Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Middle Update 9/30/17

I am currently reading "Collective Efficacy: How Educator's Beliefs Impact Student Learning".  I was drawn to this book after studying the Pygmalion Effect and Hattie's Mindframes this past summer.  As a part of our goal to build our culture of literacy and reading, I thought this blog would be a good forum to share some of what I am learning along the way.  Some quotes that have stood out to me so far from this book...
"It is not so much a teacher's perception of their students' abilities that creates a culture of high expectations, but their conviction regarding their own collective abilities to impact student achievement in a positive way" (p. 34).
I think this quote fits right in with the work and mindset we bring to school with us every day.  Our focus and mission of making each minute of class time and interaction focused at improving student skills and knowledge remains a sacred principle we all share.

Mid-Term Grades Posted
It seems as if we just started, and we are already at the halfway point of the 1st quarter.  Please make sure student grades are posted in the standards that have been assessed so far.  I will be sending out a IC message to parents on Monday morning.  These grades should be updated regularly through the rest of the quarter.  Please see me with any questions about this process.

Hattie's Mindframe Focus

Mindframe #5: I engage in dialogue not monologue.

     Hattie’s research indicates that teachers talk 70-80% of the time in class, and that in much of the remaining 20-30% of the time, students are often engaged in individual written work. Moreover, although teachers ask an average of 200 questions a day, students already know the answer to 97% of them! While such surface-level discussion is crucial for assessing understanding, it does not allow us to clarify misunderstandings.
     Dialogue allows us to listen to students about what they did or didn’t do and the reasons why. It allows us to follow the thread of their reasoning in order to identify next steps for the learner. In addition, engaging in true dialogue opens up space for deep level learning, giving students the opportunity to fully use their knowledge and relate it to other aspects of their learning.
     Hattie states that there is no magic formula for the optimal levels of teacher talk versus student talk that can enhance either surface or deep learning. It is not enough to reduce teacher talking time and increase that of the students—the quality and purpose of the interaction is the important aspect. It requires the teacher to actively listen to the learner, and adjust to the nature of the discussion, the learning task and context. Meaningful discussions about learning will engender development of the language and vocabulary of learning as well as of the subject being taught. 

Fire Drill Review
Our first fire drill of the year was very smooth.  We are always looking for feedback about our safety procedures.  Please let me know if you have any concerns, questions, or suggestions about the process.

MS Staff Meeting on Wednesday
We will be having a Middle School Staff Meeting on Wednesday (10/4) starting at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' room.  Our goals for our staff meetings throughout the year will remain constant.

-Focus on the continued growth of a positive school culture embedded with excellence,
-Bring awareness to best practices in our school and spreading these practices to all classes

Reminder about school van use (from the district office)
Please remind your staff that when checking out a van they must top it off after use AND they must write the purpose on the receipt, i.e, Forensics, Track, Conservation Club, etc.  This is how the business office knows what budget to code the fuel to once the receipts are received.  

Additionally, as gas prices are low we will be using unleaded instead of E-85.  A revised laminated instruction sheet will be posted in all of the vehicles this week but we appreciate you sharing this information with all of your staff/coaches. 

Student Loan Forgiveness
The following is not an endorsement and the district will not/cannot assist with this service.  It is for informational purposes only.

Dear Staff Members,

AESA ( and CESA 5 have partnered with ISLoan Solutions, a student loan advisory company, to help improve your student loan situation and achieve overall financial well-being.

They educate you and provide options, for loan forgiveness and refinancing, that may help lower, or even eliminate, your payment. Individuals are saving an average of 87% on their monthly student loan payments and are projected to receive an average of $60,430 in tax-free loan forgiveness.


Enter code: CSA5 to learn more

Some of you may be able to lower your payment through Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF is not Teacher Loan Forgiveness*). For those of you who won’t benefit from PSLF, refinancing may work for you. After registering and answering a few simple questions, if PSLF does not make sense, you will be directed to their refinancing option.  Do not refinance your loans until you find out if PSLF makes sense for you FIRST.  Doing so will make you ineligible for future student loan forgiveness.
If PSLF makes sense, you will be able to:
  • Immediately lower your monthly student loan payment
  • Reduce your student loan obligation
  • Significantly lower your cost to earn additional degrees
  • Receive a personalized 10-year loan forgiveness plan outlining your projected tax free savings

*PSLF is available to all full-time employees regardless of position.  In 2007, Congress established PSLF to help full-time employees reduce their student loan burden and incentivize them to stay in public service.

This is a voluntary benefit. After consulting with ISLoan Solutions and verifying your student loan situation, you will receive information regarding loan forgiveness programs that may be of benefit to you along with a customized loan forgiveness plan outlining your forgiveness potential. You may choose to pursue the PSLF program on your own, or hire ISLoan Solutions to implement and manage the program for you.

Questions, or trouble logging in? Call 1.513.645.5400email or visit their website at for more information and success stories.

