Friday, January 28, 2022

The Middle Update 1/28/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School 

Resource of the Week

In my time in Green Bay over the past couple of days, I was able to hear from some impressive folks who spoke on improving the school experience and outcomes for students.  For the resource this week, I wanted to share snippets from the notes I took about what is important to have that strong supportive culture we all need to thrive.

-"If you notice something is off for a kid...doesn't say hi like usual, seems down....check in on them or let the office know asking that someone check in on a student.  Something is probably going on and the kid will feel more connected by someone noticing and probably will feel better after talking about whatever it is."

-"If a student is gone for a day or two, how cool would it be if everyone that saw that student welcomed them back to school enthusiastically...Hey, great to see you!  We missed you here."

-"We are more effective teachers when we teach from our feet rather than our seat.  Many students don't want to ask for help because of their insecurity and not wanting to look 'dumb' to their peers.  Teachers up and moving notice these things and are able to help get a student in need unstuck more frequently"

-"An unregulated adult does not do anybody any good.  It's really bad when an unregulated adult interacts with an unregulated kid.  A regulated adult represents safety for students who live in an environment of toxic stress."

"Be grateful in all things.  It helps the culture and outlook when you begin and end the day with expressions of gratitude" - This can be done in Homerooms every day

"How many drummers do we have in our school?"

Celebration Assembly

We will be having our Mid-Year Celebration Assembly on Friday (2/4) afternoon.  Please come down to the gym with your students at 2:40.

Summer School

It's time to start planning for Summer School.  If you have a proposal for a course you'd like to teach, please take a look and submit this for: Link to Summer School New Course Proposal to Mr. Hausser and Mr. Ferkovich.

Middle School Interventionist

We are excited to have Opal Hoffman rejoin the Middle School, serving as an Interventionist.  We'll have her in our building during the afternoons.  We are in the midst of planning for how she will help provide more support for students who are in need.

Images from the Week

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Middle Update 1/21/22

One week down in the second semester already.  I can't thank you all enough for the dedication you show to your craft.  This past week, we welcomed visitors from a neighboring district who were interested in learning about some of our systems.  It is always a good experience to hear from perspectives outside of our helps to reaffirm the good work we are doing here, and also to learn from others.

Resource of the Week

A practical resource this week that gets into our responses to students.  The article breaks down the approaches teachers take while answering some of the more difficult questions students ask us...

"Am I Your Favorite Student?" - Jay Wamsted 

New WIN Groups Start Monday (1/24)

Thanks to everyone for your input into how the WIN groups will be structured starting on Monday.  There have a been a couple of adjustments made since the release on Wednesday afternoon.  Please share the location of where your students should be reporting on Monday morning during Homeroom.

5th/6th WIN Groups

7th/8th WIN Groups

End of Quarter Assembly

Everyone got a glimpse of what some of the events our Leadership Group of students will be leading at the next assembly on Friday during Report Card Review.  At this time, we are planning of the next Assembly to take place on Friday, February 4th that will start around 2:40.

Forward Exam Dates

Believe it or not, but the Forward Exam is right around the corner.  Please note the testing dates below, and much more information to come about preparing a successful administration of the Forward Exam.  We plan to have all of our students taking the testing sessions at the same time.

Tuesday, April 12 - ELA -TDA Writing Prompt

Wednesday, April 13 - ELA - Reading Comprehension

Thursday, April 14 - ELA - Writing/Language

Wednesday, April 20 - Math - Sessions 1 and 2

Thursday, April 21 - Science (8th only)

Friday, April 22 - Social Studies (8th only)

Physics in 6th Grade Science

Summer School

It's time to start planning for Summer School.  If you have a proposal for a course you'd like to teach, please take a look and submit this for: Link to Summer School New Course Proposal to Mr. Hausser and Mr. Ferkovich.

Images from the Week

Friday, January 14, 2022

The Middle Update 1/14/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

Semester 2 starts on Tuesday!  It'll be a B day for 7th and 8th, a B3 day for 6th and A day for 5th.

Resource of the Week

A little different resource this week.  A blog post that I read this past week that I'd love to share.  This is really good stuff for both us, as adults, and to keep in mind in those lessons we try to get across to our students.  Give it a read.

