Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Middle Update 4/22/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

Restorative practices has been studied and we have worked to build pieces of the restorative mindset into our practices at the Middle School.  The article this week takes a deeper dive into the research behind the use of this approach.  We'll continue to explore systematizing our approach to school-wide management.

"Why Restorative Practices Benefit All Students" - Maurice J. Elias

"We’ve only recently begun to understand how childhood stress and adversity powerfully affect development and impair students’ ability to behave and learn in school. We also increasingly understand the importance for all children, especially those who struggle, of having supportive school environments where they feel accepted. Research shows it is effective to provide clear expectations for behavior, teach skills needed to succeed in the school environment, and respond to problems with strategies to strengthen connections and relationships, rather than push students away."

Forward Exam Follow-Up

Our large group Forward Testing Sessions are complete!  Thank you so much for your diligence and mindset in the preparation and execution of the Forward Exam administration.  I believe our testing sessions were set up in a manner in which students were able to give their best effort and energy.  When we change the schedule, it typically can create a little turbulence throughout the rest of the day, and I appreciate everyone's flexibility while making the most out of our two weeks of a testing schedule.  If you have any thoughts or feedback to put in place for next year, please visit this Google Form to submit the feedback.

Forward Exam Make-Up Sessions

We were able to execute most of the make-up tests for our 5th/6th graders on Friday.  We plan to start make-up Forward Testing for 7th/8th Graders on Monday morning at 8:15.  We'll include a couple 5th/6th graders who still have a bit to finish up.  We'll communicate on Monday morning as to who should report to the cafeteria ready for make-ups. 

4th Quarter Mid-Term Grades

We have completed 4 weeks of the 4th quarter so far, and the middle of next week will mark the mid-point of the 4th quarter.  Please have current student grades posted in each standard that you have worked in so far, and also updated Puma Pride grades.  I will be sending out a message to parents later in the week to check the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to review their student's grades.

Staff Meeting Update

We had an adjustment to our staff meeting plan.  We will have one remaining, and it will take place on Wednesday (5/18) morning at 7:15 in the cafeteria.  There were a couple other previous dates that were sent out that will be adjusted.  During our Staff Meeting time, we will review the district's procedures for Special Education referrals and 504 Plans.  We will also review our plans to meet the needs of all students in the best manner that we can, including how our current Social-Emotional Learning Plan fits into this goal, while also laying the groundwork for our plans to improve our SEL plan as we head into next year.

8th Grade Student Last Day Details

The 8th grade students will be going on their field trip to Mr. Olympus in Wisconsin Dells on Thursday, June 2nd.  They will depart from school at about 9:00am.  Prior to their exit, we'll have them walk through the school as the 5th-7th graders wish them well.  They will return from the Dells around 5:30 and be greeted with a little celebration and some pizza.  All staff members are welcome to greet them upon their arrival that evening.

Middle School Upcoming Track Meets

We will be hosting track meets for our middle school students on both Monday, May 2nd and Thursday, May 19th.  I encourage all middle school staff members to sign up to work the event and help support our Middle School Track athletes if you are able.  I'm predicting beautiful spring evenings for both nights!

Images from the Week

Friday, April 15, 2022

The Middle Update 4/15/22

Our first week of Forward Testing is in the books and we look forward to completing the rest of the sessions this week.  Thank you to everyone for your approach to testing.  We had a solid testing environment, with definitely a strong majority of our students putting their best effort forward.  I am excited to see the results this summer.

I hope you enjoy the long weekend and get a chance to recharge before the stretch run! 

Resource of the Week

On Monday, we'll all get the opportunity to take part in GSafe Training, which will shine a light into how we can continue our efforts to make our school a safer place for all students.  The website this week points to data collected from the CDC about the mental health status of students across the country.  As you review the statistics (see a snapshot below), take a close look at the impact of racism felt among students.  We, along with most places, have work to do to improve in this area.

  • Female students and those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, other or questioning (LGBQ) are experiencing disproportionate levels of poor mental health and suicide-related behaviors. For example, in 2021, 12% of female students, more than 25% of LGB students, and 17% of other or questioning students attempted suicide during the past year compared to 5% of their male peers and 5% of their heterosexual peers, respectively.

"Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey" Report - CDC

PD Day Monday

I look forward to Monday's day to come together and learn.  We'll meet as a Middle School team in the cafeteria at 8:00 on Monday.  We'll briefly touch base as a staff, with Ryan and Carib kicking off our time together.  We'll then move into PLC groups to reflect on progress made and plan for how improvements can be made moving forward to maximize the collaboration opportunities.

We'll meet back in the cafeteria at 9:15 for a meeting led by Dr. Shappell.  We'll then take part in a GSafe Training opportunity.  Lunch will be on your own afterwards, and you'll have the afternoon for planning and collaboration time.

Forward Testing Update

ELA sessions are in the books.  All students will participate in the Math sessions on Wednesday and Thursday.  8th grade will test on Tuesday (Science) and Friday (Social Studies).  On Tuesday and Friday, only 8th grade will have a modified schedule.  I'm hoping the long weekend will help students bring a strong energy for the remaining sessions next week.  

We'll be working to get students who were absent to make up their testing sessions in a timely manner.  I am looking forward to putting the testing season in the rear view mirror, and am so appreciative of everyone's efforts to create an environment that puts students in the best position to show what they know.

Hoops 4 Heart Basketball Game

A big shout out to our Student Leadership Team, with the help of Mr. Williams, Mrs. Hutchinson, and many others for planning and executing a successful event Thursday night.  The students came out triumphant on a game winning 3 point basket by Cam Klosky in double overtime (there may have been some questionable calls, points appearing, and things like that)...but all in all a fun night and some money raised for a good cause.

Images from the Week

Friday, April 8, 2022

The Middle Update 4/8/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

We know that collaboration and high quality discourse are critical aspects of getting our students to achieve higher levels of learning.  So, breaking down the art and science of facilitating effective group work has become a focus of effective teacher practices.  The article this week shines a light on a couple of strategies that really help students make the most out of these collaboration opportunities.

"The Benefits of Taking a Time-Out During Group Work" - Stefan Singh

Forward Testing This Week

After a lot of preparation and planning, I believe we are ready to execute a successful Forward Testing season.  We start on Tuesday with the TDA Writing Activity, and will conclude at the end of next week.  Below are links to information that will be helpful to ensure everyone is on the same page with our Forward Testing Plan.

-Students will start their day in Homeroom groups.  We will send any student that needs to move to their testing groups at 8:15.  Groups and locations can be found at this LINK.  Breakfast will be available starting at 7:47 in the morning.  Students should report to the cafeteria right away if they would like a breakfast (this will replace nutrition break).

-The testing times can be found on this document.  We'll plan to end our testing sessions on time, and if there are students who need a little more time, we'll get them to a quiet location to finish up.  We all should encourage students to take their time and put in their best effort.

-We will not have WIN on school-wide testing days.  Teams have already worked to modify schedules.  7th and 8th grade elective times will be modified in the following ways:

-8th Grade Testing Schedule          -7th Grade Testing Schedule

5th and 6th grade will maintain the same elective schedule on testing days and adjust academic class time as a team.

-I will let you know for sure when the Forward Testing APP is ready on student devices, but we'll plan to test them out on Monday.

Professional Development Day, Monday, 4/18/22

We have a Professional Development Day scheduled for Monday, 4/18/22.  For the Middle School, we'll plan to meet as a Middle School Staff in the cafeteria at 8:00.  The schedule for Middle School teachers will be as follows:

8:00-9:15 - Staff Meeting/PLC Check In (PMS Cafeteria)

9:15 - 10:00 - Staff Meeting with Dr. Shappell (PMS Cafeteria)

10:15- 12:15 - Middle School Safe Space Training (PMS Cafeteria)

12:15-1:15 - Lunch on your own

1:15-3:45 - Individual or Group Work

                    -SLO/PPG Updates

                    -Lesson Planning/Curriculum Work

Hoops 4 Heart Basketball Game

Our student leadership team has also been busy organizing our annual Hoops 4 Heart Basketball Game.  Thanks to any and all staff that plan to participate.  I'm so happy we'll be able to have this event come back, and am looking forward to some friendly competition and fun!  The event will take place on Thursday, April 14th, starting at 5:00 at the PMS Gym.

Message from our New Middle School Principal, Jacob Hunter

You can view a greeting from Mr. Hunter by clicking on this LINK.  We are working on scheduling a time for Mr. Hunter to visit and meet with our team....details on this are coming soon.

