Friday, January 27, 2017

The Middle Update 1/27/17

We have great students in our building, and awesome people in place to guide each of them to achievement they never thought was possible.  That is a winning combination.  There is a lot going on to start 2017.

End of Quarter Grades
Thank you for your efforts in working to make our report cards even more dynamic with more specific information tailored to each student included.  2nd quarter grades will be due Monday (1/30) morning.  We will look to organize them and send them home Monday afternoon/Tuesday morning.  Let me know if there are adjustments to this timeline that would be helpful

Forward Exam Information
As February approaches, we have begun to start preparations for the administration of another successful Forward Exam.  At this time, we have tentatively settled on the dates.  I wanted to send this notice so everyone is aware of the general time frame that we'll be looking at.  We'll follow a similar format as we did last year.  At this time, please review the dates for your planning, and more information about groups and preparation will be communicated as we get closer.

Forward Exam Testing Schedule

STAR results correlate to Forward Exam?
Check out an interesting study completed recently that looked to see if there was a correlation between STAR testing scores and Forward Exam scores.  Check it out

Schedule Adjustments
Like Mr. Shappell mentioned in his email in regards to how the weather has affected our schedule, we will be adjusting our daily bell schedule to add more minutes.  The same times will be used for next year's school day.  Please make special notice of the different times for the dismissal of each class.  We have certain periods staggered for hallway traffic purposes and also to facilitate lunch flow.  The morning whistle will sound at 7:28 am and announcements will begin at 7:33 with students being dismissed at 2:45.  We will start this schedule on Monday, February 13.

PMS Master Schedule - beginning 2/13

Lockdown Wrap-Up
Thanks for your participating and preparation for our lock-down drill.  It is quite impressive that in a building of about 700 students, you can walk around as if no one is here.  This drill gives us an opportunity to review our safety plan and make necessary adjustments.

Upcoming Meetings
Applied Teacher Dept. Mtg. - Tuesday (1/31) at 2:50 in Mr. Lendobeja's room

Puma Pride Committee - Wednesday (2/6) at 2:50 in Mr. Odden's room
Literacy Committee - Tuesday (2/7) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' room

Student of the Month Breakfast
The next Student of the Month Breakfast is on Thursday (2/2) morning at 7:00 am.  Congratulations to this month's recipients:

Haley Freimuth     Lucas Prince     Owen Bahr     Lindsiana Lambert     Clayton Nehls
                            Lily Walz     Manning Wheeler     Rheanen Zaring

Article of the Week
A great article of the art and science of teaching...The Flexible Teacher by Leila Christenbury

Duty Next Week
Morning - Gavin, Johnson
Bus - Williams

Friday, January 20, 2017

The Middle Update 1/20/17

We have had a lot of collaboration time together this week with our staff meeting on Wednesday afternoon and our PD Day on Friday.  This version of the blog will be a little shorter than normal, but filled with important upcoming dates and activities.

End of Quarter Grades
Thank you for your efforts in working to make our report cards even more dynamic with more specific information tailored to each student included.  2nd quarter grades will be due Monday (1/30) morning.  We will look to organize them and send them home Monday afternoon/Tuesday morning.

Article of the Week
As we work to refine our teaching practices, the intricate use of assessment is critical for us as we look to maximize student achievement and make the most out of every minute, both in the preparation for class, and during class.  This week's article provides solid ways to think about and use assessment in your classroom

2nd Semester Rosters
With the end of the semester comes some modifications to some schedules and class rosters.  Please take a moment to review your class roster/sections in Infinite Campus.  Also, the IE schedule/rosters had to be adjusted due to some of the changes.

