Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Middle Update 9/29/19

I feel so fortunate to be a part of this team!  Thank you for bringing your best each day for the kids we serve!

Resource of the Week
The resource this week is a little more in depth look at a School Culture of Achievement.  The article does a thorough job of providing the groundwork for what it takes to instill this culture.  I believe we continue to make strides in this area each day, and this resource provides some insight into some of the little adjustments that can be made to have a big impact.

Infinite Campus Grade Posting
All grades in Infinite Campus should be posted and up to date.  Grades should be updated at least weekly in Infinite Campus.  I have really enjoyed walking around during our Homeroom sessions and Mondays and Fridays to watch students set goals, and reflect on their goals using their very own data.  I encourage each teacher to take advantage of this communication tool by putting as much Puma Pride feedback as you can for students and parents to reflect upon and improve.
Staff Meeting this Week!
We'll be meeting as a Middle School Staff on Wednesday afternoon at 2:55 in Julie Rogness' classroom.  We'll be reviewing/reflecting on some of the changes that we've made to this school year, we'll hear from our Lost In School book study team, and we'll continue to reinforce our "Why" and plan for maintaining the strong culture we have started.

MS Schedule of Events
This week is Homecoming Week, and our building will have special dress-up days throughout the week.  The days are as follows:

    • 30th - Pajama Day
    • 1st - Crazy Sock Day
    • 2nd - Favorite Team Gear Day
    • 3rd - Class Color Day
      • 6th - red
      • 7th - white
      • 8th - black
    • 4th - School Spirit Day

BW Meetings
At the beginning of this week, we'll be wrapping up some classroom visits with teachers, and then during the next round of BW Meetings, we'll be reviewing SLO's and PPG's.  Everyone should have a working draft started, with the goals being finalized by mid-October.

Middle School Activity Recap
With our first attempt of the year at our Middle School Activity last Thursday, I believe there were lessons learned and much opportunity for growth.  I plan to debrief with teams about the process, and look to refine our process for next time in October.  Thank you all for the extra efforts for this activity.

Staff Meeting next Wednesday (10/2)
We'll be meeting as a Middle School staff on Wednesday (10/2) starting at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.  We will continue our work learning from each other, focusing on culture, and our student-centered approach.
School Report Cards Released Soon
The DPI plans to release initial School Report Cards for schools to review this week.  Schools then have a time period to review and submit disputes if they notice any errors.  This process lasts about a month before School Report Cards are ultimately released to the public.  

Twitter Post of the Week

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Middle Update 9/21/19

We are off to a great start!  I am very happy about the culture we have set to kick off the school year, and the potential that our structure provides us as we look to improve the experience for everyone in our building.  During informal conversations with students, they seem enjoy and appreciate the additional time to connect with their Homeroom groups.  Much appreciation to each Homeroom teacher for utilizing this time to let our students feel heard and connected.  We will be providing conversation starters very soon to facilitate discussion around the items we reviewed on the last School Climate Survey.  Our whole team is strong and together we'll keep this positive momentum moving through the school year.

Resource of the Week
The resource this week provides a neat glimpse into the reality of teaching in today's world.  The short article provides one example of how a teacher's quiet effort to understand his students was noticed by his students, and the impact those efforts can have on the kids in our classrooms.

Posting Grades
After 3 weeks of school, it's now time to review the evidence collected so far in each standard, and post progress grades in Infinite Campus.  Please take a look at the evidence collected, and have overall standard grades posted by end of day Wednesday (9/25).  On Thursday, we'll send a notification home to parents to let them know they can view student progress grades at this time.  These will also be helpful for students to view as they regularly check out their progress on Infinite Campus.

SLO's and PPG's
Now is the time to be engaged in the work to set our SLO's for this school year.  I have enjoyed the conversation that took place during our Open Lab times this past week.  We'll have another Open Lab time on Monday (9/23) in the 1-8 IMC.  We can set more dates as well, but it's been helpful to have discussion with someone else while crafting this statement.  We can host more sessions if there is interest.  During the next round of BW meetings, we'll be reviewing SLO's and PPG's.  SLO's must be ready to go and approved by mid-October.

MS Schedule of Events
A weekly reminder that our PMS Calendar of Events communicates special dates for the school year.  Please take a look and make note of these events on your calendar.  Our next event will take place on Thursday afternoon as we have our first Middle School Student activity.  I'm sure this list will be updated as our Student Leadership Group continues their planning efforts.

Classroom Visits
During BW meeting time this week, we've taken some time to visit other classrooms.  It's really interesting to see how observing another teacher's practice can be so helpful...there are certain things that each of you do naturally that we all can learn from.  We'll continue these visits this week into next.

Fire Drill on Tuesday (9/24)
We'll have our first safety drill of the year on Tuesday at 9:30am.  As a reminder, emergency procedures should be reviewed regularly with students, and we'll practice those procedures at least once per month.

