Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Middle Update 2/1/19

After a crazy week of weather, we already find ourselves in February...the shortest month of the year. With all the time out of the classroom...a sort of 2nd Holiday Break, a sharp focus on maintaining our strong, focused effort of providing quality instruction and feedback to our students to maximize their experience in our school.  Every minute in every classroom of every day is so important.

Resource of the Week
Equity in education is a topic that we must pay attention to in our school.  When looking at what it takes to close achievement gaps, it is imperative that we dive deep into this topic so that we understand how to realize our own biases and analyze our system for situations that may not provide all students with the access they need to be as successful as they can be.

In our school one may think that we do not have much diversity, but when you take a closer look, we have great diversity among our student population, including socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, race, political affiliations, disabilities, and family backgrounds.  The diversity that we have should be celebrated and utilized to prepare our students for the 21st century work environment. Our short article this week provides a glimpse into this topic.

"Increasing Equity for All Students"Sarah Yost (Edutopia)

"If we aren’t intentional about creating systems in which all students can be successful, too many classrooms and schools will continue to show achievement gaps. This is why raising awareness is so critical for closing such gaps. It starts with every individual educator thinking about their own expectations for and reactions to students and how these are communicated in subtle and not-so-subtle ways throughout the school day."
Weather Schedule Changes
With the weather a couple of activities in our schedule have been affected...see below.

-We will still review report cards in Homeroom on Friday (2/1) and hand out an ice cream treat for "5 ME's" in the Puma Pride standards.
-The Student of the Month Breakfast will be on the morning of Tuesday, February 5.
-Our February Staff Meeting will be on Wednesday (2/20) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' Room
-Our Winter Assembly will take place on the afternoon of Friday, February 22.

We will looking into how the number of weather days that we have used will impact our schedule.  I think it's a good time to remind folks that you should not buy plane tickets for June 5th at this time...we may have days added at the end of the school year.

Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences
On this year's calendar, we only have 1 night of conferences scheduled in the spring.  PT Conference night is on Thursday, March 7th from 3:30 - 8:00 pm.  As part of our Title Plan for this year, we planned to utilize more opportunities to inform parents about the intricacies of our school.  On this night, I plan to host a couple of Parent Sessions that will provide tips for parents to truly understand how their Middle School student is progressing in school.  We also will have some scheduled conferences as needed.

Another element to this evening will be an invitation for all parents to come into our building to see examples of work their students have been doing in school.  As you plan ahead, please think about examples of great student work that can be on display.  Also, we would like students around the school demonstrating their work in different areas...that could mean performing, showing off a cool project, or others.  For now, be thinking about how students in your class can showcase their work, and we'll refine the ideas as we get closer to that date.

Student Achievement Data Update

Taking a closer look at our Puma Pride data, you'll notice that the number of 6th grade students that scored all ME's on the report card went from 63.1 % to 80.2%.  You'll also notice a similar improvement in our 8th grade students...going from 54.8% to 73%.  Overall, we saw an increase in 10% of our students that achieved the 5 ME mark (Model Puma) for Puma Pride!  This is exciting!

In review of our Winter Math and Reading STAR data, you'll see that we saw the biggest percentage improvement in students at or above benchmark in both Math and Reading...In Reading we saw 7.7% increase, and in Math we saw a 6.6% increase.  These are very exciting trends, and trends that will continue with our sustained hard work and focus.

Hoops 4 Heart Date is Set
Our annual Hoops 4 Heart basketball game is now set for Tuesday, March 19th.  

Images from the Week

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Middle Update 1/25/19

Cold, cold, matter what the weather throws at us, we know high level teaching and learning will be a constant in every classroom in our school.

Resource of the Week
Here at our school, we are striving to have a school where EVERY student feels welcome and supported by everyone, staff members and fellow students.  In the article you'll notice that our school fits the criteria for higher levels of reported bullying (being that we are a middle school and are almost all white).  The USA Today article recaps the survey and offers solutions.  The 2nd website goes deeper into this topic, and offers this important statement:

"When adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior they send the message that it is not acceptable. Research shows this can stop bullying behavior over time."

"One-Third of Middle- and High Schoolers Were Bullied Last Year, Study Shows" - USA Today

We are all in this together.  Thank you for your attention and redirection in these instances.  Together we set the tone for the accepted behavior in our school.

