Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Middle Update - Holiday Break Edition

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

The 2021 portion of this school year is officially in the books, and as I reflect on the school year, I'm proud of many of the improvements we've made to what we do, and also am looking forward to taking what we have learned from our experiences to continue pushing the envelope in terms of maximizing the experience and achievement of the students under our care.  A couple of highlights:

    -Systemic monitoring of student attendance and a process to address student attendance 

    -Teachers utilizing PLC groups to collaborate regularly about classroom/assessment practices, and also analyzing student data to improve teaching and learning practices

    -A Social-Emotional Learning "SEL" Team that meets weekly to review students of concern and work with teachers to put in supports to help get "students in need" back on track

    -A new Math curriculum has been implemented in each grade 5-8 successfully

    -Our approach to intervention during WIN time was data-driven with a more focused approach to targeting specific student needs, both academic and social-emotional

    -Consistently acknowledging students who are meeting Puma Pride expectations and communicating those celebratory things with parents and the community

    -Bringing back many things that are so important to our school community: all-school assembly, Clubs and Sports back up and running, Student Leadership Team...just a couple of examples

When you look at the list, these are things that have gotten underway, and there are certainly improvements that can be made...but I think the trajectory of these systemic pieces of the puzzle are promising, and combined with your efforts make a huge difference.  We all will continue to take a closer look at our practices and make adjustments that are necessary to be even better for our kids.

Resource of the Week

As we come back from Winter Break, we all ask our students about their experiences from break as a connection opportunity in the hallways or during Homeroom time...Mr. Ferkovich shared an article that really provides some guidance about how to frame those conversations so that we don't isolate our most vulnerable students.  Thanks for sharing Joel!

"5 Questions I'm Not Going to Ask My Students About Their Winter Break" - Meghan Mathis


As we get back into the groove following the holiday break, please connect with your PLC about your next meeting time, and communicate that time with me.

Batteries Recharged!

I hope each one of you was able to take some time for yourself...doing things that are good for your soul.  When we come back, we only have two weeks until the end of the semester.

Images from the Week

Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Middle Update 12/19/21

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

Resource of the Week

Instead of sharing an article this week, I thought of sharing a story that I think can shape the outlook of anyone.  It goes along with a concept I've written about before E+R=O (Event + Response = Outcome).  Our response to any event that we face (could be hundreds each day) will shape the outcome, and the more we think about how our response to an event will shape the outcome, the more effective our response will be.  A true lesson for all of us, and our students...

Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it.  She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed.

Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire.

Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot and ground coffee beans in the third pot. He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter.

The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. After twenty minutes he turned off the burners.  He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup.

Turning to her, he asked. “Daughter, what do you see?”

“Potatoes, eggs and coffee,” she hastily replied.

“Look closer” he said, “and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they were soft.

He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.

Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face.

“Father, what does this mean?” she asked.

He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity-the boiling water. However, each one reacted differently. The potato went in strong, hard and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak.

The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard.

However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new.

“Which one are you?” he asked his daughter. 

“When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean?”

Moral of the story: 

In life, things happen around us, things happen to us, but the only thing that truly matters is how you choose to react to it and what you make out of it. Life is all about learning, adopting and converting all the struggles that we experience into something positive.

Staff Meeting Recap

Thanks to all for your participation in our staff meeting last Wednesday morning.  I'm hoping each of you enjoyed the opportunity to connect with each other and maybe get to connect with someone you maybe have not spoken to in a while.  November and December can be two of the toughest months in our profession for a lot of reasons, so focusing on building our staff community is important.

We'll re-share your thoughts for how you will use the new calendar year to reset or revamp the work you do for our students when you return from winter break.

Lunch on Tuesday

A reminder that on Tuesday, Mrs. Moe and I would like to treat all of you to a lunch.  We'll have some pizzas and treats in the staff room downstairs starting around 11:00.  We are hoping to show our appreciation to each of you in a meaningful way.  Enjoy!