January Drill
On Friday, 1/27 at 9:20, we will be conducting a Lock-Down Drill.  Details for procedures for a lock-down are below.
-Quickly survey and clear hallways and bathrooms of students
-Lock doors; turn off lights; open outside blinds
-Move away from glass & doors; silence cell phones
-Get on floor and/or under tables and spread students out
-Take attendance
-MAINTAIN SILENCE; Do not use radio, TV
-RELEASE NO ONE: Ignore bells.  No bathroom breaks
-Non-assigned staff remain in place until notified
-Be prepared to remain in HOLD-LOCK SECURE for extended time.  Wait for assistance from law enforcement or "All Clear" signal

Upcoming Meetings
Puma Pride Committee - Wednesday (1/25) at 2:50 in Mr. Odden's room
Applied Teacher Dept. Mtg. - Tuesday (1/31) at 2:50 in Mr. Lendobeja's room
Literacy Committee - Tuesday (2/7) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' room

Student of the Month Breakfast
The next Student of the Month Breakfast is on Thursday (2/2) morning at 7:00 am.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Frehner, Johnson
Bus - Vian

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Middle Update 1/13/17

One more week left in the 2nd quarter...that is hard to believe.  There is a lot going on, and it looks like warmer days ahead.  Read on for important dates and information about the months to come.

Staff Meeting Monday
We will be having a teaching staff meeting on Monday, January 16 at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's Room (#3).  2nd quarter report cards will be the topic.

PD Day Friday 1/20
The official schedule for Friday's PD Day will be sent soon by Mr. Shappell, however as a preview, our time will be broken down in the following manner:

8:00 - 10:00 - 6-12 Curriculum/backwards planning work

From 10:00 to 3:15 there will be some flexibility.  The following will need to be completed during our time on the 20th:
     -Puma Pride Grades
     -SLO/Targeted Assessment check-ins with Dr. Pritzl
               -These can be done by department (if similar SLO) or individually
               -Please sign-up for a time on this DOCUMENT before next Friday
     -Department Time
               -Next Targeted Assessment Planning/Log updating
               -Common Planning
               -Continuation of monthly department work
     -Classroom Time

3:15 - 3:30 - Final Group Share-Out - (Mr. Odden's Room)

2nd Semester Rosters
With the end of the semester comes some modifications to some schedules and class rosters.  Please take a moment to review your class roster/sections in Infinite Campus.  Also, the IE schedule/rosters had to be adjusted due to some of the changes.

Next Puma Pride Committee Mtg.
The next Puma Pride Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday (1/25) at 2:50 in Mr. Odden's Room.  We will review 2nd quarter Puma Pride results and review interventions from 1st quarter scores, and plan future interventions.  We will do our annual review our current standards, and discuss if there are any modifications recommended.

Next Literacy Committee Mtg.
The next Literacy Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday (2/7) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' Room.  We will continue to plan the next round of book talks.

The Next Student of the Month Breakfast
The date for the next breakfast is Thursday, February 2 at 7:00 am.  Teams should communicate their nominees to the office by January 19th.  Mr. Hazard is up for the Applied team.

Instructional Resources
Guest blog post from Mrs. Morrissey regarding available resources in our IMC.

New Resources For The New Year
Danielson Domains 1a, 1b, and  4e
With the start of the new year, we also have several new teacher resource books that have been added to the IMC.    
A Responsive Classroom book, The Power of Our Words shares how simple changes in teacher language can bring about significant changes within your students and classroom.  This book is a great resource also for specific examples and ideas that you can use right away within your classroom.
Middle School Motivators has 22 interactive learning structures to ensure that all students stay fully engaged and collaborate successfully.  Each learning structure is clearly laid out and ready to be implemented into any classroom.
80 Morning Meeting Ideas (k-2 and 3-6) are packed with greetings, sharings, group activities, and morning messages that you can use with your students to start the day off right.

All of these resources, as well as many others, can be found in our professional library at the 1-8 building.  This is located behind the IMC desk, if you haven’t had an opportunity to yet, go and take a look!

Winter "Get Active" Activity
Our traditional "End of Semester Celebration" will take on a different form this year. Next Thursday, 1/19, we will have a brief assembly at the end of the day featuring another Carelli Cup competition. Mr. Kallungi, Mrs. Serstad, and myself have been working on planning an event which will take place on Friday, 2/24. We are still hammering out the final details, but it will have a "Get Active" theme with all Middle School students participating in a field trip. More details to come...

Article of the Week
Check it Out...

