Friday, January 31, 2020

The Middle Update 1/31/20

Resource of the Week
The resource this week provides information about how to manage students that are escalated and become upset.  This situation can happen to anyone, and it can be stressful, however, the more prepared we are, the more successful the outcome will be.  Thanks to Mrs. Walther for sharing!

"A De-escalation Exercise for Upset Students" by Daniel Vollrath

Forward Exam Information
We have scheduled our Forward Exam sessions!  We originally had planned a 4/7 start date, but had to adjust our plan to accommodate the installation of the APP needed on chrome books for testing.  We will start testing on Wednesday, April 15th.  You can see the exam schedule by clicking HERE.

20-21 Budget
As a reminder, budgets are due to me by February 20th.  Please coordinate with your department to meet this deadline.  As a reminder, you should submit requisition sheets on paper with one department summary sheet.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this process as I am happy to (and prefer to) assist prior to reviewing the requests.

Pig Races
The Pig Races are right around the corner and the names that have come in are quite impressive.  We will be having a competition for the best name, best dressed, and of course, the fastest pig.  The Pig Races will take place during an Assembly on Friday, February 28th starting at 2:15 pm.

Hoops 4 Heart (Date Change)

A group of our fine Leadership Students are deep into the work of planning for our annual Hoops 4 Heart Staff vs. Students Basketball game.  Mark your calendars now for the event, Thursday, March 12th.

Stock Market Game Success!!

One of our IE offerings is for students to learn about the stock market, and participate in a simulation.  A big congratulations goes out to Luke Lindquist and Luke Romack who took 2nd place in the Fall Wisconsin Stock Market Game. As a result, our school will be receiving a banner and they both get a certificate and a t-shirt from Economics Wisconsin. Outside of our teams, they competed against mostly high school students.

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Middle Update 1/24/20

Resource of the Week
On Monday, we took a look some data that sparked a conversation about one of the Achievement Gap marks that we measure.  I enjoyed the conversation that took place, and as we move forward we must learn more about the issue and use the research, talents, and innovation of the people in our building to help us be even more successful at meeting the needs of these students, along with all of our other kids too!  Today's resource is from the Bush Institute and provides three areas that contribute to the widening achievement gap with this student population.

"How School Can Best Support Children Living in Poverty" - Ann Wicks

From our Equity book study, we have aimed to improve chronic absenteeism by building stronger connections with students...that is a key part, however, there is more work to be done with this issue for some of our students.

20-21 Middle School Structure/Construction Plans
As the weeks continue to move by quickly, so is planning for next school year.  When you step back and take a look at the positive physical changes that will take place on this campus, it's exciting, but can seem overwhelming for some.  As we plan for the structure and remodeling that will take place, I will try to communicate as best I can about the progress.  At times, I'll be seeking input, other times I'll be sharing information.  If at any time, you would like to sit down and discuss next school year, please just let me know, and we'll set up a time.  There have been instances where we were planning something, and then something else came up and that plan changed....I anticipate this will continue to happen as we work to refine our plan heading into next school year.  It's an exciting time, but it also can be a stressful time.  It is my hope to be an effective communicator through this process, and I appreciate your patience and flexibility through this process.

Campus Construction
Like Dr. Shappell mentioned on Monday, construction will start on this campus starting March 20th.  The High School, Middle School Playground area and the parking lot will be affected.  We are also finding that we may need to get creative with some things during the last week of school.  Some of these things can be stressful and will require us to do the best we can, even though solutions may not be ideal.  The changes that will take place will be well worth it in the end, however, the process sometimes will require some flexibility.  Thank you in advance for innovative ideas and an open mind for solving some of the challenges that we will face soon.

We will be having an Assembly on Thursday, March 12th at 2:00 pm that is aimed at educating our students and staff on how to navigate the campus when some of it becomes a construction zone.  Our partners with Findorff will lead this assembly.

Forward Exam Information
Our annual Forward Exam testing window is quickly approaching and plans are underway to organize a testing session that will maximize student focus, effort, and achievement.  We will plan a similar format as last year.  We are still working with the Elementary to coordinate and finalize testing dates.  Students will not be using their assigned chromebooks for testing, as we will use newer devices for testing.

20-21 Budget
As a reminder, budgets are due to me by February 20th.  Please coordinate with your department to meet this deadline.  As a reminder, you should submit requisition sheets on paper with one department summary sheet.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this process as I am happy to (and prefer to) assist prior to reviewing the requests.

