Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Middle Update 4/27/19

Resource of the Week
E + R = O  (Event + Response = Outcome)
Everyone experiences multiple events in in our life every day.  Many of the events that we experience we cannot control.  What we can control, however, is how we respond.  How we respond will determine the outcome.  A disciplined response will lead to a favorable outcome.  This concept is important in our work as educators, as we work to improve our practice, and in our work with students.  The short resource this week explains this simple, but "game-changing" concept in our life.

"E+R=O: Why Your Response is Deeply Personal and Never Private" - Brian Kight

Heading into the Home Stretch
As we head down the stretch, it's important for us all to have the same mindset about how our final weeks of school will go.  Anytime we have a disruption to our routine (Forward Exam week/field trip), we sometimes see an uptick in challenging behavior.  Making the most of our class time every minute,  every day, is an essential value that we all must uphold for our culture.  Having strong, engaging lessons right up to the last day of school is going to be an essential part of finishing the school year strong and strengthening a culture of high expectations for ALL, and the high achievement that naturally follows.

Forward Testing Update
Thank you all for your flexibility in helping make sure all of our students got tested.  We have only 3 students left to test.  We will have those students finish up on Monday morning.

For anyone that was involved in the execution of the Forward Exam, please take a brief minute to provide some FEEDBACK about our process.

Student of the Month Breakfast This Week
Our next Student of the Month Breakfast is on this coming Thursday (5/2) starting at 7:00 in the IMC.  This is another great opportunity to welcome families into our building and recognize great effort and achievement from our students.  Congratulations to this month's recipients:

Miles Matz     Izzy Steffenhagen     Matthew Lannoye Cayvery LaSarge
Noah Broderick Shayna Cox Dayne Bednarik Gracie Bredeson

Staff Meeting on Wednesday (5/1)
We will be meeting as a staff this Wednesday starting at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' room.  We will learn from our colleagues more about equity in schools, and review the group's action plan for how we will work to improve in this area.  We will also continue our focus on our school's culture.

Upcoming Events
Monday - April 29 - Home Track Meet
Wednesday - May 1 - PMS Staff Meeting
Thursday - May 2 - PMS Student of the Month Recognition Breakfast
Wednesday - May 15 - Choir Rehearsals for Spring Concert
Wednesday - May 15 - Retirement Open House - 3:30 - 4:30 (HS IMC)
Wednesday - May 15 - School Board Meeting
Thursday - May 16 - Spring Concert
Thursday - May 16 - 7th Graders Field Trip to Mackenzie Center
Friday - May 17 - Superhero Run/Wellness Day
Thursday - May 23 - Home Track Meet
Wednesday - May 29 - PMS Staff Meeting
Sunday - June 2 - PHS Graduation
Wednesday - June 5 - 8th Grade Field Trip/Dance
Thursday - June 6 - Early Release at 12:30 - Staff Reception at 1:00 in HS Commons

Images from the Week

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Middle Update - 4/21/19

Resource of the Week
This week's resource provides a solid reminder of ways to finish the school year strong.  As we head down the final stretch, getting the most out of each class period, each day is so vital...especially when you think about the lost instructional days that our students missed out on due to the volatile winter weather.  Keeping students focused and on track are critical pieces to having a smooth, well-managed end of the school year.  Our leadership students are working on some opportunities to further strengthen our community in the next stretch of the school year as well.

"Home Stretch: Finish the End of the School Year Strong" - Jennifer Gunn

Forward Exam Update
Thanks to all for the successful administration of the Forward Exam.  I believe we had a strong culture of effort, and students and staff worked hard to make sure we have the best snapshot of student abilities that we could have.  We had our best attendance days of the year last week!!

We still have our 8th graders testing on Monday and Tuesday...finishing up Social Studies and Science.  We will also be administering make-up tests for any student that missed a day or two last week.

Middle School Play
Congratulations to Mrs. Petersen and the cast of our Middle School Play this year on their successful performance they put on last week for the public and for our student body.  An impressive amount of talent was on display. It was a great show!

Superhero Run Fundraiser
We will be running our 2nd annual Superhero Run this spring.  The run will be on Friday, May 17th and will follow a similar schedule as last year.  Our students are organizing part of our Wellness Day activities on this day as well.  More details will be forthcoming.

