Friday, December 21, 2018

The Middle Update 12/21/18

The 2018 portion of our school year is very nearly in the books!  In the 2019 portion of the school year, we look forward to reaping the benefits of our continued efforts to put in place expectations, routines, and good habits for our students.  We will undoubtedly face challenges that we didn't foresee coming, and also we'll continue to work with some of the same students to help them understand how to follow expectations that have been put in place.  Our work is so important to the students that we serve...many of their habits will carry on and so will those all important caring conversations that each one of us has with them...we may not get to see the result of our work, but it all makes a difference.  You can feel it in the culture of our building through observations and conversations with kids.  I thank you for being a person at school that every one of our students can rely on. 

School resumes on Wednesday, January 2nd...until then, enjoy some time away and some time to enjoy your friends, family, or anyone else you choose to associate with over this holiday season.  It's very important for your work here, with our kids, to take that time for yourself.  I wish you nothing but the best over this holiday season.  I thought I'd share a clip about how cool it can be to have some empathy for others, and the impact it can have.

January Dates of note...
January 3rd - Math Dept. Meeting - 2:50
January 7th - MS Leadership Group Meeting - 2:50
January 9th - ELA Dept. Meeting - 2:50
January 16th - MS Staff Meeting - 2:50
January 18th - End of Quarter 2
January 21st - No School/ PD Day
January 23rd - Grades are Due (AM)
January 24th - Student of the Month Breakfast
January 25th - Report Cards Distributed in Homerooms

Images from the Week

Friday, December 14, 2018

The Middle Update 12/14/18

Article of the Week
Developing a strong intrinsic motivation in our students continues to be a strong goal that we have for all of our students.  Many of the strategies and plans on how to do this effectively have evolved over the years.  The article this week looks a little closer at the latest on this topic.

"Motivating Children Without Rewards" by Vanessa LoBue, PhD

All School Literacy Activity on Friday (12/21)
We will be having an all-school literacy activity on this coming Friday from 9:00 - 9:30.  Some of our students have been hard at work planning this event.  There have been some emails shared about the logistics.  We will have a modified schedule on Friday to accommodate for this event and the early release time of 1:15 (see below).  Students will report to Nutrition Break, and then to their Reading Groups (which are Homeroom groups with maybe a slight modification).  Please review the plan with your students, make sure they have a book, and talk with them about their important role as a role model for the elementary students.  Please let me know if you have questions about this activity.

Early Release on Friday (12/21)
We will be following this SCHEDULE on Friday. 

Holiday Concert
Our Holiday Concert is this week on Tuesday, December 18th at 7:00pm in the 1-8 Gym.  Please note Mr. Hazard and Mrs. Graeve's earlier emails about rehearsal times.  We all look forward to another impressive performance from our Music Department.

Puma Postcards
I continually get positive feedback from parents about our Positive Puma Postcards.  These handwritten messages that reinforce great student work and effort are much appreciated by our students and their families.  Each postcard that is sent out is sure to be hung on a refrigerator.  I have plenty of postcards in my office if anyone would like some on hand.  I wanted to share a quote from a recent email;
"When I brought the mail in and told her she got a postcard from one of her teachers, her look was priceless. Her face lit up right away as she read it and then she stuck it on the refrigerator proudly. I know it meant a lot to her."

Mrs. McNicol is ready to help anyone get them out in the mail anytime.

Images from the Week

Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Middle Update 12/8/18

Resource of the Week
The posting this week is from a teacher from another school that is using "Puma Pride" grades in some creative ways.  The school described in the article refers to their grades as CARE grades.  A short read to spark some ideas that we'll be discussing further as a staff on Wednesday.

"The Advantage of Separating Behaviors and Academics Through a Competency-Based Grading System" -Jonathan Vander Els

Staff Meeting this Wednesday
We will meet as a Middle School Staff this Wednesday (12/12).  We will come together as a team to share information and ideas as we all work to refine our practices.  We will meet in Mrs. Rogness' room again.

