Friday, March 23, 2018

The Middle Update 3/23/18

Although the school year seems like it just started, we are on the verge of another Spring Break, with one quarter to go until another school year is officially in the books.  During the upcoming Spring Break, I encourage everyone to get away, rest, relax, and recharge your batteries.  Enjoy some well-deserved rest, and we'll get ready to finish strong for the final stretch when we meet on the 2nd.

Article of the Week
The article this week comes from the Responsive Classroom research.  There is an art and science to getting students to respond to redirection successfully.  The article this week highlights strategies all teachers should use to be successful in these efforts that can lead to frustration.

"Reinforcing, Reminding, and Redirecting" from the Responsive Classroom Information Library

End of Quarter 3 Information
Quarter #3 will be officially in the books by the end of the day on Friday (3/23).  We will run report cards starting on Wednesday (4/4), so please have your grades and comments complete by then.  As a reminder, students that have an NE in any standard should be spending lunch time and after school times working to improve their performance.  Parents should be in the loop and working with us to get the kids back on track.

PD Day, Monday 4/2/18

On Monday, we'll get together and utilize the collaboration opportunities to move our curriculum and practices forward.  Check out the schedule HERE.

Upcoming All School Assembly
We will be having a Middle School Assembly on Friday, 4/6 at 2:25 in the 1-8 Gym.  We will highlight students, build momentum for the Forward Exam effort, and have another Carelli Cup Event.

Hoops 4 Hearts Success!!
Another great event is in the books.  Thanks to all who played a role in planning this event.  We had another packed house, and some intense moments that ultimately led to a staff victory, and more importantly, a good time had by all.

Safety Drill Recap
I thought our lockdown drill was executed very well.  When we are in lockdown, it is a little spooky how quiet it is in the hallways, and it is hard to believe that we actually have so many people in the building.  Please keep me and guidance in the loop on any concerns that may have come out of the discussion before or after the drill.  Our Safety Committee will debrief and continue to fine tune our safety plan.  Thanks for your diligence and appropriate communication with our students.

Forward Exam
It's getting closer...The Middle School will be testing from Monday, April 9th through Monday, April 16th.  Students will be taking the exam in their normal classes (ELA during ELA class time, Math during Math class time).  You can view the testing schedule HERE.

MS Track Meets...1 more slot to fill!!
This Spring we will be hosting two middle school track meets on Monday, April 16th and Tuesday, May 8th.  Thank you to all who have signed up to help out!  LOOKS LIKE ONLY 1 SPOT LEFT TO FILL for the meet on Tuesday, May 8th.  To sign-up, please review this SPREADSHEET, and fill in your name on a slot to work.  Training will be provided if needed.  I'm sure the weather will be outstanding on these two nights.

Community Facility Advisory Committee Update
We still await results from the the community survey.  If you talk with people in the community, please remind them about the importance of the survey results.

Duty Next Week
No One!  It's Spring Break!!

Duty for the Week after Next
Bus - Laufenberg

Images from the Week

Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Middle Update 3/16/18

Article of the Week
There is a consistent message that comes through time and time again when reviewing the research on effective schools.  Schools that have gone from good to great have spent time on establishing the value of each minute of the school day.  The article this week highlights the need to make the most out each valuable minute of class time.

"Strategies for Teacher to Maximize Student Learning Time" by Derrick Meador

Middle School Leadership Group
Our group met this past Wednesday after school.  We continued our work to improve in the correlate that was rated lowest (Home-School Relations) by the staff.  I believe we have a plan to implement some strategies to improve our Home-School Relations.  You can view the note slicking on the link (Meeting Notes).

End of Quarter 3 Information
Quarter #3 will be officially in the books by the end of the day on Friday (3/23).  We will run report cards starting on Wednesday (4/4), so please have your grades and comments complete by then.  As a reminder, students that have an NE in any standard should be spending lunch time and after school times working to improve their performance.  Parents should be in the loop and working with us to get the kids back on track.

Band Clinic Concert Success!
The talent of our students was on full display Tuesday night!  Another great show by our students!

Parent-Teacher Conference Recap
Thank you to all of you for your efforts during PT conferences.  This is a key time to get on the same page with our parents, and develop plans for students that may need a little extra attention.  I noticed an increase in awareness of effort and behavior in a couple students in particular.