End of Year All Staff Celebration
This year we will be starting a new tradition.  At around 1:00 on the last day of school (Thursday, 6/6) in the High School cafeteria for all staff, we will serve pizza, and other options, for everyone, and have a brief recognition ceremony.  Check-out procedures will start right after we wrap up our celebration.

Student of the Month Breakfast Updates
We will have one more recognition breakfast on Thursday, May 2nd.  Thanks to everyone for submitting your nominations.  If anyone else has a student that is shining and they would like to be recognized, please let me know...we could make some arrangements.  Congratulations to this month's nominees.

Parent's Club Generosity
The PAD Parent's Club annually will reimburse teachers for up to $100 for expenses they have purchased for the benefit of their classroom.  There is a form available for this, and receipts must be attached and submitted to the club for any of these purchases.  The end of the school year is the deadline for requests to be reimbursed.  If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Williams (

Vaping Informational Session Coming Up
We will be hosting an informational session about Vaping...a newer trend that is causing vaping use to be on the rise with teenagers across the country.  The session will be located in the Poynette High School IMC on Wednesday, 4/24 at 6:00pm.  This session is open to any staff member, student, parent, or community member.

Next Staff Meeting
Mark your calendars for our next Middle School Staff Meeting on Wednesday, May 1 at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.  We will be continuing our analysis of data, turning our focus to how we can improve in areas of need.  Also, we will be learning more about educational equity, and areas that could use improvement in our school.

Forward Exam Item Review Opportunity for Staff
See below for an opportunity to be engaged in the planning for items on the Forward Exam.

Good day:
DPI’s Office of Student Assessment is looking for a diverse group of educators from all over Wisconsin (including EL and special education teachers) to participate in the Summer “New Item Review” for the Forward Exam.  This is a great opportunity to be a part of assessment development, provide valuable feedback, have detailed input about the items on the Forward Exam, and take knowledge back to the district about the process.
Attached you will find a flyer with more information about the meetings including dates, logistics, and application information.  Please make this flyer available to all Educators 3-8 and 10 in your district. Their input is invaluable during this stage of item development.   

Jennifer Teasdale
Education Program Specialist
Office of Student Assessment

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Middle Update 4/12/19

Resource of the Week
The Building Equity book study team has wrapped up their reading of the book and face to face meetings.  As a result of the learning, the group has narrowed their focus on a couple of areas to work towards making our school a more equitable place for all.  We will be hearing about our plans at our upcoming staff meeting, and in individual BW meetings coming up.  The resource this week provides a a clear, solid overview of what it's all about.

Equity in Education: What it is and why it matters - by

Forward Exam Preparation
It's Forward Exam Week!  A big week for our school.  Our first day of testing will be on Tuesday (4/16) and continue school-wide through Thursday (4/18).  Students will report right to their testing locations on Tuesday through Thursday.  Each test proctor will get everyone checked in, computers ready to go, and then go through a review for the specific test session that will be administered.  I will email out the details of things for each teacher to review with the students prior to releasing them to Nutrition Break at 7:50.  After about a 7-10 minute break, students will report back to their testing room and begin the test.  Please see the attached information for more details.  Also, check out the video that students and staff starred in to get help establish confidence.

Modified Bell Schedule
Schedule of Tests and Times
Testing Groups
Hype Video

Middle School Play Coming Up
Many of our students have been hard at work getting ready for our annual play performance.  The students will be performing for the public on Tuesday, April 16th at 6:00 pm.  The performance will be on display for all of our students at roughly 2:10 (subject to change) on Thursday, April 18th.

Middle School Track Meets
The Middle School Track and Field season already underway.  We are hosting meets on Monday, 4/29 and Thursday, 5/23.  If you are able, it would be great to have as many of our staff members sign up to work this meet to be there for our kids.  Last year, we had a great turnout and great weather, and I'm assuming the weather will be great again.  Check out the Extra Duty Opportunity document to sign up if interested.  It looks like we need about 3 or 4 people yet to fill up our worker team.

Also, there are many other spring events that could use some help and support with workers.  Please consider signing up to help out.

Student of the Month Breakfast Updates
We will have one more recognition breakfast on Thursday, May 2nd.  Thanks to everyone for submitting your nominations.  If anyone else has a student that is shining and they would like to be recognized, please let me know...we could make some arrangements.

