Friday, March 27, 2020

The Middle Update - Spring Break Edition

We are living through a time in our history that won't soon be forgotten!  As things continue to evolve, I'll keep you as up to date as possible in terms of things that affect school!  I am always here for you if you need someone or something.  Please follow the guidelines and stay healthy.

Resource of the Week
The resource this week comes from a weekly summary of educational research that I get called the Marshall Memo.  The research highlights how to improve the retention of information of our students, and strategies to solidify this retention.  You can read a brief summary and takeaways of the research below.

"Use It or Lose It: The Value of Retrieval Practice in the Classroom" - retrieved from the Marshall Memo 3/24/2020

In this article in Education Update, Pooja Agarwal (Berklee College of Music) says that at the beginning of her classes, students have their heads down, writing furiously. Why? “Typically, educators focus on getting information into our students’ heads,” says Agarwal. “But in my classroom, and in line with my research as a cognitive scientist, I focus on getting information out of my students’ heads… Too often we teach, students learn, they take a test, and we move on.” Frequent retrieval of learned information is a highly effective way to improve retention and foster higher-level thinking. She suggests these quick, low-prep, low-stakes ways to apply the concept:
            • Start classes with retrieval. Instead of saying, “Here’s what we did last week” at the beginning of a class, ask, “What did we do last week?” and have students jot down what they remember, followed by a quick discussion. The prompt could also be on the board.
            • Try retrieve-pair-share. Instead of the time-honored think-pair-share routine (the thinking part is usually given short shrift), have students silently retrieve what they know about the question just posed and write it down, then talk with a partner, then engage in whole-class discussion. “This works particularly well for English language learners and students who are less comfortable speaking up in class,” says Agarwal.
            • Swap note-taking for retrieve-taking. Teach students a more-effective way to take notes: after reading a textbook passage, listening to a lecture, or watching an instructional video without note-taking, students close the book or pause the video or lecture and write down the key points. Retrieving what was just heard consolidates and strengthens the learning – and reveals what students thought they would remember and didn’t.
“Powerful Learning Is All About Retrieval” by Pooja Agarwal in Education Update, March 2020 (Vol. 62, #3, pp. 1,4),; Agarwal is at
Remote Learning Update - 3/27/2020
We start back up with our Remote Learning Plan on Monday morning!  It looks like we will be in this mode for a while.  A couple of updates and reminders:
-Please plan for about a 1/2 hours worth of work each day for your students in your class.  Please have things ready to go for your students each morning of the week. 
-Last week during our staff meeting, we discussed Infinite Campus, attendance and grades.  We'll continue to use the Spreadsheets shared to track attendance concerns, and I made a Master List for students of concern in order to track our contacts.  If we are struggling to connect with students or their families, we need to provide further effort to connect in order to ensure we are engaging with EVERY one of our students.  Mrs. Morton is one to connect with for students that you are struggling to connect with, and should be invited to your weekly team meetings, along with myself.
-For Infinite Campus assessments, you should go ahead and post assessment results, however, you do not need to track an overall grade at this time.  You do not need to track attendance in IC either at this time.
-During the remote learning period each day, we must be responsive to our students, providing them feedback, answering their questions, and setting up virtual meetings if necessary to work with them to make the most out of this experience.  Remember, this is a huge opportunity for our families to get a front seat view at the impressive work that you all do each day.

3rd Quarter Grades
As a reminder, grades and comments should be posted by the end of the day on Tuesday, 3/31.  We'll work to print them off and mail them out starting next week Wednesday.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this process.

BW Meetings and Dept. Meetings
We will continue our BW and Department Meetings throughout the rest of the school year.  I'll keep the BW Meeting times as they are on my calendar, if you'd like to reschedule, or set up a different time, just let me know.  We will meet virtually, and you can use the Google Meet link that is posted on the Calendar invite itself.  Let me know if you have any questions about this.

Room Cleanings
Starting this past Monday, Troy and his staff have started to deep clean classrooms.  When a room has been deep cleaned, a note with the date it was cleaned has been stuck to the door.  We are working hard to ensure that each surface at school is disinfected and remains that way for as long as possible.  If you need to access your room, you must inform me and Troy, so that the room can be cleaned again, and the date on the sticky note updated.  Since the Governor issued the "Safer at Home" order, access to the building should only be if it is absolutely necessary.