Hoops 4 Hearts this Thursday!!
The kids are feeling confident, and the adults have started stretching routines in hopes of avoiding's that time of year again.  The students have been working hard to plan another successful event.  Mark your calendars for Thursday night's big game.  Tip-off is set for 5:30.

Student of the Month Breakfast this Thursday
We will be hosting another breakfast this coming Thursday (3/22).  Thanks to Mr. Williams, Mr. Odden, Mrs. Rogness, and Mrs. Graeve for presenting this month's recipients.  Congratulations to the following students on their recognition:

Liam Napralla     Gracie Rugg     Anneliese Graeme     Maddie McEvilly
Layla Nolty     Brooke Steinhorst     Ava Brickson     Trent Chadwick

Student Success!!
Three of our Pumas were announced as winners for the Yahara Top 10 writing contest:

Hazel Ruckle, 7th grade short story for "One Day is 365 Opportunities"
Gracie Rugg, 6th grade editorial for "Online or Physical Shopping"
Melanie Koopmans, 6th grade cartoon

They will all attend the Yahara Top 10 workshop and ceremony on Tues. May 10th at Union South.  Their pieces will be published in an anthology.  Feel free to congratulate these girls on a job well done!

Safety Drill this Friday
We will be practicing our lockdown drill on Friday around 1:45pm.  Please use this time to review this procedure with your students.  As a reminder, doors should be closed and locked, lights off, and students quiet and out of sight from the window.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Forward Exam
It's getting closer...The Middle School will be testing from Monday, April 9th through Monday, April 16th.  Students will be taking the exam in their normal classes (ELA during ELA class time, Math during Math class time).  You can view the testing schedule HERE.

Forward Exam Proctor training will take place on Monday at 2:50 in Mr. Frehner's room.  More information about Forward Exam prep will be provided this week.

Middle School Staff Members Needed...
This Spring we will be hosting two middle school track meets on Monday, April 16th and Tuesday, May 8th.  LOOKS LIKE ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT TO FILL!  To sign-up, please review this SPREADSHEET, and fill in your name on a slot to work.  Training will be provided if needed.  I'm sure the weather will be outstanding on these two nights.  Thanks to all those that have agreed to help out!

Community Facility Advisory Committee Update
We still await results from the the community survey.  If you talk with people in the community, please remind them about the importance of the survey results.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Williams
Bus - Kallungi

Images from the Week

Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Middle Update 3/9/18

Article of the Week
The art of differentiating the instructional approach to meet the needs of all students can alter some common held practices and beliefs.  The article this week provides some practical steps to helping provide each student with what they need in the classroom.

"Equity vs. Equality: 6 Steps Toward Equity" by Shane Safir

School Safety Staff Meeting
Thanks to those teachers that met briefly this past Wednesday, and a reminder to those that weren't able to attend, that we will be meeting on Monday (3/12) at 2:50 in Mr. Frehner's room to discuss certain elements of school safety.  If you teach in the high school, and attended their staff meeting this past Wednesday, no need to attend this one unless you are interested.

As a reminder, the following are descriptions of a couple of our procedures:

Administrative Hold: No one is allowed to enter or exit the building, but in the building activity remains unchanged.
Hold: Hallways should be clear, and no one should enter or exit the classroom.
Lockdown: Doors shut and locked, lights off, and all people inside the classroom should be quiet and out of sight if looking into the classroom.

We will be practicing a Lockdown drill on Friday, 3/23/18 around 1:45 in the afternoon.  This is an opportunity to share with students our procedures (like we discussed in staff meeting) in case of a dangerous person/situation in our building.

Middle School Leadership Group
Our group will meet again Wednesday after school.  We will continue our work to improve in the correlate that was rated lowest (Home-School Relations).  We will also review the new "Title" process, and share the areas identified for improvement in our school that will be targeted.  See last Meeting Notes here.

Band Clinic Concert this Tuesday (3/13)
We will be hosting our annual Band Clinic on Tuesday, followed by a concert during the evening starting at 7:00 pm.  We look forward to another great show by our students!

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you for your efforts during Parent/Teacher Conferences this past Thursday.  These partnerships are really important as we look to finish a strong 2017-2018 school year.  If you had a no show or two, please reach out and invite them in for a conference this coming Thursday evening.

I will send out a blast inviting families to come in for this coming Thursday's (3/15) conference night.  We all should be ready to meet with any parent that stops in to talk about their child.

