Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Middle Update 11/27/21

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School


I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday break!  Hopefully you were able to recharge your battery and take advantage of a little time off.  Now we are onto the meat of the 2nd quarter.  I am thankful for so many things...when I start listing the things I'm thankful for, it is a seemingly endless list.  At the top of my list are my family (see below) and the opportunity to work alongside such great people each day.  Thank you to each one of you who put students first day in and day out.


Resource of the Week

The article this week is a great resource that, for me, reinforced a lot of what we do as part of our habits, but also shared new perspective on how to meet the needs of our students and the perspective that we as a staff, should have to likely have more success.

"What Schools Need Now:  Relational Discipline" - Micere Keels 

WIN and Supports for Students

We are getting close to the Winter Screening Window for the STAR Reading and Math assessments.  We adjusted our WIN groups to meet the needs of our students with a targeted focus.  This 1/2 hour each day is critical for the acceleration of growth for these students and closing the gaps.  It's critical that, as staff members, we think about what steps can we take to make the most of this time and focus for our kids.  

We plan to use part of our PD Day on January 17th, to review the data from the winter screener and refine our targeted plan to meet the needs of our students.  I'm sure there is going to be a lot to celebrate during this process.

Next Staff Meeting

Mark your calendars for our next Middle School Staff Meeting.  We'll be gathering on Wednesday, 12/15 at 7:15 in the cafeteria.


Assembly Recap

Thank you to all staff that participated in our assembly last Tuesday.  The goal of a time like this is for students to walk away with a positive memory and a smile on their face...further deepening their positive connection to school.  


Staff Shout-Outs

Shout it out!

Julie Rogness- She has been so supportive, and flexible with me. I have appreciated the opportunity to work with her and she has helped me a great deal.
Deb Jackson - She is doing so much to help me prepare for my class behind the scenes. I appreciate her work ethic and how helpful she is.
Opal Hoffman - She's been instrumental in supporting many students in getting them what they need to be more successful in my class.
Jill Graeve - She is incredible, she's awesome...working with Middle and High Schoolers and is impressive in how she does her job.
Olivia Dahlke - She is extremely helpful in supporting students and the immense amount of patience that she has is impressive, and works well for the students she supports.
Lexie Stark - She has been great to work with, a great resource to collaborate with, and I appreciate her very much.
Michelle Kratz - She is pretty great. She works so hard and is such a great support for not only the students she works with, but all of the students she interacts with.
Ryan Schultz - The joy he brings to the building is contagious. I am so thankful to work with him.
Kevin Frehner - Being creative at how to best meet the needs of 8th grade students while I was out.


PHS Staff Podcasts

This post is borrowed from Dr. Hoernke's blog...he put together a few podcasts that have our HS teachers sharing instructional strategies.  Go ahead and take a few minutes to listen to instructional strategies and ideas from our PHS staff.


Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Middle Update 11/21/21

 A short, but important week this week!  I'm looking forward to 2 great days of learning and culture building.

Resource of the Week

The latest Ed Leadership magazine focuses on what Hattie found to be the most impactful teaching attribute, "collective teacher efficacy".  The article this week looks at one CRITICAL element of self-efficacy...a great read from a great resource.

"The Critical Element of Self-Efficacy" - Chase Mielke

Assembly on Tuesday Afternoon

We'll be having our End of Quarter 1 Celebration Assembly on Tuesday afternoon.  Please dismiss students to the gym at 2:40.  7th and 8th grades will not have WIN time on this day.  We'll still plan to have electives on Tuesday for 5th and 6th grades, but we'll be shortening them up a bit (details to be shared on Monday am).  

We'll need one representative from each Homeroom to participate in a Musical Chairs competition...winning homeroom will get to house the Carelli Cup until our next competition.  If you have the Carelli Cup, could you please bring it to the office sometime tomorrow?

The PUMA Way in Action

5th grader Teegan Nelson demonstrates "understanding" by helping out his fellow classmate!

Sharing Excellence

Another post to share cool, engaging learning taking place in our classrooms.  Thanks Mrs. Rogness.

6th graders working on enlarging the "mystery mascot" piece by piece.

