Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Middle Update 10/7/16

October is here!  Check out this week's information!  Have a great Friday!

October Staff Meeting Plan
We will be having two opportunities for staff collaboration this month.  The times and details will be as follows:

October 19th - This meeting will be for teachers on a Summary Year.  We will go through a thorough review of the expectations and process.  Time will be devoted to getting a head start and completing some of the necessary requirements of the Summary Year.

October 26th - This meeting will be for all staff members.  Our focus will be on finalizing SLO's and PPG's and how we will be using the data from this focus throughout the year to give a super boost to student achievement in the important area that you chose.  We will also review any manager items that are timely.

Literacy Committee Meeting
The next Literacy Committee Meeting will be on Monday (10/10) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' room.  Anyone is welcome.

A Word from our Instructional Coaches
Empower Your Students Through Scaffolding Learning
Adapted from Just in Time Support by Suzy Pepper Rollins from Educational Leadership
October 2016 | Volume 74 | Number 2
Powerful Lesson Planning Pages 52-56

How do students possibly keep up with it all? Many don't. And while their brains desperately search for dim recollections of formulas, figurative language, or which axis is y, more information is incoming—information they must sort, organize, and put somewhere. Gaps in basic skills and in important background information that just didn't stick in long-term memory can make learning new concepts seem impossible.

Scaffolding can help students be more successful—and we don't need to wait until students falter midway through a lesson. Instead, teachers can plan in advance to provide the support students may need to fill in the gaps. You can plan scaffolding before the lesson begins by reflecting on what hurdles may exist for some students.  It might be helpful to complete this sentence: My students could be successful on this upcoming unit if they only knew ___.

During the planning process, first create a unit concept map and list the standards and learning targets that students must reach to master the big goal. Next, step back and create a list of prerequisite skills required for student success. Or as we call it in our district, complete the Backwards Planning process for your lessons or even your courses. By anticipating some of our students' needs and creating bridges to new learning, we've proactively begun the work. Planning for scaffolding requires looking backward to recognize gaps from the past that could interfere with mastering the new learning target, and then looking forward to foresee hurdles in upcoming tasks.

Life would be easier for students if they arrived in class every day with exactly what they needed to grasp the day's lesson. But in real life, students will always differ in background knowledge, basic skills, and the ability to memorize items at a prescribed time.  Help them stay in the game by providing the ladder of support to get them where you’ve planned and hoped they could achieve.

Bookmarks, cheat sheets, graphic organizers, mnemonic devices and text marking are few of the strategies outlined in Ms. Rollins’ article. Check out her link to the  full article below for more detailed  information.
For more information, visit ASCD: Just In Time Support

Carelli Cup
The mid-1st quarter events will be happening on Friday.  There will be a hula hoop competition (thanks Mrs. Hendrickson for the expert organization) at 12:25 on the playground, and a Puma Pride dress competition.  If anyone has any input or interest in running future events, please don't be shy in communicating with a Puma Pride Committee member.

Twitter Find of the Week
Educational Leadership:Powerful Lesson Planning:Eight Questions for Better Lessons:

Duty Next Week
Bus - Odden

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The Middle Update 10/7/16

October is here!  Check out this week's information!  Have a great Friday!

October Staff Meeting Plan
We will be having two opportunities for staff collaboration this month.  The times and details will be as follows:

October 19th - This meeting will be for teachers on a Summary Year.  We will go through a thorough review of the expectations and process.  Time will be devoted to getting a head start and completing some of the necessary requirements of the Summary Year.

October 26th - This meeting will be for all staff members.  Our focus will be on finalizing SLO's and PPG's and how we will be using the data from this focus throughout the year to give a super boost to student achievement in the important area that you chose.  We will also review any manager items that are timely.

Literacy Committee Meeting
The next Literacy Committee Meeting will be on Monday (10/10) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' room.  Anyone is welcome.

A Word from our Instructional Coaches
Empower Your Students Through Scaffolding Learning
Adapted from Just in Time Support by Suzy Pepper Rollins from Educational Leadership
October 2016 | Volume 74 | Number 2
Powerful Lesson Planning Pages 52-56

How do students possibly keep up with it all? Many don't. And while their brains desperately search for dim recollections of formulas, figurative language, or which axis is y, more information is incoming—information they must sort, organize, and put somewhere. Gaps in basic skills and in important background information that just didn't stick in long-term memory can make learning new concepts seem impossible.

Scaffolding can help students be more successful—and we don't need to wait until students falter midway through a lesson. Instead, teachers can plan in advance to provide the support students may need to fill in the gaps. You can plan scaffolding before the lesson begins by reflecting on what hurdles may exist for some students.  It might be helpful to complete this sentence: My students could be successful on this upcoming unit if they only knew ___.

During the planning process, first create a unit concept map and list the standards and learning targets that students must reach to master the big goal. Next, step back and create a list of prerequisite skills required for student success. Or as we call it in our district, complete the Backwards Planning process for your lessons or even your courses. By anticipating some of our students' needs and creating bridges to new learning, we've proactively begun the work. Planning for scaffolding requires looking backward to recognize gaps from the past that could interfere with mastering the new learning target, and then looking forward to foresee hurdles in upcoming tasks.

Life would be easier for students if they arrived in class every day with exactly what they needed to grasp the day's lesson. But in real life, students will always differ in background knowledge, basic skills, and the ability to memorize items at a prescribed time.  Help them stay in the game by providing the ladder of support to get them where you’ve planned and hoped they could achieve.

Bookmarks, cheat sheets, graphic organizers, mnemonic devices and text marking are few of the strategies outlined in Ms. Rollins’ article. Check out her link to the  full article below for more detailed  information.
For more information, visit ASCD: Just In Time Support

Carelli Cup
The mid-1st quarter events will be happening on Friday.  There will be a hula hoop competition (thanks Mrs. Hendrickson for the expert organization) at 12:25 on the playground, and a Puma Pride dress competition.  If anyone has any input or interest in running future events, please don't be shy in communicating with a Puma Pride Committee member.

Twitter Find of the Week
Educational Leadership:Powerful Lesson Planning:Eight Questions for Better Lessons:

Duty Next Week
Bus - Odden