Friday, March 25, 2022

The Middle Update 4/25/22

I hope everyone had a nice week last week, and by the time you are reading this are feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to continue what you do to have a positive impact on your students.  The calendar strikes April already at the end of this week, and there is a lot going on as we start the 4th quarter on Monday.  

Resource of the Week

Displaying student work sends a strong message to our students and our community...these displays can highlight the learning process and what rigorous learning looks like.  I am working on getting strips to allow us to more easily display student work in our hallways.  Our resource this week is a short video that highlights the possibilities of what these displays can do for the culture of a school.

Forward Exam Preparation

In two short weeks, we'll be starting the process of taking the Forward Exam.  Our testing schedule and preparation are all about ensuring that we set up the conditions where students try their absolute best on this assessment, and the conditions are in place for them to be able to put in their absolute best effort.  Our staff meeting on Wednesday (3/30) morning will be devoted to proctor training and detailing our testing plan.  

Please take a moment to review the Testing Schedule.  You'll notice that each session has a different time recommendation...some are longer than others.  The Daily Bell Schedule will be different for each grade level, and I plan to meet with each grade level team to outline what this looks like at each grade level.  Applied Academic times will not change for 5th/6th grades.  7th/8th grade elective schedules will vary depending on if it's an A or B day, and how long the testing session ends up will take a collaborative conversation to map out how each grade level will structure their schedules.

You can view proposed testing groups HERE.  If teams review the groups, and you recommend adjustments to meet our goal of setting up great testing conditions, please email me.

For 8th grade Science and Social Studies Testing sessions, we'll split them into 4 groups, with Frehner, Odden, Kooistra, and Moe proctoring a bigger group (we'll discuss).

As always, we'll ask that teachers lead test prep activities in Homeroom lesson plans...the manner (body language, enthusiasm) in which our teachers lead these lessons will have an impact on the mentality students bring to the testing sessions.  

I believe our students have had perhaps their strongest year of instruction since I've been here, and our preparation will help set up the conditions for them to show it.  Thank you for your efforts to help our students shine!

Staff Meeting on Wednesday (3/30)

A reminder that we will meet as a Middle School staff on Wednesday morning.  Ryan K. and Carib have been looking forward to leading an activity, and will be ready to lead their activity at 7:15.  We'll focus on Forward Exam training and preparation.

Middle School Principal Update

Like Dr. Shappell mentioned in an earlier email, we have our next Middle School Principal.  Mr. Jacob Hunter rose to the top of a very talented candidate pool, and is very excited to be our next Principal.  There will be an opportunity for our staff to meet and get to know him a little bit better very soon, but he is poised to continue the great work that we have going here, has the tools to lead the improvements that we all seek in our educational efforts, all while making strong connections with each one of our students.  I am very excited to have Jacob on our team.

Pig Race Wrap-Up

I think I speak for most of us when I say that the creativity of the Pig names and outfits were at an all time high this year.  Thanks to all of you for generative a little extra positive buzz over the last week leading up to the actual Pig Races.  It's safe to say that kids had some fun during the pig races.  Big congrats to Chief Bacon and Mrs. Hendrickson's Homeroom for their victory in the race, and to Mr. Williams' Homeroom for the best name and design.  

Also, the Penny War was a big success, and the money raised will help provide some more items for The Puma Closet.  Enjoy some pictures from the event below.

School Supply List for 22-23

Teachers, please be thinking of supplies you would like students to have for next school year, as Marie Klink will be sending out the School Supply List for next year to be updated very soon.

Forensics and Math Team Success!

Our students continue to shine!  A big shout out to our students that participate in Forensics on their awesome performance in Columbus Thursday night!  Congrats to Ms. Stark and Ms. Moe for their exceptional leadership this Forensics season.

Also both Math teams had a dominant performance in their meets this past week, and both qualified for the Mega Math Meet in Madison.  Congrats to Mrs. Kennedy and all teachers whose work has made this possible.