Staff Meeting next Wednesday (10/2)
We'll be meeting as a Middle School staff on Wednesday (10/2) starting at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.  We will continue our work learning from each other, focusing on culture, and our student-centered approach.

Forward Exam Results are released to the Public
The DPI released the results of the Forward Exam earlier this week.  You can view our results and the results of every school in the state at the WISEDASH Public Portal website.  Feel free to go in and check out the results.  To get to the Forward Exam results, hover over the WSAS, and down to Forward Exam.  School report cards are expected to be released in late October/early November.

Twitter Post of the Week

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Middle Update 9/13/19

As we finish up the 2nd week of school, I am impressed with the feel of the culture in our building.  Overall, students are smiling, and responding favorably to the classic question, "How's it going today?"  We know that each day may bring some challenges or adversity for everyone...teaching our students how to approach adversity rationally, and modeling that for them on a daily basis is a cool part of our role in school.  A great start!

Resource of the Week
The resource this week is a foretelling article from 2012 by a parent and psychologist Niobe Way.  The short article provides a unique perspective to the evolution of our approach to the best practices in Middle School Education.  We need students to have trusting, connected relationships with as many people in the school as possible.  

Prior to the school year, we had many opportunities and discussions in regards to data that shows where we could/should focus our SLO goals for the coming year.  We all should be in the process of drafting our SLO for the school year (myself included).  To provide a targeted time to work on crafting your SLO if you could use it, we'll have SLO Open Lab times available after school on the following days: Monday (9/16), Thursday, (9/19), and Monday (9/23) in the 1-8 IMC.  I, along with a coach or two, will be there to help anyone interested, analyze baseline data and draft their SLO for the coming school year.  SLO's must be ready to go and approved by mid-October.

MS Schedule of Events
There have been many additions to the PMS Calendar of Events for teachers since the last blog post.  We have included all of our scheduled drills for the school year, dates for Middle School grade level activities, the dates of our Middle School Staff Meetings, and our Student of the Month Breakfast dates for the year also.  The Calendar is still in draft form as there are some things still that may be added after some planning/discussion.  A special "thank you" goes out to Mrs. Andringa and Mrs. Weckerly for their interest and help with this plan.

Classroom Visits
In the next round of Bi-Weekly meetings with teachers, we'll be taking some time to visit other classrooms.  I know everyone is used to seeing me in your classroom, but in the next two weeks, there may be other visitors as well.  The opportunity to observe and reflect on teaching practice has been shown to be a vital way for all of us to continue to take the great things we do daily to the next level.  There is a minefield of talent in our school, and we need to learn from each other as much as we can!!

Forward Exam Results are released to the Public
The DPI released the results of the Forward Exam earlier this week.  You can view our results and the results of every school in the state at the WISEDASH Public Portal website.  Feel free to go in and check out the results.  To get to the Forward Exam results, hover over the WSAS, and down to Forward Exam.  School report cards are expected to be released in late October/early November.

Elementary Construction Video
Check it out...the walls are going up!!  VIDEO

Images from the Week

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Middle Update 9/6/19

As I reflect on our first week back at it, I am really excited about how it went.  I talked with a lot of students who were excited about school, their classes, and their teachers.  That is a tribute to the preparation, mindset, how each of you contributed to our team.  Together, this culture will continue throughout the whole year, and we'll avoid the dip that sometimes presents itself later in the year.  A huge thank you to each person on our team for a great start!

IE Starts Monday
Kids will report to their IE groups on Monday.  Our IE time will take on a bit different look this year with a different plan for our E groups.  IE GROUPS are ready to go.  Please share with students on Monday morning during Homeroom.

Students logging into IC
The main goal of Monday morning will be getting students logged into their IC.  Please refer to the email I sent last week for details about how students should log in.  If a student does not remember their password, and cannot log in, they should put an x in the far right column on the spreadsheet and Anna will change their password.  It may take the week, but hopefully by Friday, all students should be set.

Connections Team during Nutrition Break
We know that kids connected with one or more caring adults do better at school.  Our Nutrition Break provides a good time for those connections to form.  I thought having at least one person in each area, each day looking for students to strike up a conversation with or check in with during Nutrition Break, can help us accomplish that goal.  Please check out the Connections sign-up, and commit to one or more of the slots.

PMS Schedule of Events
I started to put together a year long Schedule of Events for the school year.  I really would like some input and to bounce a couple of ideas off of anyone that is interested.  If this is something you'd like to be a part of, come to my office at 3:00 tomorrow to work with me on this.  I appreciate the perspective.