Math Olympians
Congratulations to the following students that excelled during the Math Olympiad competitions:

Highest Score on
Math Olympiad #1: Abby Klink, Mika Bush, Grace Hutchinson (tied with a score of 4)
Math Olympiad #2: Abby Klink (score of 5)
Math Olympiad #3: Owen Bahr and Clayton Nehls (tied with a score of 3)
Math Olympiad #4: Mika Bush, Carter Fait, Conrad Kurtz, Nicholas Milewski, and Tanis Crawford (tied with a score of 2)
Math Olympiad #5: Felicia Ritzke (score of 5)

Best overall scores for all 5 exams:
Abby Klink (score of 13)
Carter Fair (score of 12)
Mika Bush (score of 11)
Grace Hutchinson (score of 10)
Dylan Elsing and Anneliese Graeme (score of 9)

Highest score per grade:
8th: Abby Klink (score of 13)
7th: Carter Fait (score of 12)
6th: Alex Busch, Mykolas Lyons, Avery O'Dea (tied with a score of 8)

Forward Exam
The Middle School will be testing from Monday, April 9th through Monday, April 16th.  Students will be taking the exam in their normal classes (ELA during ELA class time, Math during Math class time).  You can view the testing schedule HERE.  Test proctor training will take place in the coming weeks.

More information about Forward Exam prep will be provided this week.

Middle School Staff Members Needed...
This Spring we will be hosting two middle school track meets.  The meets are on Monday, April 16th and Tuesday, May 8th.  It would be really awesome if we could get a solid Middle School contingency of staff members out there to work the event and support our students.  To sign-up, please review this SPREADSHEET, and fill in your name on a slot to work.  Training will be provided if needed.  I'm sure the weather will be outstanding on these two nights.  Thanks in advance for your help.

Community Facility Advisory Committee Update
There was a solid turnout this past Wednesday for the Community Meeting.  The presentation gave a summary of all of the work the committee has done, and the next steps in the process.  At this time, we await survey results from the community.  Once the survey closes, the committee will meet, and discuss possible recommendations to the school board.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Weckerly
Bus - Hendrickson

Images from the Week

Friday, March 2, 2018

The Middle Update 3/2/2018

Article of the Week
It's no secret that students work harder for teachers that they like.  The article this week provides a couple of tips to gain that important "street cred" that can make all the difference in the world for many of our students.

"5 Things Cool Teachers Do" by Mark Barnes

Middle School Leadership Group Meeting Update
The group met on Tuesday afternoon.  We reviewed the results of the survey staff took at the end of our Staff Meeting last Wednesday.  We started the planning process to improve in the correlate that was rated lowest (Home-School Relations).  See Meeting Notes here.

Kindness Homerooms Starting this Week
Our Middle School leadership students will be leading another Kindness Homeroom for all of the grades coming up.  The focus will be on respect for all people, no despite any differences present.  This is a powerful message for our kids to hear from their peers.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Starting this coming Thursday, we have another opportunity to meet with parents/ guardians to discuss our students' achievement and growth.  The office will be running a Grades Report for each student that will show 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter grades up to this point.  The report will also show Puma Pride grades.  If specific teams or teachers have questions about other items to include, invite me to a meeting, and we'll discuss more specifically.

Thanks to all who have submitted their budget proposals to me for next school year.  If you still have some questions, let me know as soon as you can.

Forward Exam Schedule
We are getting very close to finalizing the Forward Exam Schedule.  The Middle School will be testing from Monday, April 9th through Monday, April 16th.  Students will be taking the exam in their normal classes (ELA during ELA class time, Math during Math class time).  You can view the testing schedule HERE.  Test proctor training will take place in the coming weeks.

Middle School Staff Members Needed...
This Spring we will be hosting two middle school track meets.  The meets are on Monday, April 16th and Tuesday, May 8th.  It would be really awesome if we could get a solid Middle School contingency of staff members out there to work the event and support our students.  To sign-up, please review this SPREADSHEET, and fill in your name on a slot to work.  Training will be provided if needed.  I'm sure the weather will be outstanding on these two nights.  Thanks in advance for your help.