Duty Next Week
Bus - Hendrickson

Images from the Week

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The Middle Update 9/30/17

I am currently reading "Collective Efficacy: How Educator's Beliefs Impact Student Learning".  I was drawn to this book after studying the Pygmalion Effect and Hattie's Mindframes this past summer.  As a part of our goal to build our culture of literacy and reading, I thought this blog would be a good forum to share some of what I am learning along the way.  Some quotes that have stood out to me so far from this book...
"It is not so much a teacher's perception of their students' abilities that creates a culture of high expectations, but their conviction regarding their own collective abilities to impact student achievement in a positive way" (p. 34).
I think this quote fits right in with the work and mindset we bring to school with us every day.  Our focus and mission of making each minute of class time and interaction focused at improving student skills and knowledge remains a sacred principle we all share.

Mid-Term Grades Posted
It seems as if we just started, and we are already at the halfway point of the 1st quarter.  Please make sure student grades are posted in the standards that have been assessed so far.  I will be sending out a IC message to parents on Monday morning.  These grades should be updated regularly through the rest of the quarter.  Please see me with any questions about this process.

Hattie's Mindframe Focus

Mindframe #5: I engage in dialogue not monologue.

     Hattie’s research indicates that teachers talk 70-80% of the time in class, and that in much of the remaining 20-30% of the time, students are often engaged in individual written work. Moreover, although teachers ask an average of 200 questions a day, students already know the answer to 97% of them! While such surface-level discussion is crucial for assessing understanding, it does not allow us to clarify misunderstandings.
     Dialogue allows us to listen to students about what they did or didn’t do and the reasons why. It allows us to follow the thread of their reasoning in order to identify next steps for the learner. In addition, engaging in true dialogue opens up space for deep level learning, giving students the opportunity to fully use their knowledge and relate it to other aspects of their learning.
     Hattie states that there is no magic formula for the optimal levels of teacher talk versus student talk that can enhance either surface or deep learning. It is not enough to reduce teacher talking time and increase that of the students—the quality and purpose of the interaction is the important aspect. It requires the teacher to actively listen to the learner, and adjust to the nature of the discussion, the learning task and context. Meaningful discussions about learning will engender development of the language and vocabulary of learning as well as of the subject being taught. 

Fire Drill Review
Our first fire drill of the year was very smooth.  We are always looking for feedback about our safety procedures.  Please let me know if you have any concerns, questions, or suggestions about the process.

MS Staff Meeting on Wednesday
We will be having a Middle School Staff Meeting on Wednesday (10/4) starting at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' room.  Our goals for our staff meetings throughout the year will remain constant.

-Focus on the continued growth of a positive school culture embedded with excellence,
-Bring awareness to best practices in our school and spreading these practices to all classes

Reminder about school van use (from the district office)
Please remind your staff that when checking out a van they must top it off after use AND they must write the purpose on the receipt, i.e, Forensics, Track, Conservation Club, etc.  This is how the business office knows what budget to code the fuel to once the receipts are received.  

Additionally, as gas prices are low we will be using unleaded instead of E-85.  A revised laminated instruction sheet will be posted in all of the vehicles this week but we appreciate you sharing this information with all of your staff/coaches. 

Student Loan Forgiveness
The following is not an endorsement and the district will not/cannot assist with this service.  It is for informational purposes only.

Dear Staff Members,

AESA ( and CESA 5 have partnered with ISLoan Solutions, a student loan advisory company, to help improve your student loan situation and achieve overall financial well-being.

They educate you and provide options, for loan forgiveness and refinancing, that may help lower, or even eliminate, your payment. Individuals are saving an average of 87% on their monthly student loan payments and are projected to receive an average of $60,430 in tax-free loan forgiveness.


Enter code: CSA5 to learn more

Some of you may be able to lower your payment through Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF is not Teacher Loan Forgiveness*). For those of you who won’t benefit from PSLF, refinancing may work for you. After registering and answering a few simple questions, if PSLF does not make sense, you will be directed to their refinancing option.  Do not refinance your loans until you find out if PSLF makes sense for you FIRST.  Doing so will make you ineligible for future student loan forgiveness.
If PSLF makes sense, you will be able to:
  • Immediately lower your monthly student loan payment
  • Reduce your student loan obligation
  • Significantly lower your cost to earn additional degrees
  • Receive a personalized 10-year loan forgiveness plan outlining your projected tax free savings

*PSLF is available to all full-time employees regardless of position.  In 2007, Congress established PSLF to help full-time employees reduce their student loan burden and incentivize them to stay in public service.

This is a voluntary benefit. After consulting with ISLoan Solutions and verifying your student loan situation, you will receive information regarding loan forgiveness programs that may be of benefit to you along with a customized loan forgiveness plan outlining your forgiveness potential. You may choose to pursue the PSLF program on your own, or hire ISLoan Solutions to implement and manage the program for you.

Questions, or trouble logging in? Call 1.513.645.5400email or visit their website at for more information and success stories.

Duty Next Week
Bus - Hendrickson

Images from the Week