Poynette Math Team Strikes Again!

Poynette Middle School competed at the #Math Matters Competition in WI Dells on Tuesday Nov. 16th.  Each grade, fifth through eighth, brought a team of five students, and competed against eleven or twelve other districts.  Congratulations to the 8th grade team for taking first place, and two 8th graders also placed individually.  Congratulations to Jameson M. for taking 1st and Emma L. for taking 3rd.  Poynette also had two 5th graders place individually.  Congratulations to Jackson O. for taking 1st and Max G. for taking 3rd.

Door Decorating in Action!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Middle Update 11/12/21

A week down in Quarter 2...Snow...Student Success...what a week!  Many more to come.  Thank you to all for what you do to be a rock in the lives of many students.

Resource of the Week

The resource this week is a little longer, but well worth the watch...I got the chance to hear Dr. Adam Saenz speak a few years back...I just came across his Ted Talk that is close to the paradigm shifting presentation I heard him give a few years back.  The talk is titled, "The Power of the Teacher".  18 minutes, but well worth the watch and/or listen.

"The Power of a Teacher" - Adam Saenz

Evidence of a Strong Culture

I love it when teachers share with me moments that exhibit the strong culture that we have been working so hard to exist in each of our classrooms.  I wanted to share an example that Mrs. Kennedy shared with me that occurred during her 6th grade WIN class.

"It was contest day, and the students were working so intently on the contest.  The hum in the room of their concentration could be felt.  Afterwards, I went through the solutions with them, and there was literal cheering and fist pumping in the room.  They were so excited to get these problems correct.  How exciting that these kids were feeling the excitement of mathematics and a job well done!"

Please continue to share these types of moments with me!  

Report Cards

Thank you to all of your work in preparing our report cards.  The finished product this quarter was much improved over past years, with much better overall, specific comments about student performance.  I appreciate your efforts in this area, and I know the students and parents do as well.  We'll continue to work on developing consistency and outlining clear expectations for impactful report card comments.

I was able to be in a couple of homerooms during the report card review, and I enjoyed hearing the goals that were reviewed, and goals set for next quarter.  I saw a lot of ME's on student report cards, and also students who were very proud of those marks.  A big thank you to each of you who give your Homeroom kids your best effort and for building a close-knit culture among your group.

Assembly on Tuesday (11/23)

We'll be hosting our first assembly in a long time in the Middle School Gym on Tuesday (11/23).  We'll plan to dismiss students to the gym at 2:40.  Students in our Leadership Group have been working hard to organize a fun experience for the kids.  For this event, we'll plan to utilize bleachers on both side of the gym.  5th grade will be Northeast, 6th will be Northwest, 7th will be Southwest, and 8th will be Southeast.

A big shout-out to our teachers who have agreed to get a pie in the face (I think we are up to 6 teachers).  For this event, we'll pull a name from the bucket and the first person can choose who they'll pie, and continue to pull names until we have a person for each teacher volunteer.

We'll also be doing a musical chair Carelli Cup event.  We'll need a representative from each Homeroom to participate in this activity.  The last person standing will earn their Homeroom the opportunity to host the Carelli Cup in their Homeroom.

More info to come in the next week or so...

Kids and Screen Time

Studies continue to show alarming correlations between screen time/social media time and depression in our youth.  Please make every effort to have kids on their devices for activities that are only critical to your class outcomes.  It's important to make Homeroom a time where there is a lot of face to face teachers we can set these up...let's reflect on the time we are on our devices for these opportunities that we could be leading connections between our kids, leading to a better culture.  We need to be great models for our students in this area.

Many teachers have been successful at setting up systems where students only grab their chrome books when necessary, and insist on screens down at all times they are not needed.  

504 Plans

The following are the procedures and contact people for 504 Plans.

-Our school counselors manage annual 504 Plan reviews.  Any questions or discussions about possible changes to current plans should be coordinated through Mrs. Morton

-Mrs. Hellmich coordinates initial evaluations and reevaluations to consider initial and continuing eligibility.

Safety Walk-Through Last Week

We had our official safety walk-through last week by our insurance company and we did really well!  Thanks to all of you for attention to safety.  

