Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Middle Update 2/26/17

Below you'll find an information packed edition of The Middle Update...Friday's snow/ice day hopefully provided both students and staff an opportunity to recharge the battery and prepare for a huge stretch run through March and into Spring Break.  Despite the many things going on, our focus on planning and executing airtight engaging lessons remains at the forefront. I look forward to getting the most out of each day with all of you!

February Update Video
Check out this month's update VIDEO!  Thanks to the volunteers for participating, and if anyone really wants to get in one of the videos, just let me know!

Staff Meeting Wrap-Up
I enjoyed the discussion at our staff meeting this past Wednesday and look forward to continuing the conversation of how we can continually improve what we do to prepare our students for the evolving world of work.  The findings from the Forbes studies that we reviewed should remain in the forefront of our minds as we plan our units and daily activities.

Thoughts from the Educational Sources
"Content is free.  Our focus for our students needs to building competencies over content."  -Myron Dueck (at AWSA Principal's Convention 2/17)

"You can lead a student to water, but you can't make him drink. However, you can make him so thirsty that he can't help but take a sip." -found on Twitter review

Article of the Week
After meeting and listening to Myron Dueck's keynote address earlier this month, I find myself drawn to his work.  This week's article provides highlights some of the assessment practices that we do really well, but also provides some guidance in areas like projects and feedback.  A solid short read.

Aha Moments on the Way to Better Teaching - Dueck

7th Graders will Have Homeroom this Tuesday 2/28

The 7th Graders were supposed to complete necessary work in their Career Cruising accounts that must be completed before Thursday's conferences, so we will have them report to their Homeroom groups during IE on Tuesday.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Starting this week, we have another opportunity to meet with parents/ guardians to discuss our students' achievement and growth.  We'll be assembling items for student folders this week.  I'll be seeking team input for the items that we'll include.  I'll stop by team meetings on Tuesday to finalize our plan.  Mrs. Graeve and the Junior Class will be offering food on Thursday, March 2nd.  The following week, our Parents' Club will be providing a pizza feast for us.

Elementary Science Night
Ms. Pittner has led the charge to bring a Science night to our school on March 10th.  Some of our middle school students will be on hand to help out as well. Check out the FLYER for more information.

Budget Time
Earlier this week I shared the budget process informational packet. I have been able to address many questions about the process since then. If you have some questions, keep them coming. Our goal is to have all of the requisition and summary sheets to me by March 15th. This is a district deadline for all staff. A link to the Budget Process Packet can be found HERE. Most of you will just need to look at the first tab. Again, this is only view only, so go ahead and make a copy for your purposes.

Forward Exam Information
The Forward Exam is literally just weeks away.  At this time, we have tentatively settled on the dates and times.  This schedule is still in a draft form, but beginning to take shape.  All test proctors will be meeting soon to review the requirements for administering a successful Forward Exam.

Forward Exam Testing Schedule

Upcoming Dates
March 2nd - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 8:00 pm
March 9th - Student of the Month Breakfast - 7:00 am
March 9th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00 - 7:30 pm
March 10th - 7th Grade to Village Hall to view Tom Sawyer - 12:45 - 2:45
March 24th - End of Quarter 3
March 29th - PMS Staff Meeting - 2:50 - 3:30 pm
March 30th - April 6th - 8th Grade Forward Exam
April 10th - April 14th - Spring Break
April 18th - April 21st - 7th Grade Forward Exam
April 25th - April 27th - 6th Grade Forward Exam

Duty Next Week
Morning - Odden, Johnson
Bus - Hazard

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Middle Update 2/17/17

What a beautiful day to end the week on.  I hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy the nice weather of the weekend.  I am excited about some of the awesome things that are in the works as we all continue to work and plan to make this school and our kids top notch contributors to our community.

Staff Meeting next Wednesday 2/22
We will be having a middle school staff meeting on Wednesday, 2/22 at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's room.  At this meeting, we will be taking a closer look at skills that employees seek in today's world, and begin the conversations for how we can adjust what we do to prepare our students, including possible inclusion of some new technology that we have in our IMC.  We may also have a guest appearance from our local EMS as part of our ongoing safety efforts.