Mid-Quarter Grades
Student grades should be posted and kept up to date now through the end of the quarter.  We've had some teachers utilizing the Puma Pride grades in some creative and successful ways within their individual classes.  Please review the note that was mailed home to parents about mid-quarter grades below.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Poynette Middle School has been full of hard-working, busy students and teachers.  As we enter mid-December, we find ourselves right in the middle of the 2nd Quarter already.  Your child's Mid-Quarter grades have been posted in Infinite Campus.  Please log in to the Parent Portal to view your child's progress.

While reviewing your child's grades, you'll notice that some of our teachers have began to utilize the Puma Pride scores to provide more information to students and parents about their performance in school.  These scores give you an idea of how your child is doing in the following areas:

-Completes and Returns Work in a Timely Manner,
-Follows Classroom Expectations,
-Puts Forth Effort to Produce High Quality Work.  

Please don't hesitate to contact any of your child's teachers or myself with questions.  Have a great weekend!


Dr. Jerry Pritzl

Student of the Month Breakfast Wrap-Up
Our Student of the Month Breakfast this past Thursday was another hit.  Thanks to Ms. Miller and her crew for the preparation and our teacher's preparation for their thoughtful, impactful words about each student.  There were a lot of smiles and pride on display.  Our next recognition breakfast will be on Thursday, January 24, 2018.

Staffing Update
Starting on Monday (12/10), Mrs. Andringa will move into the 6th/8th grade Math teaching position and Mrs. Snyder will remain in the Special Education role in which she has been student teaching all year so far.  These changes will be effective until the end of the school year.  Ms. Fehling will be sliding into a district substitute role for the remainder of the semester.  I appreciate all of the hard work that has been put into preparation for this adjustment.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Holiday Concert
Our Holiday Concert is quickly approaching and the talents of our students will be on display on Tuesday, December 18th at 7:00pm in the 1-8 Gym.  Please note Mr. Hazard's earlier email about rehearsal times.  We all look forward to another impressive performance from our Music Department.

Extra-Curricular Updates
A plethora of opportunities for our students to get connected and involved:

-Boy's basketball season is winding down and the girls will start after break. 
-Science Olympiad has gotten underway and Mr. Lendobeja and Ms. Pittner are teaming up to lead our crew this year,
-Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Rogness are preparing for the upcoming Forensics season, that gets underway after winter break,
-Mrs. Rogness has been leading our Literacy Club, and their attention has focused on helping students submit and refine entries for the Yahara River Competitions and various other competitions,
-Mr. Hazard is gearing up for another Archery Season that starts after winter break,
-Mrs. Morton continues to lead our No Name Volunteers each Thursday afternoon,
-Mrs. Crawford continues to work with our Art Club students every Tuesday afternoon,
-The Middle School play try-outs will be on the radar sometime after the winter break, with the play set to take place on Tuesday, April 16, 2018.

Participation in any of these activities is so important for our students.  Please encourage any student that you can to get involved.

Holiday Season
It's the most wonderful time of the year...I love the holiday season, just like many of us do, however, unfortunately for some of our students, this is a very difficult time. These next three weeks especially may be difficult because they are anxious for the Holidays and scared of what may happen over break.  We also have parents that hold "presents" or "no presents" over our students which can cause more problems than help.  We should try to be as proactive as possible when dealing with students or understanding of this.  Please let me know if you need any help.  The holiday season can be great and memorable for many, but miserable for many others.

Images from the Week

Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Middle Update 12/2/18

On our fast track through the 18-19 school year, we find ourselves in December!  Only 3 weeks till Christmas break.  I thoroughly enjoy working alongside all of you and seeing the innovative ways you all look to improve your classroom practices to maximize the learning of our kids.  They are lucky to have you!

Article of the Week
A shorty this week, but the message is powerful.  Hattie found that Teacher Expectations for Students had the highest effect size in his analysis of educational research.  As I grow deeper in my own parenthood, I find that I want everyone that my children come into contact with to expect the very best out of them...behaviorally, academically, and athletically...I think I speak for the parents of our students too.  The article is a solid reminder of how to do that with each kid in each one of our classrooms.

