Friday, February 22, 2019

The Middle Update 2/24/19

Resource of the Week
A short video this week goes into the science behind why great relationships are so critical for students to maximize the learning.  An important video at an important time of the year.

Staff Meeting Recap
During our staff meeting we spent some time learning about some new ways to engage students.  Pictured below, you'll see students in Mrs. Weckerly's class using Quizizz...something that Molly and Mackenzie shared at our staff meeting.
Also, thanks to Mr. Odden for allowing me to record his closure activity from Monday.  As we reflected in the meeting, those 2-3 minutes are so critical to strengthen the student's understanding of lesson goal for the day.

Art Excellence! (contribution from Mrs. Crawford)
Please congratulate the following middle school students. Because of their excellence in the visual arts, their artwork has been chosen to represent Poynette Middle School at the 2019 South West Region WAEA Youth Art Month Exhibition.

Valerie Heth     Jocelynn Nehls     Ryli Theis     Ilse Benzing     Ashlyn Lien

Hold Drill
We will be holding a drill this week.  The drill will be for the 1-8 building.  The purpose would be to practice keeping the students in the room, but continuing with academic activities.  The drill will be fairly short and more information will be shared through email prior to the drill.  We will need to coordinate with the elementary school.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
Spring PT Conferences are approaching rapidly.  This spring will be different than in the past because instead of two nights of conferences, we'll have only one.  Please look ahead and reach out to parents with an invitation to participate in a conference for any student that is in need (NE's or BE's or for any other student that you may have some concerns that you want to connect with parents).  Also for this night, we are inviting all parents in to either check in with teachers or hear a presentation from me about how to really understand student progress at PMS.

Also, we'd like to start a student talent tradition for Spring Conferences.  Please be thinking about ways to display student talent on this night.  If we could have students come in, present or display projects, or show parents cool things they have created or written, that would be a start.  We'll continue to discuss ways in which we can make the most of this evening.

Minutes Added to Calendar (starting Monday)
We will be adding 5 minutes to our school day starting on Monday, 2/25/19.  Please review (slight edits from last week) the updated PMS Master Schedule and become familiar with it.  It is very important for the function of the building to dismiss students at the time listed on the Master Schedule.

To make up days, we will, instead of PD Days on March 22nd and April 22nd, have normal school days.  Also, the last student day will be on June 6th (release at 12:30).  In other news, the End of Quarter 3 will be on Friday, April 5th.

Upcoming Calendar Items
-3rd Quarter Progress Grades should be updated by end of day Monday (2/25)
-Homeroom next week is on Thursday (2/28)
-Winter Assembly next week is on Friday (3/1) at 2:15 in 1-8 Gym
-Next Student of the Month Breakfast will be on Thursday (3/21)
-April 3rd - 2:50 pm - Forward Exam Teacher Prep Training - location (Mrs. Rogness' Room)
-Forward Testing will begin Week of April 15th - All Teachers with a Homeroom will proctor

Images from the Week

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The Middle Update 2/24/19

Resource of the Week
A short video this week goes into the science behind why great relationships are so critical for students to maximize the learning.  An important video at an important time of the year.

Staff Meeting Recap
During our staff meeting we spent some time learning about some new ways to engage students.  Pictured below, you'll see students in Mrs. Weckerly's class using Quizizz...something that Molly and Mackenzie shared at our staff meeting.
Also, thanks to Mr. Odden for allowing me to record his closure activity from Monday.  As we reflected in the meeting, those 2-3 minutes are so critical to strengthen the student's understanding of lesson goal for the day.

Art Excellence! (contribution from Mrs. Crawford)
Please congratulate the following middle school students. Because of their excellence in the visual arts, their artwork has been chosen to represent Poynette Middle School at the 2019 South West Region WAEA Youth Art Month Exhibition.

Valerie Heth     Jocelynn Nehls     Ryli Theis     Ilse Benzing     Ashlyn Lien

Hold Drill
We will be holding a drill this week.  The drill will be for the 1-8 building.  The purpose would be to practice keeping the students in the room, but continuing with academic activities.  The drill will be fairly short and more information will be shared through email prior to the drill.  We will need to coordinate with the elementary school.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
Spring PT Conferences are approaching rapidly.  This spring will be different than in the past because instead of two nights of conferences, we'll have only one.  Please look ahead and reach out to parents with an invitation to participate in a conference for any student that is in need (NE's or BE's or for any other student that you may have some concerns that you want to connect with parents).  Also for this night, we are inviting all parents in to either check in with teachers or hear a presentation from me about how to really understand student progress at PMS.

Also, we'd like to start a student talent tradition for Spring Conferences.  Please be thinking about ways to display student talent on this night.  If we could have students come in, present or display projects, or show parents cool things they have created or written, that would be a start.  We'll continue to discuss ways in which we can make the most of this evening.

Minutes Added to Calendar (starting Monday)
We will be adding 5 minutes to our school day starting on Monday, 2/25/19.  Please review (slight edits from last week) the updated PMS Master Schedule and become familiar with it.  It is very important for the function of the building to dismiss students at the time listed on the Master Schedule.

To make up days, we will, instead of PD Days on March 22nd and April 22nd, have normal school days.  Also, the last student day will be on June 6th (release at 12:30).  In other news, the End of Quarter 3 will be on Friday, April 5th.

Upcoming Calendar Items
-3rd Quarter Progress Grades should be updated by end of day Monday (2/25)
-Homeroom next week is on Thursday (2/28)
-Winter Assembly next week is on Friday (3/1) at 2:15 in 1-8 Gym
-Next Student of the Month Breakfast will be on Thursday (3/21)
-April 3rd - 2:50 pm - Forward Exam Teacher Prep Training - location (Mrs. Rogness' Room)
-Forward Testing will begin Week of April 15th - All Teachers with a Homeroom will proctor

Images from the Week