Homeroom Updates
In Homeroom on Friday, we will be conducting our Lesson Plans that include reviewing Report Cards with students.  We will also be having our All ME treat in the cafeteria after school.

Student of the Month Breakfast Update
Due to the weather, we had to postpone our SOM Breakfast from this past week.  It will now be this coming Thursday (1/31) morning....pending the weather

First 5, Last 5
The first five minutes of class sets the tone for the learning that will take place in the classroom, and the last five minutes helps to strengthen the connections made with the learning goals of the lesson.  The first and last 5 minutes of each class also impact on the learning culture of the entire school. 

Next Year's Budget Requests
We are approaching budget season once again.  It is time to start thinking about next year, and what materials you may need to take the learning to the next level.  Budget materials will be distributed by the business office in mid-February, and will be due to my office by mid-March.  Now is the time to start discussions about materials/resources that can help us further achieve our goals for next school year.

Images of the Week

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Middle Update 1/20/19

I know I write about how quick the time goes all the time, but it really seems crazy that we are already halfway through the 18-19 school year.  We have accomplished so much in many of our classrooms, and we have so much to do yet.  We will continue to focus on how Poynette Middle School can be a great place for every student, every day.

Article of the Week
The article this week is full of resources for all different situations.  The focus is creating/facilitating a culture of success in middle school.  Give it a read and check out some of the videos to spur thoughts and conversations of how we can continue to grow our practices.

"4 Strategies to Create a Culture of Success in Middle School" - Gretchen Viestra

Puma Pride Guidelines for 2nd Semester
After much discussion, feedback seeking, and pilots, our Leadership Group has agreed upon guidelines for all teachers to use in their classes during the 2nd semester.  Teachers should report out at least an overall score in the Puma Pride standard "Follows Classroom Expectations" starting after the 1st week of the semester.  The grade should be updated weekly.  Posting once per week in one standard is the minimum guideline.  Like some teachers shared in our staff meeting, using the Puma Pride standards to give students daily feedback, and posting for parents to see has been very effective at helping them see and understand how to be the best student they can be in class.  Please see me with any questions.  Thank you to all those that have been creative and explored different ways to be dynamic in our classrooms.

Two of our 7th grade students received honors in the annual Patriot's Pen Essay competition that is put on by our local VFW.  Please congratulate Shayna Cox and Matthew Lannoye for their top 10 finishes in the area.  Shayna's essay was voted the best and will move on to state competition.  Exciting news!

Student Creation
Mr. Lendobeja shared this student creation from Coding class that you'll be sure to enjoy.  Entertainment thanks go to 6th Grader, Johnny W!


PD Day Schedule for Monday 1/21
Below you will see the schedule for the details of our PD Day on Monday.
8:00 - Updates from Dr. Shappell, and Safety Planning/Cognitive Drills
10:45 - 2:30 - Planning Time/SLO/PPG Mid-Year Check-ins (see below)
2:30 - 3:30 - District Meeting (HS Commons) (see previous email from Linda Dallman)

For the planning time, please schedule a time to meet with me to review your SLO/PPG.  These meetings will be in my office.  You can sign up individually or as a department.  Please have your Mid-Year reflection completed prior to our meeting.  Otherwise, this time should be utilized to complete team Puma Pride grades, ensure grades are updated for 2nd quarter report cards with the "Comments" feature utilized to provide specific feedback about students, or to meet with departments/co-teachers to plan, review data for IE group adjustments, or work towards department goals (I have checked in with most about individual plans).  Please sign up for SLO/PPG meeting times on the Google Doc.

The Next Student of the Month Breakfast
The date for the next breakfast is Thursday, January 24 at 7:00 am.  Congratulations to the following students this month:

Ana Perez-Woelke     Isadora Borchardt     Emma Achenbach     Carsten Small
Lanae Gallegos     Chris Peterson     Rebecca Murphy     Alexander Olsen

Upcoming Dates of note...
January 21st - No School/ PD Day
January 23rd - Grades are Due (AM)
January 24th - Student of the Month Breakfast
January 25th - Report Cards Distributed in Homerooms - Ice Cream for all ME's (2:43)

Images from the Week

Friday, January 11, 2019

The Middle Update 1/11/19

Resource of the Week
The article this week provides insight into how we can avoid common pitfalls, and employ consequences more effectively with our kids.