Duty Next Week
Morning - Filerman, Johnson
Bus - Schoen

Friday, January 6, 2017

The Middle Update 1/6/17

A short week to begin 2017 is nearly in the books, and we look ahead to pushing through these next couple of cold months.  The next part of the school year is steady, with STAR testing coming up, the end of Quarter 2, mid-year SLO's, Forward Exam planning, it's a busy time.  Our daily focus on crisp, well scaffolded lessons leading to higher levels of achievement for all of our students, continues to help shape a culture that we, and our students, desire.

The end of Quarter 2 is near...
With 2 weeks remaining till the end of Quarter #2, I wanted to send a reminder about students that are struggling.  As we look at the students in our class, those that are still struggling (NE's, BE's) should be putting in time (after school, lunch, home) to ensure they are growing their skills/knowledge to his/her highest level.  Parents must be consulted to help us either get those students in after school, or help guide them to work at home.  There should not be any surprises on the report card.  If there are students of concern, please let me know.

End of 2nd Quarter Activity
On the afternoon of Thursday, 1/19, we will be having an Assembly.  More details and a schedule will be shared later, but we will plan to end the day as a whole group in the 1-8 Gym.  In the past, we have had a bigger End of Quarter 2 Celebration.  This year, we will look to do a similar activity in late February/early March.

Staff Meeting 1/16/17
We will be having a teaching staff meeting on Monday, 1/16/17.  We will be taking a closer look at our report cards, and working to enhance the communication.

Depths of Knowledge
I have shared this ARTICLE with some teachers earlier this week.  The article is from the Ed Leadership magazine and provides insight into specific types of classroom activities that can be done to facilitate our students to higher levels of knowledge.  Give it a read and let me know what you think.

STAR Tests
We will be administering the STAR Reading test in our ELA classes next Tuesday, 1/10.  The STAR Math test will be administered on Wednesday, 1/18.

The Next Student of the Month Breakfast
The date for the next breakfast is Thursday, February 2 at 7:00 am.  Teams should communicate their nominees to the office by January 19th.  Mr. Hazard is up for the Applied team.

Twitter Find of the Week
Get your students talking with these straightforward, simply-worded questions:

Duty Next Week
Morning - Williams, Johnson
Bus - Pittner

The Middle Update 1/27/17

We have great students in our building, and awesome people in place to guide each of them to achievement they never thought was possible.  That is a winning combination.  There is a lot going on to start 2017.

End of Quarter Grades
Thank you for your efforts in working to make our report cards even more dynamic with more specific information tailored to each student included.  2nd quarter grades will be due Monday (1/30) morning.  We will look to organize them and send them home Monday afternoon/Tuesday morning.  Let me know if there are adjustments to this timeline that would be helpful

Forward Exam Information
As February approaches, we have begun to start preparations for the administration of another successful Forward Exam.  At this time, we have tentatively settled on the dates.  I wanted to send this notice so everyone is aware of the general time frame that we'll be looking at.  We'll follow a similar format as we did last year.  At this time, please review the dates for your planning, and more information about groups and preparation will be communicated as we get closer.

Forward Exam Testing Schedule

STAR results correlate to Forward Exam?
Check out an interesting study completed recently that looked to see if there was a correlation between STAR testing scores and Forward Exam scores.  Check it out

Schedule Adjustments
Like Mr. Shappell mentioned in his email in regards to how the weather has affected our schedule, we will be adjusting our daily bell schedule to add more minutes.  The same times will be used for next year's school day.  Please make special notice of the different times for the dismissal of each class.  We have certain periods staggered for hallway traffic purposes and also to facilitate lunch flow.  The morning whistle will sound at 7:28 am and announcements will begin at 7:33 with students being dismissed at 2:45.  We will start this schedule on Monday, February 13.

PMS Master Schedule - beginning 2/13

Lockdown Wrap-Up
Thanks for your participating and preparation for our lock-down drill.  It is quite impressive that in a building of about 700 students, you can walk around as if no one is here.  This drill gives us an opportunity to review our safety plan and make necessary adjustments.

