Friday, April 29, 2016

The Middle Update 5/29/16

Another busy week is in the books, and another good opportunity for a relaxing weekend is ever so near.  Check below for some information about the upcoming week.

16-17 Budget
The board approved the initial budget requests that I submitted to them on Monday night.  Once I get approval from the district office, I will return requisitions the requisitions for things that need to be ordered.  Teachers will then enter the returned requisitions into Skyward.  When entering into Skyward, it's really important that the year working in is 2016-2017.  I will keep requisitions that were encumbered or ear-marked for certain items.  The money for these purposes will remain in the appropriate account, and we'll use the correct codes when needed next year.

Forward Testing
Our 7th graders finished up testing this week, and we have one more week to go!  6th graders are up starting on Monday with a practice session.

Students of the Month
Congratulations to this month's recipients:

Gwen Golueke     Lianna Mullarkey     Mikayla Fox     Jake Buss     Kirstin Heuer     
Carter Hansen     Olivia Radewan     Matthew Bartz     Kaitlyn Schultz

PMS Honor Board
I need to have a special section in this week's blog to recognize Mrs. Hendrickson's work to take a vision from the Puma Pride Committee, and made it a reality.  Mrs. Hendrickson has worked hard, and put up with more than one round of suggestions from me for modifications or omissions...thank you Mrs. looks great, and is pretty cool.

End of Year Celebration at the Barn
Mark your calendars, we will be hosting a district wide end of year celebration at the Barn at Harvest Moon Pond on the late afternoon/evening of Tuesday, May 31st.  More specific details will follow.

Color Run
In your mail box, everyone received some information about our upcoming 1st Annual Color Run.  The Parent's Club is interested in getting as many of our staff members involved to help make this event a big success.  Our students love seeing our staff members outside of the classroom.  Staff members can participate free of charge.  All proceeds from this event will go toward our School Sign Fund (money for an electronic Poynette Schools sign along Hwy 51).

Duty Next Week
Morning - Kallungi
Bus - Greer

Danielson Component Strengths of PMS Teachers (Top 3)
     (As self-identified by teachers)

22.2 % - 2C - Managing Classroom Procedures
22.2% - 3C - Engaging Students in Learning
16.7% - 2A - Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

Danielson Component Self-Identified Weakness' of PMS Teachers (Top 3)
27.8% - 3B - Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
22.2% - 2D - Managing Student Behavior
22.2% - 3C - Engaging Students in Learning

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Middle Update 4/22/16

Somehow we only have one more week of April left.  As we inch closer and closer to the end of the year, it is vital that our focus remains centered on our student's goals.  Check out below for some important information.

Forward Exam
The 8th grade session is complete.  The testing sessions went very smooth.  Thanks to everyone involved for the flexibility and diligence ensuring a smooth, successful testing session.  Next up is 7th grade, starting with a practice session on Monday morning.  6th grade will be testing the following week.

As we near the end of the school year, it's time to be thinking about the timeline for wrapping up our SLO/PPG.  Most of us do not have the final data quite ready yet to analyze to determine our success.  However, please be thinking about this process, and schedule a time with me to review the SLO progress when you are ready.  I will need to meet with everyone.

Puma Pride Committee Meeting
This past Thursday, we held another Puma Pride Committee meeting.  Our focus was on how we can systemically provide intervention for students that are struggling with specific Puma Pride areas.  We also focused on building in structured opportunities for all staff members to build rapport with students.  Check out the meeting notes HERE.

Staff Meeting Next Week
Please mark your calendars for our next Staff Meeting on Wednesday (4/27) at 2:50 in Room 3.

Color Run
In your mail box, everyone received some information about our upcoming 1st Annual Color Run.  The Parent's Club is interested in getting as many of our staff members involved to help make this event a big success.  Our students love seeing our staff members outside of the classroom.  Staff members can participate free of charge.  All proceeds from this event will go toward our School Sign Fund (money for an electronic Poynette Schools sign along Hwy 51).

Field Trips/Chaperones
As we approach spring, I wanted to send our annual field trip reminder.  Anyone who plans on chaperoning a field trip must have a volunteer form filled out, complete with an approved background check.  Advanced planning is a must for these situations, as guidelines call for a 2 week notice for the Business Office to run background checks and inform potential chaperones.  If a person is already on our Approved List, they do not need to fill out another form.  All inquiries about our Approved Volunteer List should be directed to me.

Assessment...Minute by Minute
It is so critical that we are taking the pulse of our student's level of understanding so that we can adjust our instruction/discussion/activities accordingly.  Check out this article for more ways to do this effectively.

Ed Leadership Article

Duty Next Week
Morning - Johnson
Bus - Frehner

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Middle Update 4/15/16

Image result for barbecuing
Hopefully this is what your grill will look like this weekend!