Data Update (through the first Friday in March)
Behavior Referrals
14-15 - 210 events, 65 students
15-16 - 165 events, 64 students
16-17 - 97 events, 43 students
17-18 - 109 events, 46 students

Attendance Rates
14-15 - 94.77%
15-16 - 95.47%
16-17 - 95.93%
17-18 - 96.23%

Duty Next Week
Morning - Crawford
Bus - Hazard

Images from the Week


The Middle Update 3/23/18

Although the school year seems like it just started, we are on the verge of another Spring Break, with one quarter to go until another school year is officially in the books.  During the upcoming Spring Break, I encourage everyone to get away, rest, relax, and recharge your batteries.  Enjoy some well-deserved rest, and we'll get ready to finish strong for the final stretch when we meet on the 2nd.

Article of the Week
The article this week comes from the Responsive Classroom research.  There is an art and science to getting students to respond to redirection successfully.  The article this week highlights strategies all teachers should use to be successful in these efforts that can lead to frustration.

"Reinforcing, Reminding, and Redirecting" from the Responsive Classroom Information Library

End of Quarter 3 Information
Quarter #3 will be officially in the books by the end of the day on Friday (3/23).  We will run report cards starting on Wednesday (4/4), so please have your grades and comments complete by then.  As a reminder, students that have an NE in any standard should be spending lunch time and after school times working to improve their performance.  Parents should be in the loop and working with us to get the kids back on track.

PD Day, Monday 4/2/18

On Monday, we'll get together and utilize the collaboration opportunities to move our curriculum and practices forward.  Check out the schedule HERE.

Upcoming All School Assembly
We will be having a Middle School Assembly on Friday, 4/6 at 2:25 in the 1-8 Gym.  We will highlight students, build momentum for the Forward Exam effort, and have another Carelli Cup Event.

Hoops 4 Hearts Success!!
Another great event is in the books.  Thanks to all who played a role in planning this event.  We had another packed house, and some intense moments that ultimately led to a staff victory, and more importantly, a good time had by all.

Safety Drill Recap
I thought our lockdown drill was executed very well.  When we are in lockdown, it is a little spooky how quiet it is in the hallways, and it is hard to believe that we actually have so many people in the building.  Please keep me and guidance in the loop on any concerns that may have come out of the discussion before or after the drill.  Our Safety Committee will debrief and continue to fine tune our safety plan.  Thanks for your diligence and appropriate communication with our students.

Forward Exam
It's getting closer...The Middle School will be testing from Monday, April 9th through Monday, April 16th.  Students will be taking the exam in their normal classes (ELA during ELA class time, Math during Math class time).  You can view the testing schedule HERE.

MS Track Meets...1 more slot to fill!!
This Spring we will be hosting two middle school track meets on Monday, April 16th and Tuesday, May 8th.  Thank you to all who have signed up to help out!  LOOKS LIKE ONLY 1 SPOT LEFT TO FILL for the meet on Tuesday, May 8th.  To sign-up, please review this SPREADSHEET, and fill in your name on a slot to work.  Training will be provided if needed.  I'm sure the weather will be outstanding on these two nights.

Community Facility Advisory Committee Update
We still await results from the the community survey.  If you talk with people in the community, please remind them about the importance of the survey results.

Duty Next Week
No One!  It's Spring Break!!

Duty for the Week after Next
Bus - Laufenberg

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 3/16/18

Article of the Week
There is a consistent message that comes through time and time again when reviewing the research on effective schools.  Schools that have gone from good to great have spent time on establishing the value of each minute of the school day.  The article this week highlights the need to make the most out each valuable minute of class time.

"Strategies for Teacher to Maximize Student Learning Time" by Derrick Meador

Middle School Leadership Group
Our group met this past Wednesday after school.  We continued our work to improve in the correlate that was rated lowest (Home-School Relations) by the staff.  I believe we have a plan to implement some strategies to improve our Home-School Relations.  You can view the note slicking on the link (Meeting Notes).

End of Quarter 3 Information
Quarter #3 will be officially in the books by the end of the day on Friday (3/23).  We will run report cards starting on Wednesday (4/4), so please have your grades and comments complete by then.  As a reminder, students that have an NE in any standard should be spending lunch time and after school times working to improve their performance.  Parents should be in the loop and working with us to get the kids back on track.

Band Clinic Concert Success!
The talent of our students was on full display Tuesday night!  Another great show by our students!

Parent-Teacher Conference Recap
Thank you to all of you for your efforts during PT conferences.  This is a key time to get on the same page with our parents, and develop plans for students that may need a little extra attention.  I noticed an increase in awareness of effort and behavior in a couple students in particular.