Pig Races
The Pig Races are right around the corner and the names that have come in are quite impressive.  We will be having a competition for the best name, best dressed, and of course, the fastest pig.  I'll be working to get some clothing materials on campus for groups to use.  Check out the entries for pig names so far here: NAMES.

Hoops 4 Heart
A group of our fine Leadership Students are deep into the work of planning for our annual Hoops 4 Heart Staff vs. Students Basketball game.  Mark your calendars now for the event, Thursday, March 19th.

We have had a great response from our staff for teaching during our 3- week summer session in June which is great.  However, we are still looking for one more summer reading teacher for down at the library.  The program runs for 6 weeks starting in July and ending in August.  The pay rate is $26 an hour for about 5 hours a day Monday- Thursday.  The teacher would be working with an individual or small group on reading skills.  Ms. Dayton is doing it again this summer and can share her experiences with it.  Otherwise please see Anna or me for more details.  The hours are 9:30- 2:30 so not bad.

Upcoming Events
January 31st - End of Quarter 2 Assembly - Various Events and Carelli Cup Competition
February 19th - MS Assembly - Pig Races - More information to come about this process.
March 12th - Findorff/Construction Assembly - We'll be preparing students for how to navigate our campus with so much construction going on.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Middle Update 1/10/19

As I walked around our school this week, I was paying attention to the body language of our students.  Did they appear to be jovial?  What types of things were they saying?  Was the tone positive?...With the adjustments we made to our master schedule to include more time each day to focus on connection and making our school a positive place for our students to learn and thrive, I think their body language and what they say will be a key part to pay attention to as we assess the effectiveness of this plan.  I would have to say that I was happy with my observations...students smiling and talking with each other with little negativity...Two 7th grade girls said, "I really like school."  "I like coming here."  These are positive signs, and as we are beginning our 2020 journey, our focus should be maintaining this culture and mentality...when the social-emotional learning side is in good shape, learning will thrive.

Resource of the Week
Another article this week from Dr. Matthew Arau.  He will be joining us in mid-March (last blog post I said late February...sorry about that).  His message is about the power of attitude, body language, and our messaging.  While the target audience is music teachers, the message is directly relevant for us all.  Give it a read, and I've highlighted great takeaway quotes from the article below.

"Upbeat!  Creating a Positive Culture in Music Ensembles" by Dr. Matthew Arau

"When we use words that inspire connection, such as “we,” “let’s,” “us,” and “together,” our cells literally get excited – our immune system elevates and our brain fires at a higher level."

"This reminds me of the following words by leadership guru, John C. Maxwell: “It’s one thing to communicate to people because you believe you have something of value to say. It’s another to communicate with people because you believe they have value. People’s opinion of us has less to do with what they see in us than it does with what we can help them see in themselves.”

“Ever wonder why it’s hard to resist smiling in the presence of happy children? Kids smile as often as four hundred times a day, but only 30 percent of adults smile more than twenty times a day, and 14 percent don’t crack a smile five times a day.” He also talks about the health benefits of smiling. “The act itself of smiling lifts your mood, boosts your immune system, decreases stress, lowers blood pressure, and reduces your risk of heart attack. One smile alone can provide the same level of brain stimulation as up to two thousand chocolate bars! Smiling is also associated with living longer.” Gutman also suggests that when we smile we not only appear more likable and courteous, we are also perceived to be more competent."

End of Quarter 2 Details
The last day of Quarter 2 is on Friday, January 17th.  Grades will be due by the morning of Thursday, January 23rd, and we'll review report cards with students in Homeroom on Friday, January 24th.  We will then have our End of Quarter Assembly on the afternoon of Friday, January 31st.  Mrs. Andringa and I met to start planning some of the events for the Assembly, and we are always welcome to new ideas and perspectives and what could be activities/contests/events that could be entertaining for the kids.  Let either of us know if you have some thoughts on this.

January Professional Development Day
On Monday, January 20th, we'll get the opportunity for professional development.  A more detailed schedule will be released soon, but we'll plan to meet as a district in the morning and then we'll meet as a Middle School team.  In the afternoon, we have some work sessions planned from 1:00 - 3:00.  As we meet in BW meetings in the next two weeks, we'll talk about your specific plan during this time.