STAR Testing Winter Screening Window

Students have been taking the STAR Reading and Math tests as of late, and some will take it in early January.  It's been enjoyable to review the results and see so much growth!  For our winter screening window, we'll only allow students to retake the test if it's an obvious situation where they didn't try or a score is really out of whack.  We'll use this data, along with what teachers are seeing in the classroom to make adjustments to our WIN groups...these meetings will take place in the afternoon of our PD Day on January 17th.

Posted Grades

During upcoming BW Meeting with teachers, we'll work to review the grades that have been posted per class...please double check with the Puma Pride Grading Expectations prior to our meeting.

Holiday Concert Success!

It was a treat to attend our holiday concert and see the talent of our music department and students on full display for our community.  Big congratulations go out to Mr. Schultz, Mrs. Graeve, and Mr. Ferkovich for a job well done.

Images from the Week

Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Middle Update 12/12/21

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

The mid-point of December and the year just keeps clipping along.  With the amount of daylight and cold temperatures setting in, it makes me happy to know that our students have trusting, caring adults influencing them and bringing some more light to their days at school.  I can't believe we have only 8 more school days left in 2021!

Resource of the Week

As we are getting close to the halfway point of our school year, it's important to take note of where we are on our PLC journey.  While each PLC is in a slightly different place, and if we self-evaluate according to rubrics we looked at last spring, there have been so many positive outcomes of spending more time together in collaboration around the work that happens in our classrooms.  This process takes time, and our resource this week provides a perspective of the journey towards maximizing the effects of PLC's.

"Fostering an Effective Professional Learning Community at Your School" - Cecilia Cabrera Martirena

In your PLC groups this week, please take time to self-evaluate your group's progress.  Is the meeting time working for all?  Do we need more time to be effective in the work that will move our teaching practices forward?  Please share any updates in regards to meeting times/locations with Miranda and myself.

Staff Meeting/PLC's this week

We have a Staff Meeting on Wednesday (12/15) morning starting at 7:15 in the cafeteria.  Most PLC groups would typically meet on that Wednesday morning.  I'll ask that each group pick a different time to meet prior to the holiday break.  If one person could communicate when you chose to meet with me, I'd appreciate it...it can be morning or after school.


A reminder that mid-quarter grades should be posted in Infinite Campus at this time.  I'll be sending out a letter with some updates to parents tomorrow, so I'll be pointing them in Campus' direction so they can see how their child is doing.  Also, please review the Puma Pride grading expectations and keep up to date in this area.

Student Shout-Outs This Week!

The following students were recognized by their teachers for outstanding work in the standard:  "Follows Classroom Expectations"

Capri Lapacek
Chandra Hebel
Gabby Lowenberg
Kori Wakefield
Haley Harper
Sophia Szelc
Adam Busch
Braydin Erickson
Fern Ruckle
Chris Volden
Victor Harring
Alyssa Webster
Cadence Henert
Clara Sohns
Alaina Bartnick
Peyton Voegeli
Calvin Zaring
Grace Jones
Gage Brickson
Zane Johnson
Cam Erickson

Images from the Week

Our images this week come from a major celebration in Ms. Hecht's classroom, as students read each other's papers...they worked so hard and they produced some impressive stories...if you get a chance, and would like to read some, stop by Ms. Hecth's room.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

The Middle Update 12/3/21

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

Resource of the Week

Our resource this week comes to us from Mr. Ferkovich.  He sent me the following email and link.  While we see some of the behaviors in the article, I think other places are seeing more than we are...Enjoy!

"Maybe this is something you would want to share out, or not. No big deal either way. It's something I found useful and insightful during "these times".  It helped me process and refine my approach to some of our students that are happy little challenges."

Posting Grades at Mid-Term

We are about 3.5 weeks into the 2nd quarter already!  Many of you have posted grades in standards already, but if you have not, please have those posted by the end of the day on Wednesday (12/8).  As a reminder, please post current progress grades in the standards you are working in, while also keeping overall standard grades updated at least weekly.

For Puma Pride grades, please refer to the guidelines for posting.  I'll be sending an email out to parents mid-week.