"19 Tiny Habits That Lead to Huge Results" - Nicolas Cole

Monday's Professional Development 

There will be no school for students next Monday (1/17), as we'll be hosting a professional development day.  The meetings that will take place are outlined below:

8:00 am (subject to change slightly) - Dr. Shappell will address the whole staff electronically (Please view the presentation during this time)

9:15 am - PMS Staff Meeting (PMS Cafeteria)

     -We'll meet briefly to outline things that need to be complete at the mid-year point (SLO/PPG, etc)

Data Meetings will take place in the PMS Professional Development Room

12:30 - 1:15 - 5th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

1:15 - 2:00 - 6th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

2:00 - 2:45 - 7th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

2:45 - 3:30 - 8th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

There will be time in between for PLC's and grade level teams to meet and complete the things necessary that will be outlined in our staff meeting.  Grading, finishing report card comments, and planning in classrooms will take up the remainder of the time.

Data Review and RtI Planning Meetings

Please note the RtI and Data Review Planning times above.  The meetings will take place in the Middle School PD room.  We'll follow the same process as we did in our late September meetings.  The data has been compiled and is on the spreadsheet titled "2021-2022 PMS Student Data - RTI", which was shared earlier in the year.  There are some notes about some preliminary thoughts about group placement for our kids, but we'll use our time to hash out what the data says and what teachers are seeing to determine the best group fit for our students.  We learned a lot from the first semester, and are eager to improve upon some positive improvements.  

At this time, we'll plan to start our new groups on Monday (1/24) to give us some time to prepare for the new groups.  All core teachers or teachers that execute interventions should attend the meetings for the students and/or grade level(s) you serve.  

Teacher Share!

Mrs. Crawford has been focusing on student reflection this school year, and this is one worth stopping and talking with her more about.  Samples and a note from Anne below:

Here's a selection of answers from our 7th and 8th grade Art Journals this year. I choose a number or responses every few weeks to share with parents. Students get 5 options to answer each week, and reply to one after each class. Questions all tie into our PUMA WAY as well as Art Reporting Standards. Feel free to share any of this student feedback. I can share photos as well, but I'll need to send them from home.

Q: Why is it important to avoid giving up when you're frustrated with a concept you do not understand?

A: Because you could surprise yourself if you keep trying.

A: Because if you don't give up and don't fall down, you can learn from your mistakes and make an even better discovery.

Q: If today were a movie, what would the title be and why?

A: The "Never Give Up' movie. It looked really good and I corrected my mistakes.

Q: Define perseverance. Describe how you've demonstrated perseverance in my class.

A: Perseverance is when you keep going even though it is hard. I demonstrated this by keeping on going with my pottery and centering it even though I feel like giving up.

Q: "It is never too late to be what you might have been."- George Elliot
How can this quote be applied to your week?

A: Don't let others bring you down about your art. We are all different, and our art is too! Let your personality shine, and find the art style that suits you most.

A: This quote tells me to not give up on what you want to be, even if you aren't making progress already. This translates to art because it shows to never give up on your artwork, keep persevering.

A: It applies to my week because it fits the video we watched this week about the artist who came back to art. It also applies to me because I'm trying to do stuff I've previously thought I was bad at art-wise, so I'm trying to be what I could've been a while ago if I really applied myself.

Q: If today were a color, what color would it be and why?

A: Yellow because I feel yellow represents happiness and ideas and today I was full of ideas. At first I had become frustrated because I couldn't think of what to paint until ding! an idea. As I was painting my painting I wanted to add something to make it unique and I'm optimistic about my future art classes :)

Q: What KEY idea did you take from today's lesson?

A: It's ok to fail and try new things. When making art it can be very hard to make things perfect so embrace your mistakes. Mistakes are what you learn from.

A: A KEY idea I took away from today's lesson is that it is okay, and expected, that I will fail at new things (not just watercolor). Trying (and failing sometimes) is how you learn so there is no need to feel ashamed about it.

Another strategy to share from Mrs. Rogness and Mrs. Weckerly

We came across this strategy and created one for use with our upcoming science unit to use as a way to build background knowledge to anchor new learning to as well as encourage curiosity and questioning.  We will use this after our initial model of our force and motion unit.  