Upcoming Meetings
Applied Teacher Dept. Mtg. - Tuesday (1/31) at 2:50 in Mr. Lendobeja's room

Puma Pride Committee - Wednesday (2/6) at 2:50 in Mr. Odden's room
Literacy Committee - Tuesday (2/7) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' room

Student of the Month Breakfast
The next Student of the Month Breakfast is on Thursday (2/2) morning at 7:00 am.  Congratulations to this month's recipients:

Haley Freimuth     Lucas Prince     Owen Bahr     Lindsiana Lambert     Clayton Nehls
                            Lily Walz     Manning Wheeler     Rheanen Zaring

Article of the Week
A great article of the art and science of teaching...The Flexible Teacher by Leila Christenbury

Duty Next Week
Morning - Gavin, Johnson
Bus - Williams

The Middle Update 1/20/17

We have had a lot of collaboration time together this week with our staff meeting on Wednesday afternoon and our PD Day on Friday.  This version of the blog will be a little shorter than normal, but filled with important upcoming dates and activities.

End of Quarter Grades
Thank you for your efforts in working to make our report cards even more dynamic with more specific information tailored to each student included.  2nd quarter grades will be due Monday (1/30) morning.  We will look to organize them and send them home Monday afternoon/Tuesday morning.

Article of the Week
As we work to refine our teaching practices, the intricate use of assessment is critical for us as we look to maximize student achievement and make the most out of every minute, both in the preparation for class, and during class.  This week's article provides solid ways to think about and use assessment in your classroom

2nd Semester Rosters
With the end of the semester comes some modifications to some schedules and class rosters.  Please take a moment to review your class roster/sections in Infinite Campus.  Also, the IE schedule/rosters had to be adjusted due to some of the changes.

January Drill
On Friday, 1/27 at 9:20, we will be conducting a Lock-Down Drill.  Details for procedures for a lock-down are below.
-Quickly survey and clear hallways and bathrooms of students
-Lock doors; turn off lights; open outside blinds
-Move away from glass & doors; silence cell phones
-Get on floor and/or under tables and spread students out
-Take attendance
-MAINTAIN SILENCE; Do not use radio, TV
-RELEASE NO ONE: Ignore bells.  No bathroom breaks
-Non-assigned staff remain in place until notified
-Be prepared to remain in HOLD-LOCK SECURE for extended time.  Wait for assistance from law enforcement or "All Clear" signal

Upcoming Meetings
Puma Pride Committee - Wednesday (1/25) at 2:50 in Mr. Odden's room
Applied Teacher Dept. Mtg. - Tuesday (1/31) at 2:50 in Mr. Lendobeja's room
Literacy Committee - Tuesday (2/7) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' room

Student of the Month Breakfast
The next Student of the Month Breakfast is on Thursday (2/2) morning at 7:00 am.

Duty Next Week
Morning - Frehner, Johnson
Bus - Vian

The Middle Update 1/13/17

One more week left in the 2nd quarter...that is hard to believe.  There is a lot going on, and it looks like warmer days ahead.  Read on for important dates and information about the months to come.

Staff Meeting Monday
We will be having a teaching staff meeting on Monday, January 16 at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's Room (#3).  2nd quarter report cards will be the topic.

PD Day Friday 1/20
The official schedule for Friday's PD Day will be sent soon by Mr. Shappell, however as a preview, our time will be broken down in the following manner:

8:00 - 10:00 - 6-12 Curriculum/backwards planning work

From 10:00 to 3:15 there will be some flexibility.  The following will need to be completed during our time on the 20th:
     -Puma Pride Grades
     -SLO/Targeted Assessment check-ins with Dr. Pritzl
               -These can be done by department (if similar SLO) or individually
               -Please sign-up for a time on this DOCUMENT before next Friday
     -Department Time
               -Next Targeted Assessment Planning/Log updating
               -Common Planning
               -Continuation of monthly department work
     -Classroom Time

3:15 - 3:30 - Final Group Share-Out - (Mr. Odden's Room)

2nd Semester Rosters
With the end of the semester comes some modifications to some schedules and class rosters.  Please take a moment to review your class roster/sections in Infinite Campus.  Also, the IE schedule/rosters had to be adjusted due to some of the changes.

Next Puma Pride Committee Mtg.
The next Puma Pride Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday (1/25) at 2:50 in Mr. Odden's Room.  We will review 2nd quarter Puma Pride results and review interventions from 1st quarter scores, and plan future interventions.  We will do our annual review our current standards, and discuss if there are any modifications recommended.