Parent's Club Generosity
The PAD Parent's Club annually will reimburse teachers for up to $100 for expenses they have purchased for the benefit of their classroom.  There is a form available for this, and receipts must be attached and submitted to the club for any of these purchases.  The end of the school year is the deadline for requests to be reimbursed.  If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Williams (

Vaping Informational Session Coming Up
We will be hosting an informational session about Vaping...a newer trend that is causing vaping use to be on the rise with teenagers across the country.  The session will be located in the Poynette High School IMC on Wednesday, 4/24 at 6:00pm.  This session is open to any staff member, student, parent, or community member.

Next Staff Meeting
Mark your calendars for our next Middle School Staff Meeting on Wednesday, May 1 at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.  We will be continuing our analysis of data, turning our focus to how we can improve in areas of need.  Also, we will be learning more about educational equity, and areas that could use improvement in our school.

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Middle Update 4/5/19

Resource of the Week
Coming up very soon, Mr. Fischer, Ms. Hellmich, and I will be leading a book study on the book titled Lost at School by Ross Greene.  Our resource this week gives an overview of what this book is all about, but just reading provides some perspective on what works and what doesn't for some of our students that can be challenging to us in different ways.  Check it out, and look for the book study information that is soon to be shared.

"Lost at School" preview

End of Quarter 3 Information
We are already at the end of the 3rd quarter!  As a reminder, 3rd quarter grades are due by Wednesday (4/10) morning.  We will plan to review report cards with students during Homeroom again next Friday.  We will also have ice cream treats available in the cafeteria at the end of the day on Friday, students can redeem a report card that shows all 5 "Meets Expectations" in their overall Puma Pride scores for a frozen treat of their choice.

Forward Exam Preparation
Thanks to all of you who participated in our Forward Exam Proctor Training this past Wednesday.  Our first day of testing will be on Tuesday (4/16) and continue school-wide through Thursday (4/18).  Please see the attached information for more details.  Also, check out the video that students and staff starred in to get help establish confidence.

Modified Bell Schedule
Schedule of Tests and Times
Testing Groups
Hype Video

"Mix-It-Up Day Recap"
Congrats to our MS Leadership students who organized a successful "Mix-It-Up" event over our lunch period on Friday.  Thanks to the teachers who helped them, and came over to interact with the kids and witness a very entertaining trivia competition between Mr. Williams and Mr. Johnson.  Special thanks to Ms. Pittner and Ms. Schmelzer for helping guide the students to pulling off a successful event.

Forensics Team Update (from Mrs. Rogness)
The middle school forensics team had a successful season that just wrapped up at the end of March.  The students worked hard for several months to prepare their pieces and presented them for judging at 2 meets; one held at McFarland Middle School, and the other at Lodi Middle School.  
(Not pictured: Emily W. and Izzy S.)

Middle School Play Coming Up
Many of our students have been hard at work getting ready for our annual play performance.  The students will be performing for the public on Tuesday, April 16th at 6:00 pm.  The performance will be on display for all of our students at roughly 2:00 (subject to change) on Thursday, April 18th.

Middle School Track Meets
Middle School Track and Field starts up on Monday, 4/8 with practice.  We are hosting meets on Monday, 4/29 and Thursday, 5/23.  If you are able, it would be great to have as many of our staff members sign up to work this meet to be there for our kids.  Last year, we had a great turnout and great weather, and I'm assuming the weather will be great again.  Check out the Extra Duty Opportunity document to sign up if interested.  It looks like we need about 3 or 4 people yet to fill up our worker team.

Student of the Month Breakfast Updates
Due to a number of scheduling conflicts, we have adjusted our remaining SOM breakfast schedule.  We will have one more recognition breakfast on Thursday, May 2nd.  Mr. Hazard has already submitted his selections.  Teams should submit their nominations to Robin by the end of next week.  If anyone else has a student that is shining and they would like to be recognized, please let me know...we could make some arrangements.

Parent's Club Generosity
The PAD Parent's Club annually will reimburse teachers for up to $100 for expenses they have purchased for the benefit of their classroom.  There is a form available for this, and receipts must be attached and submitted to the club for any of these purchases.  The end of the school year is the deadline for requests to be reimbursed.  If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Williams (

Vaping Informational Session Coming Up
We will be hosting an informational session about Vaping...a newer trend that is causing vaping use to be on the rise with teenagers across the country.  The session will be located in the Poynette High School IMC on Wednesday, 4/24 at 6:00pm.  This session is open to any staff member, student, parent, or community member.

Next Staff Meeting
Mark your calendars for our next Middle School Staff Meeting on Wednesday, May 1 at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.