Staff Shout-Outs

As I've gone around, and asked staff who they'd like to give a shout-out too, many of all of you think of the same people who routinely go above and beyond to support students and colleagues.  As we head into this week, I'd ask that everyone be on the lookout for colleagues that really contribute special things that maybe don't come to your mind right away when asked this question.  All of these contributions make for a special place for everyone in our school.

Book Fair

A message from our Parent's Club, which will run from Dec. 7th through Dec. 9th, 3:45-6:30 each day.


Below are links to view the books that will be available during the book fair.
If you would like to create a wish list, complete the attached form and place your forms in the PAD Parent Club mailbox.

If you have any questions, please contact Missy at Melissa.Frasch@gmail.com 

Wish List form (type and print)

Middle School Booklist

Student Shout-Outs This Week!

The following students were recognized by their teachers for outstanding work in the standard:  "Follows Classroom Expectations"

Alayna Checots
Hayden Kelsey
Kaleb Patt
Addyson Rogers-Rimmert
Cora Larson
Alex Miller
Sophie Stortecky
Nevaeh Flesch
Jameson Manning
Rachel Semrad
Khloe Hale
Harley Seas
Adrya Riedasch
Jack Broderick
Kelin Pafford
Rachel Semrad
Tennlei Schwantes
Khloe Hale
Kyla McCaffery

Images from the Week

Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Middle Update 11/27/21

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School


I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday break!  Hopefully you were able to recharge your battery and take advantage of a little time off.  Now we are onto the meat of the 2nd quarter.  I am thankful for so many things...when I start listing the things I'm thankful for, it is a seemingly endless list.  At the top of my list are my family (see below) and the opportunity to work alongside such great people each day.  Thank you to each one of you who put students first day in and day out.


Resource of the Week

The article this week is a great resource that, for me, reinforced a lot of what we do as part of our habits, but also shared new perspective on how to meet the needs of our students and the perspective that we as a staff, should have to likely have more success.

"What Schools Need Now:  Relational Discipline" - Micere Keels 

WIN and Supports for Students

We are getting close to the Winter Screening Window for the STAR Reading and Math assessments.  We adjusted our WIN groups to meet the needs of our students with a targeted focus.  This 1/2 hour each day is critical for the acceleration of growth for these students and closing the gaps.  It's critical that, as staff members, we think about what steps can we take to make the most of this time and focus for our kids.  

We plan to use part of our PD Day on January 17th, to review the data from the winter screener and refine our targeted plan to meet the needs of our students.  I'm sure there is going to be a lot to celebrate during this process.

Next Staff Meeting

Mark your calendars for our next Middle School Staff Meeting.  We'll be gathering on Wednesday, 12/15 at 7:15 in the cafeteria.


Assembly Recap

Thank you to all staff that participated in our assembly last Tuesday.  The goal of a time like this is for students to walk away with a positive memory and a smile on their face...further deepening their positive connection to school.  


Staff Shout-Outs

Shout it out!

Julie Rogness- She has been so supportive, and flexible with me. I have appreciated the opportunity to work with her and she has helped me a great deal.
Deb Jackson - She is doing so much to help me prepare for my class behind the scenes. I appreciate her work ethic and how helpful she is.
Opal Hoffman - She's been instrumental in supporting many students in getting them what they need to be more successful in my class.
Jill Graeve - She is incredible, she's awesome...working with Middle and High Schoolers and is impressive in how she does her job.
Olivia Dahlke - She is extremely helpful in supporting students and the immense amount of patience that she has is impressive, and works well for the students she supports.
Lexie Stark - She has been great to work with, a great resource to collaborate with, and I appreciate her very much.
Michelle Kratz - She is pretty great. She works so hard and is such a great support for not only the students she works with, but all of the students she interacts with.
Ryan Schultz - The joy he brings to the building is contagious. I am so thankful to work with him.
Kevin Frehner - Being creative at how to best meet the needs of 8th grade students while I was out.


PHS Staff Podcasts

This post is borrowed from Dr. Hoernke's blog...he put together a few podcasts that have our HS teachers sharing instructional strategies.  Go ahead and take a few minutes to listen to instructional strategies and ideas from our PHS staff.


Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Middle Update 11/21/21

 A short, but important week this week!  I'm looking forward to 2 great days of learning and culture building.

Resource of the Week

The latest Ed Leadership magazine focuses on what Hattie found to be the most impactful teaching attribute, "collective teacher efficacy".  The article this week looks at one CRITICAL element of self-efficacy...a great read from a great resource.

"The Critical Element of Self-Efficacy" - Chase Mielke

Assembly on Tuesday Afternoon

We'll be having our End of Quarter 1 Celebration Assembly on Tuesday afternoon.  Please dismiss students to the gym at 2:40.  7th and 8th grades will not have WIN time on this day.  We'll still plan to have electives on Tuesday for 5th and 6th grades, but we'll be shortening them up a bit (details to be shared on Monday am).  

We'll need one representative from each Homeroom to participate in a Musical Chairs competition...winning homeroom will get to house the Carelli Cup until our next competition.  If you have the Carelli Cup, could you please bring it to the office sometime tomorrow?

The PUMA Way in Action

5th grader Teegan Nelson demonstrates "understanding" by helping out his fellow classmate!

Sharing Excellence

Another post to share cool, engaging learning taking place in our classrooms.  Thanks Mrs. Rogness.

6th graders working on enlarging the "mystery mascot" piece by piece.

Poynette Math Team Strikes Again!

Poynette Middle School competed at the #Math Matters Competition in WI Dells on Tuesday Nov. 16th.  Each grade, fifth through eighth, brought a team of five students, and competed against eleven or twelve other districts.  Congratulations to the 8th grade team for taking first place, and two 8th graders also placed individually.  Congratulations to Jameson M. for taking 1st and Emma L. for taking 3rd.  Poynette also had two 5th graders place individually.  Congratulations to Jackson O. for taking 1st and Max G. for taking 3rd.

Door Decorating in Action!

The Middle Update - Holiday Break Edition

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

The 2021 portion of this school year is officially in the books, and as I reflect on the school year, I'm proud of many of the improvements we've made to what we do, and also am looking forward to taking what we have learned from our experiences to continue pushing the envelope in terms of maximizing the experience and achievement of the students under our care.  A couple of highlights:

    -Systemic monitoring of student attendance and a process to address student attendance 

    -Teachers utilizing PLC groups to collaborate regularly about classroom/assessment practices, and also analyzing student data to improve teaching and learning practices

    -A Social-Emotional Learning "SEL" Team that meets weekly to review students of concern and work with teachers to put in supports to help get "students in need" back on track

    -A new Math curriculum has been implemented in each grade 5-8 successfully

    -Our approach to intervention during WIN time was data-driven with a more focused approach to targeting specific student needs, both academic and social-emotional

    -Consistently acknowledging students who are meeting Puma Pride expectations and communicating those celebratory things with parents and the community

    -Bringing back many things that are so important to our school community: all-school assembly, Clubs and Sports back up and running, Student Leadership Team...just a couple of examples

When you look at the list, these are things that have gotten underway, and there are certainly improvements that can be made...but I think the trajectory of these systemic pieces of the puzzle are promising, and combined with your efforts make a huge difference.  We all will continue to take a closer look at our practices and make adjustments that are necessary to be even better for our kids.

Resource of the Week

As we come back from Winter Break, we all ask our students about their experiences from break as a connection opportunity in the hallways or during Homeroom time...Mr. Ferkovich shared an article that really provides some guidance about how to frame those conversations so that we don't isolate our most vulnerable students.  Thanks for sharing Joel!

"5 Questions I'm Not Going to Ask My Students About Their Winter Break" - Meghan Mathis


As we get back into the groove following the holiday break, please connect with your PLC about your next meeting time, and communicate that time with me.

Batteries Recharged!