PLC Update

Big thanks to Mr. Frehner and Mrs. Kennedy for sharing their learning from a study of the book they read about Productive Struggle in Math.  They shared their learning and facilitated a great discussion during their Math PLC time on Wednesday.

6th Grade Roller Coasters and Images from the Week

Friday, April 1, 2022

The Middle Update 4/1/22

 In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

The resource this week provides some thoughts to consider when we are looking at the question, "What should kids who finish early do?"  

"What Can You Recommend For Students Who Finish Their Work Early?"


Staff Meeting (Forward Training) Follow-Up

A few items to clarify from our time together on Wednesday morning:

-Students will start the day in normal Homeroom groups.  Breakfast will be ready just like a Late Start Day, so we should encourage students to go right away to the cafeteria and bring their food back to the classroom.  Students will remain in Homeroom groups for a review/prep activity and head to their testing groups at 8:15.

-Something Different, Please Note - We sought clarification from DPI after the proctor training about electronic device use for everyone in the testing session, and this is what we received in regards to staff use of devices during testing: Test administrators should not be doing other work during testing sessions, as it is really difficult to monitor students at the same time.  Proctors should be monitoring students the entire testing session.

-7th and 8th Grade students will have a shortened elective schedule on each day of school-wide testing.  It will depend on the length of the testing session.  I will share those details early next week.

-I sent a note out to families asking for their student to bring in a pair of wires headphones if they have them very soon.  Please be on the lookout for those, and we can keep them at school till the day of the testing session.

-Mrs. Moe will be coordinating a proctor training for all other staff that will be proctoring a test, that have not been trained yet.

Math Curriculum Update

For the 2nd time this year, we had a coach from our Math Curriculum (CPM) visit to conduct classroom visits in our Math classes and provide us some feedback on how we are doing.  He was so impressed with the quality of implementation that is happening in all of our Math classrooms.  I wanted to include a couple of quotes from him during our debrief session.

"I was so impressed with what I saw."

"If I were to have a team visit a 1st year implementation school, I would definitely bring them here."

"In the co-taught sections I could not tell which students had an IEP and which did not."

"The engagement was so high.  To have more than 90% of students highly engaged and working collaboratively is something I just don't see everywhere."

"Team roles are established and students do a great job of communicating and working together to find solutions"

"It is very evident that your teachers have built relationships and trust in the classroom.  It looks like students feel safe and comfortable to make mistakes."

A big shout-out and kudos to our Math team and their efforts this year to implement the CPM curriculum in such an impressive thing we heard from visits prior to adopting the curriculum was how it was not easy to do.  It goes to show that this team has used their PLC time to collaborate and share best practices with each other.  Please give them props when you see them!

Forensics Showcase Night

A big thank you to Ms. Stark and Ms. Moe for hosting a Forensics showcase night for our students and their families.  Students were able to perform their event for a welcoming crowd of families and friends.  We had a great turnout and it's so awesome to have our student talents on display!  This is a great example of how we can showcase the hard work and excellence of our students and teachers.  

5th Grade History Night

Our 5th graders will have their hard work on display on Monday (4/4) night starting at 6:00.  Our students will be presenting their work, and families will be present to learn about the historical contributions of many different people.  Feel free to come out and learn some things yourself and support our 5th grade students and teachers.

New Gaga Ball Pit

Thanks to a generous donation from the PAD Parent's Club, we now have a new Gaga Ball Pit on our playground.  It has been a big hit to say the least.  Now, we have some students working on establishing some PMS specific rules to help govern the fun.

Tornado Awareness Week

Next week is Tornado Awareness Week in Wisconsin.  There has been some tornado activity throughout the country that has been in the news recently.  We will be conducting a tornado drill on Thursday, April 7th at 1:45 pm to coincide with the state tornado drill.  Please review the locations and procedures (from your orange safety pamphlet) with your students a few times prior to the tornado drill.

Next PMS Assembly

Our student leadership team has been busy planning our next Assembly.  On Friday morning, during our typical report card reflection activity, students received tickets for any "ME" on their report card, and got to see what the potential drawings/activities we will be having during the next assembly.  We are still working on finalizing the date of the assembly, but you can expect it to be sometime in late April/early May


Hoops 4 Heart Basketball Game

Our student leadership team has also been busy organizing our annual Hoops 4 Heart Basketball Game.  Thanks to any and all staff that plan to participate.  I'm so happy we'll be able to have this event come back, and am looking forward to some friendly competition and fun!  The event will take place on Thursday, April 14th, starting at 5:00 at the PMS Gym.