The Middle Update 4/27/19

Resource of the Week
E + R = O  (Event + Response = Outcome)
Everyone experiences multiple events in in our life every day.  Many of the events that we experience we cannot control.  What we can control, however, is how we respond.  How we respond will determine the outcome.  A disciplined response will lead to a favorable outcome.  This concept is important in our work as educators, as we work to improve our practice, and in our work with students.  The short resource this week explains this simple, but "game-changing" concept in our life.

"E+R=O: Why Your Response is Deeply Personal and Never Private" - Brian Kight

Heading into the Home Stretch
As we head down the stretch, it's important for us all to have the same mindset about how our final weeks of school will go.  Anytime we have a disruption to our routine (Forward Exam week/field trip), we sometimes see an uptick in challenging behavior.  Making the most of our class time every minute,  every day, is an essential value that we all must uphold for our culture.  Having strong, engaging lessons right up to the last day of school is going to be an essential part of finishing the school year strong and strengthening a culture of high expectations for ALL, and the high achievement that naturally follows.

Forward Testing Update
Thank you all for your flexibility in helping make sure all of our students got tested.  We have only 3 students left to test.  We will have those students finish up on Monday morning.

For anyone that was involved in the execution of the Forward Exam, please take a brief minute to provide some FEEDBACK about our process.

Student of the Month Breakfast This Week
Our next Student of the Month Breakfast is on this coming Thursday (5/2) starting at 7:00 in the IMC.  This is another great opportunity to welcome families into our building and recognize great effort and achievement from our students.  Congratulations to this month's recipients:

Miles Matz     Izzy Steffenhagen     Matthew Lannoye Cayvery LaSarge
Noah Broderick Shayna Cox Dayne Bednarik Gracie Bredeson

Staff Meeting on Wednesday (5/1)
We will be meeting as a staff this Wednesday starting at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' room.  We will learn from our colleagues more about equity in schools, and review the group's action plan for how we will work to improve in this area.  We will also continue our focus on our school's culture.

Upcoming Events
Monday - April 29 - Home Track Meet
Wednesday - May 1 - PMS Staff Meeting
Thursday - May 2 - PMS Student of the Month Recognition Breakfast
Wednesday - May 15 - Choir Rehearsals for Spring Concert
Wednesday - May 15 - Retirement Open House - 3:30 - 4:30 (HS IMC)
Wednesday - May 15 - School Board Meeting
Thursday - May 16 - Spring Concert
Thursday - May 16 - 7th Graders Field Trip to Mackenzie Center
Friday - May 17 - Superhero Run/Wellness Day
Thursday - May 23 - Home Track Meet
Wednesday - May 29 - PMS Staff Meeting
Sunday - June 2 - PHS Graduation
Wednesday - June 5 - 8th Grade Field Trip/Dance
Thursday - June 6 - Early Release at 12:30 - Staff Reception at 1:00 in HS Commons

Images from the Week

The Middle Update - 4/21/19

Resource of the Week
This week's resource provides a solid reminder of ways to finish the school year strong.  As we head down the final stretch, getting the most out of each class period, each day is so vital...especially when you think about the lost instructional days that our students missed out on due to the volatile winter weather.  Keeping students focused and on track are critical pieces to having a smooth, well-managed end of the school year.  Our leadership students are working on some opportunities to further strengthen our community in the next stretch of the school year as well.

"Home Stretch: Finish the End of the School Year Strong" - Jennifer Gunn

Forward Exam Update
Thanks to all for the successful administration of the Forward Exam.  I believe we had a strong culture of effort, and students and staff worked hard to make sure we have the best snapshot of student abilities that we could have.  We had our best attendance days of the year last week!!

We still have our 8th graders testing on Monday and Tuesday...finishing up Social Studies and Science.  We will also be administering make-up tests for any student that missed a day or two last week.

Middle School Play
Congratulations to Mrs. Petersen and the cast of our Middle School Play this year on their successful performance they put on last week for the public and for our student body.  An impressive amount of talent was on display. It was a great show!

Superhero Run Fundraiser
We will be running our 2nd annual Superhero Run this spring.  The run will be on Friday, May 17th and will follow a similar schedule as last year.  Our students are organizing part of our Wellness Day activities on this day as well.  More details will be forthcoming.

End of Year All Staff Celebration
This year we will be starting a new tradition.  At around 1:00 on the last day of school (Thursday, 6/6) in the High School cafeteria for all staff, we will serve pizza, and other options, for everyone, and have a brief recognition ceremony.  Check-out procedures will start right after we wrap up our celebration.