We thought it might be a fun and engaging strategy to share with other staff.  

Report Cards

Puma Pride - each class should have the 4 Puma Pride standards reported out on for each student.

Comments - For core classes, please provide some specific feedback on each student's performance in your class.  If you have a student for more than one class, you don't need to write more than one comment, unless there is something significant that should be reported out separately for each class.  

Please let me know if you have any questions, but our goal is to provide as much feedback for students and parents as possible on the quarterly report cards.

End of Quarter 2 Timeline

The end of the 2nd quarter is Friday, January 14th.  Grades will be due by Wednesday (1/19) morning.  We'll start printing report cards on Wednesday morning, and start mailing home as soon as we can.  On Friday (1/21) morning, teachers will lead a report card reflection in Homeroom classes, and we'll have tickets ready for the assembly participation again.

Our Student Leadership Group is working on the planning for the 2nd quarter event...more details to come in the following weeks.

Images from the Week (7th graders were excited to get new books this week for their upcoming unit)

Sunday, January 9, 2022

The Middle Update 1/9/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We are ready for the last week of the 2nd quarter/1st semester!  It was really nice to see the kids again after a time period away last week.  Thanks to all of you for your commitment to our kids and our school.

Resource of the Week

The resource this week takes a closer look at understanding the reasons behind the achievement gap that persists in our economically disadvantaged population.  It's a shorter article that summarizes research behind the root cause of this achievement gap.  The study concluded that lower skills in the area of executive functioning are consistent with students who would be identified as economically disadvantaged.  As we continue to look for ways to provide impactful supports in our school, this knowledge is critical for all of us.

"How Can We Help Academically Disadvantaged Children Achieve Academically" - Karen Nikos-Rose

Professional Development Day 1/17/22

There will be no school for students next Monday (1/17), as we'll be hosting a professional development day.  The meetings that will take place are outlined below:

8:00 am (subject to change slightly) - Dr. Shappell will address the whole staff (Poynette Elementary)

9:15 am (or whenever we get back from elementary) - PMS Staff Meeting (PMS Cafeteria)

     -We'll meet briefly to outline things that need to be complete at the mid-year point (SLO/PPG, etc)

Data Meetings will take place in the PMS Professional Development Room

12:30 - 1:15 - 5th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

1:15 - 2:00 - 6th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

2:00 - 2:45 - 7th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

2:45 - 3:30 - 8th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

There will be time in between for PLC's and grade level teams to meet and complete the things necessary that will be outlined in our staff meeting.  Grading, finishing report card comments, and planning in classrooms will take up the remainder of the time.

Report Cards

Puma Pride - each class should have the 4 Puma Pride standards reported out on for each student.

Comments - For core classes, please provide some specific feedback on each student's performance in your class.  If you have a student for more than one class, you don't need to write more than one comment, unless there is something significant that should be reported out separately for each class.  

Please let me know if you have any questions, but our goal is to provide as much feedback for students and parents as possible on the quarterly report cards.

End of Quarter 2 Timeline

The end of the 2nd quarter is Friday, January 14th.  Grades will be due by Wednesday (1/19) morning.  We'll start printing report cards on Wednesday morning, and start mailing home as soon as we can.  On Friday (1/21) morning, teachers will lead a report card reflection in Homeroom classes, and we'll have tickets ready for the assembly participation again.

Our Student Leadership Group is working on the planning for the 2nd quarter event...more details to come in the following weeks.

Summer School- Yes, it's Time to Start Talking About It! (from Mr. Hausser)

I would like to first congratulate Mr. Joel Ferkovich as our new Summer School Co-Principal.  Yours truly did resign for one month, but I am returning to help Joel.  We will miss Anna greatly, but she is on to bigger and better things for our district.  We will try to carry the torch as well as she did.  Joel and I did start the planning process over Winter Break.  Veteran teachers were already sent the form to help us collect information from interested staff.  We will be sending out a link to the rest of the staff after January 21st.  If you are interested in proposing and teaching a new class here is the link to that document.  All new classes to be proposed need to be to Joel or me by January 26th.  Please let us know if you have any questions. You will need to make a copy of the document and then share it with Joel or me.