Couple of Reminders
-Please check to make sure your Lesson Plans folder is shared with me
-Please remember to update the Grade Level Blog weekly outlining what's to come in your class
-As a reminder to think about the Puma Pride standards you will be posting in Infinite Campus.  We need at least 1 weekly "Follows Classroom Expectations" and at least one of the following: "Puts Forth Effort to Produce High Quality Work" or "Completes and Returns Work in a Timely Manner".

Lost at School Resource
The Lost at School book shines a bright light on an approach that we can take with students to help us respond effectively with students that exhibit frustrating behaviors that are the result of their lagging skills in a certain area.  Heather Snyder put together this RESOURCE to help in conversations with students that will help uncover these skills and also a list of skills that are common for students to be lacking in schools.  Thank you Heather.

Safety Post
This year I will try to put in short reminders each week about School Safety in a new "Safety Post" category each week.  Each classroom should be equipped with a safety bucket, and a medical kit (like Kris shared during our Nurse training).  Please be familiar with the locations of these items in your classroom.

Resource of the Week
Our resource this week comes from an article that appeared in the magazine Psychology Today.  In a summary of the article, which is put out by AWSA's "The Marshall Memo", associate editor Matt Huston sets out to set the record straight on the human brain and its relation to behavior.

Pushing Back on Ten Myths About the Brain and Behavior (from The Marshall Memo)

“It’s high time we put the most enduring myths about human behavior to bed, and see the mind – and the world – as it is,” says associate editor Matt Huston in this article in Psychology Today. Here’s his debunking list:
• Myth #1: Ten thousand hours of deliberate practice will produce mastery. “One hour of practice is not necessarily going to result in the same amount of gain for two different athletes or musicians,” says Huston. Just as important as the quantity of practice are other factors, including the age when a person starts, the type of practice, coaching, working memory capacity, intelligence, and motivation.
• Myth #2: The brain’s right hemisphere is intuitive, the left analytical. “The right and left hemispheres do specialize in different mental functions,” says Huston. “But the notion that individuals rely more heavily on one or the other glosses over the complexity of the left-right relationship.” Brain imaging shows a complex interaction between the two sides with language, perception, and other capabilities. In addition, there’s variation among individuals.
• Myth #3: People have visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning styles. “The idea that educators should match their instruction to students’ individual learning styles… has been around for decades,” says Huston. “But scientific reviews have found scant justification for this practice… Unsubstantiated ideas about what differentiates students could distract from what boosts all of them.”
• Myth #4: There are multiple intelligences. Huston says that Howard Gardner’s theory of eight distinct intelligences – linguistic, mathematical, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, kinesthetic, musical, naturalistic – has not been proven experimentally, and its usefulness to educators is unclear. There’s no getting away from the importance of general intelligence (sometimes called g) as an important factor (along with conscientiousness and other personal factors) in life outcomes, says Huston.
• Myth #5: Male and female brains are basically the same. Although there is more overlap than difference, says Huston, some differences are significant, probably stemming from evolutionary pressures:
-   Women tend to engage in more altruistic behavior and rate higher on certain measures of empathy than men.
-   Men on average do better at spatially rotating an object, while women are better at remembering the location of objects.
-   Males are much more likely to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
-   Rates of mood disorders and Alzheimer’s disease are higher among women.
-   Exposed to traumatic events, boys are more likely to exhibit externalizing, disruptive behaviors while girls have internalizing symptoms, including self-blame.
-   There’s evidence that medications have different effects on males and females.
• Myth #6: Birth order shapes personality. The idea that one’s position in the family pecking order determines how assertive, agreeable, imaginative, conscientious, experimental, conformist, conventional, and risk-taking one is has been disproven by recent studies. There is some evidence that firstborns have a slight I.Q. advantage (1.5 points in a German study), but this finding has not been widely replicated.
• Myth #7: People’s attachment style is set early in life. It used to be thought that adults’ ease forming close relationships, versus being anxious or avoidant, is shaped by how they related to parents and caregivers in infancy and early childhood. But insecurity as an infant can be overcome by warm and loving parenting, attentive and supportive teachers, and positive experiences as an adult – and vice-versa.
• Myth #8: There’s a depression gene. “Scientists have failed to turn up reliable evidence that any single, common genetic variant matters much when it comes to mental illness,” reports Huston. “…The connection between one’s genetic profile and vulnerability is highly complex.”
• Myth #9: Grieving people move through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, who first posited the five sequential stages, later said that not everyone goes through the same order. “In reality,” says Huston, “grief is not so regimented… Grieving people take many different paths; some clearly recover from loss more easily than do others.” About ten percent take much longer, and they may need treatment.
• Myth #10: Compulsive, problematic sexual activity is an addiction. Psychologists have specific criteria for what constitutes addictive behavior, and this kind of sexual activity doesn’t qualify. People caught in affairs and other self-destructive and hurtful actions may be trying to deflect blame by labeling their bad behavior as a mental disorder.
            Huston concludes with five psychological findings that have stood the test of time and replication:
-   Adults’ personalities as measured by the Big Five “OCEAN” traits – openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism – mostly stay the same.
-   We are swayed by what we believe others think. For example, if prejudiced comments seem acceptable to the group, it’s more likely a person will make them.
-   We seek to confirm existing beliefs and overestimate how predictable an event is. Confirmation bias and hindsight bias (having observed an event, we think we knew it all along) are very common.
-   Choices are affected by how options are framed. For example, saying that meat is 90 percent fat-free is more enticing than saying it contains 10 percent fat.
-   We may recall seeing something we didn’t actually see. “Memory is far from perfect,” says Huston, “and there is evidence that people can be induced to recall invented details of past experiences.”
“Ten Myths About the Mind” by Matt Huston in Psychology Today, September/October 2019 (Vol. 52, #5, pp. 52-61, 88), no e-link available 

