Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Middle Update 2/27/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids 

The calendar turns to March this week!  That only leaves us with 3 weeks to go until 3rd quarter is complete.  We only have about 13 more weeks to positively change the trajectory of a kid's life this school year!  Every day is an opportunity!

Resource of the Week

Thanks for a quick, efficient staff meeting this past week.  One of the topics we discussed was our mission to rid our culture of comments that make our school space less safe for students.  The resource this week goes right at the heart of the matter and equips us all with the tools and confidence to address these moments.  We, as the adults, set the tone for our school!  

"What Do You Say to 'That's So Gay' & Other LGBTQ+ Comments" -

Our Musicians Shined This Past Weekend!!

Congratulations to Mr. Schultz and Mrs. Graeve and our students on an amazing Solo and Ensemble Saturday Performance in Lake Mills!!  See the details below from Mr. Schultz!  Wow...our Pumas continue to shine on the big stage!

I think I can speak for Jill when I say that we are SOOOOO proud of our students today who participated in Solo and Ensemble in Lake Mills today (Saturday). 

Out of the 22 events that took place for Poynette MS, 17 events scored a 1 (which is the highest score) and we had 5 events score a 2 (which is still really impressive since the rubric is out of a score of 1 to 5). 

Below is a list of students/events along with their scores. 

Braelyn D. and Ava R. (2) Vocal Duet
Tinsley N. (1) Vocal Solo
Jordan N. (1) Vocal Solo
Braelyn P. (1) Vocal Solo
Ashlyn W., Evie C., and Sydney B. (1) Vocal Trio
Mackenzie M. and Ana WR. (2) Vocal Duet
Adellay L. (2) Vocal Solo
Ava R. (2) Vocal Solo
Tinsley N. and Braelyn P. (1) Vocal Duet
Jordan N. and Ryne W. (1) Vocal Duet
Christopher V. (1) Vocal Solo
Braelyn D. (1) Vocal Solo
Geneva R. (1) Vocal Solo
Mackenzie M. (1) Percussion Solo
Brady C. (1) Piano Solo
Christopher S. (1) Alto Sax Solo
Beau G. (1) Baritone Sax Solo
Alexander G. (1) Oboe Solo
Cadence B. (1) Flute Solo
Braelyn D. (1) Trumpet Solo
Shia G. (1) Trumpet Solo
Ava R. (2) Trombone Duet

This Week...

My AWSA Presidential Duties will take me away from school this week, as I head to Washington DC to advocate to our legislators about educational issues.  I will return to school on Thursday and Mrs. Moe will be at the MS all day M-W.  I am excited about the opportunity to advocate for educational issues, and I'll be staying close to the White House...if you've been following the news, there seems to be some extra interest in the State of the Union address on Tuesday night.  I'm happy to talk with anyone who is interested for the items we'll be advocating for including:

    -Educator Shortage and the Principal Pipeline

    -Improving School Mental Health Resources and Safety

    -School Facilities and Infrastructure

    -We'll also be discussing the renewal and addition of grants that have been successful in addressing areas of need.

It's Budget Time!!

I know many of you have been planning for next year's budget.  Now it's time to put in your requests.  The budget materials and instructions can be found at his LINK.  Please review the process below:

-Paper copies of Requisitions and an Overall Summary Sheet by Department should be submitted to me

-I will review requests and meet with any teachers in which I have questions or to review anything that may need modifications

-The office will enter requisitions and order materials over the summer

-Please familiarize yourself with the budget code information that Linda sent.  It's important that materials are coded in the right areas.  These may be different than what you used last year, so please review again.

-Please email me or see me with any questions.

I ask that all budget requests be turned in to the mailbox outside of my office by end of day Wednesday, March 9th.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Thanks to all of you who have gotten started on planning for Spring Conferences.  On Thursday, March 10th from 4:30-8 p.m. will be holding our Spring Conferences.   Our models for the conferences are going to be parent choice/ preference.  If they would like to come for in-person conferences then we will need to accommodate that.  However, if they prefer a virtual one then that option is available as well.  Our goal is for at least one teacher to connect with as many parents as possible and for sure parents/guardians of students who have Puma Pride scores below the ME level.

The master Spring Conferences spreadsheet can be found at this LINK.

Images from the Week

Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Middle Update 2/19/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

On Friday morning, we had an impromptu show of gratitude from many students over the announcements.  The practice of sharing gratitude can be powerful for the overall well-being of our students.  The resource this week details one piece of research where that comes.  Showing and sharing gratitude can be a part of our practice each day...we can share gratitude in morning and afternoon homeroom times...a little adjustment that can have a big impact.

