Friday, December 19, 2014

PMS News & Notes 12/19/14

As the year winds down, this blog post will be more about planting seeds for some things to consider as the new year begins...I wish each of you a Happy Holiday!

Budget Time
As the first part of 2015 rolls along, please start considering the items that you will need for next school year. When thinking about your budget, consider the items that you will need to improve the amount of students that are achieving at high levels, and what we need to raise the achievement level of our highest achievers. Teacher requisitions for next school year will be due to me by March 13, 2015.

Summer School
Now is also the time of year to consider teaching summer school, and look at the courses that we offer in the summer. If you have an idea of something you'd like to teach during summer school, let's start talking about those ideas. We would like to beef up our summer school course offerings. More on this to come...

The MS Holiday Concert was outstanding last night.  Congratulations to Mr. Hazard, Mrs. Graeve, and Mr. Ferkovich for a job well done.  The gym was packed, and the talents of our students were on display for many members of our community to see.

Quote to Ponder over the Break
"Did the students learn it? And, if they didn't, how can we teach it so that they do?"
     - Paul Bambrick-Santoyo in Leverage Leadership: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools

Twitter Find of the Week
This post should make us feel good...from Dr. Justin Tarte @justintarte

Morning Duty - Anderson, Barnett
Bus Duty - Vian

2nd Quarter Behavior Referral Data
13-14 - 66 Events, 52 Students
14-15 - 61 Events, 38 Students

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PMS News & Notes 12/19/14

As the year winds down, this blog post will be more about planting seeds for some things to consider as the new year begins...I wish each of you a Happy Holiday!

Budget Time
As the first part of 2015 rolls along, please start considering the items that you will need for next school year. When thinking about your budget, consider the items that you will need to improve the amount of students that are achieving at high levels, and what we need to raise the achievement level of our highest achievers. Teacher requisitions for next school year will be due to me by March 13, 2015.

Summer School
Now is also the time of year to consider teaching summer school, and look at the courses that we offer in the summer. If you have an idea of something you'd like to teach during summer school, let's start talking about those ideas. We would like to beef up our summer school course offerings. More on this to come...

The MS Holiday Concert was outstanding last night.  Congratulations to Mr. Hazard, Mrs. Graeve, and Mr. Ferkovich for a job well done.  The gym was packed, and the talents of our students were on display for many members of our community to see.

Quote to Ponder over the Break
"Did the students learn it? And, if they didn't, how can we teach it so that they do?"
     - Paul Bambrick-Santoyo in Leverage Leadership: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools

Twitter Find of the Week
This post should make us feel good...from Dr. Justin Tarte @justintarte

Morning Duty - Anderson, Barnett
Bus Duty - Vian

2nd Quarter Behavior Referral Data
13-14 - 66 Events, 52 Students
14-15 - 61 Events, 38 Students