Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Middle Update 2/9/18

Article of the Week
The article this week is a summary of landmark research done by Dr. Larry Lezotte on effective schools.  His research breaks down 7 correlates of effective schools.  As you read, I ask that you reflect on the correlates and the presence of these correlates in our school in preparation for future discussion.

7 Correlates of Effective Schools

State Principal's Convention Takeaways
Over the 2.5 days that I was at the state convention, there was a lot of learning for me, as well as a lot of affirmation about many of the things that we are doing for kids in our middle school.  In this forum, I thought I'd share some takeaways from others I either heard present or had the opportunity to engage in dialogue.

-"Positive Relationships are the evidence based practice" - Mark Sander, Director of School Mental Health for the Minneapolis Public Schools

-ACT found that the Math & Reading skills needed for the TRADES match the skills necessary to do well in the 1st year of college - Luis Cruz, keynote speaker

-Staff at effective schools have an unwavering belief in the ability of all students to achieve success, and pass this belief on to others in overt & covert ways.  In effective schools, the mentality is "let's look in the mirror to fix this issue" - in toxic environments, the mentality is "let's look out the window for the cause...he could accomplish this IF ________ (fill in the blank...parents read to them at home, had support at home)".  We need to strive to discover how OUR system will support each kid. - Luis Cruz

-Heterogenous classrooms provide "improved cognitive skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving, because students' experience with individuals different from themselves, as well as to the novel ideas and situations that such experience brings, challenges their thinking and leads to cognitive growth" (American Educational Research Association, 2016, p. 25).

-Students having difficulty at school, especially those from lower social class homes learn more when they are working in heterogeneous rather than in homogeneous ability groups (Oakes, 1985, Yonezawa, Wells, & Serna, 2002).  Relatively high expectations for learning, a faster pace of instruction, peer models of effective learning and curricula that are more challenging are among the reasons offered for this advantage. (Leithwood, Lois, Anderson, & Wahlston, 2004).

We will continue to look to educational research to drive the practices that we engage in to achieve our goals of continuing our growth towards becoming the best learning environment possible.

Next Year's Budget Requests
We are approaching budget season once again.  It is time to start thinking about next year, and what materials you may need to take the learning to the next level.  Budget materials were made available by Mrs. Dallman this past week, and will be due to my office by the end of the day on March 2nd.  Now is the time to start discussions about materials/resources that can help us further achieve our goals for next school year.

Facility Advisory Committee Update
The Facility Advisory Committee met this past Wednesday (2/7).  The committee reviewed options and looked to finalize a survey that will be sent out to the community.  As always, you are welcome to review the Facilities Tab to review meeting notes to find out more about the process.

Middle School Assembly Coming Up

Our next Middle School Assembly will be on Friday, 2/16.  Students will be dismissed to the 1-8 Gym at 2:25.  We will celebrate the growth our students have shown up to this point, and also be entertained by 3 Carelli Cup Events that some of our students have been planning.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities
For the spring season, we are still looking for a coach for Middle School Track, and also a Strength & Speed Coordinator to work with MS and HS students after school in the weight room area.  These are great opportunities to get to know the students outside of the classroom, and help get as many of our students connected as possible.  Contact me or Mrs. McCracken if you have the slightest interest to learn more.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Lendobeja
Bus - Anderson

Images from the Week

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The Middle Update 2/9/18

Article of the Week
The article this week is a summary of landmark research done by Dr. Larry Lezotte on effective schools.  His research breaks down 7 correlates of effective schools.  As you read, I ask that you reflect on the correlates and the presence of these correlates in our school in preparation for future discussion.

7 Correlates of Effective Schools

State Principal's Convention Takeaways
Over the 2.5 days that I was at the state convention, there was a lot of learning for me, as well as a lot of affirmation about many of the things that we are doing for kids in our middle school.  In this forum, I thought I'd share some takeaways from others I either heard present or had the opportunity to engage in dialogue.

-"Positive Relationships are the evidence based practice" - Mark Sander, Director of School Mental Health for the Minneapolis Public Schools

-ACT found that the Math & Reading skills needed for the TRADES match the skills necessary to do well in the 1st year of college - Luis Cruz, keynote speaker

-Staff at effective schools have an unwavering belief in the ability of all students to achieve success, and pass this belief on to others in overt & covert ways.  In effective schools, the mentality is "let's look in the mirror to fix this issue" - in toxic environments, the mentality is "let's look out the window for the cause...he could accomplish this IF ________ (fill in the blank...parents read to them at home, had support at home)".  We need to strive to discover how OUR system will support each kid. - Luis Cruz

-Heterogenous classrooms provide "improved cognitive skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving, because students' experience with individuals different from themselves, as well as to the novel ideas and situations that such experience brings, challenges their thinking and leads to cognitive growth" (American Educational Research Association, 2016, p. 25).

-Students having difficulty at school, especially those from lower social class homes learn more when they are working in heterogeneous rather than in homogeneous ability groups (Oakes, 1985, Yonezawa, Wells, & Serna, 2002).  Relatively high expectations for learning, a faster pace of instruction, peer models of effective learning and curricula that are more challenging are among the reasons offered for this advantage. (Leithwood, Lois, Anderson, & Wahlston, 2004).

We will continue to look to educational research to drive the practices that we engage in to achieve our goals of continuing our growth towards becoming the best learning environment possible.

Next Year's Budget Requests
We are approaching budget season once again.  It is time to start thinking about next year, and what materials you may need to take the learning to the next level.  Budget materials were made available by Mrs. Dallman this past week, and will be due to my office by the end of the day on March 2nd.  Now is the time to start discussions about materials/resources that can help us further achieve our goals for next school year.

Facility Advisory Committee Update
The Facility Advisory Committee met this past Wednesday (2/7).  The committee reviewed options and looked to finalize a survey that will be sent out to the community.  As always, you are welcome to review the Facilities Tab to review meeting notes to find out more about the process.

Middle School Assembly Coming Up

Our next Middle School Assembly will be on Friday, 2/16.  Students will be dismissed to the 1-8 Gym at 2:25.  We will celebrate the growth our students have shown up to this point, and also be entertained by 3 Carelli Cup Events that some of our students have been planning.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities
For the spring season, we are still looking for a coach for Middle School Track, and also a Strength & Speed Coordinator to work with MS and HS students after school in the weight room area.  These are great opportunities to get to know the students outside of the classroom, and help get as many of our students connected as possible.  Contact me or Mrs. McCracken if you have the slightest interest to learn more.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Lendobeja
Bus - Anderson

Images from the Week