Carelli Cup Event next Friday at 2:30
Next Friday at 2:30, we will have the next Carelli Cup event.  It will be a scooter race competition between representatives from each grade.  We are looking for a staff team of 3 males and 3 females to volunteer to demonstrate the race for the kids.  We will also use this time to continue our work on ingraining a culture of high expectations and achievement for our students.

Upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences
Spring conferences are right around the corner.  After consultation with the Puma Pride Committee, our plan for the Spring Conferences will remain consistent from last spring.  We will use the first night (3/2) for scheduled conferences.  We should be scheduling conferences with as many students as we can, but mainly focusing on those who are in need of a strengthened home/school partnership (AE/NI on any Puma Pride score).  Also, the letter that we will mail home will encourage parents to schedule a conference.  On the second night (3/9), we will run more of an Open House type format.  Certainly we can schedule a conference on that night as well if necessary for parents.  It should be another great opportunity to deepen those vital relationships with parents that will help our students move forward.

Forward Exam Information
As February approaches, we have begun to start preparations for the administration of another successful Forward Exam.  At this time, we have tentatively settled on the dates and times.  This schedule is still in a draft form.  At this time, please review the dates for your planning, and more information about groups and preparation will be communicated as we get closer.

Forward Exam Testing Schedule

Upcoming Meetings
PMS Staff Mtg. - Wednesday (2/22) at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's Room

Article of the Week
Assessment practices are so critical for designing thorough, effective lessons to engage our students.  This ARTICLE highlights both formative and summative practices that are effective at providing accurate, timely feedback and boosting student achievement.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Lendobeja, Johnson
Bus - Gavin

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Middle Update 2/10/17

I feel really fortunate to spend a couple of great days learning alongside the other principals in our great state.  I am eager to get back to school on Monday and continue working alongside each of you as we push the status quo, and create consistent, awesome authentic learning opportunities throughout our building for our kids.

Schedule Adjustments starting Monday (2/13)
Due to an overlap for a couple of classes in the original schedule that I have had posted in the past couple of blogs, we had to make minor adjustments to some of the time periods in the schedule.  I recently updated the schedule to account for this overlap this past Monday afternoon, so depending on the last time you looked at the schedule, it may be different.  Please take a look at the Schedule and pay close attention to the dismissal times, so on Monday, we'll have a smooth transition.  Thank you!  SCHEDULE

Convention Takeaways
As you know I attended the Principal's convention this week and it was a great opportunity to hear from really innovative educators.  I was able to attend multiple sessions, and hear from Myron Dueck (author of Grading Smarter, Not Harder).  Some themes that rise to the top of my wondering were:
-The importance of facilitating authentic assessment experiences for our students that allow them to build real 21st century skills like teamwork, perseverance, and authentic problem solving
-Forbes recently concluded a study that asked employers what the "must have" qualities their employees must have:
    1.  Embrace change
     2. Provide voice
     3. Show autonomy
     4. Help others
     5. Share with others
-The application of personal pathway instructional models in schools

Upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences
Spring conferences are right around the corner.  After consultation with the Puma Pride Committee, our plan for the Spring Conferences will remain consistent from last spring.  We will use the first night (3/2) for scheduled conferences.  We should be scheduling conferences with as many students as we can, but mainly focusing on those who are in need of a strengthened home/school partnership (AE/NI on any Puma Pride score).  Also, the letter that we will mail home will encourage parents to schedule a conference.  On the second night (3/9), we will run more of an Open House type format.  Certainly we can schedule a conference on that night as well if necessary for parents.  It should be another great opportunity to deepen those vital relationships with parents that will help our students move forward.

A message from our Instructional Coaches
Elementary/Middle School
IMC STEM Resources
Below is a list of STEM resources that are available for checkout from the IMC for your classroom. Please feel free to contact me or Anna  if you would like support with implementation and curriculum correlation, we are always happy to help!