Assembly January 31st
We are planning to have another Carelli Cup Competition during our Assembly on January 31st.  We will have a Musical Chairs competition, and we'll need one representative from each Homeroom to participate.  Between now and then, each Homeroom should determine how they will choose their rep.  You can have a local musical chairs competition, vote, or any other way you can think of to decide your representative.  The 31st is a Friday, so we will plan to execute Homeroom lessons during the morning homeroom times of 1/30 and 1/31.  

Pig Races
We will be having our Pig Races during an Assembly on February 19th.  I plan to handout pigs during our staff meeting on 1/20.  Each Homeroom will have to name their pig and dress it up prior to the big day, and we'll have a competition for the best name and outfit.  More details on this to come.

Construction Updates
It's an exciting time as we are nearing the start of construction on this campus.  I plan to provide an update when we meet as a staff on 1/20, and I will try to answer any questions that anyone may have when we meet during BW time, or any other time we can if you have questions.  Starting on March 20th, work will be done on the High School.  Our parking lot will be affected, as will the flow to the High School for entrance into the building.  Renovation construction will start in this building over the summer, and the Middle School Building will be closed all summer, except for the office area.  There are many moving questions out there, and we will work to communicate those plans as that time draws closer.  We will definitely be inconvenienced for some things this spring, but the payoff will be well worth it in the fall.

Hoops 4 Heart
A group of our fine Leadership Students are deep into the work of planning for our annual Hoops 4 Heart Staff vs. Students Basketball game.  Mark your calendars now for the event, Thursday, March 19th.

Upcoming Events
January 31st - End of Quarter 2 Assembly - Various Events and Carelli Cup Competition
February 19th - MS Assembly - Pig Races - More information to come about this process.
March 12th - Findorff/Construction Assembly - We'll be preparing students for how to navigate our campus with so much construction going on.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Middle Update 1/5/20

2020 is here, and I really enjoyed easing back into the second half of our school year with our two days of school last week.  With two weeks left in the 2nd quarter, there is a lot happening that sure make January seem to go by quickly.  I enjoyed seeing everyone back and hearing about relaxing/enjoyable holiday breaks by all.  As each day passes, we get closer to some big changes in our district.  The process of opening a new building and converting our building to a 5-8 is exciting, but there is always a level of stress associated with change.  Once March rolls around, things around the district will be starting to change.  Construction around our campus will require us all to have some flexibility and creativity in some areas.  It truly is an exciting time for the entire Poynette community.

Resource of the Week
Our resource this week comes from Dr. Matthew Arau.  He is a professor of Music at Lawrence University.  While his message relates connection to music class, as I read it, I think the connections work for all classes.  We'll get the opportunity to hear from Dr. Arau when he visits us in later February.

End of Quarter 2 Details
The last day of Quarter 2 is on Friday, January 17th.  Grades will be due by the morning of Thursday, January 23rd, and we'll review report cards with students in Homeroom on Friday, January 24th.  We will then have our End of Quarter Assembly on the afternoon of Friday, January 31st.  Mrs. Andringa and I met to start planning some of the events for the Assembly, and we are always welcome to new ideas and perspectives and what could be activities/contests/events that could be entertaining for the kids.  Let either of us know if you have some thoughts on this.

Homeroom Plan This Week
Gratitude Theme!  Here is our plan for the week.  The slide deck can be found HERE.

-Show the video (in slide deck) sometime this week (T,W, or R) (IMPORTANT! Pause at 5:15 and resume at 5:30)
-Encourage students to write a letter of gratitude to someone - bonus if they read it to them or send it to them somehow
-Write on a colored slip of construction paper (in your mail box), one person or activity they are grateful for.  Each Homeroom should make a chain and turn it into the office so we can make a bigger chain to display around the school.

Just a reminder that student progress grades in each standard should be posted and updated at least weekly in Infinite Campus.  We should also be reporting out on at least 2 Puma Pride standards for each class.  

January Professional Development Day
On Monday, January 20th, we'll get the opportunity for professional development.  A more detailed schedule will be released soon, but we'll plan to meet as a district in the morning and then we'll meet as a Middle School team.  In the afternoon, we have some work sessions planned from 1:00 - 3:00.  As we meet in BW meetings in the next two weeks, we'll talk about your specific plan during this time.  

Initial Middle School Play Date is Set
Our Middle School Play performance date has been set.  Our school and community performance will be on Thursday, May 21st.  Mrs. Crawford will be directing the Play for us this year!!

Make it a Great Week!!  Be on the look-out for opportunities to lift someone else up.