The Middle Update 4/22/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

Restorative practices has been studied and we have worked to build pieces of the restorative mindset into our practices at the Middle School.  The article this week takes a deeper dive into the research behind the use of this approach.  We'll continue to explore systematizing our approach to school-wide management.

"Why Restorative Practices Benefit All Students" - Maurice J. Elias

"We’ve only recently begun to understand how childhood stress and adversity powerfully affect development and impair students’ ability to behave and learn in school. We also increasingly understand the importance for all children, especially those who struggle, of having supportive school environments where they feel accepted. Research shows it is effective to provide clear expectations for behavior, teach skills needed to succeed in the school environment, and respond to problems with strategies to strengthen connections and relationships, rather than push students away."

Forward Exam Follow-Up

Our large group Forward Testing Sessions are complete!  Thank you so much for your diligence and mindset in the preparation and execution of the Forward Exam administration.  I believe our testing sessions were set up in a manner in which students were able to give their best effort and energy.  When we change the schedule, it typically can create a little turbulence throughout the rest of the day, and I appreciate everyone's flexibility while making the most out of our two weeks of a testing schedule.  If you have any thoughts or feedback to put in place for next year, please visit this Google Form to submit the feedback.

Forward Exam Make-Up Sessions

We were able to execute most of the make-up tests for our 5th/6th graders on Friday.  We plan to start make-up Forward Testing for 7th/8th Graders on Monday morning at 8:15.  We'll include a couple 5th/6th graders who still have a bit to finish up.  We'll communicate on Monday morning as to who should report to the cafeteria ready for make-ups. 

4th Quarter Mid-Term Grades

We have completed 4 weeks of the 4th quarter so far, and the middle of next week will mark the mid-point of the 4th quarter.  Please have current student grades posted in each standard that you have worked in so far, and also updated Puma Pride grades.  I will be sending out a message to parents later in the week to check the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to review their student's grades.

Staff Meeting Update

We had an adjustment to our staff meeting plan.  We will have one remaining, and it will take place on Wednesday (5/18) morning at 7:15 in the cafeteria.  There were a couple other previous dates that were sent out that will be adjusted.  During our Staff Meeting time, we will review the district's procedures for Special Education referrals and 504 Plans.  We will also review our plans to meet the needs of all students in the best manner that we can, including how our current Social-Emotional Learning Plan fits into this goal, while also laying the groundwork for our plans to improve our SEL plan as we head into next year.

8th Grade Student Last Day Details

The 8th grade students will be going on their field trip to Mr. Olympus in Wisconsin Dells on Thursday, June 2nd.  They will depart from school at about 9:00am.  Prior to their exit, we'll have them walk through the school as the 5th-7th graders wish them well.  They will return from the Dells around 5:30 and be greeted with a little celebration and some pizza.  All staff members are welcome to greet them upon their arrival that evening.

Middle School Upcoming Track Meets

We will be hosting track meets for our middle school students on both Monday, May 2nd and Thursday, May 19th.  I encourage all middle school staff members to sign up to work the event and help support our Middle School Track athletes if you are able.  I'm predicting beautiful spring evenings for both nights!

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 4/15/22

Our first week of Forward Testing is in the books and we look forward to completing the rest of the sessions this week.  Thank you to everyone for your approach to testing.  We had a solid testing environment, with definitely a strong majority of our students putting their best effort forward.  I am excited to see the results this summer.

I hope you enjoy the long weekend and get a chance to recharge before the stretch run! 

Resource of the Week

On Monday, we'll all get the opportunity to take part in GSafe Training, which will shine a light into how we can continue our efforts to make our school a safer place for all students.  The website this week points to data collected from the CDC about the mental health status of students across the country.  As you review the statistics (see a snapshot below), take a close look at the impact of racism felt among students.  We, along with most places, have work to do to improve in this area.

  • Female students and those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, other or questioning (LGBQ) are experiencing disproportionate levels of poor mental health and suicide-related behaviors. For example, in 2021, 12% of female students, more than 25% of LGB students, and 17% of other or questioning students attempted suicide during the past year compared to 5% of their male peers and 5% of their heterosexual peers, respectively.

"Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey" Report - CDC

PD Day Monday

I look forward to Monday's day to come together and learn.  We'll meet as a Middle School team in the cafeteria at 8:00 on Monday.  We'll briefly touch base as a staff, with Ryan and Carib kicking off our time together.  We'll then move into PLC groups to reflect on progress made and plan for how improvements can be made moving forward to maximize the collaboration opportunities.

We'll meet back in the cafeteria at 9:15 for a meeting led by Dr. Shappell.  We'll then take part in a GSafe Training opportunity.  Lunch will be on your own afterwards, and you'll have the afternoon for planning and collaboration time.

Forward Testing Update

ELA sessions are in the books.  All students will participate in the Math sessions on Wednesday and Thursday.  8th grade will test on Tuesday (Science) and Friday (Social Studies).  On Tuesday and Friday, only 8th grade will have a modified schedule.  I'm hoping the long weekend will help students bring a strong energy for the remaining sessions next week.  

We'll be working to get students who were absent to make up their testing sessions in a timely manner.  I am looking forward to putting the testing season in the rear view mirror, and am so appreciative of everyone's efforts to create an environment that puts students in the best position to show what they know.

Hoops 4 Heart Basketball Game

A big shout out to our Student Leadership Team, with the help of Mr. Williams, Mrs. Hutchinson, and many others for planning and executing a successful event Thursday night.  The students came out triumphant on a game winning 3 point basket by Cam Klosky in double overtime (there may have been some questionable calls, points appearing, and things like that)...but all in all a fun night and some money raised for a good cause.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 4/8/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

We know that collaboration and high quality discourse are critical aspects of getting our students to achieve higher levels of learning.  So, breaking down the art and science of facilitating effective group work has become a focus of effective teacher practices.  The article this week shines a light on a couple of strategies that really help students make the most out of these collaboration opportunities.

"The Benefits of Taking a Time-Out During Group Work" - Stefan Singh

Forward Testing This Week

After a lot of preparation and planning, I believe we are ready to execute a successful Forward Testing season.  We start on Tuesday with the TDA Writing Activity, and will conclude at the end of next week.  Below are links to information that will be helpful to ensure everyone is on the same page with our Forward Testing Plan.

-Students will start their day in Homeroom groups.  We will send any student that needs to move to their testing groups at 8:15.  Groups and locations can be found at this LINK.  Breakfast will be available starting at 7:47 in the morning.  Students should report to the cafeteria right away if they would like a breakfast (this will replace nutrition break).

-The testing times can be found on this document.  We'll plan to end our testing sessions on time, and if there are students who need a little more time, we'll get them to a quiet location to finish up.  We all should encourage students to take their time and put in their best effort.

-We will not have WIN on school-wide testing days.  Teams have already worked to modify schedules.  7th and 8th grade elective times will be modified in the following ways:

-8th Grade Testing Schedule          -7th Grade Testing Schedule

5th and 6th grade will maintain the same elective schedule on testing days and adjust academic class time as a team.

-I will let you know for sure when the Forward Testing APP is ready on student devices, but we'll plan to test them out on Monday.

Professional Development Day, Monday, 4/18/22

We have a Professional Development Day scheduled for Monday, 4/18/22.  For the Middle School, we'll plan to meet as a Middle School Staff in the cafeteria at 8:00.  The schedule for Middle School teachers will be as follows:

8:00-9:15 - Staff Meeting/PLC Check In (PMS Cafeteria)

9:15 - 10:00 - Staff Meeting with Dr. Shappell (PMS Cafeteria)

10:15- 12:15 - Middle School Safe Space Training (PMS Cafeteria)

12:15-1:15 - Lunch on your own

1:15-3:45 - Individual or Group Work

                    -SLO/PPG Updates

                    -Lesson Planning/Curriculum Work

Hoops 4 Heart Basketball Game

Our student leadership team has also been busy organizing our annual Hoops 4 Heart Basketball Game.  Thanks to any and all staff that plan to participate.  I'm so happy we'll be able to have this event come back, and am looking forward to some friendly competition and fun!  The event will take place on Thursday, April 14th, starting at 5:00 at the PMS Gym.

Message from our New Middle School Principal, Jacob Hunter

You can view a greeting from Mr. Hunter by clicking on this LINK.  We are working on scheduling a time for Mr. Hunter to visit and meet with our team....details on this are coming soon.

PLC Update

Big thanks to Mr. Frehner and Mrs. Kennedy for sharing their learning from a study of the book they read about Productive Struggle in Math.  They shared their learning and facilitated a great discussion during their Math PLC time on Wednesday.