I hope each one of you was able to take some time for yourself...doing things that are good for your soul.  When we come back, we only have two weeks until the end of the semester.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 12/19/21

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

Resource of the Week

Instead of sharing an article this week, I thought of sharing a story that I think can shape the outlook of anyone.  It goes along with a concept I've written about before E+R=O (Event + Response = Outcome).  Our response to any event that we face (could be hundreds each day) will shape the outcome, and the more we think about how our response to an event will shape the outcome, the more effective our response will be.  A true lesson for all of us, and our students...

Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it.  She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed.

Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire.

Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot and ground coffee beans in the third pot. He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter.

The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. After twenty minutes he turned off the burners.  He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup.

Turning to her, he asked. “Daughter, what do you see?”

“Potatoes, eggs and coffee,” she hastily replied.

“Look closer” he said, “and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they were soft.

He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.

Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face.

“Father, what does this mean?” she asked.

He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity-the boiling water. However, each one reacted differently. The potato went in strong, hard and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak.

The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard.

However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new.

“Which one are you?” he asked his daughter. 

“When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean?”

Moral of the story: 

In life, things happen around us, things happen to us, but the only thing that truly matters is how you choose to react to it and what you make out of it. Life is all about learning, adopting and converting all the struggles that we experience into something positive.

Staff Meeting Recap

Thanks to all for your participation in our staff meeting last Wednesday morning.  I'm hoping each of you enjoyed the opportunity to connect with each other and maybe get to connect with someone you maybe have not spoken to in a while.  November and December can be two of the toughest months in our profession for a lot of reasons, so focusing on building our staff community is important.

We'll re-share your thoughts for how you will use the new calendar year to reset or revamp the work you do for our students when you return from winter break.

Lunch on Tuesday

A reminder that on Tuesday, Mrs. Moe and I would like to treat all of you to a lunch.  We'll have some pizzas and treats in the staff room downstairs starting around 11:00.  We are hoping to show our appreciation to each of you in a meaningful way.  Enjoy!

STAR Testing Winter Screening Window

Students have been taking the STAR Reading and Math tests as of late, and some will take it in early January.  It's been enjoyable to review the results and see so much growth!  For our winter screening window, we'll only allow students to retake the test if it's an obvious situation where they didn't try or a score is really out of whack.  We'll use this data, along with what teachers are seeing in the classroom to make adjustments to our WIN groups...these meetings will take place in the afternoon of our PD Day on January 17th.

Posted Grades

During upcoming BW Meeting with teachers, we'll work to review the grades that have been posted per class...please double check with the Puma Pride Grading Expectations prior to our meeting.

Holiday Concert Success!

It was a treat to attend our holiday concert and see the talent of our music department and students on full display for our community.  Big congratulations go out to Mr. Schultz, Mrs. Graeve, and Mr. Ferkovich for a job well done.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 12/12/21

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

The mid-point of December and the year just keeps clipping along.  With the amount of daylight and cold temperatures setting in, it makes me happy to know that our students have trusting, caring adults influencing them and bringing some more light to their days at school.  I can't believe we have only 8 more school days left in 2021!

Resource of the Week

As we are getting close to the halfway point of our school year, it's important to take note of where we are on our PLC journey.  While each PLC is in a slightly different place, and if we self-evaluate according to rubrics we looked at last spring, there have been so many positive outcomes of spending more time together in collaboration around the work that happens in our classrooms.  This process takes time, and our resource this week provides a perspective of the journey towards maximizing the effects of PLC's.

"Fostering an Effective Professional Learning Community at Your School" - Cecilia Cabrera Martirena

In your PLC groups this week, please take time to self-evaluate your group's progress.  Is the meeting time working for all?  Do we need more time to be effective in the work that will move our teaching practices forward?  Please share any updates in regards to meeting times/locations with Miranda and myself.

Staff Meeting/PLC's this week

We have a Staff Meeting on Wednesday (12/15) morning starting at 7:15 in the cafeteria.  Most PLC groups would typically meet on that Wednesday morning.  I'll ask that each group pick a different time to meet prior to the holiday break.  If one person could communicate when you chose to meet with me, I'd appreciate it...it can be morning or after school.