"Getting Consistent with Consequences" -Mike Anderson

Homeroom Battles Coming Up!
A couple of students in our Leadership Group have been working on organizing some Homeroom battles for next week.  Next week, we will meet in Homeroom groups and conduct a Homeroom lesson on Thursday (1/17), and on Friday (1/18) we will report to 3rd block after Lunch, and the Homeroom battles will start around 2:00....more details will soon follow.

Staff Meeting This Month
We will be meeting as a Middle School staff on Wednesday (1/16) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' Room.  We will hear from our Google Certified Trainers and from our Leadership Group on our plan for utilizing our Puma Pride standards in effective ways.  I look forward to our learning time together.

The Next Student of the Month Breakfast
The date for the next breakfast is Thursday, January 24 at 7:00 am.  Congratulations to the following students this month:

Ana Perez-Woelke     Isadora Borchardt     Emma Achenbach     Carsten Small
Lanae Gallegos     Chris Peterson     Rebecca Murphy     Alexander Olsen

Upcoming Dates of note...
January 16th - MS Staff Meeting - 2:50
January 18th - End of Quarter 2
January 21st - No School/ PD Day
January 23rd - Grades are Due (AM)
January 24th - Student of the Month Breakfast
January 25th - Report Cards Distributed in Homerooms - Ice Cream for all ME's (2:43)
February 1st - Winter Assembly - 2:15 (1-8 Gym)

Social Media Reminders for the New Year (Applies to personal and professional accounts)
There appears to be new litigation that is coming out almost daily about social media and what can be posted, tweeted, or retweeted.  An area that individuals, companies, and organizations have been sued for are trademark infringement along with the stealing of another person’s ideas from personal or school accounts.  People, organizations, and companies are also in trouble for even retweeting someone else’s post or tweet. The following is information about a recent court case. More than ever it is important to check sources and information versus just passing it along.  We do not want an individual or the district to be in a compromising position. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Most Current PAD Link
The District has sent out a new PAD for the upcoming months. Here is the link to the new copy.
It can be found on the district website as well.

Images from the Week

Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Middle Update 1/4/19

We are off and running in 2019.  The next part of the school year is steady, with STAR testing coming up, the end of Quarter 2, mid-year SLO's, Forward Exam planning, it's a busy time.  Our focus on planning strong lessons that put students in positions to be highly engaged, thinking critically and solving problems remains as our top priority.

Article of the Week
Our article this week takes a closer look at the latest research showing the effectiveness of rewarding students in schools.  There are certain acknowledges and approaches that are more effective than others.  This provides some solid insight for your own classroom, as well as school-wide practices.

"5 Ways to Reward Students the Right Way"

End of Quarter/Semester Items
-As we near the end of the 2nd quarter, students that are struggling (NE or BE) range, should be working outside of their normal class time to get things in order.  The parent/guardian of any student that falls in this category should be in the loop and working with us to help their child work to improve their performance.

-Students with significant missing work issues should be working over their lunch or after school to meet the requirements.  If you have questions, I'd be happy to assist with any student that could be struggling in this area.

-Also looking ahead to the report cards, please utilize the comments section to give some feedback about the performance of each student in your class.

Mid-Year STAR Testing
Students will be taking the Winter STAR test on the following dates in their scheduled ELA and Math classes:
     Math - Tuesday (1/8)
     Reading - Friday (1/11)

Staff Meeting This Month
We will be meeting as a Middle School staff on Wednesday (1/16) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' Room.  We will hear from our Leadership Group on our plan for utilizing our Puma Pride standards in more meaningful ways as well as a continued focus on High Impact Instructional Strategies and refining our culture of acceptance and high expectations for all.

The Next Student of the Month Breakfast
The date for the next breakfast is Thursday, January 24 at 7:00 am.  Teams should communicate their nominees to the office by early next week.

