their batteries for the second half of the school year.  Let's make sure their brains work extra hard this week!!  I believe it's going to be an awesome week!!

Resource of the Week
The resource this week is a review/summary of the book, UnSelfie: Teaching Children EMPATHY in Their All-About Me World.  The book shares the research and highlights the importance of including Social-Emotional Learning components into the lives of students during the school day.  If you are interested in reading the book, let me know, and we'll look to add copies to our professional library in the IMC.


Feedback from Staff
Thanks for a great staff meeting last Wednesday.  I wanted to share the Staff feedback about what's going well with Homeroom groups throughout the building.

Connecting with kids. Everything is going well. No complaints.
Sharing out at the end of the day is 1 thing that is going well.
the circle time is going well. All students are willing to share now.
Discussions. Some really great opportunities to bolster character.
We are able to hold a solid group discussion on Wednesdays.
We like the discussion time- and we are really focusing on build community with positive interaction- we play lots of game as a whole group
We had kids fill out a questionaire about things they like and we have been trying to guess who the kids are based on answers. We also had kids spell their names backwards (first and last). I then read them backwards and have kids try to guess whose name it is.
Having a competitive theme with Mr. Williams has created unity and a sense of homeroom pride.
Our end of the day check in and homework reminders are something that seems to be going well. I think it really helps us connect and have a solid community.
Discussion Wednesdays - we have fantastic participation among our 8th graders!
we use fitboost activities to get moving in the morning maybe 3 days a week and kids like doing it. we also have "un-scussions" where we don't talk about a topic or question, but we write short responses on post its and share that way.
Students trust each other to be honest and very openly share during discussions.
Group Discussion - every student has been an active participant during our morning discussion/sharing.
Group discussions and games
I'm able to have quick opportunities to check in with my homeroom students and make connections. This has helped me connect with this group of students and has translated to solid behavior from these students when they're in my class.
They enjoy the games and some discussion.
I think our discussions are going well.
The students are doing a good job with weekly goal setting
A couple themes that emerged from the 2nd question about Homeroom were:
-Structuring the morning time so that students get chrome books at the end, on their way out,
-Getting consistent reports of student progress to better be able to about class performance,
-More competition-type activities

I appreciate the feedback, and we'll work to keep improving our practices and building that student connection to school.  Thank you all for these important efforts.

Kindness Quote Tuesday!
From the same author of the book "Unselfie" outlined above, comes research about the positive impact that can take place if students get the chance to read and reflect on Kindness Quotes.  The Elementary School has been using this research and putting it to action with a Kindess Quote of the Week.  We will do the same by sharing a Kindness Quote each week via email, and also reading it on the Announcements.  Please use Tuesday morning or others, to read and discuss the meaning and practical applications of the quote each week with our students.

MS Holiday Concert
Come check out a great show on Tuesday night at 7:00 in the 1-8 Gym, and watch your talented students excel outside the classroom!

Academic Support Intervention/Activity Thursday (12/19) Afternoon
We will be hosting another opportunity for students that need it, to receive more academic support Thursday afternoon.  We will adjust our afternoon schedule.  The lunch period will run from 12:00-12:30, and 3rd block will run from 12:30-1:50, followed by students being dismissed to their Homerooms to drop off Chromebooks, then to the teacher in charge of the activity they will be assigned to, followed by dismissal at 2:47.  

Please talk to students about this on Monday morning in Homeroom, and have them complete the Google Form in their email from me to help with activity assignments.  Also, work with your students to develop a plan for this week if they are behind.

Poynette Middle School Remodel
As the referendum project plans and construction are moving along, it looks like there will be an opportunity for some work to be done to the Middle School!  Dr. Shappell and I have been working on a long-term plan for updating our building, and I'll be in more meetings starting this week focusing on this project...the first one is Wednesday morning.  My availability for other things that may come up will be limited while I'm in these planning meetings.

Social Studies Competition Domination!
Our Middle School team did awesome at a competition this past week.  Please congratulate Matthew "Champ" Lannoye for his 1st place performance at this meet!  See below for press release from Mrs. Kennedy, and congratulate our students when you see them.

On Tuesday, December 10th, Poynette Middle School competed at a Social Studies Competition in Adams-Friendship called, "Where in the World?"  There were 70 students present with seven 5th/6th grade teams and seven 7th/8th grade teams.  Eighth-grader Matthew Lannoye took first place overall individually, calming supplying answers at the microphone to verbal questions.  Both the 5/6 and 7/8 teams took second place, having answered several questions correctly during a Kahoot interactive session. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Middle Update 12/7/19

One week has passed in December already...the speed at which time moves.  No doubt another busy week at school, and as I reflect I think of the many interactions between staff and students that are helping them grow as people...planting seeds to help them shape a mindset for success.  Thank you all for the special role you play for our kids.