As a general reminder, please do not stack anything in front of electrical panels, overload electrical outlets, or hang things from the ceiling.  When you need to reach for something up high, please use the step stool that is available in the staff work room or other custodial areas. 

American Education Week

In honor of American Education Week (11/15-11/19), we are hosting an Open House from 4:00 - 5:45 for the community.  See below for more information:

Staff Shout-Outs

Sara Wagner - She's been an awesome mentor and role model for me!
Ann Broderick - She jumps right in, and is very helpful with all the students in the classroom when there is a need.
Heather Snyder - She has been extremely and helpful. I don't know what I would do without her. She is an amazing person to work with.
Sara Wagner - She is so helpful and supportive. She is very knowledgeable and willing to share all of her knowledge with other teachers.
Eric Odden - He has been a great collaborator and good to work with.

Student Recognition

Thank you to everyone who took a moment to recognize a student who has been excelling in the "Completes and Returns Work in a Timely Manner" standard on Friday.  We started making positive phone calls home, and will shout-out the students on Monday.  Here are the students this week:

It looks like Katelyn Missall's performance is standing out!!

Katelyn Missall
Maddy Serwe
Braeden Kuske
Claire Dailey
Jameson Brodeur
Pierce McKenna
Chandra Hebel
Katelyn Missall
Katelyn Missal
Gabby Lowenberg
Connor Raymond
Hadley Voegeli
Vance Hathaway
Ashlyn Wentz
Tinsley Nelson

Images from the Week

Friday, November 5, 2021

The Middle Update 11/5/21

Thanks to all of our teachers for a solid day of collaboration and learning.  A little shorter post this week because most of us just met this morning!  Have a great weekend!

End of Quarter 1 Timeline

Grades will be due by the end of the day on Wednesday (11/10), report cards printed on Thursday (11/11) morning, and mailed home afterwards.  Students will review and reflect on their report card on Friday (11/12) in Homeroom.  They'll then use the Puma Pride results on report cards to put tickets into possible events at our Fall Assembly which will take place on Tuesday (11/23) near the end of the day.

Puma Pride Grades on Report Cards

A reminder about the guidelines for Puma Pride grades on report cards.  Please reference to this document to review the expectations that were shared earlier in the quarter, and let me know if you have any questions.

Student Recognition

Thank you to everyone who took a moment to recognize a student who has been excelling in the "Completes and Returns Work in a Timely Manner" standard on Friday.  We started making positive phone calls home, and will shout-out the students on Monday.  Here are the students this week:

Dylan Stevenson
Peyton Voegeli
Oliver (Olie) Bongle
Ryann Martinson-Bahr
Tess Hushagen
Riley Pray
Connor Byers
Dylan (John) Stevenson
Kinzie Lintl
Tennlei Schwantes
Chandra Hebel
Elias Naylor
Pip Lapacek
Tinsley Nelson
Capri Lapacek

Staff Shout-Outs

I love sharing these descriptions of the impressive things our staff members do that truly make a big difference.  I am even starting to get "shout-out's" emailed to me!  Keep them coming.

Stephanie Weckerly - Her and I are working so well together. We are constantly critically analyzing our teaching practices, and we push each other to keep trying to get better at what we do.
Opal Hoffman - She has worked so hard with not only the students on her caseload, but any student who needs help in my class.
Niki Alford - Her perseverance working with the students in my class. She does a great job of guiding the students to learning and producing quality work.
Mackenzie Hendrickson - She has been a huge help to me anytime I have any questions. She has stepped up and led organizational efforts for our team, and is on top of that all the time. I'm very impressed with her skills.
Opal Hoffman - She has been very helpful when we are team teaching. She has connected really well with the kids and gets the best out of them on a daily basis.
Heather Snyder - She is extremely supportive of all students, not just students on her caseload. I couldn’t do what I do without her
Jen Hecht - She makes connections with some of the toughest kids. She's no nonsense in the classroom, yet gets kids to be brave and take risks. She has high expectations for the kids and they step up to her challenges. Jennifer also naturally ties past and current events to whatever units we're doing and further gets students to see the relevance to themselves. When I work with her, I learn new things, too!