Upcoming Dates of note...
January 7th - MS Leadership Group Meeting - 2:50
January 9th - ELA Dept. Meeting - 2:50
January 16th - MS Staff Meeting - 2:50
January 18th - End of Quarter 2
January 21st - No School/ PD Day
January 23rd - Grades are Due (AM)
January 24th - Student of the Month Breakfast
January 25th - Report Cards Distributed in Homerooms

The Middle Update 2/1/19

After a crazy week of weather, we already find ourselves in February...the shortest month of the year. With all the time out of the classroom...a sort of 2nd Holiday Break, a sharp focus on maintaining our strong, focused effort of providing quality instruction and feedback to our students to maximize their experience in our school.  Every minute in every classroom of every day is so important.

Resource of the Week
Equity in education is a topic that we must pay attention to in our school.  When looking at what it takes to close achievement gaps, it is imperative that we dive deep into this topic so that we understand how to realize our own biases and analyze our system for situations that may not provide all students with the access they need to be as successful as they can be.

In our school one may think that we do not have much diversity, but when you take a closer look, we have great diversity among our student population, including socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, race, political affiliations, disabilities, and family backgrounds.  The diversity that we have should be celebrated and utilized to prepare our students for the 21st century work environment. Our short article this week provides a glimpse into this topic.

"Increasing Equity for All Students"Sarah Yost (Edutopia)

"If we aren’t intentional about creating systems in which all students can be successful, too many classrooms and schools will continue to show achievement gaps. This is why raising awareness is so critical for closing such gaps. It starts with every individual educator thinking about their own expectations for and reactions to students and how these are communicated in subtle and not-so-subtle ways throughout the school day."
Weather Schedule Changes
With the weather a couple of activities in our schedule have been affected...see below.

-We will still review report cards in Homeroom on Friday (2/1) and hand out an ice cream treat for "5 ME's" in the Puma Pride standards.
-The Student of the Month Breakfast will be on the morning of Tuesday, February 5.
-Our February Staff Meeting will be on Wednesday (2/20) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' Room
-Our Winter Assembly will take place on the afternoon of Friday, February 22.

We will looking into how the number of weather days that we have used will impact our schedule.  I think it's a good time to remind folks that you should not buy plane tickets for June 5th at this time...we may have days added at the end of the school year.

Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences
On this year's calendar, we only have 1 night of conferences scheduled in the spring.  PT Conference night is on Thursday, March 7th from 3:30 - 8:00 pm.  As part of our Title Plan for this year, we planned to utilize more opportunities to inform parents about the intricacies of our school.  On this night, I plan to host a couple of Parent Sessions that will provide tips for parents to truly understand how their Middle School student is progressing in school.  We also will have some scheduled conferences as needed.

Another element to this evening will be an invitation for all parents to come into our building to see examples of work their students have been doing in school.  As you plan ahead, please think about examples of great student work that can be on display.  Also, we would like students around the school demonstrating their work in different areas...that could mean performing, showing off a cool project, or others.  For now, be thinking about how students in your class can showcase their work, and we'll refine the ideas as we get closer to that date.

Student Achievement Data Update

Taking a closer look at our Puma Pride data, you'll notice that the number of 6th grade students that scored all ME's on the report card went from 63.1 % to 80.2%.  You'll also notice a similar improvement in our 8th grade students...going from 54.8% to 73%.  Overall, we saw an increase in 10% of our students that achieved the 5 ME mark (Model Puma) for Puma Pride!  This is exciting!

In review of our Winter Math and Reading STAR data, you'll see that we saw the biggest percentage improvement in students at or above benchmark in both Math and Reading...In Reading we saw 7.7% increase, and in Math we saw a 6.6% increase.  These are very exciting trends, and trends that will continue with our sustained hard work and focus.

Hoops 4 Heart Date is Set
Our annual Hoops 4 Heart basketball game is now set for Tuesday, March 19th.  

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 1/25/19

Cold, cold, matter what the weather throws at us, we know high level teaching and learning will be a constant in every classroom in our school.

Resource of the Week
Here at our school, we are striving to have a school where EVERY student feels welcome and supported by everyone, staff members and fellow students.  In the article you'll notice that our school fits the criteria for higher levels of reported bullying (being that we are a middle school and are almost all white).  The USA Today article recaps the survey and offers solutions.  The 2nd website goes deeper into this topic, and offers this important statement:

"When adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior they send the message that it is not acceptable. Research shows this can stop bullying behavior over time."

"One-Third of Middle- and High Schoolers Were Bullied Last Year, Study Shows" - USA Today

We are all in this together.  Thank you for your attention and redirection in these instances.  Together we set the tone for the accepted behavior in our school.