"Why Teacher Expectations are Important for Student Achievement"

Mid-Term Grades
Please have student progress grades posted by the end of the day Monday, December 3rd.  I will be sending a message home indicating that the progress grades have been updated.  This is a great time to provide an update for how students are performing in the Puma Pride standards for your class so far in the 2nd quarter.

Holiday Splash
Many talents will be on display at the annual Holiday Splash, which will take place at Poynette High School on Monday, December 3rd at 6:00pm.  All are welcome to enjoy the festivity.

Student of the Month Breakfast This Week
We will welcome the families of this month's recipients at our monthly recognition breakfast this Thursday (12/6) at 7:00am.  Thanks to Mr. Kallungi, Mr. Williams, Ms. Pittner, and Mr. Gavin for presenting this month.  Congratulations to this month's recipients:

Morgan Gunderson     Piper Johnson     Zander Potter     Felicia Ritzke
Hazel Ruckle     Hannah Seas     Dylan Trudell     Sawyer Ullsvik

PuMaS Staff Meeting
Our next Middle School Staff Meeting will be on Wednesday, December 12th from 2:50 - 3:30 in Mrs. Rogness' room.  

Holiday Concert
Mark your calendars for the Middle School Holiday Concert.  Our students are set to display their talents on Tuesday, December 18th starting at 7:00 in the 1-8 gym.

Middle School Play Update
Tryouts for our Middle School Play will begin after break this year, with the performance set to take place at the end of March.  This is different than what we've done in past years.

Holiday Season
It's the most wonderful time of the year...I love the holiday season, just like many of us do, however, unfortunately for some of our students, this is a very difficult time. These next three weeks especially may be difficult because they are anxious for the Holidays and scared of what may happen over break.  We also have parents that hold "presents" or "no presents" over our students which can cause more problems than help.  We should try to be as proactive as possible when dealing with students or understanding of this.  Please let me know if you need any help.  The holiday season can be great and memorable for many, but miserable for many others.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 12/21/18

The 2018 portion of our school year is very nearly in the books!  In the 2019 portion of the school year, we look forward to reaping the benefits of our continued efforts to put in place expectations, routines, and good habits for our students.  We will undoubtedly face challenges that we didn't foresee coming, and also we'll continue to work with some of the same students to help them understand how to follow expectations that have been put in place.  Our work is so important to the students that we serve...many of their habits will carry on and so will those all important caring conversations that each one of us has with them...we may not get to see the result of our work, but it all makes a difference.  You can feel it in the culture of our building through observations and conversations with kids.  I thank you for being a person at school that every one of our students can rely on. 

School resumes on Wednesday, January 2nd...until then, enjoy some time away and some time to enjoy your friends, family, or anyone else you choose to associate with over this holiday season.  It's very important for your work here, with our kids, to take that time for yourself.  I wish you nothing but the best over this holiday season.  I thought I'd share a clip about how cool it can be to have some empathy for others, and the impact it can have.

January Dates of note...
January 3rd - Math Dept. Meeting - 2:50
January 7th - MS Leadership Group Meeting - 2:50
January 9th - ELA Dept. Meeting - 2:50
January 16th - MS Staff Meeting - 2:50
January 18th - End of Quarter 2
January 21st - No School/ PD Day
January 23rd - Grades are Due (AM)
January 24th - Student of the Month Breakfast
January 25th - Report Cards Distributed in Homerooms

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 12/14/18

Article of the Week
Developing a strong intrinsic motivation in our students continues to be a strong goal that we have for all of our students.  Many of the strategies and plans on how to do this effectively have evolved over the years.  The article this week looks a little closer at the latest on this topic.