Resource & Video Clip
Amount in IMC
Possible Skills & Knowledge
  • Sensing & magnitude
  • Data collection
  • Engineering & design (problem solving)
  • Light & motion
  • Robotics
& Tablet
  • Coordinate planes
  • Number lines
  • X & Y axis
  • Robotics and basic programming
  • Engineering and design/ problem solving
& Tablet
  • Coding
  • Variables
  • Problem solving
(can use tablet but is not needed)
  • Robotics and basic programming
  • Engineering and design
  • Probability
  • Measurement
  • Problem solving

Forward Exam Information
As February approaches, we have begun to start preparations for the administration of another successful Forward Exam.  At this time, we have tentatively settled on the dates and times.  This schedule is still in a draft form.  At this time, please review the dates for your planning, and more information about groups and preparation will be communicated as we get closer.

Forward Exam Testing Schedule

Parent Club Opportunity
The PAD Parent Club has helped out elementary teachers by reimbursing expenses that were spent on items for their classroom.  They would like to spread this assistance to the Middle School teachers as well.  The club will reimburse up to $100, provided the following guidelines are met:
-purchase must be for the classroom
-receipt(s) must be provided by turning in to the PC mailbox with teacher name on it and attn. to Tami
-PC prefers to have all requests submitted by end of school year
-PC will then issue them a $100 check

Article of the Week
The infusion of more authentic learning and assessment activities is an area of utmost importance for each of our classrooms.  Facilitating these experiences for our students will lead to a deeper sense of engagement, and ultimately an increase in the skills and knowledge of our students.

6 Authentic Assessment Tools

Upcoming Meetings
Literacy Committee Mtg. - Tuesday (2/14) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' Room
PMS Staff Mtg. - Wednesday (2/22) at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's Room

Duty Next Week
Morning - Hendrickson, Johnson
Bus - Frehner

Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Middle Update 2/3/17

Another great week starts Monday.  As we head into the 3rd week of the quarter, we continue our daily focus on utilizing each minute with our students; providing them opportunities and feedback that guide them to knowledge and skill attainment that they never thought was possible.  The decisions that we make on a daily basis make a difference, and it is fun to be part of a collective group that strives to make the most out of each classroom minute as we work to be the best district in the state.

Budget Information
It is almost time to formally prepare next year's budget.  More details will be provided soon in terms of forms and deadlines...for right now, please be thinking about and planning for classroom materials that will drive student achievement in your classroom for next year.

Forward Exam Information
As February approaches, we have begun to start preparations for the administration of another successful Forward Exam.  At this time, we have tentatively settled on the dates and times.  This schedule is still in a draft form.  At this time, please review the dates for your planning, and more information about groups and preparation will be communicated as we get closer.

Forward Exam Testing Schedule

Master Schedule Adjustment
Starting on Monday, February 13, we'll be adding minutes to our school day, which will affect our daily schedule.  Please review the schedule below, noting new dismissal times for some classes and lunch.

PMS Master Schedule - beginning 2/13

Article (video) of the Week
Over the course of the past few school years, we have worked hard to plan and organize our classes using the backwards planning model.  This work will never be completely we work on planning our units, a focus on making authentic assessment opportunities a regular part of each class is critical for maximizing learning and engagement.  Check out the short video below to get a glimpse of how teachers implement and view authentic assessment opportunities.  We have many of these great practices happening in our building, and it is important that we continue to build these practices as a regular experience in all of our classes.

Upcoming Meetings
Puma Pride Committee - Monday (2/6) at 2:50 in Mr. Odden's room
Literacy Committee - Tuesday (2/7) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' room

Congrats to Ms. Vian
Ms. Vian has been working on her hexagon inspired quilt for many months, and she found out it was recently accepted into the International Quilt Festival in Chicago.  Great job Bridget!