6th Grade Roller Coasters and Images from the Week

The Middle Update 4/1/22

 In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

The resource this week provides some thoughts to consider when we are looking at the question, "What should kids who finish early do?"  

"What Can You Recommend For Students Who Finish Their Work Early?"


Staff Meeting (Forward Training) Follow-Up

A few items to clarify from our time together on Wednesday morning:

-Students will start the day in normal Homeroom groups.  Breakfast will be ready just like a Late Start Day, so we should encourage students to go right away to the cafeteria and bring their food back to the classroom.  Students will remain in Homeroom groups for a review/prep activity and head to their testing groups at 8:15.

-Something Different, Please Note - We sought clarification from DPI after the proctor training about electronic device use for everyone in the testing session, and this is what we received in regards to staff use of devices during testing: Test administrators should not be doing other work during testing sessions, as it is really difficult to monitor students at the same time.  Proctors should be monitoring students the entire testing session.

-7th and 8th Grade students will have a shortened elective schedule on each day of school-wide testing.  It will depend on the length of the testing session.  I will share those details early next week.

-I sent a note out to families asking for their student to bring in a pair of wires headphones if they have them very soon.  Please be on the lookout for those, and we can keep them at school till the day of the testing session.

-Mrs. Moe will be coordinating a proctor training for all other staff that will be proctoring a test, that have not been trained yet.

Math Curriculum Update

For the 2nd time this year, we had a coach from our Math Curriculum (CPM) visit to conduct classroom visits in our Math classes and provide us some feedback on how we are doing.  He was so impressed with the quality of implementation that is happening in all of our Math classrooms.  I wanted to include a couple of quotes from him during our debrief session.

"I was so impressed with what I saw."

"If I were to have a team visit a 1st year implementation school, I would definitely bring them here."

"In the co-taught sections I could not tell which students had an IEP and which did not."

"The engagement was so high.  To have more than 90% of students highly engaged and working collaboratively is something I just don't see everywhere."

"Team roles are established and students do a great job of communicating and working together to find solutions"

"It is very evident that your teachers have built relationships and trust in the classroom.  It looks like students feel safe and comfortable to make mistakes."

A big shout-out and kudos to our Math team and their efforts this year to implement the CPM curriculum in such an impressive thing we heard from visits prior to adopting the curriculum was how it was not easy to do.  It goes to show that this team has used their PLC time to collaborate and share best practices with each other.  Please give them props when you see them!

Forensics Showcase Night

A big thank you to Ms. Stark and Ms. Moe for hosting a Forensics showcase night for our students and their families.  Students were able to perform their event for a welcoming crowd of families and friends.  We had a great turnout and it's so awesome to have our student talents on display!  This is a great example of how we can showcase the hard work and excellence of our students and teachers.  

5th Grade History Night

Our 5th graders will have their hard work on display on Monday (4/4) night starting at 6:00.  Our students will be presenting their work, and families will be present to learn about the historical contributions of many different people.  Feel free to come out and learn some things yourself and support our 5th grade students and teachers.

New Gaga Ball Pit

Thanks to a generous donation from the PAD Parent's Club, we now have a new Gaga Ball Pit on our playground.  It has been a big hit to say the least.  Now, we have some students working on establishing some PMS specific rules to help govern the fun.

Tornado Awareness Week

Next week is Tornado Awareness Week in Wisconsin.  There has been some tornado activity throughout the country that has been in the news recently.  We will be conducting a tornado drill on Thursday, April 7th at 1:45 pm to coincide with the state tornado drill.  Please review the locations and procedures (from your orange safety pamphlet) with your students a few times prior to the tornado drill.

Next PMS Assembly

Our student leadership team has been busy planning our next Assembly.  On Friday morning, during our typical report card reflection activity, students received tickets for any "ME" on their report card, and got to see what the potential drawings/activities we will be having during the next assembly.  We are still working on finalizing the date of the assembly, but you can expect it to be sometime in late April/early May


Hoops 4 Heart Basketball Game

Our student leadership team has also been busy organizing our annual Hoops 4 Heart Basketball Game.  Thanks to any and all staff that plan to participate.  I'm so happy we'll be able to have this event come back, and am looking forward to some friendly competition and fun!  The event will take place on Thursday, April 14th, starting at 5:00 at the PMS Gym.