A reminder that mid-quarter grades should be posted in Infinite Campus at this time.  I'll be sending out a letter with some updates to parents tomorrow, so I'll be pointing them in Campus' direction so they can see how their child is doing.  Also, please review the Puma Pride grading expectations and keep up to date in this area.

Student Shout-Outs This Week!

The following students were recognized by their teachers for outstanding work in the standard:  "Follows Classroom Expectations"

Capri Lapacek
Chandra Hebel
Gabby Lowenberg
Kori Wakefield
Haley Harper
Sophia Szelc
Adam Busch
Braydin Erickson
Fern Ruckle
Chris Volden
Victor Harring
Alyssa Webster
Cadence Henert
Clara Sohns
Alaina Bartnick
Peyton Voegeli
Calvin Zaring
Grace Jones
Gage Brickson
Zane Johnson
Cam Erickson

Images from the Week

Our images this week come from a major celebration in Ms. Hecht's classroom, as students read each other's papers...they worked so hard and they produced some impressive stories...if you get a chance, and would like to read some, stop by Ms. Hecth's room.

The Middle Update 12/3/21

In Strong School Cultures, People Articulate the Following CORE Beliefs Through How They Behave:

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

All Students Will Learn Because of What We Do

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School

Resource of the Week

Our resource this week comes to us from Mr. Ferkovich.  He sent me the following email and link.  While we see some of the behaviors in the article, I think other places are seeing more than we are...Enjoy!

"Maybe this is something you would want to share out, or not. No big deal either way. It's something I found useful and insightful during "these times".  It helped me process and refine my approach to some of our students that are happy little challenges."

Posting Grades at Mid-Term

We are about 3.5 weeks into the 2nd quarter already!  Many of you have posted grades in standards already, but if you have not, please have those posted by the end of the day on Wednesday (12/8).  As a reminder, please post current progress grades in the standards you are working in, while also keeping overall standard grades updated at least weekly.

For Puma Pride grades, please refer to the guidelines for posting.  I'll be sending an email out to parents mid-week.

Staff Shout-Outs

As I've gone around, and asked staff who they'd like to give a shout-out too, many of all of you think of the same people who routinely go above and beyond to support students and colleagues.  As we head into this week, I'd ask that everyone be on the lookout for colleagues that really contribute special things that maybe don't come to your mind right away when asked this question.  All of these contributions make for a special place for everyone in our school.

Book Fair

A message from our Parent's Club, which will run from Dec. 7th through Dec. 9th, 3:45-6:30 each day.


Below are links to view the books that will be available during the book fair.
If you would like to create a wish list, complete the attached form and place your forms in the PAD Parent Club mailbox.

If you have any questions, please contact Missy at Melissa.Frasch@gmail.com 

Wish List form (type and print)

Middle School Booklist

Student Shout-Outs This Week!

The following students were recognized by their teachers for outstanding work in the standard:  "Follows Classroom Expectations"

Alayna Checots
Hayden Kelsey
Kaleb Patt
Addyson Rogers-Rimmert
Cora Larson
Alex Miller
Sophie Stortecky
Nevaeh Flesch
Jameson Manning
Rachel Semrad
Khloe Hale
Harley Seas
Adrya Riedasch
Jack Broderick
Kelin Pafford
Rachel Semrad
Tennlei Schwantes
Khloe Hale
Kyla McCaffery

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 11/27/21

All Students Can Learn at High Levels

Students Do Well if They Can

What WE Do Makes the Difference for the Kids in School


I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday break!  Hopefully you were able to recharge your battery and take advantage of a little time off.  Now we are onto the meat of the 2nd quarter.  I am thankful for so many things...when I start listing the things I'm thankful for, it is a seemingly endless list.  At the top of my list are my family (see below) and the opportunity to work alongside such great people each day.  Thank you to each one of you who put students first day in and day out.


Resource of the Week

The article this week is a great resource that, for me, reinforced a lot of what we do as part of our habits, but also shared new perspective on how to meet the needs of our students and the perspective that we as a staff, should have to likely have more success.