Band Concert Success!

The success of our students was on full display at our concert this week!  A big congratulations to our Music Department.  The entire crowd was so impressed and our Middle Schoolers performed at the levels of many high school bands.  Enjoy the pictures from the concert.

Images from the Week

Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Middle Update 3/13/22

This week provided another opportunity for me to be reminded of what a special place you all have made Poynette Middle School.  A couple examples:  

     -Our students shined brighter than their peers at the Forensics Meet in Lodi.  

     -Our students once again did remarkably well on Math competitions this past week.  

     -In talking with candidates who our interested in being our Principal, it's evident that Poynette Middle School is well-known among others in education as being a great school with a solid culture and high achievement.  

Each passing day and week provides more evidence that our school is special, our staff is special, our students are special, and our community is special.  We certainly have areas for growth (we always will).  It takes contributions from every single person...thank you for what you do each day to make our school community special.

Resource of the Week

Every once in a while, it's good to check in on things.  The article this week is meant to do that.  The article is called, "What Makes a Great School?  Look For These 4 Things".  Give it a read and reflect on how we are doing.  We certainly have an opportunity to display more student work on our walls...please look for ways you can display student work in your area.

"What Makes a Great School?  Look For These 4 Things" - Rebecca Bauer

Dress Up Days & Pig Races

We all look forward to our Pig Races that will take place on Friday afternoon.  All pigs should be in the IMC by Thursday (3/17) morning, dressed with a name tag.  Please enter the name of your pig on this DOCUMENT

Also, this week our Leadership Students organized a Dress Up theme for each day of the week.  I believe that Monday is Pajama Day. 

Principal Search Update

We had a high number of applicants for the Middle School Principal position.  We conducted an initial round of screening interviews, and plan to bring in a few candidates for a face to face opportunity on Wednesday night.  Our top candidates will meet with a mix of admin, teachers, parents, and board members.  Our candidate pool is very strong, and I'm confident we'll land a leader poised to lead the continual ascent of our culture and achievement.

Spring Conference Follow-Up

Thanks to all of you for your work in setting up and carrying out our mission for the Spring Conference Night.  It was really nice talking with families as they came in, and it sounds like important feedback was given and relationships strengthened and we work together with families to help our kids be as successful as possible.

Budget Follow-Up

Thanks to all teachers for your diligent work in getting your budgets mapped out for next year and submitted to me.  All materials are in, and have been submitted to the Business Office.  If you do not hear from me, you can assume your requests were approved.

Forensics Success

A big shout-out to our Forensics Team led by Ms. Stark and Ms. Moe on their performance this past week.  By all accounts we out shined the competition!  Great job!

Operational Reminder

In the course of the day there are times where kids may need a reset in the office.  If you decide that a student needs to come to the office from class, please give Patti (x103) or Debbie (x102) a call to let one of them know the student is on his/her way down and what your expectations are for their time in the office.  We appreciate your efforts and are working to ensure students are accounted for in these moments.

Images from the Week

Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Middle Update 3/6/22

Mid-March is already here!  I like so many different times of year, but I think March might be my favorite.  I'm looking forward to seeing families in our building on Thursday evening, and to kicking off another great week of school!  Thank you for what you do to make our team special.  Our students are lucky to have teachers who are committed to making a positive difference in their life.


Resource of the Week

The article this week focuses on building critical thinking skills in all disciplines.  A solid read to reflect on refining daily planning to incorporate this highly important skill for our students.

"Boosting Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum" - Jorge Valenzuela

Continuing the Culture Conversation

The Lesson Plans for this Thursday will be a continuation of the culture conversation we had at our last staff meeting.  We'll be sharing a video to kick off this discussion with your groups.  We have several students collecting data about what is said on a typical day for us to use with the students.  Check back on the lesson plans right up to Thursday morning to be prepared to lead this important discussion with your students.