Images from the Week

Monday, September 2, 2019

The Middle Update 9/2/19

School Starts Tomorrow!  We are ready.  I'm looking forward to working alongside a positive, persistent team that works hard to build connections with students, and works to help students solve problems as they come up.  We drive the culture in our school!

Morning Plans for 1st Day
7:15 - 7:26
-Students will arrive on the playground before school starts.  Teachers should be out on the playground, greeting students and welcoming them back.
-Some students will need schedules, so it would be helpful if teachers split the schedules up to help hand them out to students who are looking for them.
-Students will be allowed to enter the building at 7:26.
7:30 - 7:45
-Students should put their materials in their locker and head to the gym for the Opening Assembly.  At the assembly, we will welcome the students, welcome the 6th graders, welcome the new staff, and welcome students who are new to the district.  We will then listen to an awesome message from Mrs. Hendrickson.  After Mrs. Hendrickson, I will direct students to find their Homeroom teacher in the gym, and then groups will proceed to Homeroom.  This should be about 7:45.
7:45 - 8:10 - Students will then go to their Homeroom class with their teacher.  During Homeroom, teachers should follow the plan below.
-A quick greeting or share activity to either get acquainted or reconnect
-Distribute chrome books and review the following bullet points:
     -Students should only use their assigned chrome book
     -Chrome books must be plugged in at the end of each day to charge
     -Chrome books should not be taken home (only used at school)
     -Chrome books should not leave the building (stay in lockers while at HS)
     -Chrome books should not be be brought into the bathrooms
     -If damage occurs, the details must be reported ASAP, with a form filled out (forms can be found in the IMC or the office)
     -Students are liable for any damage to their assigned chrome book
     -Be sure to log off if you leave it in the locker or move away from the device
     -Cell phones/Ipods are not permitted to be used outside of the morning and lunch periods.

I think those are the main points.  I will share the Guidelines with parents to review with students as well.  

As of right now, we'll plan to dismiss to students to their first class at 8:10.  We will follow our normal schedule the rest of the day.  The first 8th grade elective will end at 8:40.

Student Schedules/Class Rosters
We are very close to having solid rosters for each class.  We had a student register on Friday, and there are typically mistakes noticed, or small schedule adjustments for some students during the first day or two of school.  I appreciate your flexibility as these things happen.  After the first couple of days it is probably safe to print out that blank spreadsheet or seating chart.

IE Time
For the first week of school, we will meet in Homeroom groups during IE time.  Starting next Monday (9/9), we will meet in IE groups.  I will let you know when the IE rosters are ready to be shared with students.

Staff Leadership Group
I am once again looking for staff to serve on our Leadership Team.  Our team should be comprised of a representative from each core grade level team, a member from our Applied team, and another member or two that is interested.  Please let me know if you would be willing to serve.  Our first meeting will be on Thursday (9/5) at 2:55 in the 1-8 Conference Room.

Presentations from Inservice Meetings
I have attached the slides from our MS Staff Meetings from Last Week
Monday Afternoon
Tuesday Morning
Wednesday Morning

Plans for Next Year
As the year gets started, and moves on, we will be working on our plan for next year's transition from being in 1-8 Building to being Poynette Middle School.  There will be some renovations, moves, and other changes as a result.  I plan to communicate to everyone regularly and those things get ironed out.  I will be seeking input and feedback to some of the natural parts that will change as a result of this move.  It is an exciting time!

Pumas Are Ready to Pounce!
We have a bulletin board in the downstairs hallway near the front entrance that is devoted to pictures of staff and students enjoying their time at our school.  The caption is "Pumas are ready to pounce!"  Feel free to take pictures of students in confident poses with smiles on their face, email them to Robin, or post them on the board.  We want the whole board full of the happy faces of the people in our school.

A Post From Your Instructional Coaches
We have great resources available to teachers to help take your instructional practices to the next level.  An elite culture is made up of people always looking to get better and learn more!  Our coaches are here to help!
Check out what is available HERE.