Homeroom Updates
In Homeroom on Friday, we will be conducting our Lesson Plans that include reviewing Report Cards with students.  We will also be having our All ME treat in the cafeteria after school.

Student of the Month Breakfast Update
Due to the weather, we had to postpone our SOM Breakfast from this past week.  It will now be this coming Thursday (1/31) morning....pending the weather

First 5, Last 5
The first five minutes of class sets the tone for the learning that will take place in the classroom, and the last five minutes helps to strengthen the connections made with the learning goals of the lesson.  The first and last 5 minutes of each class also impact on the learning culture of the entire school. 

Next Year's Budget Requests
We are approaching budget season once again.  It is time to start thinking about next year, and what materials you may need to take the learning to the next level.  Budget materials will be distributed by the business office in mid-February, and will be due to my office by mid-March.  Now is the time to start discussions about materials/resources that can help us further achieve our goals for next school year.

Images of the Week

The Middle Update 1/20/19

I know I write about how quick the time goes all the time, but it really seems crazy that we are already halfway through the 18-19 school year.  We have accomplished so much in many of our classrooms, and we have so much to do yet.  We will continue to focus on how Poynette Middle School can be a great place for every student, every day.

Article of the Week
The article this week is full of resources for all different situations.  The focus is creating/facilitating a culture of success in middle school.  Give it a read and check out some of the videos to spur thoughts and conversations of how we can continue to grow our practices.

"4 Strategies to Create a Culture of Success in Middle School" - Gretchen Viestra

Puma Pride Guidelines for 2nd Semester
After much discussion, feedback seeking, and pilots, our Leadership Group has agreed upon guidelines for all teachers to use in their classes during the 2nd semester.  Teachers should report out at least an overall score in the Puma Pride standard "Follows Classroom Expectations" starting after the 1st week of the semester.  The grade should be updated weekly.  Posting once per week in one standard is the minimum guideline.  Like some teachers shared in our staff meeting, using the Puma Pride standards to give students daily feedback, and posting for parents to see has been very effective at helping them see and understand how to be the best student they can be in class.  Please see me with any questions.  Thank you to all those that have been creative and explored different ways to be dynamic in our classrooms.

Two of our 7th grade students received honors in the annual Patriot's Pen Essay competition that is put on by our local VFW.  Please congratulate Shayna Cox and Matthew Lannoye for their top 10 finishes in the area.  Shayna's essay was voted the best and will move on to state competition.  Exciting news!

Student Creation
Mr. Lendobeja shared this student creation from Coding class that you'll be sure to enjoy.  Entertainment thanks go to 6th Grader, Johnny W!


PD Day Schedule for Monday 1/21
Below you will see the schedule for the details of our PD Day on Monday.
8:00 - Updates from Dr. Shappell, and Safety Planning/Cognitive Drills
10:45 - 2:30 - Planning Time/SLO/PPG Mid-Year Check-ins (see below)
2:30 - 3:30 - District Meeting (HS Commons) (see previous email from Linda Dallman)

For the planning time, please schedule a time to meet with me to review your SLO/PPG.  These meetings will be in my office.  You can sign up individually or as a department.  Please have your Mid-Year reflection completed prior to our meeting.  Otherwise, this time should be utilized to complete team Puma Pride grades, ensure grades are updated for 2nd quarter report cards with the "Comments" feature utilized to provide specific feedback about students, or to meet with departments/co-teachers to plan, review data for IE group adjustments, or work towards department goals (I have checked in with most about individual plans).  Please sign up for SLO/PPG meeting times on the Google Doc.

The Next Student of the Month Breakfast
The date for the next breakfast is Thursday, January 24 at 7:00 am.  Congratulations to the following students this month:

Ana Perez-Woelke     Isadora Borchardt     Emma Achenbach     Carsten Small
Lanae Gallegos     Chris Peterson     Rebecca Murphy     Alexander Olsen

Upcoming Dates of note...
January 21st - No School/ PD Day
January 23rd - Grades are Due (AM)
January 24th - Student of the Month Breakfast
January 25th - Report Cards Distributed in Homerooms - Ice Cream for all ME's (2:43)

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 1/11/19

Resource of the Week
The article this week provides insight into how we can avoid common pitfalls, and employ consequences more effectively with our kids.