Resource of the Week
Our article this week takes a closer look at Middle Schools and the specific parts of what is important for a successful experience for all.

"Leading Learning at the Middle Level" by Patti Kinney

  • Educators value young adolescents and are prepared to teach them.
  • Leaders are committed to and knowledgeable about this age group, educational research, and best practices.
  • Every student's academic and personal development is guided by an adult advocate.
Our Reading Intervention team met this past Wednesday to review data on student progress in Reading.  This has led to a little shuffling of some IE groups that will start on Monday (12/9).  Please share the IE Rosters with students on Monday morning.  If any student has a question, they should talk with me.  Our Reading Team has really done an awesome job of analyzing student data, and planning for how to support their growth!

Academic Support/Activity Afternoon next Thursday (12/19)
We will be modifying our IE Plan on the afternoon of Thursday (12/19).  Any student that needs support in completing or improving their work will get the opportunity to do so, and we'll have choice activities for all other students.  Sign-ups and details will be shared sometime during the first part of the week to come.

Next Staff Meeting
We'll have our next Middle School Staff Meeting on Wednesday, December 11th at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.  We'll get an update from Mr. Gavin about the work of our Student Leadership Team, learn about the action plan from our "Lost At School" book study team, and provide feedback on some of the new initiatives we started this year, and have some fun together as a staff.

Student of the Month Breakfast
Congratulations to this month's recipients:
Mercedi Lapacek     Aiden Trapp     Jason Lambert     Genevieve Berner   
Justin Wells     Nevaeh Flesch     Owen Prucha     Alexis Pells

Thanks to Mrs. Mrnak, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Kallungi, and Mr. Hazard for the awesome presentations.

Friday December 20th
We will have a normal school day on 12/20, but the elementary will be dismissed at the same time as the Middle School students.

The Middle Update 12/23/19

It's Winter Break Time!  A time to reflect on another year that has gone by, and look ahead to 2020!  A few year's back we put in place our Vision 2020 be the best district of our size in the state.  As I think back to the last 6 years of work in our Middle School, I am proud of the work that we all have done to help us move closer to achieving that goal.  Our student achievement data is trending in the right direction, and the adjustments we have made this year appear to have our school culture and climate data on the right track as well.  As I reflect on the time, and look ahead to the next decade, I am proud of the staff that we have at Poynette Middle School.  A group that puts students first, seeks to innovate, likes each other, and works very hard.  Thank you and enjoy the break!!

IE Roster Adjustment to start 2020
After our Math team met to review student progress and plan for how we can meet our student needs, we have made a few adjustments to our IE Rosters.  We will start with these groups on Monday (1/6).  Please share with students on Thursday (1/2) and/or Friday (1/3).  Also, please let me know if you notice a student missing from the list (send me an email), and I'll make sure they find a home.

Images from the first half of the school year

The Middle Update 12/15/19

We are heading into the last school week of 2019...This time of year can be extra stressful, for both students and staff members, with all that is going on in school, and out of school.  Providing a focused, well-planned environment in all classrooms is going to be crucial to maintaining that sense of structure that is so important for our kids to learn at high levels.  The kids will have a good week and a half to rest their brains and recharge their batteries for the second half of the school year.  Let's make sure their brains work extra hard this week!!  I believe it's going to be an awesome week!!

Resource of the Week
The resource this week is a review/summary of the book, UnSelfie: Teaching Children EMPATHY in Their All-About Me World.  The book shares the research and highlights the importance of including Social-Emotional Learning components into the lives of students during the school day.  If you are interested in reading the book, let me know, and we'll look to add copies to our professional library in the IMC.


Feedback from Staff
Thanks for a great staff meeting last Wednesday.  I wanted to share the Staff feedback about what's going well with Homeroom groups throughout the building.

Connecting with kids. Everything is going well. No complaints.
Sharing out at the end of the day is 1 thing that is going well.
the circle time is going well. All students are willing to share now.
Discussions. Some really great opportunities to bolster character.
We are able to hold a solid group discussion on Wednesdays.
We like the discussion time- and we are really focusing on build community with positive interaction- we play lots of game as a whole group
We had kids fill out a questionaire about things they like and we have been trying to guess who the kids are based on answers. We also had kids spell their names backwards (first and last). I then read them backwards and have kids try to guess whose name it is.
Having a competitive theme with Mr. Williams has created unity and a sense of homeroom pride.
Our end of the day check in and homework reminders are something that seems to be going well. I think it really helps us connect and have a solid community.
Discussion Wednesdays - we have fantastic participation among our 8th graders!
we use fitboost activities to get moving in the morning maybe 3 days a week and kids like doing it. we also have "un-scussions" where we don't talk about a topic or question, but we write short responses on post its and share that way.
Students trust each other to be honest and very openly share during discussions.
Group Discussion - every student has been an active participant during our morning discussion/sharing.
Group discussions and games
I'm able to have quick opportunities to check in with my homeroom students and make connections. This has helped me connect with this group of students and has translated to solid behavior from these students when they're in my class.
They enjoy the games and some discussion.
I think our discussions are going well.
The students are doing a good job with weekly goal setting
A couple themes that emerged from the 2nd question about Homeroom were:
-Structuring the morning time so that students get chrome books at the end, on their way out,
-Getting consistent reports of student progress to better be able to about class performance,
-More competition-type activities

I appreciate the feedback, and we'll work to keep improving our practices and building that student connection to school.  Thank you all for these important efforts.