Forward Exam is Under Way!!
The 8th grade has already kicked off this year's state testing.  So far, things have gone pretty smooth, and having a practice session prior to the first official testing session proved to be valuable.  8th grade will be finishing up their testing sessions next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Tornado Drill
Hats off to all of our staff members in leading another efficient, successful tornado drill on Thursday afternoon.  In May, we will be having a fire drill.  More details to come.

3rd Quarter Report Cards
3rd Quarter report cards are printed.  We will be prepping the report cards for mailing today and into early next week.  While we did not meet our goal of 80% with all ME's, we improved considerably from 2nd Quarter.  See the Data section below for results.

Middle School Track Meets
This is a reminder that we will be hosting 2 MS track meets this spring.  The first one is set for 5/26.  Thanks to all of those who signed up to work the event.  We are still in need of a couple workers.  If you are able to work the meet, feel free to sign up on this document.  Our 2nd home meet is on Monday, 5/16.

End of Year Planning
The end of the school year seems pretty far off, but the time will go fast.  For planning purposes, I wanted to share some guidelines for the last couple weeks of school using my notes from last year so that we may maintain our strong culture of hard work and high expectations right up to dismissal time on the last day of school.
     -We will not have a bump-up day on the last day this year.  We will schedule a time for the 5th graders to meet with 6th grade teachers only (detailed information to follow).  We will run a modified early release schedule similar to the one we used earlier this year on that last day.  We should be as routine as possible all the way up to the time of dismissal on the last day.  If your team has an idea for your group during that last week, please let me know in advance.
     -Class time spent outside should be limited only to academic activities that require us to be outside.  IE periods should also follow our consistent lesson plan format right up through the end of the year.
     -I am anticipating another assembly during the last week.  More communication will follow on this.
The 4th quarter will be our best yet!

Improving Instructional Practices (from Mrs. Morrissey & Ms. Niemeyer)

Four Fast Ways To Assess Understanding
Danielson’s Domain 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction

To know where your students are at with their understanding one must utilize various ways to assess. Below is one teacher's example of how she came to realize that just calling on students wasn’t giving her enough information.
"We've got this, it's easy," my students said. "Can we move on?"  I looked at the other students and asked, "Do you have this?"They nodded their heads furiously up and down in a "yes." My teacher instincts said that everyone knew it, but I decided to experiment. So I wrote a problem on the board. Students were already logged into Socrative, and a box opened up on their screens. Each student typed in his or her answer to the problem. They clicked enter, and all of their answers appeared on my screen beside the name of each student.I was floored. Guess how many knew the right answer? Two! Just the two students who had spoken up and no one else!
Good teachers in every subject will adjust their teaching based on what students know at each point.  Here are some ways to quickly check to ensure their understanding:

1. Socrative

Socrative can be used for quick quizzes and also on the fly. Another feature, you can create quizzes that can be  played  as a game called Space Race. The website automatically divides the class into color teams and can look at the rockets racing one another on the board. Socrative allows students to link to their name so you can see what students have it, and what students may still need support.

2. Kahoot

Kahoot lets you build fun quizzes. Students use computers, cell phones, or other devices to join in the game. You can create flashcards for review. You can also embed videos and use Kahoot as part of the teaching process, or students can create review games to share. One disadvantage is that students can use aliases. While you can see overall how the class is doing, unlike Socrative, you can’t see the patterns of which unfamiliar nickname is struggling.

3.  No BYOD? Plickers and Mobile Scanners Rock

But what if you have no computers, no cell phones, no nothing? Do you have a smartphone or tablet? If so, you've got two simple answers.   For verbal questions: Log into PlickDeansers and create a page for each student. This tool will code in the student's name and answers. Hand each student their plicker card and ask a question. The student will hold the card up in the direction of their answer. Looking at the class through the camera on your smartphone inside the Plicker app, you’ll see the name of each student and whether he or she got the answer right to the question you just asked! BAM!

4. Backchannel Chat Tools

Backchannel chat -- a live chat that accompanies class discussion -- is a great way to do exit ticket activities. While these chat tools aren't anonymous, Chatzy, Today’s Meet, or Ning can be powerful. Students can take notes as you teach together, and you can check for understanding by having them type answers to questions.
Adapted from Edutopia Blog Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessments

Duty Next Week
Morning - Hendrickson
Bus - Deans

Attendance rates (through mid-April)
15-16 - 95.52%
14-15 - 94.86%
13-14 - 95.24%

Behavior Referral Data (through mid-April)
15-16 - 195 Events, 69 Students
14-15 - 245 Events, 73 Students
13-14 - 341 Events, 105 Students

Percentage of all students receiving ME in all areas of Puma Pride for 3rd Quarter
6th: 75.3%
7th: 77.5%
8th: 63.5% (up from 54% in Q2)
Total: 72.2%

1st Quarter - 73%
2nd Quarter - 69.5%
3rd Quarter - 72.2%

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Middle Update 4/8/16

End of Quarter 3
We are at the end of Quarter 3.  Grades are due by the end of Wednesday (4/13).  I will review report cards on Thursday and our goal will be to have them in the mail by the end of the day on Friday.  If your final Quarter 3 grades are not posted by the end of the day on Wednesday, please let me know.  As always, comments help to get a clearer picture of student performance in class.