The Middle Update 11/27/21

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School


I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday break!  Hopefully you were able to recharge your battery and take advantage of a little time off.  Now we are onto the meat of the 2nd quarter.  I am thankful for so many things...when I start listing the things I'm thankful for, it is a seemingly endless list.  At the top of my list are my family (see below) and the opportunity to work alongside such great people each day.  Thank you to each one of you who put students first day in and day out.


Resource of the Week

The article this week is a great resource that, for me, reinforced a lot of what we do as part of our habits, but also shared new perspective on how to meet the needs of our students and the perspective that we as a staff, should have to likely have more success.

"What Schools Need Now:  Relational Discipline" - Micere Keels 

WIN and Supports for Students

We are getting close to the Winter Screening Window for the STAR Reading and Math assessments.  We adjusted our WIN groups to meet the needs of our students with a targeted focus.  This 1/2 hour each day is critical for the acceleration of growth for these students and closing the gaps.  It's critical that, as staff members, we think about what steps can we take to make the most of this time and focus for our kids.  

We plan to use part of our PD Day on January 17th, to review the data from the winter screener and refine our targeted plan to meet the needs of our students.  I'm sure there is going to be a lot to celebrate during this process.

Next Staff Meeting

Mark your calendars for our next Middle School Staff Meeting.  We'll be gathering on Wednesday, 12/15 at 7:15 in the cafeteria.


Assembly Recap

Thank you to all staff that participated in our assembly last Tuesday.  The goal of a time like this is for students to walk away with a positive memory and a smile on their face...further deepening their positive connection to school.  


Staff Shout-Outs

Shout it out!

Julie Rogness- She has been so supportive, and flexible with me. I have appreciated the opportunity to work with her and she has helped me a great deal.
Deb Jackson - She is doing so much to help me prepare for my class behind the scenes. I appreciate her work ethic and how helpful she is.
Opal Hoffman - She's been instrumental in supporting many students in getting them what they need to be more successful in my class.
Jill Graeve - She is incredible, she's awesome...working with Middle and High Schoolers and is impressive in how she does her job.
Olivia Dahlke - She is extremely helpful in supporting students and the immense amount of patience that she has is impressive, and works well for the students she supports.
Lexie Stark - She has been great to work with, a great resource to collaborate with, and I appreciate her very much.
Michelle Kratz - She is pretty great. She works so hard and is such a great support for not only the students she works with, but all of the students she interacts with.
Ryan Schultz - The joy he brings to the building is contagious. I am so thankful to work with him.
Kevin Frehner - Being creative at how to best meet the needs of 8th grade students while I was out.


PHS Staff Podcasts

This post is borrowed from Dr. Hoernke's blog...he put together a few podcasts that have our HS teachers sharing instructional strategies.  Go ahead and take a few minutes to listen to instructional strategies and ideas from our PHS staff.


The Middle Update 11/21/21

 A short, but important week this week!  I'm looking forward to 2 great days of learning and culture building.

Resource of the Week

The latest Ed Leadership magazine focuses on what Hattie found to be the most impactful teaching attribute, "collective teacher efficacy".  The article this week looks at one CRITICAL element of self-efficacy...a great read from a great resource.

"The Critical Element of Self-Efficacy" - Chase Mielke

Assembly on Tuesday Afternoon

We'll be having our End of Quarter 1 Celebration Assembly on Tuesday afternoon.  Please dismiss students to the gym at 2:40.  7th and 8th grades will not have WIN time on this day.  We'll still plan to have electives on Tuesday for 5th and 6th grades, but we'll be shortening them up a bit (details to be shared on Monday am).  

We'll need one representative from each Homeroom to participate in a Musical Chairs competition...winning homeroom will get to house the Carelli Cup until our next competition.  If you have the Carelli Cup, could you please bring it to the office sometime tomorrow?

The PUMA Way in Action

5th grader Teegan Nelson demonstrates "understanding" by helping out his fellow classmate!

Sharing Excellence

Another post to share cool, engaging learning taking place in our classrooms.  Thanks Mrs. Rogness.

6th graders working on enlarging the "mystery mascot" piece by piece.