Virtual Staff Meeting on Wednesday at 12:30
During this time we are away from each other, it's still vitally important that we stay connected.  The trust and quality of relationships that we have as adults are the cornerstone for school culture.  Continuing to grow those bonds will be the goal of our time together on Wednesday.  You'll start meeting with one other person, then that group will grow to 6, and then we'll meet as a whole group afterwards.  I will share details either later today or Monday.

Staffing Updates
As we look ahead to next year, there are a couple of updates that are exciting.  The district Social Worker position has been posted and the hiring process is hopefully wrapping up soon with a great candidate.  At their last meeting, the School Board approved the addition of a 5th Grade teacher, so the hiring process for that position is underway as well.
As we look ahead to next year, and the opportunity to have one building dedicated to our Middle Level learners, it's an opportunity to review all aspects of our school operations, and take a look at research-based systems to ensure ALL of our learners are successful.  I believe we have the ratio, capacity, and commitment to excel in this area.  There is certainly a lot of work to be done yet, however, we'll be in the midst of those conversations constantly from here till the first day of school next fall.

Images from the Week
my view from the home office...

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Middle Update 3/15/2020

What an unprecedented week and situation that we are living through.  Staying healthy and stopping the spread of disease is the most important thing at this time, however, I believe this experience will help us grow and open doors to learning opportunities to be considered for future instructional experiences.  All staff will be reporting on Monday and Tuesday of this week.  If a staff member chooses to not come in, leave days will need to be utilized, and remote learning responsibilities will need to be fulfilled.  Please contact me if this is the case for you.  

Monday and Tuesday's Plan
We will plan to meet spaciously at 8:00 a.m. on Monday morning in the IMC to review our plan for the coming weeks.

Monday (3/16/20) (standard 7:30-3:30 work day)
8:00 a.m.-  Remote Learning Planning Meeting - IMC
We will review remote learning expectations and explore some options for delivering lessons.  We will also provide learning opportunities for some apps through the Google Suite that can be used to provide remote instruction effectively.  The rest of the day will be spent collaborating and creating content for the days and weeks ahead.

Tuesday (3/17/20) (standard 7:30-3:30 work day)
Teachers will be in their rooms preparing student materials and creating content for our remote learning over the next few weeks.  Teachers should be available to check in with students or parents that may be picking up materials for the weeks ahead and help answer any questions in the afternoon.  We may also need some help to execute our system for devices to be handed out in the afternoon.
12- 6 p.m- Students and parents may be coming in to pick up learning materials.  We will have staff here to help with materials from 3:30 - 6:00.  

8:00- 4 p.m.  Administration and paraprofessionals will be here to help with the pick-up and delivery of materials.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Middle Update 3/6/20

Resource of the Week
We have spent some time this year discussing some of our data that shows that the gap between our Economically Disadvantaged Students and their peers is something we should take a closer look at.  The resource this week from the National Education Association sheds light on this issue and provides some strategies for us to do better for our students who are being raised in poverty.  The sections with the headers, "Growing Deficits: The Brain and Behavior", "Slippage: School Policy and Practice", and "Treatment and Prevention" are three sections that discuss the implications and recommendations for school practices that have proven to be most helpful for these students.

"Backgrounder: Students from Poverty" - NEA

Homeroom Pig Races!

Race Winners - Mrs. Anderson's Homeroom!

Best Dressed - Chewbacon - Mrs. Rogness' Homeroom

Best Name - Thicky-Thicky-Ham-Ham

3rd Quarter Grades
Just a reminder that grades for 3rd Quarter should be posted in each standard and should be updated at least weekly throughout the remainder of the quarter.

March Staff Meeting

We'll have the pleasure of learning from Dr. Matthew Arau for our March Staff Meeting.  The Resource of the Week even highlights the critical nature of bringing a consistent growth mindset approach in our interactions with students.  While we have spent time studying growth mindset, Dr. Arau presentation brings that learning up a notch.  We'll meet on Monday, March 16th, starting at 3:00 in the High School Band room.
Next Student of the Month Breakfast
Our next breakfast will be on Friday, March 20th.