Fire Inspection
Earlier this week, we had the fire department in for a fire inspection.  From the inspection, we received reminders that everything must be 2 feet from the ceiling, including wall hangings.  Also, no more than 25% of a wall can be covered with paper.  Please take a look at your classroom, and adjust if necessary.

Also, another safety annual reminder that candles, scents, toasters, and space heaters should not be in any classroom.

Earlier this week, I submitted the Middle School budget numbers to the district office.  Once I get approval from the district office, I will hand back the requisitions that have been approved for you to enter into Skyward at a later date.  Things like conference fees or encumbered money do not need to be entered into Skyward.  Once I have approval I will give an update to each department about what will be ordered for next year.  If you have questions prior to that, please let me know.

Forward Exam
Our 8th graders will be kicking off our Forward Exam testing at the end of next week.  In Homerooms, students will learn about the interface and tools required for the Forward Exam.  This is an important time for our students to demonstrate their abilities.  When you talk with students about the exam, continue to stress how this is another opportunity for us to display what being a Poynette Puma is all about.

Improving Instructional Practices (from Mrs. Morrissey & Ms. Niemeyer)
Creating Better Questions
Domain 3 Instruction: 3b Using questioning and discussion techniques

Asking good questions gets students to do more of the work and allows them to gain a deeper understanding of the material.  For questioning to be effective one must allow for wait time, not simply ask questions that have one right answer, and scaffold questioning so that students can gain a greater understanding.  Below is a resource you can utilize as you create questions to ask your students, or could even be shared with students as they create their own questions.  

To get a copy of this resource just click on the link here ,or if you want a hard copy without the work of printing, you can grab one from the teacher’s workroom!  

Duty Next Week
Morning - Harms
Bus - Barnett

14-15 Badger Exam Results - To see DPI site for comparisons, click HERE

ELA (% P + A) - 55%
Math (% P + A) - 52.5%

WKCE Results
SS (% P + A) - 80.3%
Science (% P + A) - 83.1%

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Middle Update 4/1/16

It's almost time to get back in and finish the home stretch on a high note!  I hope everyone has had a relaxing time and is ready to come back and get after it.  See below for a couple of items of note.  Looking forward to Monday!

Hoops 4 Heart Rescheduled
Due to last Thursday's weather cancellation, we'll make up the Hoops 4 Heart game on Tuesday, 4/5 night.  Doors open at 5:00pm, with game time set to start at 5:30.

16-17 Budget
I appreciate all of your hard work to get your budget requests to me on time.  My recommendations for final requests are due to the district office on Tuesday, 4/5.  I will meet with some groups on Monday to clarify some of the requests.

Forward Exam
The Wisconsin Forward Exam is coming up later this month.  Click HERE to learn everything you want to know (of what has been released anyway).  Also, click HERE to view the testing schedule.  It's important to share this information with students to help prepare them.  We will be having a meeting on Monday, 4/11, to train all test proctors.  An invite has been sent for that meeting.  Teams should be reviewing testing groups, and making any adjustments they feel is necessary this week.

Assembly this Friday
We will be having a Middle School Assembly this Friday, 4/8, in the 1-8 Gym.  Students should be released at 2:10.  All teachers that aren't teaching elementary or HS classes should be there.

March Students of the Month
The March Student of the Month Breakfast has been postponed and will take place on Thursday (4/14) morning.  That will bump back the final SOM Breakfast of the year to Thursday (5/12).

Congratulations go out to this month's recipients:
Gemma Buss     Michael Leiterman     Jessica Bruchs     Ethan Buss
Maddie McGlynn   Cory Hohlstein   Evonna Morgan   Shelby Reeder

Wisconsin Observance Days
Please share the following information about a day this week. This information is from the Wisconsin DPI website.

Saturday, April 9 : Prisoners of War Remembrance Day *

Commemorates the date during World War II when the largest number of Americans were captured in the Conquest of Bataan. Customarily observed through gubernatorial proclamation, the day recognizes those who suffered captivity in foreign countries while in active service with the U.S. armed forces.
Enacted November 29, 2001, from the 2001 Laws of Wisconsin, Act 20 budget bill.
Twitter Find of the Week
This takes our study of Dweck's growth mindset to the next level...

Carol Dweck wants you to know that growth mindset isn't just about praising effort: .