"A growing body of groundbreaking research shows that gratitude has the power to heal, energize, and transform lives by enhancing people psychologically, spiritually, physically, and cognitively. This study contributes to the study of gratitude by exploring its impact on focus and resilience in learning. Specifically, this study examines the impact that practicing gratitude has on college students’ ability to focus in class and remain resilient in the face of difficulties while learning."

"Brightening the Mind: The Impact of Practicing Gratitude on Focus and Resilience in Learning" - Jane Taylor Wilson


PMS Staff Meeting on Wednesday

We will be meeting on Wednesday morning as a Middle School staff starting at 7:15 am in the Middle School Cafeteria.  We'll be reviewing important parts of our safety plan, providing updates, sharing practices, and of course growing connections with our team.  We'll plan to be done no later than 7:45.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Thanks to all of you who have gotten started on planning for Spring Conferences.  On Thursday, March 10th from 4:30-8 p.m. will be holding our Spring Conferences.   Our models for the conferences are going to be parent choice/ preference.  If they would like to come for in-person conferences then we will need to accommodate that.  However, if they prefer a virtual one then that option is available as well.  Our goal is for at least one teacher to connect with as many parents as possible and for sure parents/guardians of students who have Puma Pride scores below the ME level.

The master Spring Conferences spreadsheet can be found at this LINK.

Our Next Middle School Principal

Thanks to everyone who shared well wishes to me for my new position in the district.  I feel honored to have been given the opportunity to serve our district and am looking forward to what comes next.  The search for our next Middle School Principal has already begun.  The position was posted on WECAN Friday afternoon.  We anticipate a lot of applicants and will have a rigorous process in place to find the person who is the best fit to lead our special school community.

PHS Podcasts

Dr. Hoernke shared his latest blog post, and in it, he provided links to a couple of podcasts that have been shared by High School Staff.  I thought I'd share those links for anyone who is interested to learn from members of our High School team.

Wisdom from Mr. Rogers

Images from the Week

Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Middle Update 2/12/22

 In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

As we get into mid-February, it is really natural for frustration to set in when our students continue to test us in different ways, or even the same way.  The resource this week explains how we can best be successful in this situation.  Not every "make it right" or consequence is effective, but many are, and in the end it's about so much more than that.  It's our mindset, beliefs, and approach that make the difference.  Read on for a really good perspective on this topic.

"Compassionate Discipline:  Dealing with Difficult Students" - Grace Dearborn

It's Almost Time...Pig Races

I know many can hardly contain the excitement, but it's time to start planning for our Annual Pig Races.  The first step this week is to make sure your Homeroom has a pig.  There are many pigs in the staff workroom by the office, and probably some that are still in classrooms.  Could you please return any pig that may be in your classroom to the office?  We'll do a little inventory, and then distribute the pigs to each Homeroom one morning after announcements.  We have a little more planning to do yet with our Student Leadership Group, but you can start the conversation with your Homeroom groups.

Grades Posted in Infinite Campus

I'll be sending an email out to parents over the weekend about mid-term grades being posted.  Please make sure your grades are posted, including the Puma Pride standards that should be posted.  Let me know if you have any questions about this.

Forward Exam Prep Meetings

The days that we'll be taking the Forward Exam (starting 4/12) will be here before you know it.  We'll be hosting a meeting on either Tuesday (2/15) afternoon at 3:25 or Wednesday (2/16) morning at 7:25 in the Cafeteria.  We'll be looking at how we can prepare our students to navigate the testing tools, so that those things don't hold them back at all, and the results are a true measure of their knowledge.

Puma Pride

Last week at the assembly, we shared school report card results from many local school districts.  The results are just one piece of data that should create a sense of pride in the strong learning that takes place in our school.  

Parent-Teacher Conferences

We will be having another great opportunity for us to share our students' learning with their parents/ guardians.  On Thursday, March 10th from 4:30-8 p.m. will be holding our Spring Conferences.   Our models for the conferences are going to be parent choice/ preference.  If they would like to come for in-person conferences then we will need to accommodate that.  However, if they prefer a virtual one then that option is available as well.  Our goal is to connect with as many parents as possible and for sure parents/guardians of students who have Puma Pride scores below the ME level.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Impactful Twitter Post

Every once in a while there is a post that I come across that really makes sense.  I'm sharing one from this week:

When you have a difficult, disrespectful, and defiant student, my biggest tip for you… is to have lots of conversations with them when they are not in trouble. These conversations are where you build rapport… and that rapport makes future confrontations less likely.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Middle Update 2/6/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

Last week I got the opportunity to listen to Jimmy Casas.  Jimmy has written many books, was a successful principal, and now is sharing his knowledge and expertise throughout the country.  His message is strong, and the books he has written, the blogs he posts are really helpful for anyone looking to be more successful in their work in schools today.  