The Middle Update 9/29/19

I feel so fortunate to be a part of this team!  Thank you for bringing your best each day for the kids we serve!

Resource of the Week
The resource this week is a little more in depth look at a School Culture of Achievement.  The article does a thorough job of providing the groundwork for what it takes to instill this culture.  I believe we continue to make strides in this area each day, and this resource provides some insight into some of the little adjustments that can be made to have a big impact.

Infinite Campus Grade Posting
All grades in Infinite Campus should be posted and up to date.  Grades should be updated at least weekly in Infinite Campus.  I have really enjoyed walking around during our Homeroom sessions and Mondays and Fridays to watch students set goals, and reflect on their goals using their very own data.  I encourage each teacher to take advantage of this communication tool by putting as much Puma Pride feedback as you can for students and parents to reflect upon and improve.
Staff Meeting this Week!
We'll be meeting as a Middle School Staff on Wednesday afternoon at 2:55 in Julie Rogness' classroom.  We'll be reviewing/reflecting on some of the changes that we've made to this school year, we'll hear from our Lost In School book study team, and we'll continue to reinforce our "Why" and plan for maintaining the strong culture we have started.

MS Schedule of Events
This week is Homecoming Week, and our building will have special dress-up days throughout the week.  The days are as follows:

    • 30th - Pajama Day
    • 1st - Crazy Sock Day
    • 2nd - Favorite Team Gear Day
    • 3rd - Class Color Day
      • 6th - red
      • 7th - white
      • 8th - black
    • 4th - School Spirit Day

BW Meetings
At the beginning of this week, we'll be wrapping up some classroom visits with teachers, and then during the next round of BW Meetings, we'll be reviewing SLO's and PPG's.  Everyone should have a working draft started, with the goals being finalized by mid-October.

Middle School Activity Recap
With our first attempt of the year at our Middle School Activity last Thursday, I believe there were lessons learned and much opportunity for growth.  I plan to debrief with teams about the process, and look to refine our process for next time in October.  Thank you all for the extra efforts for this activity.

Staff Meeting next Wednesday (10/2)
We'll be meeting as a Middle School staff on Wednesday (10/2) starting at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.  We will continue our work learning from each other, focusing on culture, and our student-centered approach.
School Report Cards Released Soon
The DPI plans to release initial School Report Cards for schools to review this week.  Schools then have a time period to review and submit disputes if they notice any errors.  This process lasts about a month before School Report Cards are ultimately released to the public.  

Twitter Post of the Week

The Middle Update 9/21/19

We are off to a great start!  I am very happy about the culture we have set to kick off the school year, and the potential that our structure provides us as we look to improve the experience for everyone in our building.  During informal conversations with students, they seem enjoy and appreciate the additional time to connect with their Homeroom groups.  Much appreciation to each Homeroom teacher for utilizing this time to let our students feel heard and connected.  We will be providing conversation starters very soon to facilitate discussion around the items we reviewed on the last School Climate Survey.  Our whole team is strong and together we'll keep this positive momentum moving through the school year.

Resource of the Week
The resource this week provides a neat glimpse into the reality of teaching in today's world.  The short article provides one example of how a teacher's quiet effort to understand his students was noticed by his students, and the impact those efforts can have on the kids in our classrooms.

Posting Grades
After 3 weeks of school, it's now time to review the evidence collected so far in each standard, and post progress grades in Infinite Campus.  Please take a look at the evidence collected, and have overall standard grades posted by end of day Wednesday (9/25).  On Thursday, we'll send a notification home to parents to let them know they can view student progress grades at this time.  These will also be helpful for students to view as they regularly check out their progress on Infinite Campus.

SLO's and PPG's
Now is the time to be engaged in the work to set our SLO's for this school year.  I have enjoyed the conversation that took place during our Open Lab times this past week.  We'll have another Open Lab time on Monday (9/23) in the 1-8 IMC.  We can set more dates as well, but it's been helpful to have discussion with someone else while crafting this statement.  We can host more sessions if there is interest.  During the next round of BW meetings, we'll be reviewing SLO's and PPG's.  SLO's must be ready to go and approved by mid-October.

MS Schedule of Events
A weekly reminder that our PMS Calendar of Events communicates special dates for the school year.  Please take a look and make note of these events on your calendar.  Our next event will take place on Thursday afternoon as we have our first Middle School Student activity.  I'm sure this list will be updated as our Student Leadership Group continues their planning efforts.

Classroom Visits
During BW meeting time this week, we've taken some time to visit other classrooms.  It's really interesting to see how observing another teacher's practice can be so helpful...there are certain things that each of you do naturally that we all can learn from.  We'll continue these visits this week into next.