The Middle Update 1/28/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School 

Resource of the Week

In my time in Green Bay over the past couple of days, I was able to hear from some impressive folks who spoke on improving the school experience and outcomes for students.  For the resource this week, I wanted to share snippets from the notes I took about what is important to have that strong supportive culture we all need to thrive.

-"If you notice something is off for a kid...doesn't say hi like usual, seems down....check in on them or let the office know asking that someone check in on a student.  Something is probably going on and the kid will feel more connected by someone noticing and probably will feel better after talking about whatever it is."

-"If a student is gone for a day or two, how cool would it be if everyone that saw that student welcomed them back to school enthusiastically...Hey, great to see you!  We missed you here."

-"We are more effective teachers when we teach from our feet rather than our seat.  Many students don't want to ask for help because of their insecurity and not wanting to look 'dumb' to their peers.  Teachers up and moving notice these things and are able to help get a student in need unstuck more frequently"

-"An unregulated adult does not do anybody any good.  It's really bad when an unregulated adult interacts with an unregulated kid.  A regulated adult represents safety for students who live in an environment of toxic stress."

"Be grateful in all things.  It helps the culture and outlook when you begin and end the day with expressions of gratitude" - This can be done in Homerooms every day

"How many drummers do we have in our school?"

Celebration Assembly

We will be having our Mid-Year Celebration Assembly on Friday (2/4) afternoon.  Please come down to the gym with your students at 2:40.

Summer School

It's time to start planning for Summer School.  If you have a proposal for a course you'd like to teach, please take a look and submit this for: Link to Summer School New Course Proposal to Mr. Hausser and Mr. Ferkovich.

Middle School Interventionist

We are excited to have Opal Hoffman rejoin the Middle School, serving as an Interventionist.  We'll have her in our building during the afternoons.  We are in the midst of planning for how she will help provide more support for students who are in need.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 1/21/22

One week down in the second semester already.  I can't thank you all enough for the dedication you show to your craft.  This past week, we welcomed visitors from a neighboring district who were interested in learning about some of our systems.  It is always a good experience to hear from perspectives outside of our helps to reaffirm the good work we are doing here, and also to learn from others.

Resource of the Week

A practical resource this week that gets into our responses to students.  The article breaks down the approaches teachers take while answering some of the more difficult questions students ask us...

"Am I Your Favorite Student?" - Jay Wamsted 

New WIN Groups Start Monday (1/24)

Thanks to everyone for your input into how the WIN groups will be structured starting on Monday.  There have a been a couple of adjustments made since the release on Wednesday afternoon.  Please share the location of where your students should be reporting on Monday morning during Homeroom.

5th/6th WIN Groups

7th/8th WIN Groups

End of Quarter Assembly

Everyone got a glimpse of what some of the events our Leadership Group of students will be leading at the next assembly on Friday during Report Card Review.  At this time, we are planning of the next Assembly to take place on Friday, February 4th that will start around 2:40.

Forward Exam Dates

Believe it or not, but the Forward Exam is right around the corner.  Please note the testing dates below, and much more information to come about preparing a successful administration of the Forward Exam.  We plan to have all of our students taking the testing sessions at the same time.

Tuesday, April 12 - ELA -TDA Writing Prompt

Wednesday, April 13 - ELA - Reading Comprehension

Thursday, April 14 - ELA - Writing/Language

Wednesday, April 20 - Math - Sessions 1 and 2

Thursday, April 21 - Science (8th only)

Friday, April 22 - Social Studies (8th only)

Physics in 6th Grade Science

Summer School

It's time to start planning for Summer School.  If you have a proposal for a course you'd like to teach, please take a look and submit this for: Link to Summer School New Course Proposal to Mr. Hausser and Mr. Ferkovich.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 1/14/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

Semester 2 starts on Tuesday!  It'll be a B day for 7th and 8th, a B3 day for 6th and A day for 5th.

Resource of the Week

A little different resource this week.  A blog post that I read this past week that I'd love to share.  This is really good stuff for both us, as adults, and to keep in mind in those lessons we try to get across to our students.  Give it a read.