"Motivating Children Without Rewards" by Vanessa LoBue, PhD

All School Literacy Activity on Friday (12/21)
We will be having an all-school literacy activity on this coming Friday from 9:00 - 9:30.  Some of our students have been hard at work planning this event.  There have been some emails shared about the logistics.  We will have a modified schedule on Friday to accommodate for this event and the early release time of 1:15 (see below).  Students will report to Nutrition Break, and then to their Reading Groups (which are Homeroom groups with maybe a slight modification).  Please review the plan with your students, make sure they have a book, and talk with them about their important role as a role model for the elementary students.  Please let me know if you have questions about this activity.

Early Release on Friday (12/21)
We will be following this SCHEDULE on Friday. 

Holiday Concert
Our Holiday Concert is this week on Tuesday, December 18th at 7:00pm in the 1-8 Gym.  Please note Mr. Hazard and Mrs. Graeve's earlier emails about rehearsal times.  We all look forward to another impressive performance from our Music Department.

Puma Postcards
I continually get positive feedback from parents about our Positive Puma Postcards.  These handwritten messages that reinforce great student work and effort are much appreciated by our students and their families.  Each postcard that is sent out is sure to be hung on a refrigerator.  I have plenty of postcards in my office if anyone would like some on hand.  I wanted to share a quote from a recent email;
"When I brought the mail in and told her she got a postcard from one of her teachers, her look was priceless. Her face lit up right away as she read it and then she stuck it on the refrigerator proudly. I know it meant a lot to her."

Mrs. McNicol is ready to help anyone get them out in the mail anytime.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 12/8/18

Resource of the Week
The posting this week is from a teacher from another school that is using "Puma Pride" grades in some creative ways.  The school described in the article refers to their grades as CARE grades.  A short read to spark some ideas that we'll be discussing further as a staff on Wednesday.

"The Advantage of Separating Behaviors and Academics Through a Competency-Based Grading System" -Jonathan Vander Els

Staff Meeting this Wednesday
We will meet as a Middle School Staff this Wednesday (12/12).  We will come together as a team to share information and ideas as we all work to refine our practices.  We will meet in Mrs. Rogness' room again.

Mid-Quarter Grades
Student grades should be posted and kept up to date now through the end of the quarter.  We've had some teachers utilizing the Puma Pride grades in some creative and successful ways within their individual classes.  Please review the note that was mailed home to parents about mid-quarter grades below.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Poynette Middle School has been full of hard-working, busy students and teachers.  As we enter mid-December, we find ourselves right in the middle of the 2nd Quarter already.  Your child's Mid-Quarter grades have been posted in Infinite Campus.  Please log in to the Parent Portal to view your child's progress.

While reviewing your child's grades, you'll notice that some of our teachers have began to utilize the Puma Pride scores to provide more information to students and parents about their performance in school.  These scores give you an idea of how your child is doing in the following areas:

-Completes and Returns Work in a Timely Manner,
-Follows Classroom Expectations,
-Puts Forth Effort to Produce High Quality Work.  

Please don't hesitate to contact any of your child's teachers or myself with questions.  Have a great weekend!


Dr. Jerry Pritzl

Student of the Month Breakfast Wrap-Up
Our Student of the Month Breakfast this past Thursday was another hit.  Thanks to Ms. Miller and her crew for the preparation and our teacher's preparation for their thoughtful, impactful words about each student.  There were a lot of smiles and pride on display.  Our next recognition breakfast will be on Thursday, January 24, 2018.

Staffing Update
Starting on Monday (12/10), Mrs. Andringa will move into the 6th/8th grade Math teaching position and Mrs. Snyder will remain in the Special Education role in which she has been student teaching all year so far.  These changes will be effective until the end of the school year.  Ms. Fehling will be sliding into a district substitute role for the remainder of the semester.  I appreciate all of the hard work that has been put into preparation for this adjustment.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Holiday Concert
Our Holiday Concert is quickly approaching and the talents of our students will be on display on Tuesday, December 18th at 7:00pm in the 1-8 Gym.  Please note Mr. Hazard's earlier email about rehearsal times.  We all look forward to another impressive performance from our Music Department.

