Thursday, October 9, 2014

PMS News & Notes

We are nearing the end of Week 6 already...It's busy...but I sense a bit more of a calm throughout the building and in the classrooms as we establish routines, and students adjust to their schedule and expectations.  No doubt, there will be more challenges ahead of us, but those will be less with structure, routine, and consistency in our everyday schedule.  Here are some updates...

I have met with many of you about plans for your SLO/PPG so far, and I feel pretty good about those conversations.  We will spend the morning of Monday, Oct. 20th viewing the Step 4 module as a group, and then we will have SLO/PPG work time to get these completed.  The due date will be end of day Friday, Oct. 24th.  It is recommended to work off of the planning guides that were shared by Katie and Anna, then copy and paste into Teachscape.  If you have any questions as we get closer, don't hesitate to track me down.  You can always check my calendar and set up a meeting by inviting me.

Classroom Walk-Throughs
You have probably noticed that I've been in your classroom recently.  I am writing down evidence and related components into your shared google doc.  If you have any questions about this process or any of the evidence collected, feel free to ask. The main purpose of looking at evidence gathered is to provide a natural way to have good conversations about teaching and learning.

First 5, Last 5
These are vital minutes to every class period.  The first 5 for a smooth transition and to get students in the right frame of mind or to focus their thinking.  The last 5 for a moment of reflection to make deeper connections with what they just learned.  As we increase the rigor level for our students, it is so important to give students opportunities to make these connections every class period.

Next Fire Drill
We will be having our next fire drill on Thursday, October 16 at 8:45 am.  Please remind students of the routines and procedures for fire drills.  Some tips that we learned from last time...classroom doors shut and lights out, take a quick head count when your class gets to the desired location, and then look for all students that are under your supervision.  Last time the building was empty in just over 2 minutes...let's shoot for under 2 minutes this time.

Student of the Month Breakfast
Our first Student of the Month Breakfast will be on Thursday, October 23 starting at 7:00 am in the 1-8 IMC.  This is a great opportunity to get families into our building to promote all of the positive things and people that we have in this school!  Thank you in advance for your participation.

WKCE Reminder
For the Middle School, we will be administering the WKCE to 8th graders in Science and Social Studies coming up soon.  We will be testing Science on 10/28 and Social Studies on 10/29.  Click HERE for detailed information.

STAR Results
An email will be coming soon about how we will share this information with parents.

Click on the link below to see data from Mr. O'Connor's Math class charting percentage of students that have their homework completed on time for each assignment.

Homework Completion Data

If you have data that you'd like to share from your classroom, let me know, and you can have a spot in the data portion of the weekly blog

Twitter Followers
Number of Twitter followers that I have gained since our last staff meeting...3...including our very own Greg Kallungi and Todd Whitaker (author of 10 Things Great Teachers do Differently)

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PMS News & Notes

We are nearing the end of Week 6 already...It's busy...but I sense a bit more of a calm throughout the building and in the classrooms as we establish routines, and students adjust to their schedule and expectations.  No doubt, there will be more challenges ahead of us, but those will be less with structure, routine, and consistency in our everyday schedule.  Here are some updates...

I have met with many of you about plans for your SLO/PPG so far, and I feel pretty good about those conversations.  We will spend the morning of Monday, Oct. 20th viewing the Step 4 module as a group, and then we will have SLO/PPG work time to get these completed.  The due date will be end of day Friday, Oct. 24th.  It is recommended to work off of the planning guides that were shared by Katie and Anna, then copy and paste into Teachscape.  If you have any questions as we get closer, don't hesitate to track me down.  You can always check my calendar and set up a meeting by inviting me.

Classroom Walk-Throughs
You have probably noticed that I've been in your classroom recently.  I am writing down evidence and related components into your shared google doc.  If you have any questions about this process or any of the evidence collected, feel free to ask. The main purpose of looking at evidence gathered is to provide a natural way to have good conversations about teaching and learning.

First 5, Last 5
These are vital minutes to every class period.  The first 5 for a smooth transition and to get students in the right frame of mind or to focus their thinking.  The last 5 for a moment of reflection to make deeper connections with what they just learned.  As we increase the rigor level for our students, it is so important to give students opportunities to make these connections every class period.

Next Fire Drill
We will be having our next fire drill on Thursday, October 16 at 8:45 am.  Please remind students of the routines and procedures for fire drills.  Some tips that we learned from last time...classroom doors shut and lights out, take a quick head count when your class gets to the desired location, and then look for all students that are under your supervision.  Last time the building was empty in just over 2 minutes...let's shoot for under 2 minutes this time.

Student of the Month Breakfast
Our first Student of the Month Breakfast will be on Thursday, October 23 starting at 7:00 am in the 1-8 IMC.  This is a great opportunity to get families into our building to promote all of the positive things and people that we have in this school!  Thank you in advance for your participation.

WKCE Reminder
For the Middle School, we will be administering the WKCE to 8th graders in Science and Social Studies coming up soon.  We will be testing Science on 10/28 and Social Studies on 10/29.  Click HERE for detailed information.

STAR Results
An email will be coming soon about how we will share this information with parents.

Click on the link below to see data from Mr. O'Connor's Math class charting percentage of students that have their homework completed on time for each assignment.

Homework Completion Data

If you have data that you'd like to share from your classroom, let me know, and you can have a spot in the data portion of the weekly blog

Twitter Followers
Number of Twitter followers that I have gained since our last staff meeting...3...including our very own Greg Kallungi and Todd Whitaker (author of 10 Things Great Teachers do Differently)