Findorff Assembly
Findorff will be putting on an assembly to share with students what the construction areas will look like, and how they should navigate those areas on our campus.  The assembly will be on Thursday, March 12th starting at 2:15.

Hoops for a Cause
Our annual Students vs. Staff Basketball game is next Thursday already!  Our students have been working hard planning an event that will raise money for a cause that is important to our students! 

Middle School Track Meet Dates
It's already time to start planning to help out at our 2 Middle School Track Meets coming up this Spring.  Mark your calendars for the following dates:
     - Monday, April 27th - 4:00
     - Tuesday, May 12th - 4:00

StAfF sHoUtOuTs!!
When some staff members were asked the question, which of your colleagues has been impressive to you and why...who deserves a shout-out, I got the following responses.  Thanks to all for making our team great!!

Zack Gavin - he's been really helpful for feedback
Morgan/Ryan - being so flexible about using the gym for concerts - proactive about preparation for this
Ryan Kartos - planning, always looking for how we can make our units better.
Tyler Johnson - how he gets along with kids easily, seems like he doesn't get rattled by stuff from kids very quickly
Stephanie Weckerly - how helpful she is with math instruction
Dustin Williams - a lot of help in Homeroom - does cool things in Homeroom
Julie Rogness - Helpful with Mechanically Inclined, letting people use her ideas and help spread good practices
Krista Andringa - does a lot for a lot of the kids - she is very good at her job
Julie Rogness - really helpful to me...a ton of stuff, every question I have, she's been so good and resourceful
Kevin Frehner - took the lead on conference organization for 8th grade and has been really helpful
Krista Andringa - constantly positive to collaborate with
Jennifer Hecht - eager to make things better for our kids - great to work with
Bonnie Walther - eager to make things better for kids - great to work with
Amber Mrnak - doing great with Science, kids are enjoying it, and is working hard!
Lindsey Doebert/Patti Hutchinson - making solid connections with kids and being really good at what they do

Images from the Week

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Middle Update 3/1/20

Resource of the Week
The resource this week was shared with me by Mr. Williams.  The article is a good reminder for all of us about just how different the world is now for our students than it was when most of us were growing up.  The latest rapid advances in technology have made the experience vastly different.  As schools, we have to adjust our thinking and instruction.  The article this week gives some thoughts to this topic.

"Your Students Are Not Like You.  Accept It.  Teach Differently"

Pig Races Friday
All pigs and their names should now be on display up in the IMC.  This week, we'll have a vote for both students and staff to vote on the "Best Name" and the "Best Dressed" pigs.  We will then have an assembly next Friday (3/6) at 2:15 for the pig races, and other events that will showcase student talent (or staff talent if anyone has a talent or entertainment idea...just let me know).  More details on the assembly will follow in the week ahead.

Homeroom Lessons for this week should be taught on Thursday and Friday morning this week!!

Parent-Teacher Conferences
Our March Conference session is next week (3/5) from 4:30 to 8:00.  The time is now to invite parents in for conferences.  Like in the past, we will invite as many parents and students in as possible, while also opening the building for all parents to come in and meet with teachers as needed.  This is a great opportunity to show off student work in classrooms and around the building.

3rd Quarter Grades
Just a reminder that grades for 3rd Quarter should be posted in each standard and should be updated at least weekly throughout the remainder of the quarter.

Next Student of the Month Breakfast
Our next breakfast will be on Friday, March 20th.  If you haven't had the chance to present yet to honor a couple of students, please let me know, and we'll make sure you get the chance...there are only 2 remaining recognition breakfasts this year.  Thanks to the 7th grade team for sending in their nominees already!

Findorff Assembly
Findorff will be putting on an assembly to share with students what the construction areas will look like, and how they should navigate those areas on our campus.  The assembly will be on Thursday, March 12th starting at 2:15.

Hoops for a Cause
Mark for calendars for March 12th for our annual Students vs. Staff Basketball game that will raise money for a cause that is important to our students! 