Duty Next Week
Morning - Hazard, Johnson
Bus - Filerman


The Middle Update 2/26/17

Below you'll find an information packed edition of The Middle Update...Friday's snow/ice day hopefully provided both students and staff an opportunity to recharge the battery and prepare for a huge stretch run through March and into Spring Break.  Despite the many things going on, our focus on planning and executing airtight engaging lessons remains at the forefront. I look forward to getting the most out of each day with all of you!

February Update Video
Check out this month's update VIDEO!  Thanks to the volunteers for participating, and if anyone really wants to get in one of the videos, just let me know!

Staff Meeting Wrap-Up
I enjoyed the discussion at our staff meeting this past Wednesday and look forward to continuing the conversation of how we can continually improve what we do to prepare our students for the evolving world of work.  The findings from the Forbes studies that we reviewed should remain in the forefront of our minds as we plan our units and daily activities.

Thoughts from the Educational Sources
"Content is free.  Our focus for our students needs to building competencies over content."  -Myron Dueck (at AWSA Principal's Convention 2/17)

"You can lead a student to water, but you can't make him drink. However, you can make him so thirsty that he can't help but take a sip." -found on Twitter review

Article of the Week
After meeting and listening to Myron Dueck's keynote address earlier this month, I find myself drawn to his work.  This week's article provides highlights some of the assessment practices that we do really well, but also provides some guidance in areas like projects and feedback.  A solid short read.

Aha Moments on the Way to Better Teaching - Dueck

7th Graders will Have Homeroom this Tuesday 2/28

The 7th Graders were supposed to complete necessary work in their Career Cruising accounts that must be completed before Thursday's conferences, so we will have them report to their Homeroom groups during IE on Tuesday.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Starting this week, we have another opportunity to meet with parents/ guardians to discuss our students' achievement and growth.  We'll be assembling items for student folders this week.  I'll be seeking team input for the items that we'll include.  I'll stop by team meetings on Tuesday to finalize our plan.  Mrs. Graeve and the Junior Class will be offering food on Thursday, March 2nd.  The following week, our Parents' Club will be providing a pizza feast for us.

Elementary Science Night
Ms. Pittner has led the charge to bring a Science night to our school on March 10th.  Some of our middle school students will be on hand to help out as well. Check out the FLYER for more information.

Budget Time
Earlier this week I shared the budget process informational packet. I have been able to address many questions about the process since then. If you have some questions, keep them coming. Our goal is to have all of the requisition and summary sheets to me by March 15th. This is a district deadline for all staff. A link to the Budget Process Packet can be found HERE. Most of you will just need to look at the first tab. Again, this is only view only, so go ahead and make a copy for your purposes.

Forward Exam Information
The Forward Exam is literally just weeks away.  At this time, we have tentatively settled on the dates and times.  This schedule is still in a draft form, but beginning to take shape.  All test proctors will be meeting soon to review the requirements for administering a successful Forward Exam.

Forward Exam Testing Schedule

Upcoming Dates
March 2nd - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 8:00 pm
March 9th - Student of the Month Breakfast - 7:00 am
March 9th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00 - 7:30 pm
March 10th - 7th Grade to Village Hall to view Tom Sawyer - 12:45 - 2:45
March 24th - End of Quarter 3
March 29th - PMS Staff Meeting - 2:50 - 3:30 pm
March 30th - April 6th - 8th Grade Forward Exam
April 10th - April 14th - Spring Break
April 18th - April 21st - 7th Grade Forward Exam
April 25th - April 27th - 6th Grade Forward Exam

Duty Next Week
Morning - Odden, Johnson
Bus - Hazard

The Middle Update 2/17/17

What a beautiful day to end the week on.  I hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy the nice weather of the weekend.  I am excited about some of the awesome things that are in the works as we all continue to work and plan to make this school and our kids top notch contributors to our community.

Staff Meeting next Wednesday 2/22
We will be having a middle school staff meeting on Wednesday, 2/22 at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's room.  At this meeting, we will be taking a closer look at skills that employees seek in today's world, and begin the conversations for how we can adjust what we do to prepare our students, including possible inclusion of some new technology that we have in our IMC.  We may also have a guest appearance from our local EMS as part of our ongoing safety efforts.