Fire Drill on Tuesday (9/24)
We'll have our first safety drill of the year on Tuesday at 9:30am.  As a reminder, emergency procedures should be reviewed regularly with students, and we'll practice those procedures at least once per month.

Staff Meeting next Wednesday (10/2)
We'll be meeting as a Middle School staff on Wednesday (10/2) starting at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.  We will continue our work learning from each other, focusing on culture, and our student-centered approach.

Forward Exam Results are released to the Public
The DPI released the results of the Forward Exam earlier this week.  You can view our results and the results of every school in the state at the WISEDASH Public Portal website.  Feel free to go in and check out the results.  To get to the Forward Exam results, hover over the WSAS, and down to Forward Exam.  School report cards are expected to be released in late October/early November.

Twitter Post of the Week

The Middle Update 9/13/19

As we finish up the 2nd week of school, I am impressed with the feel of the culture in our building.  Overall, students are smiling, and responding favorably to the classic question, "How's it going today?"  We know that each day may bring some challenges or adversity for everyone...teaching our students how to approach adversity rationally, and modeling that for them on a daily basis is a cool part of our role in school.  A great start!

Resource of the Week
The resource this week is a foretelling article from 2012 by a parent and psychologist Niobe Way.  The short article provides a unique perspective to the evolution of our approach to the best practices in Middle School Education.  We need students to have trusting, connected relationships with as many people in the school as possible.  

Prior to the school year, we had many opportunities and discussions in regards to data that shows where we could/should focus our SLO goals for the coming year.  We all should be in the process of drafting our SLO for the school year (myself included).  To provide a targeted time to work on crafting your SLO if you could use it, we'll have SLO Open Lab times available after school on the following days: Monday (9/16), Thursday, (9/19), and Monday (9/23) in the 1-8 IMC.  I, along with a coach or two, will be there to help anyone interested, analyze baseline data and draft their SLO for the coming school year.  SLO's must be ready to go and approved by mid-October.

MS Schedule of Events
There have been many additions to the PMS Calendar of Events for teachers since the last blog post.  We have included all of our scheduled drills for the school year, dates for Middle School grade level activities, the dates of our Middle School Staff Meetings, and our Student of the Month Breakfast dates for the year also.  The Calendar is still in draft form as there are some things still that may be added after some planning/discussion.  A special "thank you" goes out to Mrs. Andringa and Mrs. Weckerly for their interest and help with this plan.

Classroom Visits
In the next round of Bi-Weekly meetings with teachers, we'll be taking some time to visit other classrooms.  I know everyone is used to seeing me in your classroom, but in the next two weeks, there may be other visitors as well.  The opportunity to observe and reflect on teaching practice has been shown to be a vital way for all of us to continue to take the great things we do daily to the next level.  There is a minefield of talent in our school, and we need to learn from each other as much as we can!!

Forward Exam Results are released to the Public
The DPI released the results of the Forward Exam earlier this week.  You can view our results and the results of every school in the state at the WISEDASH Public Portal website.  Feel free to go in and check out the results.  To get to the Forward Exam results, hover over the WSAS, and down to Forward Exam.  School report cards are expected to be released in late October/early November.

Elementary Construction Video
Check it out...the walls are going up!!  VIDEO

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 9/6/19

As I reflect on our first week back at it, I am really excited about how it went.  I talked with a lot of students who were excited about school, their classes, and their teachers.  That is a tribute to the preparation, mindset, how each of you contributed to our team.  Together, this culture will continue throughout the whole year, and we'll avoid the dip that sometimes presents itself later in the year.  A huge thank you to each person on our team for a great start!

IE Starts Monday
Kids will report to their IE groups on Monday.  Our IE time will take on a bit different look this year with a different plan for our E groups.  IE GROUPS are ready to go.  Please share with students on Monday morning during Homeroom.

Students logging into IC
The main goal of Monday morning will be getting students logged into their IC.  Please refer to the email I sent last week for details about how students should log in.  If a student does not remember their password, and cannot log in, they should put an x in the far right column on the spreadsheet and Anna will change their password.  It may take the week, but hopefully by Friday, all students should be set.

Connections Team during Nutrition Break
We know that kids connected with one or more caring adults do better at school.  Our Nutrition Break provides a good time for those connections to form.  I thought having at least one person in each area, each day looking for students to strike up a conversation with or check in with during Nutrition Break, can help us accomplish that goal.  Please check out the Connections sign-up, and commit to one or more of the slots.

PMS Schedule of Events
I started to put together a year long Schedule of Events for the school year.  I really would like some input and to bounce a couple of ideas off of anyone that is interested.  If this is something you'd like to be a part of, come to my office at 3:00 tomorrow to work with me on this.  I appreciate the perspective.