The Middle Update - Spring Break Edition

We are living through a time in our history that won't soon be forgotten!  As things continue to evolve, I'll keep you as up to date as possible in terms of things that affect school!  I am always here for you if you need someone or something.  Please follow the guidelines and stay healthy.

Resource of the Week
The resource this week comes from a weekly summary of educational research that I get called the Marshall Memo.  The research highlights how to improve the retention of information of our students, and strategies to solidify this retention.  You can read a brief summary and takeaways of the research below.

"Use It or Lose It: The Value of Retrieval Practice in the Classroom" - retrieved from the Marshall Memo 3/24/2020

In this article in Education Update, Pooja Agarwal (Berklee College of Music) says that at the beginning of her classes, students have their heads down, writing furiously. Why? “Typically, educators focus on getting information into our students’ heads,” says Agarwal. “But in my classroom, and in line with my research as a cognitive scientist, I focus on getting information out of my students’ heads… Too often we teach, students learn, they take a test, and we move on.” Frequent retrieval of learned information is a highly effective way to improve retention and foster higher-level thinking. She suggests these quick, low-prep, low-stakes ways to apply the concept:
            • Start classes with retrieval. Instead of saying, “Here’s what we did last week” at the beginning of a class, ask, “What did we do last week?” and have students jot down what they remember, followed by a quick discussion. The prompt could also be on the board.
            • Try retrieve-pair-share. Instead of the time-honored think-pair-share routine (the thinking part is usually given short shrift), have students silently retrieve what they know about the question just posed and write it down, then talk with a partner, then engage in whole-class discussion. “This works particularly well for English language learners and students who are less comfortable speaking up in class,” says Agarwal.
            • Swap note-taking for retrieve-taking. Teach students a more-effective way to take notes: after reading a textbook passage, listening to a lecture, or watching an instructional video without note-taking, students close the book or pause the video or lecture and write down the key points. Retrieving what was just heard consolidates and strengthens the learning – and reveals what students thought they would remember and didn’t.
“Powerful Learning Is All About Retrieval” by Pooja Agarwal in Education Update, March 2020 (Vol. 62, #3, pp. 1,4),; Agarwal is at
Remote Learning Update - 3/27/2020
We start back up with our Remote Learning Plan on Monday morning!  It looks like we will be in this mode for a while.  A couple of updates and reminders:
-Please plan for about a 1/2 hours worth of work each day for your students in your class.  Please have things ready to go for your students each morning of the week. 
-Last week during our staff meeting, we discussed Infinite Campus, attendance and grades.  We'll continue to use the Spreadsheets shared to track attendance concerns, and I made a Master List for students of concern in order to track our contacts.  If we are struggling to connect with students or their families, we need to provide further effort to connect in order to ensure we are engaging with EVERY one of our students.  Mrs. Morton is one to connect with for students that you are struggling to connect with, and should be invited to your weekly team meetings, along with myself.
-For Infinite Campus assessments, you should go ahead and post assessment results, however, you do not need to track an overall grade at this time.  You do not need to track attendance in IC either at this time.
-During the remote learning period each day, we must be responsive to our students, providing them feedback, answering their questions, and setting up virtual meetings if necessary to work with them to make the most out of this experience.  Remember, this is a huge opportunity for our families to get a front seat view at the impressive work that you all do each day.

3rd Quarter Grades
As a reminder, grades and comments should be posted by the end of the day on Tuesday, 3/31.  We'll work to print them off and mail them out starting next week Wednesday.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this process.

BW Meetings and Dept. Meetings
We will continue our BW and Department Meetings throughout the rest of the school year.  I'll keep the BW Meeting times as they are on my calendar, if you'd like to reschedule, or set up a different time, just let me know.  We will meet virtually, and you can use the Google Meet link that is posted on the Calendar invite itself.  Let me know if you have any questions about this.

Room Cleanings
Starting this past Monday, Troy and his staff have started to deep clean classrooms.  When a room has been deep cleaned, a note with the date it was cleaned has been stuck to the door.  We are working hard to ensure that each surface at school is disinfected and remains that way for as long as possible.  If you need to access your room, you must inform me and Troy, so that the room can be cleaned again, and the date on the sticky note updated.  Since the Governor issued the "Safer at Home" order, access to the building should only be if it is absolutely necessary.