Kindness Quote Tuesday!
From the same author of the book "Unselfie" outlined above, comes research about the positive impact that can take place if students get the chance to read and reflect on Kindness Quotes.  The Elementary School has been using this research and putting it to action with a Kindess Quote of the Week.  We will do the same by sharing a Kindness Quote each week via email, and also reading it on the Announcements.  Please use Tuesday morning or others, to read and discuss the meaning and practical applications of the quote each week with our students.

MS Holiday Concert
Come check out a great show on Tuesday night at 7:00 in the 1-8 Gym, and watch your talented students excel outside the classroom!

Academic Support Intervention/Activity Thursday (12/19) Afternoon
We will be hosting another opportunity for students that need it, to receive more academic support Thursday afternoon.  We will adjust our afternoon schedule.  The lunch period will run from 12:00-12:30, and 3rd block will run from 12:30-1:50, followed by students being dismissed to their Homerooms to drop off Chromebooks, then to the teacher in charge of the activity they will be assigned to, followed by dismissal at 2:47.  

Please talk to students about this on Monday morning in Homeroom, and have them complete the Google Form in their email from me to help with activity assignments.  Also, work with your students to develop a plan for this week if they are behind.

Poynette Middle School Remodel
As the referendum project plans and construction are moving along, it looks like there will be an opportunity for some work to be done to the Middle School!  Dr. Shappell and I have been working on a long-term plan for updating our building, and I'll be in more meetings starting this week focusing on this project...the first one is Wednesday morning.  My availability for other things that may come up will be limited while I'm in these planning meetings.

Social Studies Competition Domination!
Our Middle School team did awesome at a competition this past week.  Please congratulate Matthew "Champ" Lannoye for his 1st place performance at this meet!  See below for press release from Mrs. Kennedy, and congratulate our students when you see them.

On Tuesday, December 10th, Poynette Middle School competed at a Social Studies Competition in Adams-Friendship called, "Where in the World?"  There were 70 students present with seven 5th/6th grade teams and seven 7th/8th grade teams.  Eighth-grader Matthew Lannoye took first place overall individually, calming supplying answers at the microphone to verbal questions.  Both the 5/6 and 7/8 teams took second place, having answered several questions correctly during a Kahoot interactive session. 

The Middle Update 12/7/19

One week has passed in December already...the speed at which time moves.  No doubt another busy week at school, and as I reflect I think of the many interactions between staff and students that are helping them grow as people...planting seeds to help them shape a mindset for success.  Thank you all for the special role you play for our kids.

Resource of the Week
Our article this week takes a closer look at Middle Schools and the specific parts of what is important for a successful experience for all.

"Leading Learning at the Middle Level" by Patti Kinney

  • Educators value young adolescents and are prepared to teach them.
  • Leaders are committed to and knowledgeable about this age group, educational research, and best practices.
  • Every student's academic and personal development is guided by an adult advocate.
Our Reading Intervention team met this past Wednesday to review data on student progress in Reading.  This has led to a little shuffling of some IE groups that will start on Monday (12/9).  Please share the IE Rosters with students on Monday morning.  If any student has a question, they should talk with me.  Our Reading Team has really done an awesome job of analyzing student data, and planning for how to support their growth!

Academic Support/Activity Afternoon next Thursday (12/19)
We will be modifying our IE Plan on the afternoon of Thursday (12/19).  Any student that needs support in completing or improving their work will get the opportunity to do so, and we'll have choice activities for all other students.  Sign-ups and details will be shared sometime during the first part of the week to come.

Next Staff Meeting
We'll have our next Middle School Staff Meeting on Wednesday, December 11th at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.  We'll get an update from Mr. Gavin about the work of our Student Leadership Team, learn about the action plan from our "Lost At School" book study team, and provide feedback on some of the new initiatives we started this year, and have some fun together as a staff.

Student of the Month Breakfast
Congratulations to this month's recipients:
Mercedi Lapacek     Aiden Trapp     Jason Lambert     Genevieve Berner   
Justin Wells     Nevaeh Flesch     Owen Prucha     Alexis Pells

Thanks to Mrs. Mrnak, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Kallungi, and Mr. Hazard for the awesome presentations.

Friday December 20th
We will have a normal school day on 12/20, but the elementary will be dismissed at the same time as the Middle School students.