Our Morning Homeroom time is so important.  Leading conversations and activities that build community, grow understanding, and are fun are things that should happen every morning.  This is a special time every morning, and each student deserves a teacher who brings it every morning during this time.

Parent-Teacher Conference Meal

Our Parent Club is planning to treat all of our teachers to a Subway dinner on Thursday (3/10) night of conferences.  They ask that each teacher fill out the google form below by Tuesday (3/8) at 10:00am.

The meals will be dropped off to our school by 1pm on 03/10.   

For the conferences, if you would like me to attend a conference, please just let me know.

Pig Races

Our student leadership group has begun the planning for our annual pig races.  They started going around on Friday doing a pig inventory.  We'll plan on the Pig Races taking place on Friday (3/19) at close to 3:00.  There will be a couple of other things happening at that time, but we'll plan on all being in the gym to observe the races.  Like usual, there will be prizes for "Best Name" and "Best Dressed".  More info to come!

New Middle School Principal Update

We are in the process of accepting applications for the Middle School Principal position.  The deadline for application is at the end of the day on Monday (3/7).  We'll have a thorough process that will take place in the weeks to follow to find a dynamic person to lead our team.

Substitute Teacher Recruitment

Please see the information below.  If there is anyone you know who may be interested in substitute teaching, please let me know or share this information with them.

Upcoming Substitute Teacher Trainings to be offered at CESA 5 (Portage) 

The Department of Public Instruction may issue a three-year short-term substitute license to an applicant who holds an associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university and who has successfully completed an approved substitute training program, but has not completed a state-approved educator preparation program.

CESA 5, located in Portage, will hold an in-person Substitute Teacher Training on March 17 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m..  A later date offers an alternative to in-person training.  A Zoom training will be offered on May 19 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This class fulfills the DPI requirement to complete an approved substitute training program.  Cost is $130.

Call Julie Beckwith with CESA 5 at 608.745.5472 to ask questions or to register.  

CESA 5 Weblink

Images from the Week

Our students participated in a regional "Math 24" Challenge

The Middle Update 4/25/22

I hope everyone had a nice week last week, and by the time you are reading this are feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to continue what you do to have a positive impact on your students.  The calendar strikes April already at the end of this week, and there is a lot going on as we start the 4th quarter on Monday.  

Resource of the Week

Displaying student work sends a strong message to our students and our community...these displays can highlight the learning process and what rigorous learning looks like.  I am working on getting strips to allow us to more easily display student work in our hallways.  Our resource this week is a short video that highlights the possibilities of what these displays can do for the culture of a school.

Forward Exam Preparation

In two short weeks, we'll be starting the process of taking the Forward Exam.  Our testing schedule and preparation are all about ensuring that we set up the conditions where students try their absolute best on this assessment, and the conditions are in place for them to be able to put in their absolute best effort.  Our staff meeting on Wednesday (3/30) morning will be devoted to proctor training and detailing our testing plan.  

Please take a moment to review the Testing Schedule.  You'll notice that each session has a different time recommendation...some are longer than others.  The Daily Bell Schedule will be different for each grade level, and I plan to meet with each grade level team to outline what this looks like at each grade level.  Applied Academic times will not change for 5th/6th grades.  7th/8th grade elective schedules will vary depending on if it's an A or B day, and how long the testing session ends up will take a collaborative conversation to map out how each grade level will structure their schedules.

You can view proposed testing groups HERE.  If teams review the groups, and you recommend adjustments to meet our goal of setting up great testing conditions, please email me.

For 8th grade Science and Social Studies Testing sessions, we'll split them into 4 groups, with Frehner, Odden, Kooistra, and Moe proctoring a bigger group (we'll discuss).

As always, we'll ask that teachers lead test prep activities in Homeroom lesson plans...the manner (body language, enthusiasm) in which our teachers lead these lessons will have an impact on the mentality students bring to the testing sessions.  