Carelli Cup Event next Friday at 2:30
Next Friday at 2:30, we will have the next Carelli Cup event.  It will be a scooter race competition between representatives from each grade.  We are looking for a staff team of 3 males and 3 females to volunteer to demonstrate the race for the kids.  We will also use this time to continue our work on ingraining a culture of high expectations and achievement for our students.

Upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences
Spring conferences are right around the corner.  After consultation with the Puma Pride Committee, our plan for the Spring Conferences will remain consistent from last spring.  We will use the first night (3/2) for scheduled conferences.  We should be scheduling conferences with as many students as we can, but mainly focusing on those who are in need of a strengthened home/school partnership (AE/NI on any Puma Pride score).  Also, the letter that we will mail home will encourage parents to schedule a conference.  On the second night (3/9), we will run more of an Open House type format.  Certainly we can schedule a conference on that night as well if necessary for parents.  It should be another great opportunity to deepen those vital relationships with parents that will help our students move forward.

Forward Exam Information
As February approaches, we have begun to start preparations for the administration of another successful Forward Exam.  At this time, we have tentatively settled on the dates and times.  This schedule is still in a draft form.  At this time, please review the dates for your planning, and more information about groups and preparation will be communicated as we get closer.

Forward Exam Testing Schedule

Upcoming Meetings
PMS Staff Mtg. - Wednesday (2/22) at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's Room

Article of the Week
Assessment practices are so critical for designing thorough, effective lessons to engage our students.  This ARTICLE highlights both formative and summative practices that are effective at providing accurate, timely feedback and boosting student achievement.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Lendobeja, Johnson
Bus - Gavin

The Middle Update 2/10/17

I feel really fortunate to spend a couple of great days learning alongside the other principals in our great state.  I am eager to get back to school on Monday and continue working alongside each of you as we push the status quo, and create consistent, awesome authentic learning opportunities throughout our building for our kids.

Schedule Adjustments starting Monday (2/13)
Due to an overlap for a couple of classes in the original schedule that I have had posted in the past couple of blogs, we had to make minor adjustments to some of the time periods in the schedule.  I recently updated the schedule to account for this overlap this past Monday afternoon, so depending on the last time you looked at the schedule, it may be different.  Please take a look at the Schedule and pay close attention to the dismissal times, so on Monday, we'll have a smooth transition.  Thank you!  SCHEDULE

Convention Takeaways
As you know I attended the Principal's convention this week and it was a great opportunity to hear from really innovative educators.  I was able to attend multiple sessions, and hear from Myron Dueck (author of Grading Smarter, Not Harder).  Some themes that rise to the top of my wondering were:
-The importance of facilitating authentic assessment experiences for our students that allow them to build real 21st century skills like teamwork, perseverance, and authentic problem solving
-Forbes recently concluded a study that asked employers what the "must have" qualities their employees must have:
    1.  Embrace change
     2. Provide voice
     3. Show autonomy
     4. Help others
     5. Share with others
-The application of personal pathway instructional models in schools

Upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences
Spring conferences are right around the corner.  After consultation with the Puma Pride Committee, our plan for the Spring Conferences will remain consistent from last spring.  We will use the first night (3/2) for scheduled conferences.  We should be scheduling conferences with as many students as we can, but mainly focusing on those who are in need of a strengthened home/school partnership (AE/NI on any Puma Pride score).  Also, the letter that we will mail home will encourage parents to schedule a conference.  On the second night (3/9), we will run more of an Open House type format.  Certainly we can schedule a conference on that night as well if necessary for parents.  It should be another great opportunity to deepen those vital relationships with parents that will help our students move forward.

A message from our Instructional Coaches
Elementary/Middle School
IMC STEM Resources
Below is a list of STEM resources that are available for checkout from the IMC for your classroom. Please feel free to contact me or Anna  if you would like support with implementation and curriculum correlation, we are always happy to help!