Hoops 4 Hearts this Thursday!!
The kids are feeling confident, and the adults have started stretching routines in hopes of avoiding's that time of year again.  The students have been working hard to plan another successful event.  Mark your calendars for Thursday night's big game.  Tip-off is set for 5:30.

Student of the Month Breakfast this Thursday
We will be hosting another breakfast this coming Thursday (3/22).  Thanks to Mr. Williams, Mr. Odden, Mrs. Rogness, and Mrs. Graeve for presenting this month's recipients.  Congratulations to the following students on their recognition:

Liam Napralla     Gracie Rugg     Anneliese Graeme     Maddie McEvilly
Layla Nolty     Brooke Steinhorst     Ava Brickson     Trent Chadwick

Student Success!!
Three of our Pumas were announced as winners for the Yahara Top 10 writing contest:

Hazel Ruckle, 7th grade short story for "One Day is 365 Opportunities"
Gracie Rugg, 6th grade editorial for "Online or Physical Shopping"
Melanie Koopmans, 6th grade cartoon

They will all attend the Yahara Top 10 workshop and ceremony on Tues. May 10th at Union South.  Their pieces will be published in an anthology.  Feel free to congratulate these girls on a job well done!

Safety Drill this Friday
We will be practicing our lockdown drill on Friday around 1:45pm.  Please use this time to review this procedure with your students.  As a reminder, doors should be closed and locked, lights off, and students quiet and out of sight from the window.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Forward Exam
It's getting closer...The Middle School will be testing from Monday, April 9th through Monday, April 16th.  Students will be taking the exam in their normal classes (ELA during ELA class time, Math during Math class time).  You can view the testing schedule HERE.

Forward Exam Proctor training will take place on Monday at 2:50 in Mr. Frehner's room.  More information about Forward Exam prep will be provided this week.

Middle School Staff Members Needed...
This Spring we will be hosting two middle school track meets on Monday, April 16th and Tuesday, May 8th.  LOOKS LIKE ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT TO FILL!  To sign-up, please review this SPREADSHEET, and fill in your name on a slot to work.  Training will be provided if needed.  I'm sure the weather will be outstanding on these two nights.  Thanks to all those that have agreed to help out!

Community Facility Advisory Committee Update
We still await results from the the community survey.  If you talk with people in the community, please remind them about the importance of the survey results.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Williams
Bus - Kallungi

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 3/9/18

Article of the Week
The art of differentiating the instructional approach to meet the needs of all students can alter some common held practices and beliefs.  The article this week provides some practical steps to helping provide each student with what they need in the classroom.

"Equity vs. Equality: 6 Steps Toward Equity" by Shane Safir

School Safety Staff Meeting
Thanks to those teachers that met briefly this past Wednesday, and a reminder to those that weren't able to attend, that we will be meeting on Monday (3/12) at 2:50 in Mr. Frehner's room to discuss certain elements of school safety.  If you teach in the high school, and attended their staff meeting this past Wednesday, no need to attend this one unless you are interested.

As a reminder, the following are descriptions of a couple of our procedures:

Administrative Hold: No one is allowed to enter or exit the building, but in the building activity remains unchanged.
Hold: Hallways should be clear, and no one should enter or exit the classroom.
Lockdown: Doors shut and locked, lights off, and all people inside the classroom should be quiet and out of sight if looking into the classroom.

We will be practicing a Lockdown drill on Friday, 3/23/18 around 1:45 in the afternoon.  This is an opportunity to share with students our procedures (like we discussed in staff meeting) in case of a dangerous person/situation in our building.

Middle School Leadership Group
Our group will meet again Wednesday after school.  We will continue our work to improve in the correlate that was rated lowest (Home-School Relations).  We will also review the new "Title" process, and share the areas identified for improvement in our school that will be targeted.  See last Meeting Notes here.

Band Clinic Concert this Tuesday (3/13)
We will be hosting our annual Band Clinic on Tuesday, followed by a concert during the evening starting at 7:00 pm.  We look forward to another great show by our students!

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you for your efforts during Parent/Teacher Conferences this past Thursday.  These partnerships are really important as we look to finish a strong 2017-2018 school year.  If you had a no show or two, please reach out and invite them in for a conference this coming Thursday evening.

I will send out a blast inviting families to come in for this coming Thursday's (3/15) conference night.  We all should be ready to meet with any parent that stops in to talk about their child.