Next Literacy Committee Mtg.
The next Literacy Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday (2/7) at 2:50 in Mrs. Rogness' Room.  We will continue to plan the next round of book talks.

The Next Student of the Month Breakfast
The date for the next breakfast is Thursday, February 2 at 7:00 am.  Teams should communicate their nominees to the office by January 19th.  Mr. Hazard is up for the Applied team.

Instructional Resources
Guest blog post from Mrs. Morrissey regarding available resources in our IMC.

New Resources For The New Year
Danielson Domains 1a, 1b, and  4e
With the start of the new year, we also have several new teacher resource books that have been added to the IMC.    
A Responsive Classroom book, The Power of Our Words shares how simple changes in teacher language can bring about significant changes within your students and classroom.  This book is a great resource also for specific examples and ideas that you can use right away within your classroom.
Middle School Motivators has 22 interactive learning structures to ensure that all students stay fully engaged and collaborate successfully.  Each learning structure is clearly laid out and ready to be implemented into any classroom.
80 Morning Meeting Ideas (k-2 and 3-6) are packed with greetings, sharings, group activities, and morning messages that you can use with your students to start the day off right.

All of these resources, as well as many others, can be found in our professional library at the 1-8 building.  This is located behind the IMC desk, if you haven’t had an opportunity to yet, go and take a look!

Winter "Get Active" Activity
Our traditional "End of Semester Celebration" will take on a different form this year. Next Thursday, 1/19, we will have a brief assembly at the end of the day featuring another Carelli Cup competition. Mr. Kallungi, Mrs. Serstad, and myself have been working on planning an event which will take place on Friday, 2/24. We are still hammering out the final details, but it will have a "Get Active" theme with all Middle School students participating in a field trip. More details to come...

Article of the Week
Check it Out...

Duty Next Week
Morning - Filerman, Johnson
Bus - Schoen

The Middle Update 1/6/17

A short week to begin 2017 is nearly in the books, and we look ahead to pushing through these next couple of cold months.  The next part of the school year is steady, with STAR testing coming up, the end of Quarter 2, mid-year SLO's, Forward Exam planning, it's a busy time.  Our daily focus on crisp, well scaffolded lessons leading to higher levels of achievement for all of our students, continues to help shape a culture that we, and our students, desire.

The end of Quarter 2 is near...
With 2 weeks remaining till the end of Quarter #2, I wanted to send a reminder about students that are struggling.  As we look at the students in our class, those that are still struggling (NE's, BE's) should be putting in time (after school, lunch, home) to ensure they are growing their skills/knowledge to his/her highest level.  Parents must be consulted to help us either get those students in after school, or help guide them to work at home.  There should not be any surprises on the report card.  If there are students of concern, please let me know.

End of 2nd Quarter Activity
On the afternoon of Thursday, 1/19, we will be having an Assembly.  More details and a schedule will be shared later, but we will plan to end the day as a whole group in the 1-8 Gym.  In the past, we have had a bigger End of Quarter 2 Celebration.  This year, we will look to do a similar activity in late February/early March.

Staff Meeting 1/16/17
We will be having a teaching staff meeting on Monday, 1/16/17.  We will be taking a closer look at our report cards, and working to enhance the communication.

Depths of Knowledge
I have shared this ARTICLE with some teachers earlier this week.  The article is from the Ed Leadership magazine and provides insight into specific types of classroom activities that can be done to facilitate our students to higher levels of knowledge.  Give it a read and let me know what you think.

STAR Tests
We will be administering the STAR Reading test in our ELA classes next Tuesday, 1/10.  The STAR Math test will be administered on Wednesday, 1/18.

The Next Student of the Month Breakfast
The date for the next breakfast is Thursday, February 2 at 7:00 am.  Teams should communicate their nominees to the office by January 19th.  Mr. Hazard is up for the Applied team.

Twitter Find of the Week
Get your students talking with these straightforward, simply-worded questions:

Duty Next Week
Morning - Williams, Johnson
Bus - Pittner