"19 Tiny Habits That Lead to Huge Results" - Nicolas Cole

Monday's Professional Development 

There will be no school for students next Monday (1/17), as we'll be hosting a professional development day.  The meetings that will take place are outlined below:

8:00 am (subject to change slightly) - Dr. Shappell will address the whole staff electronically (Please view the presentation during this time)

9:15 am - PMS Staff Meeting (PMS Cafeteria)

     -We'll meet briefly to outline things that need to be complete at the mid-year point (SLO/PPG, etc)

Data Meetings will take place in the PMS Professional Development Room

12:30 - 1:15 - 5th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

1:15 - 2:00 - 6th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

2:00 - 2:45 - 7th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

2:45 - 3:30 - 8th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

There will be time in between for PLC's and grade level teams to meet and complete the things necessary that will be outlined in our staff meeting.  Grading, finishing report card comments, and planning in classrooms will take up the remainder of the time.

Data Review and RtI Planning Meetings

Please note the RtI and Data Review Planning times above.  The meetings will take place in the Middle School PD room.  We'll follow the same process as we did in our late September meetings.  The data has been compiled and is on the spreadsheet titled "2021-2022 PMS Student Data - RTI", which was shared earlier in the year.  There are some notes about some preliminary thoughts about group placement for our kids, but we'll use our time to hash out what the data says and what teachers are seeing to determine the best group fit for our students.  We learned a lot from the first semester, and are eager to improve upon some positive improvements.  

At this time, we'll plan to start our new groups on Monday (1/24) to give us some time to prepare for the new groups.  All core teachers or teachers that execute interventions should attend the meetings for the students and/or grade level(s) you serve.  

Teacher Share!

Mrs. Crawford has been focusing on student reflection this school year, and this is one worth stopping and talking with her more about.  Samples and a note from Anne below:

Here's a selection of answers from our 7th and 8th grade Art Journals this year. I choose a number or responses every few weeks to share with parents. Students get 5 options to answer each week, and reply to one after each class. Questions all tie into our PUMA WAY as well as Art Reporting Standards. Feel free to share any of this student feedback. I can share photos as well, but I'll need to send them from home.

Q: Why is it important to avoid giving up when you're frustrated with a concept you do not understand?

A: Because you could surprise yourself if you keep trying.

A: Because if you don't give up and don't fall down, you can learn from your mistakes and make an even better discovery.

Q: If today were a movie, what would the title be and why?

A: The "Never Give Up' movie. It looked really good and I corrected my mistakes.

Q: Define perseverance. Describe how you've demonstrated perseverance in my class.

A: Perseverance is when you keep going even though it is hard. I demonstrated this by keeping on going with my pottery and centering it even though I feel like giving up.

Q: "It is never too late to be what you might have been."- George Elliot
How can this quote be applied to your week?

A: Don't let others bring you down about your art. We are all different, and our art is too! Let your personality shine, and find the art style that suits you most.

A: This quote tells me to not give up on what you want to be, even if you aren't making progress already. This translates to art because it shows to never give up on your artwork, keep persevering.

A: It applies to my week because it fits the video we watched this week about the artist who came back to art. It also applies to me because I'm trying to do stuff I've previously thought I was bad at art-wise, so I'm trying to be what I could've been a while ago if I really applied myself.

Q: If today were a color, what color would it be and why?

A: Yellow because I feel yellow represents happiness and ideas and today I was full of ideas. At first I had become frustrated because I couldn't think of what to paint until ding! an idea. As I was painting my painting I wanted to add something to make it unique and I'm optimistic about my future art classes :)

Q: What KEY idea did you take from today's lesson?

A: It's ok to fail and try new things. When making art it can be very hard to make things perfect so embrace your mistakes. Mistakes are what you learn from.

A: A KEY idea I took away from today's lesson is that it is okay, and expected, that I will fail at new things (not just watercolor). Trying (and failing sometimes) is how you learn so there is no need to feel ashamed about it.

Another strategy to share from Mrs. Rogness and Mrs. Weckerly

We came across this strategy and created one for use with our upcoming science unit to use as a way to build background knowledge to anchor new learning to as well as encourage curiosity and questioning.  We will use this after our initial model of our force and motion unit.  