Math Olympians
Congratulations to the following students that excelled during the Math Olympiad competitions:

Highest Score on
Math Olympiad #1: Abby Klink, Mika Bush, Grace Hutchinson (tied with a score of 4)
Math Olympiad #2: Abby Klink (score of 5)
Math Olympiad #3: Owen Bahr and Clayton Nehls (tied with a score of 3)
Math Olympiad #4: Mika Bush, Carter Fait, Conrad Kurtz, Nicholas Milewski, and Tanis Crawford (tied with a score of 2)
Math Olympiad #5: Felicia Ritzke (score of 5)

Best overall scores for all 5 exams:
Abby Klink (score of 13)
Carter Fair (score of 12)
Mika Bush (score of 11)
Grace Hutchinson (score of 10)
Dylan Elsing and Anneliese Graeme (score of 9)

Highest score per grade:
8th: Abby Klink (score of 13)
7th: Carter Fait (score of 12)
6th: Alex Busch, Mykolas Lyons, Avery O'Dea (tied with a score of 8)

Forward Exam
The Middle School will be testing from Monday, April 9th through Monday, April 16th.  Students will be taking the exam in their normal classes (ELA during ELA class time, Math during Math class time).  You can view the testing schedule HERE.  Test proctor training will take place in the coming weeks.

More information about Forward Exam prep will be provided this week.

Middle School Staff Members Needed...
This Spring we will be hosting two middle school track meets.  The meets are on Monday, April 16th and Tuesday, May 8th.  It would be really awesome if we could get a solid Middle School contingency of staff members out there to work the event and support our students.  To sign-up, please review this SPREADSHEET, and fill in your name on a slot to work.  Training will be provided if needed.  I'm sure the weather will be outstanding on these two nights.  Thanks in advance for your help.

Community Facility Advisory Committee Update
There was a solid turnout this past Wednesday for the Community Meeting.  The presentation gave a summary of all of the work the committee has done, and the next steps in the process.  At this time, we await survey results from the community.  Once the survey closes, the committee will meet, and discuss possible recommendations to the school board.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Weckerly
Bus - Hendrickson

Images from the Week

The Middle Update 3/2/2018

Article of the Week
It's no secret that students work harder for teachers that they like.  The article this week provides a couple of tips to gain that important "street cred" that can make all the difference in the world for many of our students.

"5 Things Cool Teachers Do" by Mark Barnes

Middle School Leadership Group Meeting Update
The group met on Tuesday afternoon.  We reviewed the results of the survey staff took at the end of our Staff Meeting last Wednesday.  We started the planning process to improve in the correlate that was rated lowest (Home-School Relations).  See Meeting Notes here.

Kindness Homerooms Starting this Week
Our Middle School leadership students will be leading another Kindness Homeroom for all of the grades coming up.  The focus will be on respect for all people, no despite any differences present.  This is a powerful message for our kids to hear from their peers.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Starting this coming Thursday, we have another opportunity to meet with parents/ guardians to discuss our students' achievement and growth.  The office will be running a Grades Report for each student that will show 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter grades up to this point.  The report will also show Puma Pride grades.  If specific teams or teachers have questions about other items to include, invite me to a meeting, and we'll discuss more specifically.

Thanks to all who have submitted their budget proposals to me for next school year.  If you still have some questions, let me know as soon as you can.

Forward Exam Schedule
We are getting very close to finalizing the Forward Exam Schedule.  The Middle School will be testing from Monday, April 9th through Monday, April 16th.  Students will be taking the exam in their normal classes (ELA during ELA class time, Math during Math class time).  You can view the testing schedule HERE.  Test proctor training will take place in the coming weeks.

Middle School Staff Members Needed...
This Spring we will be hosting two middle school track meets.  The meets are on Monday, April 16th and Tuesday, May 8th.  It would be really awesome if we could get a solid Middle School contingency of staff members out there to work the event and support our students.  To sign-up, please review this SPREADSHEET, and fill in your name on a slot to work.  Training will be provided if needed.  I'm sure the weather will be outstanding on these two nights.  Thanks in advance for your help.

Data Update (through the first Friday in March)
Behavior Referrals
14-15 - 210 events, 65 students
15-16 - 165 events, 64 students
16-17 - 97 events, 43 students
17-18 - 109 events, 46 students

Attendance Rates
14-15 - 94.77%
15-16 - 95.47%
16-17 - 95.93%
17-18 - 96.23%

Duty Next Week
Morning - Crawford
Bus - Hazard

Images from the Week