The resource this week is short, and is helpful for all of us.  All of us encounter dilemmas and collaborate with each other to solve the problem.  Jimmy provides tips for how to make the most of these collaborative opportunities.

"4 Step Process to Become a Better Listener and Problem Solver" - Jimmy Casas

Time for 3rd Quarter Grade Posting

Three weeks down in the 3rd Quarter already!  Please have student progress grades posted in the standards you have been working in by the end of the day on Wednesday.  At this time, you should also post on overall grades for Puma Pride standards in:  "Follows Classroom Expectations" and "Completes and Returns Work in a Timely Manner".  By mid-term, you should post on the other two: "Treats Others With Kindness" and "Puts Forth Effort to Produce High Quality Work".  See the Puma Pride Guidelines for the differential between expectations for core classes and our specials.

Assembly Follow-Up

I think the students enjoyed our time together last Friday celebrating.  By sharing the comparisons of our school report cards with the kids, it is my hope to embed a strong sense of pride, along with the cultural belief that our classrooms are filled with excellence...both excellent students and teachers that facilitate exceptional learning for our kids.  We all should be proud of the score that is reflected in our school report card, and stay hungry to continue our ascension in the state.  You all are the main reason for our student success.

If you have any pictures that you'd be willing to share, or ideas for our next celebration opportunity, please pass them along.

Welcome Opal!

Last week, we welcomed Mrs. Hoffman back to our building and we are excited to have her.  She'll be working as an interventionist in the afternoons at the Middle School after working with the Elementary students in the morning.  We were able to put a schedule together and arrange for her to meet student needs better than we were before.  She already has started working with students.  Welcome back Opal!

AWSA Duties

My AWSA duties will take me away from the building again this week.  Mrs. Moe will be here all day on Thursday and Friday.  My schedule is pretty full during the day, but will be responding to anything that needs my assistance in the evening.

Custodian Shout-Out

I could post this every week, but I wanted to highlight how great our custodians are!  Thank you to Darci, Jean, and Randy for all you do to maintain a clean, sanitized learning environment for all of us!  You are very much appreciated!  If you see any of them this week, or any day for that matter, please extend your gratitude!

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 2/27/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids 

The calendar turns to March this week!  That only leaves us with 3 weeks to go until 3rd quarter is complete.  We only have about 13 more weeks to positively change the trajectory of a kid's life this school year!  Every day is an opportunity!

Resource of the Week

Thanks for a quick, efficient staff meeting this past week.  One of the topics we discussed was our mission to rid our culture of comments that make our school space less safe for students.  The resource this week goes right at the heart of the matter and equips us all with the tools and confidence to address these moments.  We, as the adults, set the tone for our school!  

"What Do You Say to 'That's So Gay' & Other LGBTQ+ Comments" -

Our Musicians Shined This Past Weekend!!

Congratulations to Mr. Schultz and Mrs. Graeve and our students on an amazing Solo and Ensemble Saturday Performance in Lake Mills!!  See the details below from Mr. Schultz!  Wow...our Pumas continue to shine on the big stage!

I think I can speak for Jill when I say that we are SOOOOO proud of our students today who participated in Solo and Ensemble in Lake Mills today (Saturday). 

Out of the 22 events that took place for Poynette MS, 17 events scored a 1 (which is the highest score) and we had 5 events score a 2 (which is still really impressive since the rubric is out of a score of 1 to 5). 

Below is a list of students/events along with their scores. 

Braelyn D. and Ava R. (2) Vocal Duet
Tinsley N. (1) Vocal Solo
Jordan N. (1) Vocal Solo
Braelyn P. (1) Vocal Solo
Ashlyn W., Evie C., and Sydney B. (1) Vocal Trio
Mackenzie M. and Ana WR. (2) Vocal Duet
Adellay L. (2) Vocal Solo
Ava R. (2) Vocal Solo
Tinsley N. and Braelyn P. (1) Vocal Duet
Jordan N. and Ryne W. (1) Vocal Duet
Christopher V. (1) Vocal Solo
Braelyn D. (1) Vocal Solo
Geneva R. (1) Vocal Solo
Mackenzie M. (1) Percussion Solo
Brady C. (1) Piano Solo
Christopher S. (1) Alto Sax Solo
Beau G. (1) Baritone Sax Solo
Alexander G. (1) Oboe Solo
Cadence B. (1) Flute Solo
Braelyn D. (1) Trumpet Solo
Shia G. (1) Trumpet Solo
Ava R. (2) Trombone Duet

This Week...