"What Schools Need Now:  Relational Discipline" - Micere Keels 

WIN and Supports for Students

We are getting close to the Winter Screening Window for the STAR Reading and Math assessments.  We adjusted our WIN groups to meet the needs of our students with a targeted focus.  This 1/2 hour each day is critical for the acceleration of growth for these students and closing the gaps.  It's critical that, as staff members, we think about what steps can we take to make the most of this time and focus for our kids.  

We plan to use part of our PD Day on January 17th, to review the data from the winter screener and refine our targeted plan to meet the needs of our students.  I'm sure there is going to be a lot to celebrate during this process.

Next Staff Meeting

Mark your calendars for our next Middle School Staff Meeting.  We'll be gathering on Wednesday, 12/15 at 7:15 in the cafeteria.


Assembly Recap

Thank you to all staff that participated in our assembly last Tuesday.  The goal of a time like this is for students to walk away with a positive memory and a smile on their face...further deepening their positive connection to school.  


Staff Shout-Outs

Shout it out!

Julie Rogness- She has been so supportive, and flexible with me. I have appreciated the opportunity to work with her and she has helped me a great deal.
Deb Jackson - She is doing so much to help me prepare for my class behind the scenes. I appreciate her work ethic and how helpful she is.
Opal Hoffman - She's been instrumental in supporting many students in getting them what they need to be more successful in my class.
Jill Graeve - She is incredible, she's awesome...working with Middle and High Schoolers and is impressive in how she does her job.
Olivia Dahlke - She is extremely helpful in supporting students and the immense amount of patience that she has is impressive, and works well for the students she supports.
Lexie Stark - She has been great to work with, a great resource to collaborate with, and I appreciate her very much.
Michelle Kratz - She is pretty great. She works so hard and is such a great support for not only the students she works with, but all of the students she interacts with.
Ryan Schultz - The joy he brings to the building is contagious. I am so thankful to work with him.
Kevin Frehner - Being creative at how to best meet the needs of 8th grade students while I was out.


PHS Staff Podcasts

This post is borrowed from Dr. Hoernke's blog...he put together a few podcasts that have our HS teachers sharing instructional strategies.  Go ahead and take a few minutes to listen to instructional strategies and ideas from our PHS staff.


The Middle Update 11/21/21

 A short, but important week this week!  I'm looking forward to 2 great days of learning and culture building.

Resource of the Week

The latest Ed Leadership magazine focuses on what Hattie found to be the most impactful teaching attribute, "collective teacher efficacy".  The article this week looks at one CRITICAL element of self-efficacy...a great read from a great resource.

"The Critical Element of Self-Efficacy" - Chase Mielke

Assembly on Tuesday Afternoon

We'll be having our End of Quarter 1 Celebration Assembly on Tuesday afternoon.  Please dismiss students to the gym at 2:40.  7th and 8th grades will not have WIN time on this day.  We'll still plan to have electives on Tuesday for 5th and 6th grades, but we'll be shortening them up a bit (details to be shared on Monday am).  

We'll need one representative from each Homeroom to participate in a Musical Chairs competition...winning homeroom will get to house the Carelli Cup until our next competition.  If you have the Carelli Cup, could you please bring it to the office sometime tomorrow?

The PUMA Way in Action

5th grader Teegan Nelson demonstrates "understanding" by helping out his fellow classmate!

Sharing Excellence

Another post to share cool, engaging learning taking place in our classrooms.  Thanks Mrs. Rogness.

6th graders working on enlarging the "mystery mascot" piece by piece.

Poynette Math Team Strikes Again!

Poynette Middle School competed at the #Math Matters Competition in WI Dells on Tuesday Nov. 16th.  Each grade, fifth through eighth, brought a team of five students, and competed against eleven or twelve other districts.  Congratulations to the 8th grade team for taking first place, and two 8th graders also placed individually.  Congratulations to Jameson M. for taking 1st and Emma L. for taking 3rd.  Poynette also had two 5th graders place individually.  Congratulations to Jackson O. for taking 1st and Max G. for taking 3rd.

Door Decorating in Action!