The Middle Update 1/31/20

Resource of the Week
The resource this week provides information about how to manage students that are escalated and become upset.  This situation can happen to anyone, and it can be stressful, however, the more prepared we are, the more successful the outcome will be.  Thanks to Mrs. Walther for sharing!

"A De-escalation Exercise for Upset Students" by Daniel Vollrath

Forward Exam Information
We have scheduled our Forward Exam sessions!  We originally had planned a 4/7 start date, but had to adjust our plan to accommodate the installation of the APP needed on chrome books for testing.  We will start testing on Wednesday, April 15th.  You can see the exam schedule by clicking HERE.

20-21 Budget
As a reminder, budgets are due to me by February 20th.  Please coordinate with your department to meet this deadline.  As a reminder, you should submit requisition sheets on paper with one department summary sheet.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this process as I am happy to (and prefer to) assist prior to reviewing the requests.

Pig Races
The Pig Races are right around the corner and the names that have come in are quite impressive.  We will be having a competition for the best name, best dressed, and of course, the fastest pig.  The Pig Races will take place during an Assembly on Friday, February 28th starting at 2:15 pm.

Hoops 4 Heart (Date Change)

A group of our fine Leadership Students are deep into the work of planning for our annual Hoops 4 Heart Staff vs. Students Basketball game.  Mark your calendars now for the event, Thursday, March 12th.

Stock Market Game Success!!

One of our IE offerings is for students to learn about the stock market, and participate in a simulation.  A big congratulations goes out to Luke Lindquist and Luke Romack who took 2nd place in the Fall Wisconsin Stock Market Game. As a result, our school will be receiving a banner and they both get a certificate and a t-shirt from Economics Wisconsin. Outside of our teams, they competed against mostly high school students.

The Middle Update 1/24/20

Resource of the Week
On Monday, we took a look some data that sparked a conversation about one of the Achievement Gap marks that we measure.  I enjoyed the conversation that took place, and as we move forward we must learn more about the issue and use the research, talents, and innovation of the people in our building to help us be even more successful at meeting the needs of these students, along with all of our other kids too!  Today's resource is from the Bush Institute and provides three areas that contribute to the widening achievement gap with this student population.

"How School Can Best Support Children Living in Poverty" - Ann Wicks

From our Equity book study, we have aimed to improve chronic absenteeism by building stronger connections with students...that is a key part, however, there is more work to be done with this issue for some of our students.

20-21 Middle School Structure/Construction Plans
As the weeks continue to move by quickly, so is planning for next school year.  When you step back and take a look at the positive physical changes that will take place on this campus, it's exciting, but can seem overwhelming for some.  As we plan for the structure and remodeling that will take place, I will try to communicate as best I can about the progress.  At times, I'll be seeking input, other times I'll be sharing information.  If at any time, you would like to sit down and discuss next school year, please just let me know, and we'll set up a time.  There have been instances where we were planning something, and then something else came up and that plan changed....I anticipate this will continue to happen as we work to refine our plan heading into next school year.  It's an exciting time, but it also can be a stressful time.  It is my hope to be an effective communicator through this process, and I appreciate your patience and flexibility through this process.

Campus Construction
Like Dr. Shappell mentioned on Monday, construction will start on this campus starting March 20th.  The High School, Middle School Playground area and the parking lot will be affected.  We are also finding that we may need to get creative with some things during the last week of school.  Some of these things can be stressful and will require us to do the best we can, even though solutions may not be ideal.  The changes that will take place will be well worth it in the end, however, the process sometimes will require some flexibility.  Thank you in advance for innovative ideas and an open mind for solving some of the challenges that we will face soon.

We will be having an Assembly on Thursday, March 12th at 2:00 pm that is aimed at educating our students and staff on how to navigate the campus when some of it becomes a construction zone.  Our partners with Findorff will lead this assembly.

Forward Exam Information
Our annual Forward Exam testing window is quickly approaching and plans are underway to organize a testing session that will maximize student focus, effort, and achievement.  We will plan a similar format as last year.  We are still working with the Elementary to coordinate and finalize testing dates.  Students will not be using their assigned chromebooks for testing, as we will use newer devices for testing.

20-21 Budget
As a reminder, budgets are due to me by February 20th.  Please coordinate with your department to meet this deadline.  As a reminder, you should submit requisition sheets on paper with one department summary sheet.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this process as I am happy to (and prefer to) assist prior to reviewing the requests.