Student of the Month Breakfast Updates
We will have one more recognition breakfast on Thursday, May 2nd.  Thanks to everyone for submitting your nominations.  If anyone else has a student that is shining and they would like to be recognized, please let me know...we could make some arrangements.  Congratulations to this month's nominees.

Parent's Club Generosity
The PAD Parent's Club annually will reimburse teachers for up to $100 for expenses they have purchased for the benefit of their classroom.  There is a form available for this, and receipts must be attached and submitted to the club for any of these purchases.  The end of the school year is the deadline for requests to be reimbursed.  If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Williams (

Vaping Informational Session Coming Up
We will be hosting an informational session about Vaping...a newer trend that is causing vaping use to be on the rise with teenagers across the country.  The session will be located in the Poynette High School IMC on Wednesday, 4/24 at 6:00pm.  This session is open to any staff member, student, parent, or community member.

Next Staff Meeting
Mark your calendars for our next Middle School Staff Meeting on Wednesday, May 1 at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.  We will be continuing our analysis of data, turning our focus to how we can improve in areas of need.  Also, we will be learning more about educational equity, and areas that could use improvement in our school.

Forward Exam Item Review Opportunity for Staff
See below for an opportunity to be engaged in the planning for items on the Forward Exam.

Good day:
DPI’s Office of Student Assessment is looking for a diverse group of educators from all over Wisconsin (including EL and special education teachers) to participate in the Summer “New Item Review” for the Forward Exam.  This is a great opportunity to be a part of assessment development, provide valuable feedback, have detailed input about the items on the Forward Exam, and take knowledge back to the district about the process.
Attached you will find a flyer with more information about the meetings including dates, logistics, and application information.  Please make this flyer available to all Educators 3-8 and 10 in your district. Their input is invaluable during this stage of item development.   

Jennifer Teasdale
Education Program Specialist
Office of Student Assessment

The Middle Update 4/12/19

Resource of the Week
The Building Equity book study team has wrapped up their reading of the book and face to face meetings.  As a result of the learning, the group has narrowed their focus on a couple of areas to work towards making our school a more equitable place for all.  We will be hearing about our plans at our upcoming staff meeting, and in individual BW meetings coming up.  The resource this week provides a a clear, solid overview of what it's all about.

Equity in Education: What it is and why it matters - by

Forward Exam Preparation
It's Forward Exam Week!  A big week for our school.  Our first day of testing will be on Tuesday (4/16) and continue school-wide through Thursday (4/18).  Students will report right to their testing locations on Tuesday through Thursday.  Each test proctor will get everyone checked in, computers ready to go, and then go through a review for the specific test session that will be administered.  I will email out the details of things for each teacher to review with the students prior to releasing them to Nutrition Break at 7:50.  After about a 7-10 minute break, students will report back to their testing room and begin the test.  Please see the attached information for more details.  Also, check out the video that students and staff starred in to get help establish confidence.

Modified Bell Schedule
Schedule of Tests and Times
Testing Groups
Hype Video

Middle School Play Coming Up
Many of our students have been hard at work getting ready for our annual play performance.  The students will be performing for the public on Tuesday, April 16th at 6:00 pm.  The performance will be on display for all of our students at roughly 2:10 (subject to change) on Thursday, April 18th.

Middle School Track Meets
The Middle School Track and Field season already underway.  We are hosting meets on Monday, 4/29 and Thursday, 5/23.  If you are able, it would be great to have as many of our staff members sign up to work this meet to be there for our kids.  Last year, we had a great turnout and great weather, and I'm assuming the weather will be great again.  Check out the Extra Duty Opportunity document to sign up if interested.  It looks like we need about 3 or 4 people yet to fill up our worker team.

Also, there are many other spring events that could use some help and support with workers.  Please consider signing up to help out.

Student of the Month Breakfast Updates
We will have one more recognition breakfast on Thursday, May 2nd.  Thanks to everyone for submitting your nominations.  If anyone else has a student that is shining and they would like to be recognized, please let me know...we could make some arrangements.