Virtual Staff Meeting on Wednesday at 12:30
During this time we are away from each other, it's still vitally important that we stay connected.  The trust and quality of relationships that we have as adults are the cornerstone for school culture.  Continuing to grow those bonds will be the goal of our time together on Wednesday.  You'll start meeting with one other person, then that group will grow to 6, and then we'll meet as a whole group afterwards.  I will share details either later today or Monday.

Staffing Updates
As we look ahead to next year, there are a couple of updates that are exciting.  The district Social Worker position has been posted and the hiring process is hopefully wrapping up soon with a great candidate.  At their last meeting, the School Board approved the addition of a 5th Grade teacher, so the hiring process for that position is underway as well.
As we look ahead to next year, and the opportunity to have one building dedicated to our Middle Level learners, it's an opportunity to review all aspects of our school operations, and take a look at research-based systems to ensure ALL of our learners are successful.  I believe we have the ratio, capacity, and commitment to excel in this area.  There is certainly a lot of work to be done yet, however, we'll be in the midst of those conversations constantly from here till the first day of school next fall.

Images from the Week
my view from the home office...

The Middle Update 3/15/2020

What an unprecedented week and situation that we are living through.  Staying healthy and stopping the spread of disease is the most important thing at this time, however, I believe this experience will help us grow and open doors to learning opportunities to be considered for future instructional experiences.  All staff will be reporting on Monday and Tuesday of this week.  If a staff member chooses to not come in, leave days will need to be utilized, and remote learning responsibilities will need to be fulfilled.  Please contact me if this is the case for you.  

Monday and Tuesday's Plan
We will plan to meet spaciously at 8:00 a.m. on Monday morning in the IMC to review our plan for the coming weeks.

Monday (3/16/20) (standard 7:30-3:30 work day)
8:00 a.m.-  Remote Learning Planning Meeting - IMC
We will review remote learning expectations and explore some options for delivering lessons.  We will also provide learning opportunities for some apps through the Google Suite that can be used to provide remote instruction effectively.  The rest of the day will be spent collaborating and creating content for the days and weeks ahead.

Tuesday (3/17/20) (standard 7:30-3:30 work day)
Teachers will be in their rooms preparing student materials and creating content for our remote learning over the next few weeks.  Teachers should be available to check in with students or parents that may be picking up materials for the weeks ahead and help answer any questions in the afternoon.  We may also need some help to execute our system for devices to be handed out in the afternoon.
12- 6 p.m- Students and parents may be coming in to pick up learning materials.  We will have staff here to help with materials from 3:30 - 6:00.  

8:00- 4 p.m.  Administration and paraprofessionals will be here to help with the pick-up and delivery of materials.

The Middle Update 3/6/20

Resource of the Week
We have spent some time this year discussing some of our data that shows that the gap between our Economically Disadvantaged Students and their peers is something we should take a closer look at.  The resource this week from the National Education Association sheds light on this issue and provides some strategies for us to do better for our students who are being raised in poverty.  The sections with the headers, "Growing Deficits: The Brain and Behavior", "Slippage: School Policy and Practice", and "Treatment and Prevention" are three sections that discuss the implications and recommendations for school practices that have proven to be most helpful for these students.

"Backgrounder: Students from Poverty" - NEA

Homeroom Pig Races!

Race Winners - Mrs. Anderson's Homeroom!

Best Dressed - Chewbacon - Mrs. Rogness' Homeroom

Best Name - Thicky-Thicky-Ham-Ham

3rd Quarter Grades
Just a reminder that grades for 3rd Quarter should be posted in each standard and should be updated at least weekly throughout the remainder of the quarter.

March Staff Meeting

We'll have the pleasure of learning from Dr. Matthew Arau for our March Staff Meeting.  The Resource of the Week even highlights the critical nature of bringing a consistent growth mindset approach in our interactions with students.  While we have spent time studying growth mindset, Dr. Arau presentation brings that learning up a notch.  We'll meet on Monday, March 16th, starting at 3:00 in the High School Band room.
Next Student of the Month Breakfast
Our next breakfast will be on Friday, March 20th.