Pig Races
The Pig Races are right around the corner and the names that have come in are quite impressive.  We will be having a competition for the best name, best dressed, and of course, the fastest pig.  I'll be working to get some clothing materials on campus for groups to use.  Check out the entries for pig names so far here: NAMES.

Hoops 4 Heart
A group of our fine Leadership Students are deep into the work of planning for our annual Hoops 4 Heart Staff vs. Students Basketball game.  Mark your calendars now for the event, Thursday, March 19th.

We have had a great response from our staff for teaching during our 3- week summer session in June which is great.  However, we are still looking for one more summer reading teacher for down at the library.  The program runs for 6 weeks starting in July and ending in August.  The pay rate is $26 an hour for about 5 hours a day Monday- Thursday.  The teacher would be working with an individual or small group on reading skills.  Ms. Dayton is doing it again this summer and can share her experiences with it.  Otherwise please see Anna or me for more details.  The hours are 9:30- 2:30 so not bad.

Upcoming Events
January 31st - End of Quarter 2 Assembly - Various Events and Carelli Cup Competition
February 19th - MS Assembly - Pig Races - More information to come about this process.
March 12th - Findorff/Construction Assembly - We'll be preparing students for how to navigate our campus with so much construction going on.

The Middle Update 1/10/19

As I walked around our school this week, I was paying attention to the body language of our students.  Did they appear to be jovial?  What types of things were they saying?  Was the tone positive?...With the adjustments we made to our master schedule to include more time each day to focus on connection and making our school a positive place for our students to learn and thrive, I think their body language and what they say will be a key part to pay attention to as we assess the effectiveness of this plan.  I would have to say that I was happy with my observations...students smiling and talking with each other with little negativity...Two 7th grade girls said, "I really like school."  "I like coming here."  These are positive signs, and as we are beginning our 2020 journey, our focus should be maintaining this culture and mentality...when the social-emotional learning side is in good shape, learning will thrive.

Resource of the Week
Another article this week from Dr. Matthew Arau.  He will be joining us in mid-March (last blog post I said late February...sorry about that).  His message is about the power of attitude, body language, and our messaging.  While the target audience is music teachers, the message is directly relevant for us all.  Give it a read, and I've highlighted great takeaway quotes from the article below.

"Upbeat!  Creating a Positive Culture in Music Ensembles" by Dr. Matthew Arau

"When we use words that inspire connection, such as “we,” “let’s,” “us,” and “together,” our cells literally get excited – our immune system elevates and our brain fires at a higher level."

"This reminds me of the following words by leadership guru, John C. Maxwell: “It’s one thing to communicate to people because you believe you have something of value to say. It’s another to communicate with people because you believe they have value. People’s opinion of us has less to do with what they see in us than it does with what we can help them see in themselves.”

“Ever wonder why it’s hard to resist smiling in the presence of happy children? Kids smile as often as four hundred times a day, but only 30 percent of adults smile more than twenty times a day, and 14 percent don’t crack a smile five times a day.” He also talks about the health benefits of smiling. “The act itself of smiling lifts your mood, boosts your immune system, decreases stress, lowers blood pressure, and reduces your risk of heart attack. One smile alone can provide the same level of brain stimulation as up to two thousand chocolate bars! Smiling is also associated with living longer.” Gutman also suggests that when we smile we not only appear more likable and courteous, we are also perceived to be more competent."

End of Quarter 2 Details
The last day of Quarter 2 is on Friday, January 17th.  Grades will be due by the morning of Thursday, January 23rd, and we'll review report cards with students in Homeroom on Friday, January 24th.  We will then have our End of Quarter Assembly on the afternoon of Friday, January 31st.  Mrs. Andringa and I met to start planning some of the events for the Assembly, and we are always welcome to new ideas and perspectives and what could be activities/contests/events that could be entertaining for the kids.  Let either of us know if you have some thoughts on this.

January Professional Development Day
On Monday, January 20th, we'll get the opportunity for professional development.  A more detailed schedule will be released soon, but we'll plan to meet as a district in the morning and then we'll meet as a Middle School team.  In the afternoon, we have some work sessions planned from 1:00 - 3:00.  As we meet in BW meetings in the next two weeks, we'll talk about your specific plan during this time.