Poynette Math Team Strikes Again!

Poynette Middle School competed at the #Math Matters Competition in WI Dells on Tuesday Nov. 16th.  Each grade, fifth through eighth, brought a team of five students, and competed against eleven or twelve other districts.  Congratulations to the 8th grade team for taking first place, and two 8th graders also placed individually.  Congratulations to Jameson M. for taking 1st and Emma L. for taking 3rd.  Poynette also had two 5th graders place individually.  Congratulations to Jackson O. for taking 1st and Max G. for taking 3rd.

Door Decorating in Action!

The Middle Update 11/12/21

A week down in Quarter 2...Snow...Student Success...what a week!  Many more to come.  Thank you to all for what you do to be a rock in the lives of many students.

Resource of the Week

The resource this week is a little longer, but well worth the watch...I got the chance to hear Dr. Adam Saenz speak a few years back...I just came across his Ted Talk that is close to the paradigm shifting presentation I heard him give a few years back.  The talk is titled, "The Power of the Teacher".  18 minutes, but well worth the watch and/or listen.

"The Power of a Teacher" - Adam Saenz

Evidence of a Strong Culture

I love it when teachers share with me moments that exhibit the strong culture that we have been working so hard to exist in each of our classrooms.  I wanted to share an example that Mrs. Kennedy shared with me that occurred during her 6th grade WIN class.

"It was contest day, and the students were working so intently on the contest.  The hum in the room of their concentration could be felt.  Afterwards, I went through the solutions with them, and there was literal cheering and fist pumping in the room.  They were so excited to get these problems correct.  How exciting that these kids were feeling the excitement of mathematics and a job well done!"

Please continue to share these types of moments with me!  

Report Cards

Thank you to all of your work in preparing our report cards.  The finished product this quarter was much improved over past years, with much better overall, specific comments about student performance.  I appreciate your efforts in this area, and I know the students and parents do as well.  We'll continue to work on developing consistency and outlining clear expectations for impactful report card comments.

I was able to be in a couple of homerooms during the report card review, and I enjoyed hearing the goals that were reviewed, and goals set for next quarter.  I saw a lot of ME's on student report cards, and also students who were very proud of those marks.  A big thank you to each of you who give your Homeroom kids your best effort and for building a close-knit culture among your group.

Assembly on Tuesday (11/23)

We'll be hosting our first assembly in a long time in the Middle School Gym on Tuesday (11/23).  We'll plan to dismiss students to the gym at 2:40.  Students in our Leadership Group have been working hard to organize a fun experience for the kids.  For this event, we'll plan to utilize bleachers on both side of the gym.  5th grade will be Northeast, 6th will be Northwest, 7th will be Southwest, and 8th will be Southeast.

A big shout-out to our teachers who have agreed to get a pie in the face (I think we are up to 6 teachers).  For this event, we'll pull a name from the bucket and the first person can choose who they'll pie, and continue to pull names until we have a person for each teacher volunteer.

We'll also be doing a musical chair Carelli Cup event.  We'll need a representative from each Homeroom to participate in this activity.  The last person standing will earn their Homeroom the opportunity to host the Carelli Cup in their Homeroom.

More info to come in the next week or so...

Kids and Screen Time

Studies continue to show alarming correlations between screen time/social media time and depression in our youth.  Please make every effort to have kids on their devices for activities that are only critical to your class outcomes.  It's important to make Homeroom a time where there is a lot of face to face teachers we can set these up...let's reflect on the time we are on our devices for these opportunities that we could be leading connections between our kids, leading to a better culture.  We need to be great models for our students in this area.

Many teachers have been successful at setting up systems where students only grab their chrome books when necessary, and insist on screens down at all times they are not needed.  

504 Plans

The following are the procedures and contact people for 504 Plans.

-Our school counselors manage annual 504 Plan reviews.  Any questions or discussions about possible changes to current plans should be coordinated through Mrs. Morton

-Mrs. Hellmich coordinates initial evaluations and reevaluations to consider initial and continuing eligibility.

Safety Walk-Through Last Week

We had our official safety walk-through last week by our insurance company and we did really well!  Thanks to all of you for attention to safety.  