Couple of Reminders
-Please check to make sure your Lesson Plans folder is shared with me
-Please remember to update the Grade Level Blog weekly outlining what's to come in your class
-As a reminder to think about the Puma Pride standards you will be posting in Infinite Campus.  We need at least 1 weekly "Follows Classroom Expectations" and at least one of the following: "Puts Forth Effort to Produce High Quality Work" or "Completes and Returns Work in a Timely Manner".

Lost at School Resource
The Lost at School book shines a bright light on an approach that we can take with students to help us respond effectively with students that exhibit frustrating behaviors that are the result of their lagging skills in a certain area.  Heather Snyder put together this RESOURCE to help in conversations with students that will help uncover these skills and also a list of skills that are common for students to be lacking in schools.  Thank you Heather.

Safety Post
This year I will try to put in short reminders each week about School Safety in a new "Safety Post" category each week.  Each classroom should be equipped with a safety bucket, and a medical kit (like Kris shared during our Nurse training).  Please be familiar with the locations of these items in your classroom.

Resource of the Week
Our resource this week comes from an article that appeared in the magazine Psychology Today.  In a summary of the article, which is put out by AWSA's "The Marshall Memo", associate editor Matt Huston sets out to set the record straight on the human brain and its relation to behavior.

Pushing Back on Ten Myths About the Brain and Behavior (from The Marshall Memo)

“It’s high time we put the most enduring myths about human behavior to bed, and see the mind – and the world – as it is,” says associate editor Matt Huston in this article in Psychology Today. Here’s his debunking list:
• Myth #1: Ten thousand hours of deliberate practice will produce mastery. “One hour of practice is not necessarily going to result in the same amount of gain for two different athletes or musicians,” says Huston. Just as important as the quantity of practice are other factors, including the age when a person starts, the type of practice, coaching, working memory capacity, intelligence, and motivation.
• Myth #2: The brain’s right hemisphere is intuitive, the left analytical. “The right and left hemispheres do specialize in different mental functions,” says Huston. “But the notion that individuals rely more heavily on one or the other glosses over the complexity of the left-right relationship.” Brain imaging shows a complex interaction between the two sides with language, perception, and other capabilities. In addition, there’s variation among individuals.
• Myth #3: People have visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning styles. “The idea that educators should match their instruction to students’ individual learning styles… has been around for decades,” says Huston. “But scientific reviews have found scant justification for this practice… Unsubstantiated ideas about what differentiates students could distract from what boosts all of them.”
• Myth #4: There are multiple intelligences. Huston says that Howard Gardner’s theory of eight distinct intelligences – linguistic, mathematical, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, kinesthetic, musical, naturalistic – has not been proven experimentally, and its usefulness to educators is unclear. There’s no getting away from the importance of general intelligence (sometimes called g) as an important factor (along with conscientiousness and other personal factors) in life outcomes, says Huston.
• Myth #5: Male and female brains are basically the same. Although there is more overlap than difference, says Huston, some differences are significant, probably stemming from evolutionary pressures:
-   Women tend to engage in more altruistic behavior and rate higher on certain measures of empathy than men.
-   Men on average do better at spatially rotating an object, while women are better at remembering the location of objects.
-   Males are much more likely to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
-   Rates of mood disorders and Alzheimer’s disease are higher among women.
-   Exposed to traumatic events, boys are more likely to exhibit externalizing, disruptive behaviors while girls have internalizing symptoms, including self-blame.
-   There’s evidence that medications have different effects on males and females.
• Myth #6: Birth order shapes personality. The idea that one’s position in the family pecking order determines how assertive, agreeable, imaginative, conscientious, experimental, conformist, conventional, and risk-taking one is has been disproven by recent studies. There is some evidence that firstborns have a slight I.Q. advantage (1.5 points in a German study), but this finding has not been widely replicated.
• Myth #7: People’s attachment style is set early in life. It used to be thought that adults’ ease forming close relationships, versus being anxious or avoidant, is shaped by how they related to parents and caregivers in infancy and early childhood. But insecurity as an infant can be overcome by warm and loving parenting, attentive and supportive teachers, and positive experiences as an adult – and vice-versa.
• Myth #8: There’s a depression gene. “Scientists have failed to turn up reliable evidence that any single, common genetic variant matters much when it comes to mental illness,” reports Huston. “…The connection between one’s genetic profile and vulnerability is highly complex.”
• Myth #9: Grieving people move through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, who first posited the five sequential stages, later said that not everyone goes through the same order. “In reality,” says Huston, “grief is not so regimented… Grieving people take many different paths; some clearly recover from loss more easily than do others.” About ten percent take much longer, and they may need treatment.
• Myth #10: Compulsive, problematic sexual activity is an addiction. Psychologists have specific criteria for what constitutes addictive behavior, and this kind of sexual activity doesn’t qualify. People caught in affairs and other self-destructive and hurtful actions may be trying to deflect blame by labeling their bad behavior as a mental disorder.
            Huston concludes with five psychological findings that have stood the test of time and replication:
-   Adults’ personalities as measured by the Big Five “OCEAN” traits – openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism – mostly stay the same.
-   We are swayed by what we believe others think. For example, if prejudiced comments seem acceptable to the group, it’s more likely a person will make them.
-   We seek to confirm existing beliefs and overestimate how predictable an event is. Confirmation bias and hindsight bias (having observed an event, we think we knew it all along) are very common.
-   Choices are affected by how options are framed. For example, saying that meat is 90 percent fat-free is more enticing than saying it contains 10 percent fat.
-   We may recall seeing something we didn’t actually see. “Memory is far from perfect,” says Huston, “and there is evidence that people can be induced to recall invented details of past experiences.”
“Ten Myths About the Mind” by Matt Huston in Psychology Today, September/October 2019 (Vol. 52, #5, pp. 52-61, 88), no e-link available 