My AWSA Presidential Duties will take me away from school this week, as I head to Washington DC to advocate to our legislators about educational issues.  I will return to school on Thursday and Mrs. Moe will be at the MS all day M-W.  I am excited about the opportunity to advocate for educational issues, and I'll be staying close to the White House...if you've been following the news, there seems to be some extra interest in the State of the Union address on Tuesday night.  I'm happy to talk with anyone who is interested for the items we'll be advocating for including:

    -Educator Shortage and the Principal Pipeline

    -Improving School Mental Health Resources and Safety

    -School Facilities and Infrastructure

    -We'll also be discussing the renewal and addition of grants that have been successful in addressing areas of need.

It's Budget Time!!

I know many of you have been planning for next year's budget.  Now it's time to put in your requests.  The budget materials and instructions can be found at his LINK.  Please review the process below:

-Paper copies of Requisitions and an Overall Summary Sheet by Department should be submitted to me

-I will review requests and meet with any teachers in which I have questions or to review anything that may need modifications

-The office will enter requisitions and order materials over the summer

-Please familiarize yourself with the budget code information that Linda sent.  It's important that materials are coded in the right areas.  These may be different than what you used last year, so please review again.

-Please email me or see me with any questions.

I ask that all budget requests be turned in to the mailbox outside of my office by end of day Wednesday, March 9th.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Thanks to all of you who have gotten started on planning for Spring Conferences.  On Thursday, March 10th from 4:30-8 p.m. will be holding our Spring Conferences.   Our models for the conferences are going to be parent choice/ preference.  If they would like to come for in-person conferences then we will need to accommodate that.  However, if they prefer a virtual one then that option is available as well.  Our goal is for at least one teacher to connect with as many parents as possible and for sure parents/guardians of students who have Puma Pride scores below the ME level.

The master Spring Conferences spreadsheet can be found at this LINK.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 2/19/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

On Friday morning, we had an impromptu show of gratitude from many students over the announcements.  The practice of sharing gratitude can be powerful for the overall well-being of our students.  The resource this week details one piece of research where that comes.  Showing and sharing gratitude can be a part of our practice each day...we can share gratitude in morning and afternoon homeroom times...a little adjustment that can have a big impact.

"A growing body of groundbreaking research shows that gratitude has the power to heal, energize, and transform lives by enhancing people psychologically, spiritually, physically, and cognitively. This study contributes to the study of gratitude by exploring its impact on focus and resilience in learning. Specifically, this study examines the impact that practicing gratitude has on college students’ ability to focus in class and remain resilient in the face of difficulties while learning."

"Brightening the Mind: The Impact of Practicing Gratitude on Focus and Resilience in Learning" - Jane Taylor Wilson


PMS Staff Meeting on Wednesday

We will be meeting on Wednesday morning as a Middle School staff starting at 7:15 am in the Middle School Cafeteria.  We'll be reviewing important parts of our safety plan, providing updates, sharing practices, and of course growing connections with our team.  We'll plan to be done no later than 7:45.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Thanks to all of you who have gotten started on planning for Spring Conferences.  On Thursday, March 10th from 4:30-8 p.m. will be holding our Spring Conferences.   Our models for the conferences are going to be parent choice/ preference.  If they would like to come for in-person conferences then we will need to accommodate that.  However, if they prefer a virtual one then that option is available as well.  Our goal is for at least one teacher to connect with as many parents as possible and for sure parents/guardians of students who have Puma Pride scores below the ME level.

The master Spring Conferences spreadsheet can be found at this LINK.

Our Next Middle School Principal

Thanks to everyone who shared well wishes to me for my new position in the district.  I feel honored to have been given the opportunity to serve our district and am looking forward to what comes next.  The search for our next Middle School Principal has already begun.  The position was posted on WECAN Friday afternoon.  We anticipate a lot of applicants and will have a rigorous process in place to find the person who is the best fit to lead our special school community.

PHS Podcasts

Dr. Hoernke shared his latest blog post, and in it, he provided links to a couple of podcasts that have been shared by High School Staff.  I thought I'd share those links for anyone who is interested to learn from members of our High School team.

Wisdom from Mr. Rogers

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 2/12/22

 In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

As we get into mid-February, it is really natural for frustration to set in when our students continue to test us in different ways, or even the same way.  The resource this week explains how we can best be successful in this situation.  Not every "make it right" or consequence is effective, but many are, and in the end it's about so much more than that.  It's our mindset, beliefs, and approach that make the difference.  Read on for a really good perspective on this topic.

