Friday, May 8, 2015

PMS News & Notes 5/8/15

Teacher Appreciation Week is a week designated to take time for everyone to show appreciation for the work that our teachers every day.  To me, the job of a teacher is at the top of the list for jobs that impact our society. I can't tell you how fortunate and appreciative of the staff that work in Poynette. Being an effective teacher is very difficult, and getting students to reach their potential is an art form. Thank you for your work...this is the time of year, where it is so important to take a step back, and recognize how far your students have come since they first entered your classroom. You should feel a sense of pride in that growth, because you had a huge part in it.  Again...Thank You!  Now for some news and notes from the week that was and the week to come...

Staff Meeting Change
A reminder that our staff meeting was postponed from last week due to the insurance meetings, and will be this coming Wednesday (5/13) at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's room. Also, we will need to move the last staff meeting of the year from Wednesday (6/3) to Monday (6/1) due to the Retirement Tea celebration.  Invitations will be sent through Google calendar.

Mid-Term Grades
This is a reminder to be sure that mid-term grades are posted for 4th quarter.  I will be sending an Infinite Campus message out today at about 3:00 to let parents know that mid-term grades have been posted.

Student of the Month Breakfast
Our final Student of the Month Breakfast will be next Thursday (5/14) morning.

It is time to start thinking about wrapping up our SLO's and PPG's reflections.  From now on is a good time to go into Teachscape and reflect on your goals by filling out the appropriate boxes. For those of you that used STAR, we will be doing the final round of testing in the Math and ELA classes on May 20th and May 21st. For anyone else, you should have your final assessment planned, and ready to gather your data and analyze the results. Once you have your SLO work completed in Teachscape, please let me know, and we'll schedule a meeting to review the progress.  If you complete your SLO, please don't wait until the end of the year to schedule a meeting with me, let's do this as soon as possible. 

Educator Effectiveness
For those teachers that are on Summary years, we will be meeting to review your artifacts and evidence for each component soon. For those teachers on a Non-Summary year, you do not need to have a formal end of year meeting with me for your PPG or Teacher Practices....just your SLO. If you have any questions about Teachscape or Educator Effectiveness, please let me know.

End of the Year Gathering
On Wednesday (6/3) evening, we will be hosting an end of the year gathering at the Barn at Harvest Moon Pond.  The Retirement Tea will be after school in the HS IMC, and we will be gathering at the Barn afterwards for a dinner (potluck), and end of year wrap-up ceremony.  Mark your calendars.

Twitter Post of the Week
As we end of the year, and look at our SLO's, PPG's, and progress towards our Vision 2020 Goals, I thought this post was appropriate.

It's good to have goals but I don't think you should focus on them. Instead focus on your purpose which fuels you to reach your goals.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Deans, Fraser
Bus - Rogness


Percentage of Students Meeting or on Track for Algebra 1 Readiness
FallWinter Spring
6th Grade42.660.6
7th Grade5069.1
8th Grade 50.661.8

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PMS News & Notes 5/8/15

Teacher Appreciation Week is a week designated to take time for everyone to show appreciation for the work that our teachers every day.  To me, the job of a teacher is at the top of the list for jobs that impact our society. I can't tell you how fortunate and appreciative of the staff that work in Poynette. Being an effective teacher is very difficult, and getting students to reach their potential is an art form. Thank you for your work...this is the time of year, where it is so important to take a step back, and recognize how far your students have come since they first entered your classroom. You should feel a sense of pride in that growth, because you had a huge part in it.  Again...Thank You!  Now for some news and notes from the week that was and the week to come...

Staff Meeting Change
A reminder that our staff meeting was postponed from last week due to the insurance meetings, and will be this coming Wednesday (5/13) at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's room. Also, we will need to move the last staff meeting of the year from Wednesday (6/3) to Monday (6/1) due to the Retirement Tea celebration.  Invitations will be sent through Google calendar.

Mid-Term Grades
This is a reminder to be sure that mid-term grades are posted for 4th quarter.  I will be sending an Infinite Campus message out today at about 3:00 to let parents know that mid-term grades have been posted.

Student of the Month Breakfast
Our final Student of the Month Breakfast will be next Thursday (5/14) morning.

It is time to start thinking about wrapping up our SLO's and PPG's reflections.  From now on is a good time to go into Teachscape and reflect on your goals by filling out the appropriate boxes. For those of you that used STAR, we will be doing the final round of testing in the Math and ELA classes on May 20th and May 21st. For anyone else, you should have your final assessment planned, and ready to gather your data and analyze the results. Once you have your SLO work completed in Teachscape, please let me know, and we'll schedule a meeting to review the progress.  If you complete your SLO, please don't wait until the end of the year to schedule a meeting with me, let's do this as soon as possible. 

Educator Effectiveness
For those teachers that are on Summary years, we will be meeting to review your artifacts and evidence for each component soon. For those teachers on a Non-Summary year, you do not need to have a formal end of year meeting with me for your PPG or Teacher Practices....just your SLO. If you have any questions about Teachscape or Educator Effectiveness, please let me know.

End of the Year Gathering
On Wednesday (6/3) evening, we will be hosting an end of the year gathering at the Barn at Harvest Moon Pond.  The Retirement Tea will be after school in the HS IMC, and we will be gathering at the Barn afterwards for a dinner (potluck), and end of year wrap-up ceremony.  Mark your calendars.

Twitter Post of the Week
As we end of the year, and look at our SLO's, PPG's, and progress towards our Vision 2020 Goals, I thought this post was appropriate.

It's good to have goals but I don't think you should focus on them. Instead focus on your purpose which fuels you to reach your goals.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Deans, Fraser
Bus - Rogness


Percentage of Students Meeting or on Track for Algebra 1 Readiness
FallWinter Spring
6th Grade42.660.6
7th Grade5069.1
8th Grade 50.661.8