Extra-Curricular Updates
A plethora of opportunities for our students to get connected and involved:

-Boy's basketball season is winding down and the girls will start after break. 
-Science Olympiad has gotten underway and Mr. Lendobeja and Ms. Pittner are teaming up to lead our crew this year,
-Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Rogness are preparing for the upcoming Forensics season, that gets underway after winter break,
-Mrs. Rogness has been leading our Literacy Club, and their attention has focused on helping students submit and refine entries for the Yahara River Competitions and various other competitions,
-Mr. Hazard is gearing up for another Archery Season that starts after winter break,
-Mrs. Morton continues to lead our No Name Volunteers each Thursday afternoon,
-Mrs. Crawford continues to work with our Art Club students every Tuesday afternoon,
-The Middle School play try-outs will be on the radar sometime after the winter break, with the play set to take place on Tuesday, April 16, 2018.

Participation in any of these activities is so important for our students.  Please encourage any student that you can to get involved.

Holiday Season
It's the most wonderful time of the year...I love the holiday season, just like many of us do, however, unfortunately for some of our students, this is a very difficult time. These next three weeks especially may be difficult because they are anxious for the Holidays and scared of what may happen over break.  We also have parents that hold "presents" or "no presents" over our students which can cause more problems than help.  We should try to be as proactive as possible when dealing with students or understanding of this.  Please let me know if you need any help.  The holiday season can be great and memorable for many, but miserable for many others.

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 12/2/18

On our fast track through the 18-19 school year, we find ourselves in December!  Only 3 weeks till Christmas break.  I thoroughly enjoy working alongside all of you and seeing the innovative ways you all look to improve your classroom practices to maximize the learning of our kids.  They are lucky to have you!

Article of the Week
A shorty this week, but the message is powerful.  Hattie found that Teacher Expectations for Students had the highest effect size in his analysis of educational research.  As I grow deeper in my own parenthood, I find that I want everyone that my children come into contact with to expect the very best out of them...behaviorally, academically, and athletically...I think I speak for the parents of our students too.  The article is a solid reminder of how to do that with each kid in each one of our classrooms.

"Why Teacher Expectations are Important for Student Achievement"

Mid-Term Grades
Please have student progress grades posted by the end of the day Monday, December 3rd.  I will be sending a message home indicating that the progress grades have been updated.  This is a great time to provide an update for how students are performing in the Puma Pride standards for your class so far in the 2nd quarter.

Holiday Splash
Many talents will be on display at the annual Holiday Splash, which will take place at Poynette High School on Monday, December 3rd at 6:00pm.  All are welcome to enjoy the festivity.

Student of the Month Breakfast This Week
We will welcome the families of this month's recipients at our monthly recognition breakfast this Thursday (12/6) at 7:00am.  Thanks to Mr. Kallungi, Mr. Williams, Ms. Pittner, and Mr. Gavin for presenting this month.  Congratulations to this month's recipients:

Morgan Gunderson     Piper Johnson     Zander Potter     Felicia Ritzke
Hazel Ruckle     Hannah Seas     Dylan Trudell     Sawyer Ullsvik

PuMaS Staff Meeting
Our next Middle School Staff Meeting will be on Wednesday, December 12th from 2:50 - 3:30 in Mrs. Rogness' room.  

Holiday Concert
Mark your calendars for the Middle School Holiday Concert.  Our students are set to display their talents on Tuesday, December 18th starting at 7:00 in the 1-8 gym.

Middle School Play Update
Tryouts for our Middle School Play will begin after break this year, with the performance set to take place at the end of March.  This is different than what we've done in past years.

Holiday Season
It's the most wonderful time of the year...I love the holiday season, just like many of us do, however, unfortunately for some of our students, this is a very difficult time. These next three weeks especially may be difficult because they are anxious for the Holidays and scared of what may happen over break.  We also have parents that hold "presents" or "no presents" over our students which can cause more problems than help.  We should try to be as proactive as possible when dealing with students or understanding of this.  Please let me know if you need any help.  The holiday season can be great and memorable for many, but miserable for many others.

Images from the Week