We thought it might be a fun and engaging strategy to share with other staff.  

Report Cards

Puma Pride - each class should have the 4 Puma Pride standards reported out on for each student.

Comments - For core classes, please provide some specific feedback on each student's performance in your class.  If you have a student for more than one class, you don't need to write more than one comment, unless there is something significant that should be reported out separately for each class.  

Please let me know if you have any questions, but our goal is to provide as much feedback for students and parents as possible on the quarterly report cards.

End of Quarter 2 Timeline

The end of the 2nd quarter is Friday, January 14th.  Grades will be due by Wednesday (1/19) morning.  We'll start printing report cards on Wednesday morning, and start mailing home as soon as we can.  On Friday (1/21) morning, teachers will lead a report card reflection in Homeroom classes, and we'll have tickets ready for the assembly participation again.

Our Student Leadership Group is working on the planning for the 2nd quarter event...more details to come in the following weeks.

Images from the Week (7th graders were excited to get new books this week for their upcoming unit)

The Middle Update 1/9/22

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

We are ready for the last week of the 2nd quarter/1st semester!  It was really nice to see the kids again after a time period away last week.  Thanks to all of you for your commitment to our kids and our school.

Resource of the Week

The resource this week takes a closer look at understanding the reasons behind the achievement gap that persists in our economically disadvantaged population.  It's a shorter article that summarizes research behind the root cause of this achievement gap.  The study concluded that lower skills in the area of executive functioning are consistent with students who would be identified as economically disadvantaged.  As we continue to look for ways to provide impactful supports in our school, this knowledge is critical for all of us.

"How Can We Help Academically Disadvantaged Children Achieve Academically" - Karen Nikos-Rose

Professional Development Day 1/17/22

There will be no school for students next Monday (1/17), as we'll be hosting a professional development day.  The meetings that will take place are outlined below:

8:00 am (subject to change slightly) - Dr. Shappell will address the whole staff (Poynette Elementary)

9:15 am (or whenever we get back from elementary) - PMS Staff Meeting (PMS Cafeteria)

     -We'll meet briefly to outline things that need to be complete at the mid-year point (SLO/PPG, etc)

Data Meetings will take place in the PMS Professional Development Room

12:30 - 1:15 - 5th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

1:15 - 2:00 - 6th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

2:00 - 2:45 - 7th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

2:45 - 3:30 - 8th Grade Team Data Review and RtI planning

There will be time in between for PLC's and grade level teams to meet and complete the things necessary that will be outlined in our staff meeting.  Grading, finishing report card comments, and planning in classrooms will take up the remainder of the time.

Report Cards

Puma Pride - each class should have the 4 Puma Pride standards reported out on for each student.

Comments - For core classes, please provide some specific feedback on each student's performance in your class.  If you have a student for more than one class, you don't need to write more than one comment, unless there is something significant that should be reported out separately for each class.  

Please let me know if you have any questions, but our goal is to provide as much feedback for students and parents as possible on the quarterly report cards.

End of Quarter 2 Timeline

The end of the 2nd quarter is Friday, January 14th.  Grades will be due by Wednesday (1/19) morning.  We'll start printing report cards on Wednesday morning, and start mailing home as soon as we can.  On Friday (1/21) morning, teachers will lead a report card reflection in Homeroom classes, and we'll have tickets ready for the assembly participation again.

Our Student Leadership Group is working on the planning for the 2nd quarter event...more details to come in the following weeks.

Summer School- Yes, it's Time to Start Talking About It! (from Mr. Hausser)

I would like to first congratulate Mr. Joel Ferkovich as our new Summer School Co-Principal.  Yours truly did resign for one month, but I am returning to help Joel.  We will miss Anna greatly, but she is on to bigger and better things for our district.  We will try to carry the torch as well as she did.  Joel and I did start the planning process over Winter Break.  Veteran teachers were already sent the form to help us collect information from interested staff.  We will be sending out a link to the rest of the staff after January 21st.  If you are interested in proposing and teaching a new class here is the link to that document.  All new classes to be proposed need to be to Joel or me by January 26th.  Please let us know if you have any questions. You will need to make a copy of the document and then share it with Joel or me.