Findorff Assembly
Findorff will be putting on an assembly to share with students what the construction areas will look like, and how they should navigate those areas on our campus.  The assembly will be on Thursday, March 12th starting at 2:15.

Hoops for a Cause
Our annual Students vs. Staff Basketball game is next Thursday already!  Our students have been working hard planning an event that will raise money for a cause that is important to our students! 

Middle School Track Meet Dates
It's already time to start planning to help out at our 2 Middle School Track Meets coming up this Spring.  Mark your calendars for the following dates:
     - Monday, April 27th - 4:00
     - Tuesday, May 12th - 4:00

StAfF sHoUtOuTs!!
When some staff members were asked the question, which of your colleagues has been impressive to you and why...who deserves a shout-out, I got the following responses.  Thanks to all for making our team great!!

Zack Gavin - he's been really helpful for feedback
Morgan/Ryan - being so flexible about using the gym for concerts - proactive about preparation for this
Ryan Kartos - planning, always looking for how we can make our units better.
Tyler Johnson - how he gets along with kids easily, seems like he doesn't get rattled by stuff from kids very quickly
Stephanie Weckerly - how helpful she is with math instruction
Dustin Williams - a lot of help in Homeroom - does cool things in Homeroom
Julie Rogness - Helpful with Mechanically Inclined, letting people use her ideas and help spread good practices
Krista Andringa - does a lot for a lot of the kids - she is very good at her job
Julie Rogness - really helpful to me...a ton of stuff, every question I have, she's been so good and resourceful
Kevin Frehner - took the lead on conference organization for 8th grade and has been really helpful
Krista Andringa - constantly positive to collaborate with
Jennifer Hecht - eager to make things better for our kids - great to work with
Bonnie Walther - eager to make things better for kids - great to work with
Amber Mrnak - doing great with Science, kids are enjoying it, and is working hard!
Lindsey Doebert/Patti Hutchinson - making solid connections with kids and being really good at what they do

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 3/1/20

Resource of the Week
The resource this week was shared with me by Mr. Williams.  The article is a good reminder for all of us about just how different the world is now for our students than it was when most of us were growing up.  The latest rapid advances in technology have made the experience vastly different.  As schools, we have to adjust our thinking and instruction.  The article this week gives some thoughts to this topic.

"Your Students Are Not Like You.  Accept It.  Teach Differently"

Pig Races Friday
All pigs and their names should now be on display up in the IMC.  This week, we'll have a vote for both students and staff to vote on the "Best Name" and the "Best Dressed" pigs.  We will then have an assembly next Friday (3/6) at 2:15 for the pig races, and other events that will showcase student talent (or staff talent if anyone has a talent or entertainment idea...just let me know).  More details on the assembly will follow in the week ahead.

Homeroom Lessons for this week should be taught on Thursday and Friday morning this week!!

Parent-Teacher Conferences
Our March Conference session is next week (3/5) from 4:30 to 8:00.  The time is now to invite parents in for conferences.  Like in the past, we will invite as many parents and students in as possible, while also opening the building for all parents to come in and meet with teachers as needed.  This is a great opportunity to show off student work in classrooms and around the building.

3rd Quarter Grades
Just a reminder that grades for 3rd Quarter should be posted in each standard and should be updated at least weekly throughout the remainder of the quarter.

Next Student of the Month Breakfast
Our next breakfast will be on Friday, March 20th.  If you haven't had the chance to present yet to honor a couple of students, please let me know, and we'll make sure you get the chance...there are only 2 remaining recognition breakfasts this year.  Thanks to the 7th grade team for sending in their nominees already!

Findorff Assembly
Findorff will be putting on an assembly to share with students what the construction areas will look like, and how they should navigate those areas on our campus.  The assembly will be on Thursday, March 12th starting at 2:15.

Hoops for a Cause
Mark for calendars for March 12th for our annual Students vs. Staff Basketball game that will raise money for a cause that is important to our students!