I believe our students have had perhaps their strongest year of instruction since I've been here, and our preparation will help set up the conditions for them to show it.  Thank you for your efforts to help our students shine!

Staff Meeting on Wednesday (3/30)

A reminder that we will meet as a Middle School staff on Wednesday morning.  Ryan K. and Carib have been looking forward to leading an activity, and will be ready to lead their activity at 7:15.  We'll focus on Forward Exam training and preparation.

Middle School Principal Update

Like Dr. Shappell mentioned in an earlier email, we have our next Middle School Principal.  Mr. Jacob Hunter rose to the top of a very talented candidate pool, and is very excited to be our next Principal.  There will be an opportunity for our staff to meet and get to know him a little bit better very soon, but he is poised to continue the great work that we have going here, has the tools to lead the improvements that we all seek in our educational efforts, all while making strong connections with each one of our students.  I am very excited to have Jacob on our team.

Pig Race Wrap-Up

I think I speak for most of us when I say that the creativity of the Pig names and outfits were at an all time high this year.  Thanks to all of you for generative a little extra positive buzz over the last week leading up to the actual Pig Races.  It's safe to say that kids had some fun during the pig races.  Big congrats to Chief Bacon and Mrs. Hendrickson's Homeroom for their victory in the race, and to Mr. Williams' Homeroom for the best name and design.  

Also, the Penny War was a big success, and the money raised will help provide some more items for The Puma Closet.  Enjoy some pictures from the event below.

School Supply List for 22-23

Teachers, please be thinking of supplies you would like students to have for next school year, as Marie Klink will be sending out the School Supply List for next year to be updated very soon.

Forensics and Math Team Success!

Our students continue to shine!  A big shout out to our students that participate in Forensics on their awesome performance in Columbus Thursday night!  Congrats to Ms. Stark and Ms. Moe for their exceptional leadership this Forensics season.

Also both Math teams had a dominant performance in their meets this past week, and both qualified for the Mega Math Meet in Madison.  Congrats to Mrs. Kennedy and all teachers whose work has made this possible.

Band Concert Success!

The success of our students was on full display at our concert this week!  A big congratulations to our Music Department.  The entire crowd was so impressed and our Middle Schoolers performed at the levels of many high school bands.  Enjoy the pictures from the concert.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 3/13/22

This week provided another opportunity for me to be reminded of what a special place you all have made Poynette Middle School.  A couple examples:  

     -Our students shined brighter than their peers at the Forensics Meet in Lodi.  

     -Our students once again did remarkably well on Math competitions this past week.  

     -In talking with candidates who our interested in being our Principal, it's evident that Poynette Middle School is well-known among others in education as being a great school with a solid culture and high achievement.  

Each passing day and week provides more evidence that our school is special, our staff is special, our students are special, and our community is special.  We certainly have areas for growth (we always will).  It takes contributions from every single person...thank you for what you do each day to make our school community special.

Resource of the Week

Every once in a while, it's good to check in on things.  The article this week is meant to do that.  The article is called, "What Makes a Great School?  Look For These 4 Things".  Give it a read and reflect on how we are doing.  We certainly have an opportunity to display more student work on our walls...please look for ways you can display student work in your area.

"What Makes a Great School?  Look For These 4 Things" - Rebecca Bauer

Dress Up Days & Pig Races

We all look forward to our Pig Races that will take place on Friday afternoon.  All pigs should be in the IMC by Thursday (3/17) morning, dressed with a name tag.  Please enter the name of your pig on this DOCUMENT

Also, this week our Leadership Students organized a Dress Up theme for each day of the week.  I believe that Monday is Pajama Day. 

Principal Search Update

We had a high number of applicants for the Middle School Principal position.  We conducted an initial round of screening interviews, and plan to bring in a few candidates for a face to face opportunity on Wednesday night.  Our top candidates will meet with a mix of admin, teachers, parents, and board members.  Our candidate pool is very strong, and I'm confident we'll land a leader poised to lead the continual ascent of our culture and achievement.