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 9/2/19

School Starts Tomorrow!  We are ready.  I'm looking forward to working alongside a positive, persistent team that works hard to build connections with students, and works to help students solve problems as they come up.  We drive the culture in our school!

Morning Plans for 1st Day
7:15 - 7:26
-Students will arrive on the playground before school starts.  Teachers should be out on the playground, greeting students and welcoming them back.
-Some students will need schedules, so it would be helpful if teachers split the schedules up to help hand them out to students who are looking for them.
-Students will be allowed to enter the building at 7:26.
7:30 - 7:45
-Students should put their materials in their locker and head to the gym for the Opening Assembly.  At the assembly, we will welcome the students, welcome the 6th graders, welcome the new staff, and welcome students who are new to the district.  We will then listen to an awesome message from Mrs. Hendrickson.  After Mrs. Hendrickson, I will direct students to find their Homeroom teacher in the gym, and then groups will proceed to Homeroom.  This should be about 7:45.
7:45 - 8:10 - Students will then go to their Homeroom class with their teacher.  During Homeroom, teachers should follow the plan below.
-A quick greeting or share activity to either get acquainted or reconnect
-Distribute chrome books and review the following bullet points:
     -Students should only use their assigned chrome book
     -Chrome books must be plugged in at the end of each day to charge
     -Chrome books should not be taken home (only used at school)
     -Chrome books should not leave the building (stay in lockers while at HS)
     -Chrome books should not be be brought into the bathrooms
     -If damage occurs, the details must be reported ASAP, with a form filled out (forms can be found in the IMC or the office)
     -Students are liable for any damage to their assigned chrome book
     -Be sure to log off if you leave it in the locker or move away from the device
     -Cell phones/Ipods are not permitted to be used outside of the morning and lunch periods.

I think those are the main points.  I will share the Guidelines with parents to review with students as well.  

As of right now, we'll plan to dismiss to students to their first class at 8:10.  We will follow our normal schedule the rest of the day.  The first 8th grade elective will end at 8:40.

Student Schedules/Class Rosters
We are very close to having solid rosters for each class.  We had a student register on Friday, and there are typically mistakes noticed, or small schedule adjustments for some students during the first day or two of school.  I appreciate your flexibility as these things happen.  After the first couple of days it is probably safe to print out that blank spreadsheet or seating chart.

IE Time
For the first week of school, we will meet in Homeroom groups during IE time.  Starting next Monday (9/9), we will meet in IE groups.  I will let you know when the IE rosters are ready to be shared with students.

Staff Leadership Group
I am once again looking for staff to serve on our Leadership Team.  Our team should be comprised of a representative from each core grade level team, a member from our Applied team, and another member or two that is interested.  Please let me know if you would be willing to serve.  Our first meeting will be on Thursday (9/5) at 2:55 in the 1-8 Conference Room.

Presentations from Inservice Meetings
I have attached the slides from our MS Staff Meetings from Last Week
Monday Afternoon
Tuesday Morning
Wednesday Morning

Plans for Next Year
As the year gets started, and moves on, we will be working on our plan for next year's transition from being in 1-8 Building to being Poynette Middle School.  There will be some renovations, moves, and other changes as a result.  I plan to communicate to everyone regularly and those things get ironed out.  I will be seeking input and feedback to some of the natural parts that will change as a result of this move.  It is an exciting time!

Pumas Are Ready to Pounce!
We have a bulletin board in the downstairs hallway near the front entrance that is devoted to pictures of staff and students enjoying their time at our school.  The caption is "Pumas are ready to pounce!"  Feel free to take pictures of students in confident poses with smiles on their face, email them to Robin, or post them on the board.  We want the whole board full of the happy faces of the people in our school.

A Post From Your Instructional Coaches
We have great resources available to teachers to help take your instructional practices to the next level.  An elite culture is made up of people always looking to get better and learn more!  Our coaches are here to help!
Check out what is available HERE.