Resource & Video Clip
Amount in IMC
Possible Skills & Knowledge
  • Sensing & magnitude
  • Data collection
  • Engineering & design (problem solving)
  • Light & motion
  • Robotics
& Tablet
  • Coordinate planes
  • Number lines
  • X & Y axis
  • Robotics and basic programming
  • Engineering and design/ problem solving
& Tablet
  • Coding
  • Variables
  • Problem solving
(can use tablet but is not needed)
  • Robotics and basic programming
  • Engineering and design
  • Probability
  • Measurement
  • Problem solving

Forward Exam Information
As February approaches, we have begun to start preparations for the administration of another successful Forward Exam.  At this time, we have tentatively settled on the dates and times.  This schedule is still in a draft form.  At this time, please review the dates for your planning, and more information about groups and preparation will be communicated as we get closer.

Forward Exam Testing Schedule

Parent Club Opportunity
The PAD Parent Club has helped out elementary teachers by reimbursing expenses that were spent on items for their classroom.  They would like to spread this assistance to the Middle School teachers as well.  The club will reimburse up to $100, provided the following guidelines are met:
-purchase must be for the classroom
-receipt(s) must be provided by turning in to the PC mailbox with teacher name on it and attn. to Tami
-PC prefers to have all requests submitted by end of school year
-PC will then issue them a $100 check

Article of the Week
The infusion of more authentic learning and assessment activities is an area of utmost importance for each of our classrooms.  Facilitating these experiences for our students will lead to a deeper sense of engagement, and ultimately an increase in the skills and knowledge of our students.

6 Authentic Assessment Tools

Upcoming Meetings
Literacy Committee Mtg. - Tuesday (2/14) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' Room
PMS Staff Mtg. - Wednesday (2/22) at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's Room

Duty Next Week
Morning - Hendrickson, Johnson
Bus - Frehner

The Middle Update 2/3/17

Another great week starts Monday.  As we head into the 3rd week of the quarter, we continue our daily focus on utilizing each minute with our students; providing them opportunities and feedback that guide them to knowledge and skill attainment that they never thought was possible.  The decisions that we make on a daily basis make a difference, and it is fun to be part of a collective group that strives to make the most out of each classroom minute as we work to be the best district in the state.

Budget Information
It is almost time to formally prepare next year's budget.  More details will be provided soon in terms of forms and deadlines...for right now, please be thinking about and planning for classroom materials that will drive student achievement in your classroom for next year.

Forward Exam Information
As February approaches, we have begun to start preparations for the administration of another successful Forward Exam.  At this time, we have tentatively settled on the dates and times.  This schedule is still in a draft form.  At this time, please review the dates for your planning, and more information about groups and preparation will be communicated as we get closer.

Forward Exam Testing Schedule

Master Schedule Adjustment
Starting on Monday, February 13, we'll be adding minutes to our school day, which will affect our daily schedule.  Please review the schedule below, noting new dismissal times for some classes and lunch.

PMS Master Schedule - beginning 2/13

Article (video) of the Week
Over the course of the past few school years, we have worked hard to plan and organize our classes using the backwards planning model.  This work will never be completely we work on planning our units, a focus on making authentic assessment opportunities a regular part of each class is critical for maximizing learning and engagement.  Check out the short video below to get a glimpse of how teachers implement and view authentic assessment opportunities.  We have many of these great practices happening in our building, and it is important that we continue to build these practices as a regular experience in all of our classes.

Upcoming Meetings
Puma Pride Committee - Monday (2/6) at 2:50 in Mr. Odden's room
Literacy Committee - Tuesday (2/7) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' room

Congrats to Ms. Vian
Ms. Vian has been working on her hexagon inspired quilt for many months, and she found out it was recently accepted into the International Quilt Festival in Chicago.  Great job Bridget!

Duty Next Week
Morning - Hazard, Johnson
Bus - Filerman