Spring Conference Follow-Up

Thanks to all of you for your work in setting up and carrying out our mission for the Spring Conference Night.  It was really nice talking with families as they came in, and it sounds like important feedback was given and relationships strengthened and we work together with families to help our kids be as successful as possible.

Budget Follow-Up

Thanks to all teachers for your diligent work in getting your budgets mapped out for next year and submitted to me.  All materials are in, and have been submitted to the Business Office.  If you do not hear from me, you can assume your requests were approved.

Forensics Success

A big shout-out to our Forensics Team led by Ms. Stark and Ms. Moe on their performance this past week.  By all accounts we out shined the competition!  Great job!

Operational Reminder

In the course of the day there are times where kids may need a reset in the office.  If you decide that a student needs to come to the office from class, please give Patti (x103) or Debbie (x102) a call to let one of them know the student is on his/her way down and what your expectations are for their time in the office.  We appreciate your efforts and are working to ensure students are accounted for in these moments.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 3/6/22

Mid-March is already here!  I like so many different times of year, but I think March might be my favorite.  I'm looking forward to seeing families in our building on Thursday evening, and to kicking off another great week of school!  Thank you for what you do to make our team special.  Our students are lucky to have teachers who are committed to making a positive difference in their life.


Resource of the Week

The article this week focuses on building critical thinking skills in all disciplines.  A solid read to reflect on refining daily planning to incorporate this highly important skill for our students.

"Boosting Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum" - Jorge Valenzuela

Continuing the Culture Conversation

The Lesson Plans for this Thursday will be a continuation of the culture conversation we had at our last staff meeting.  We'll be sharing a video to kick off this discussion with your groups.  We have several students collecting data about what is said on a typical day for us to use with the students.  Check back on the lesson plans right up to Thursday morning to be prepared to lead this important discussion with your students.

Our Morning Homeroom time is so important.  Leading conversations and activities that build community, grow understanding, and are fun are things that should happen every morning.  This is a special time every morning, and each student deserves a teacher who brings it every morning during this time.

Parent-Teacher Conference Meal

Our Parent Club is planning to treat all of our teachers to a Subway dinner on Thursday (3/10) night of conferences.  They ask that each teacher fill out the google form below by Tuesday (3/8) at 10:00am.

The meals will be dropped off to our school by 1pm on 03/10.   

For the conferences, if you would like me to attend a conference, please just let me know.

Pig Races

Our student leadership group has begun the planning for our annual pig races.  They started going around on Friday doing a pig inventory.  We'll plan on the Pig Races taking place on Friday (3/19) at close to 3:00.  There will be a couple of other things happening at that time, but we'll plan on all being in the gym to observe the races.  Like usual, there will be prizes for "Best Name" and "Best Dressed".  More info to come!

New Middle School Principal Update

We are in the process of accepting applications for the Middle School Principal position.  The deadline for application is at the end of the day on Monday (3/7).  We'll have a thorough process that will take place in the weeks to follow to find a dynamic person to lead our team.

Substitute Teacher Recruitment

Please see the information below.  If there is anyone you know who may be interested in substitute teaching, please let me know or share this information with them.

Upcoming Substitute Teacher Trainings to be offered at CESA 5 (Portage) 

The Department of Public Instruction may issue a three-year short-term substitute license to an applicant who holds an associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university and who has successfully completed an approved substitute training program, but has not completed a state-approved educator preparation program.

CESA 5, located in Portage, will hold an in-person Substitute Teacher Training on March 17 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m..  A later date offers an alternative to in-person training.  A Zoom training will be offered on May 19 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This class fulfills the DPI requirement to complete an approved substitute training program.  Cost is $130.

Call Julie Beckwith with CESA 5 at 608.745.5472 to ask questions or to register.  

CESA 5 Weblink

Images from the Week

Our students participated in a regional "Math 24" Challenge