As a general reminder, please do not stack anything in front of electrical panels, overload electrical outlets, or hang things from the ceiling.  When you need to reach for something up high, please use the step stool that is available in the staff work room or other custodial areas. 

American Education Week

In honor of American Education Week (11/15-11/19), we are hosting an Open House from 4:00 - 5:45 for the community.  See below for more information:

Staff Shout-Outs

Sara Wagner - She's been an awesome mentor and role model for me!
Ann Broderick - She jumps right in, and is very helpful with all the students in the classroom when there is a need.
Heather Snyder - She has been extremely and helpful. I don't know what I would do without her. She is an amazing person to work with.
Sara Wagner - She is so helpful and supportive. She is very knowledgeable and willing to share all of her knowledge with other teachers.
Eric Odden - He has been a great collaborator and good to work with.

Student Recognition

Thank you to everyone who took a moment to recognize a student who has been excelling in the "Completes and Returns Work in a Timely Manner" standard on Friday.  We started making positive phone calls home, and will shout-out the students on Monday.  Here are the students this week:

It looks like Katelyn Missall's performance is standing out!!

Katelyn Missall
Maddy Serwe
Braeden Kuske
Claire Dailey
Jameson Brodeur
Pierce McKenna
Chandra Hebel
Katelyn Missall
Katelyn Missal
Gabby Lowenberg
Connor Raymond
Hadley Voegeli
Vance Hathaway
Ashlyn Wentz
Tinsley Nelson

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 11/5/21

Thanks to all of our teachers for a solid day of collaboration and learning.  A little shorter post this week because most of us just met this morning!  Have a great weekend!

End of Quarter 1 Timeline

Grades will be due by the end of the day on Wednesday (11/10), report cards printed on Thursday (11/11) morning, and mailed home afterwards.  Students will review and reflect on their report card on Friday (11/12) in Homeroom.  They'll then use the Puma Pride results on report cards to put tickets into possible events at our Fall Assembly which will take place on Tuesday (11/23) near the end of the day.

Puma Pride Grades on Report Cards

A reminder about the guidelines for Puma Pride grades on report cards.  Please reference to this document to review the expectations that were shared earlier in the quarter, and let me know if you have any questions.

Student Recognition

Thank you to everyone who took a moment to recognize a student who has been excelling in the "Completes and Returns Work in a Timely Manner" standard on Friday.  We started making positive phone calls home, and will shout-out the students on Monday.  Here are the students this week:

Dylan Stevenson
Peyton Voegeli
Oliver (Olie) Bongle
Ryann Martinson-Bahr
Tess Hushagen
Riley Pray
Connor Byers
Dylan (John) Stevenson
Kinzie Lintl
Tennlei Schwantes
Chandra Hebel
Elias Naylor
Pip Lapacek
Tinsley Nelson
Capri Lapacek

Staff Shout-Outs

I love sharing these descriptions of the impressive things our staff members do that truly make a big difference.  I am even starting to get "shout-out's" emailed to me!  Keep them coming.

Stephanie Weckerly - Her and I are working so well together. We are constantly critically analyzing our teaching practices, and we push each other to keep trying to get better at what we do.
Opal Hoffman - She has worked so hard with not only the students on her caseload, but any student who needs help in my class.
Niki Alford - Her perseverance working with the students in my class. She does a great job of guiding the students to learning and producing quality work.
Mackenzie Hendrickson - She has been a huge help to me anytime I have any questions. She has stepped up and led organizational efforts for our team, and is on top of that all the time. I'm very impressed with her skills.
Opal Hoffman - She has been very helpful when we are team teaching. She has connected really well with the kids and gets the best out of them on a daily basis.
Heather Snyder - She is extremely supportive of all students, not just students on her caseload. I couldn’t do what I do without her
Jen Hecht - She makes connections with some of the toughest kids. She's no nonsense in the classroom, yet gets kids to be brave and take risks. She has high expectations for the kids and they step up to her challenges. Jennifer also naturally ties past and current events to whatever units we're doing and further gets students to see the relevance to themselves. When I work with her, I learn new things, too!