"Compassionate Discipline:  Dealing with Difficult Students" - Grace Dearborn

It's Almost Time...Pig Races

I know many can hardly contain the excitement, but it's time to start planning for our Annual Pig Races.  The first step this week is to make sure your Homeroom has a pig.  There are many pigs in the staff workroom by the office, and probably some that are still in classrooms.  Could you please return any pig that may be in your classroom to the office?  We'll do a little inventory, and then distribute the pigs to each Homeroom one morning after announcements.  We have a little more planning to do yet with our Student Leadership Group, but you can start the conversation with your Homeroom groups.

Grades Posted in Infinite Campus

I'll be sending an email out to parents over the weekend about mid-term grades being posted.  Please make sure your grades are posted, including the Puma Pride standards that should be posted.  Let me know if you have any questions about this.

Forward Exam Prep Meetings

The days that we'll be taking the Forward Exam (starting 4/12) will be here before you know it.  We'll be hosting a meeting on either Tuesday (2/15) afternoon at 3:25 or Wednesday (2/16) morning at 7:25 in the Cafeteria.  We'll be looking at how we can prepare our students to navigate the testing tools, so that those things don't hold them back at all, and the results are a true measure of their knowledge.

Puma Pride

Last week at the assembly, we shared school report card results from many local school districts.  The results are just one piece of data that should create a sense of pride in the strong learning that takes place in our school.  

Parent-Teacher Conferences

We will be having another great opportunity for us to share our students' learning with their parents/ guardians.  On Thursday, March 10th from 4:30-8 p.m. will be holding our Spring Conferences.   Our models for the conferences are going to be parent choice/ preference.  If they would like to come for in-person conferences then we will need to accommodate that.  However, if they prefer a virtual one then that option is available as well.  Our goal is to connect with as many parents as possible and for sure parents/guardians of students who have Puma Pride scores below the ME level.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Impactful Twitter Post

Every once in a while there is a post that I come across that really makes sense.  I'm sharing one from this week:

When you have a difficult, disrespectful, and defiant student, my biggest tip for you… is to have lots of conversations with them when they are not in trouble. These conversations are where you build rapport… and that rapport makes future confrontations less likely.

The Middle Update 2/6/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We Never Give Up On Kids

Resource of the Week

Last week I got the opportunity to listen to Jimmy Casas.  Jimmy has written many books, was a successful principal, and now is sharing his knowledge and expertise throughout the country.  His message is strong, and the books he has written, the blogs he posts are really helpful for anyone looking to be more successful in their work in schools today.  

The resource this week is short, and is helpful for all of us.  All of us encounter dilemmas and collaborate with each other to solve the problem.  Jimmy provides tips for how to make the most of these collaborative opportunities.

"4 Step Process to Become a Better Listener and Problem Solver" - Jimmy Casas

Time for 3rd Quarter Grade Posting

Three weeks down in the 3rd Quarter already!  Please have student progress grades posted in the standards you have been working in by the end of the day on Wednesday.  At this time, you should also post on overall grades for Puma Pride standards in:  "Follows Classroom Expectations" and "Completes and Returns Work in a Timely Manner".  By mid-term, you should post on the other two: "Treats Others With Kindness" and "Puts Forth Effort to Produce High Quality Work".  See the Puma Pride Guidelines for the differential between expectations for core classes and our specials.

Assembly Follow-Up

I think the students enjoyed our time together last Friday celebrating.  By sharing the comparisons of our school report cards with the kids, it is my hope to embed a strong sense of pride, along with the cultural belief that our classrooms are filled with excellence...both excellent students and teachers that facilitate exceptional learning for our kids.  We all should be proud of the score that is reflected in our school report card, and stay hungry to continue our ascension in the state.  You all are the main reason for our student success.

If you have any pictures that you'd be willing to share, or ideas for our next celebration opportunity, please pass them along.

Welcome Opal!

Last week, we welcomed Mrs. Hoffman back to our building and we are excited to have her.  She'll be working as an interventionist in the afternoons at the Middle School after working with the Elementary students in the morning.  We were able to put a schedule together and arrange for her to meet student needs better than we were before.  She already has started working with students.  Welcome back Opal!

AWSA Duties

My AWSA duties will take me away from the building again this week.  Mrs. Moe will be here all day on Thursday and Friday.  My schedule is pretty full during the day, but will be responding to anything that needs my assistance in the evening.

Custodian Shout-Out

I could post this every week, but I wanted to highlight how great our custodians are!  Thank you to Darci, Jean, and Randy for all you do to maintain a clean, sanitized learning environment for all of us!  You are very much appreciated!  If you see any of them this week, or any day for that matter, please extend your gratitude!

Images from the Week