Parent's Club Generosity
The PAD Parent's Club annually will reimburse teachers for up to $100 for expenses they have purchased for the benefit of their classroom.  There is a form available for this, and receipts must be attached and submitted to the club for any of these purchases.  The end of the school year is the deadline for requests to be reimbursed.  If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Williams (

Vaping Informational Session Coming Up
We will be hosting an informational session about Vaping...a newer trend that is causing vaping use to be on the rise with teenagers across the country.  The session will be located in the Poynette High School IMC on Wednesday, 4/24 at 6:00pm.  This session is open to any staff member, student, parent, or community member.

Next Staff Meeting
Mark your calendars for our next Middle School Staff Meeting on Wednesday, May 1 at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.  We will be continuing our analysis of data, turning our focus to how we can improve in areas of need.  Also, we will be learning more about educational equity, and areas that could use improvement in our school.

The Middle Update 4/5/19

Resource of the Week
Coming up very soon, Mr. Fischer, Ms. Hellmich, and I will be leading a book study on the book titled Lost at School by Ross Greene.  Our resource this week gives an overview of what this book is all about, but just reading provides some perspective on what works and what doesn't for some of our students that can be challenging to us in different ways.  Check it out, and look for the book study information that is soon to be shared.

"Lost at School" preview

End of Quarter 3 Information
We are already at the end of the 3rd quarter!  As a reminder, 3rd quarter grades are due by Wednesday (4/10) morning.  We will plan to review report cards with students during Homeroom again next Friday.  We will also have ice cream treats available in the cafeteria at the end of the day on Friday, students can redeem a report card that shows all 5 "Meets Expectations" in their overall Puma Pride scores for a frozen treat of their choice.

Forward Exam Preparation
Thanks to all of you who participated in our Forward Exam Proctor Training this past Wednesday.  Our first day of testing will be on Tuesday (4/16) and continue school-wide through Thursday (4/18).  Please see the attached information for more details.  Also, check out the video that students and staff starred in to get help establish confidence.

Modified Bell Schedule
Schedule of Tests and Times
Testing Groups
Hype Video

"Mix-It-Up Day Recap"
Congrats to our MS Leadership students who organized a successful "Mix-It-Up" event over our lunch period on Friday.  Thanks to the teachers who helped them, and came over to interact with the kids and witness a very entertaining trivia competition between Mr. Williams and Mr. Johnson.  Special thanks to Ms. Pittner and Ms. Schmelzer for helping guide the students to pulling off a successful event.

Forensics Team Update (from Mrs. Rogness)
The middle school forensics team had a successful season that just wrapped up at the end of March.  The students worked hard for several months to prepare their pieces and presented them for judging at 2 meets; one held at McFarland Middle School, and the other at Lodi Middle School.  
(Not pictured: Emily W. and Izzy S.)

Middle School Play Coming Up
Many of our students have been hard at work getting ready for our annual play performance.  The students will be performing for the public on Tuesday, April 16th at 6:00 pm.  The performance will be on display for all of our students at roughly 2:00 (subject to change) on Thursday, April 18th.

Middle School Track Meets
Middle School Track and Field starts up on Monday, 4/8 with practice.  We are hosting meets on Monday, 4/29 and Thursday, 5/23.  If you are able, it would be great to have as many of our staff members sign up to work this meet to be there for our kids.  Last year, we had a great turnout and great weather, and I'm assuming the weather will be great again.  Check out the Extra Duty Opportunity document to sign up if interested.  It looks like we need about 3 or 4 people yet to fill up our worker team.

Student of the Month Breakfast Updates
Due to a number of scheduling conflicts, we have adjusted our remaining SOM breakfast schedule.  We will have one more recognition breakfast on Thursday, May 2nd.  Mr. Hazard has already submitted his selections.  Teams should submit their nominations to Robin by the end of next week.  If anyone else has a student that is shining and they would like to be recognized, please let me know...we could make some arrangements.

Parent's Club Generosity
The PAD Parent's Club annually will reimburse teachers for up to $100 for expenses they have purchased for the benefit of their classroom.  There is a form available for this, and receipts must be attached and submitted to the club for any of these purchases.  The end of the school year is the deadline for requests to be reimbursed.  If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Williams (

Vaping Informational Session Coming Up
We will be hosting an informational session about Vaping...a newer trend that is causing vaping use to be on the rise with teenagers across the country.  The session will be located in the Poynette High School IMC on Wednesday, 4/24 at 6:00pm.  This session is open to any staff member, student, parent, or community member.

Next Staff Meeting
Mark your calendars for our next Middle School Staff Meeting on Wednesday, May 1 at 2:55 in Mrs. Rogness' classroom.