Assembly January 31st
We are planning to have another Carelli Cup Competition during our Assembly on January 31st.  We will have a Musical Chairs competition, and we'll need one representative from each Homeroom to participate.  Between now and then, each Homeroom should determine how they will choose their rep.  You can have a local musical chairs competition, vote, or any other way you can think of to decide your representative.  The 31st is a Friday, so we will plan to execute Homeroom lessons during the morning homeroom times of 1/30 and 1/31.  

Pig Races
We will be having our Pig Races during an Assembly on February 19th.  I plan to handout pigs during our staff meeting on 1/20.  Each Homeroom will have to name their pig and dress it up prior to the big day, and we'll have a competition for the best name and outfit.  More details on this to come.

Construction Updates
It's an exciting time as we are nearing the start of construction on this campus.  I plan to provide an update when we meet as a staff on 1/20, and I will try to answer any questions that anyone may have when we meet during BW time, or any other time we can if you have questions.  Starting on March 20th, work will be done on the High School.  Our parking lot will be affected, as will the flow to the High School for entrance into the building.  Renovation construction will start in this building over the summer, and the Middle School Building will be closed all summer, except for the office area.  There are many moving questions out there, and we will work to communicate those plans as that time draws closer.  We will definitely be inconvenienced for some things this spring, but the payoff will be well worth it in the fall.

Hoops 4 Heart
A group of our fine Leadership Students are deep into the work of planning for our annual Hoops 4 Heart Staff vs. Students Basketball game.  Mark your calendars now for the event, Thursday, March 19th.

Upcoming Events
January 31st - End of Quarter 2 Assembly - Various Events and Carelli Cup Competition
February 19th - MS Assembly - Pig Races - More information to come about this process.
March 12th - Findorff/Construction Assembly - We'll be preparing students for how to navigate our campus with so much construction going on.

The Middle Update 1/5/20

2020 is here, and I really enjoyed easing back into the second half of our school year with our two days of school last week.  With two weeks left in the 2nd quarter, there is a lot happening that sure make January seem to go by quickly.  I enjoyed seeing everyone back and hearing about relaxing/enjoyable holiday breaks by all.  As each day passes, we get closer to some big changes in our district.  The process of opening a new building and converting our building to a 5-8 is exciting, but there is always a level of stress associated with change.  Once March rolls around, things around the district will be starting to change.  Construction around our campus will require us all to have some flexibility and creativity in some areas.  It truly is an exciting time for the entire Poynette community.

Resource of the Week
Our resource this week comes from Dr. Matthew Arau.  He is a professor of Music at Lawrence University.  While his message relates connection to music class, as I read it, I think the connections work for all classes.  We'll get the opportunity to hear from Dr. Arau when he visits us in later February.

End of Quarter 2 Details
The last day of Quarter 2 is on Friday, January 17th.  Grades will be due by the morning of Thursday, January 23rd, and we'll review report cards with students in Homeroom on Friday, January 24th.  We will then have our End of Quarter Assembly on the afternoon of Friday, January 31st.  Mrs. Andringa and I met to start planning some of the events for the Assembly, and we are always welcome to new ideas and perspectives and what could be activities/contests/events that could be entertaining for the kids.  Let either of us know if you have some thoughts on this.

Homeroom Plan This Week
Gratitude Theme!  Here is our plan for the week.  The slide deck can be found HERE.

-Show the video (in slide deck) sometime this week (T,W, or R) (IMPORTANT! Pause at 5:15 and resume at 5:30)
-Encourage students to write a letter of gratitude to someone - bonus if they read it to them or send it to them somehow
-Write on a colored slip of construction paper (in your mail box), one person or activity they are grateful for.  Each Homeroom should make a chain and turn it into the office so we can make a bigger chain to display around the school.

Just a reminder that student progress grades in each standard should be posted and updated at least weekly in Infinite Campus.  We should also be reporting out on at least 2 Puma Pride standards for each class.  

January Professional Development Day
On Monday, January 20th, we'll get the opportunity for professional development.  A more detailed schedule will be released soon, but we'll plan to meet as a district in the morning and then we'll meet as a Middle School team.  In the afternoon, we have some work sessions planned from 1:00 - 3:00.  As we meet in BW meetings in the next two weeks, we'll talk about your specific plan during this time.  

Initial Middle School Play Date is Set
Our Middle School Play performance date has been set.  Our school and community performance will be on Thursday, May 21st.  Mrs. Crawford will be directing the Play for us this year!!

Make it a Great Week!!  Be on the look-out for opportunities to lift someone else up.