"Getting Consistent with Consequences" -Mike Anderson

Homeroom Battles Coming Up!
A couple of students in our Leadership Group have been working on organizing some Homeroom battles for next week.  Next week, we will meet in Homeroom groups and conduct a Homeroom lesson on Thursday (1/17), and on Friday (1/18) we will report to 3rd block after Lunch, and the Homeroom battles will start around 2:00....more details will soon follow.

Staff Meeting This Month
We will be meeting as a Middle School staff on Wednesday (1/16) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' Room.  We will hear from our Google Certified Trainers and from our Leadership Group on our plan for utilizing our Puma Pride standards in effective ways.  I look forward to our learning time together.

The Next Student of the Month Breakfast
The date for the next breakfast is Thursday, January 24 at 7:00 am.  Congratulations to the following students this month:

Ana Perez-Woelke     Isadora Borchardt     Emma Achenbach     Carsten Small
Lanae Gallegos     Chris Peterson     Rebecca Murphy     Alexander Olsen

Upcoming Dates of note...
January 16th - MS Staff Meeting - 2:50
January 18th - End of Quarter 2
January 21st - No School/ PD Day
January 23rd - Grades are Due (AM)
January 24th - Student of the Month Breakfast
January 25th - Report Cards Distributed in Homerooms - Ice Cream for all ME's (2:43)
February 1st - Winter Assembly - 2:15 (1-8 Gym)

Social Media Reminders for the New Year (Applies to personal and professional accounts)
There appears to be new litigation that is coming out almost daily about social media and what can be posted, tweeted, or retweeted.  An area that individuals, companies, and organizations have been sued for are trademark infringement along with the stealing of another person’s ideas from personal or school accounts.  People, organizations, and companies are also in trouble for even retweeting someone else’s post or tweet. The following is information about a recent court case. More than ever it is important to check sources and information versus just passing it along.  We do not want an individual or the district to be in a compromising position. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Most Current PAD Link
The District has sent out a new PAD for the upcoming months. Here is the link to the new copy.
It can be found on the district website as well.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 1/4/19

We are off and running in 2019.  The next part of the school year is steady, with STAR testing coming up, the end of Quarter 2, mid-year SLO's, Forward Exam planning, it's a busy time.  Our focus on planning strong lessons that put students in positions to be highly engaged, thinking critically and solving problems remains as our top priority.

Article of the Week
Our article this week takes a closer look at the latest research showing the effectiveness of rewarding students in schools.  There are certain acknowledges and approaches that are more effective than others.  This provides some solid insight for your own classroom, as well as school-wide practices.

"5 Ways to Reward Students the Right Way"

End of Quarter/Semester Items
-As we near the end of the 2nd quarter, students that are struggling (NE or BE) range, should be working outside of their normal class time to get things in order.  The parent/guardian of any student that falls in this category should be in the loop and working with us to help their child work to improve their performance.

-Students with significant missing work issues should be working over their lunch or after school to meet the requirements.  If you have questions, I'd be happy to assist with any student that could be struggling in this area.

-Also looking ahead to the report cards, please utilize the comments section to give some feedback about the performance of each student in your class.

Mid-Year STAR Testing
Students will be taking the Winter STAR test on the following dates in their scheduled ELA and Math classes:
     Math - Tuesday (1/8)
     Reading - Friday (1/11)

Staff Meeting This Month
We will be meeting as a Middle School staff on Wednesday (1/16) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' Room.  We will hear from our Leadership Group on our plan for utilizing our Puma Pride standards in more meaningful ways as well as a continued focus on High Impact Instructional Strategies and refining our culture of acceptance and high expectations for all.

The Next Student of the Month Breakfast
The date for the next breakfast is Thursday, January 24 at 7:00 am.  Teams should communicate their nominees to the office by early next week.

Upcoming Dates of note...
January 7th - MS Leadership Group Meeting - 2:50
January 9th - ELA Dept. Meeting - 2:50
January 16th - MS Staff Meeting - 2:50
January 18th - End of Quarter 2
January 21st - No School/ PD Day
January 23rd - Grades are Due (AM)
January 24th - Student of the Month Breakfast
January 25th - Report Cards Distributed in Homerooms