Duty Next Week
Morning - Greer
Bus - O'Connor

The Middle Update 5/29/16

Another busy week is in the books, and another good opportunity for a relaxing weekend is ever so near.  Check below for some information about the upcoming week.

16-17 Budget
The board approved the initial budget requests that I submitted to them on Monday night.  Once I get approval from the district office, I will return requisitions the requisitions for things that need to be ordered.  Teachers will then enter the returned requisitions into Skyward.  When entering into Skyward, it's really important that the year working in is 2016-2017.  I will keep requisitions that were encumbered or ear-marked for certain items.  The money for these purposes will remain in the appropriate account, and we'll use the correct codes when needed next year.

Forward Testing
Our 7th graders finished up testing this week, and we have one more week to go!  6th graders are up starting on Monday with a practice session.

Students of the Month
Congratulations to this month's recipients:

Gwen Golueke     Lianna Mullarkey     Mikayla Fox     Jake Buss     Kirstin Heuer     
Carter Hansen     Olivia Radewan     Matthew Bartz     Kaitlyn Schultz

PMS Honor Board
I need to have a special section in this week's blog to recognize Mrs. Hendrickson's work to take a vision from the Puma Pride Committee, and made it a reality.  Mrs. Hendrickson has worked hard, and put up with more than one round of suggestions from me for modifications or omissions...thank you Mrs. looks great, and is pretty cool.

End of Year Celebration at the Barn
Mark your calendars, we will be hosting a district wide end of year celebration at the Barn at Harvest Moon Pond on the late afternoon/evening of Tuesday, May 31st.  More specific details will follow.

Color Run
In your mail box, everyone received some information about our upcoming 1st Annual Color Run.  The Parent's Club is interested in getting as many of our staff members involved to help make this event a big success.  Our students love seeing our staff members outside of the classroom.  Staff members can participate free of charge.  All proceeds from this event will go toward our School Sign Fund (money for an electronic Poynette Schools sign along Hwy 51).

Duty Next Week
Morning - Kallungi
Bus - Greer

Danielson Component Strengths of PMS Teachers (Top 3)
     (As self-identified by teachers)

22.2 % - 2C - Managing Classroom Procedures
22.2% - 3C - Engaging Students in Learning
16.7% - 2A - Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

Danielson Component Self-Identified Weakness' of PMS Teachers (Top 3)
27.8% - 3B - Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
22.2% - 2D - Managing Student Behavior
22.2% - 3C - Engaging Students in Learning

The Middle Update 4/22/16

Somehow we only have one more week of April left.  As we inch closer and closer to the end of the year, it is vital that our focus remains centered on our student's goals.  Check out below for some important information.

Forward Exam
The 8th grade session is complete.  The testing sessions went very smooth.  Thanks to everyone involved for the flexibility and diligence ensuring a smooth, successful testing session.  Next up is 7th grade, starting with a practice session on Monday morning.  6th grade will be testing the following week.

As we near the end of the school year, it's time to be thinking about the timeline for wrapping up our SLO/PPG.  Most of us do not have the final data quite ready yet to analyze to determine our success.  However, please be thinking about this process, and schedule a time with me to review the SLO progress when you are ready.  I will need to meet with everyone.

Puma Pride Committee Meeting
This past Thursday, we held another Puma Pride Committee meeting.  Our focus was on how we can systemically provide intervention for students that are struggling with specific Puma Pride areas.  We also focused on building in structured opportunities for all staff members to build rapport with students.  Check out the meeting notes HERE.

Staff Meeting Next Week
Please mark your calendars for our next Staff Meeting on Wednesday (4/27) at 2:50 in Room 3.

Color Run
In your mail box, everyone received some information about our upcoming 1st Annual Color Run.  The Parent's Club is interested in getting as many of our staff members involved to help make this event a big success.  Our students love seeing our staff members outside of the classroom.  Staff members can participate free of charge.  All proceeds from this event will go toward our School Sign Fund (money for an electronic Poynette Schools sign along Hwy 51).

Field Trips/Chaperones
As we approach spring, I wanted to send our annual field trip reminder.  Anyone who plans on chaperoning a field trip must have a volunteer form filled out, complete with an approved background check.  Advanced planning is a must for these situations, as guidelines call for a 2 week notice for the Business Office to run background checks and inform potential chaperones.  If a person is already on our Approved List, they do not need to fill out another form.  All inquiries about our Approved Volunteer List should be directed to me.

Assessment...Minute by Minute
It is so critical that we are taking the pulse of our student's level of understanding so that we can adjust our instruction/discussion/activities accordingly.  Check out this article for more ways to do this effectively.

Ed Leadership Article

Duty Next Week
Morning - Johnson
Bus - Frehner

The Middle Update 4/15/16

Image result for barbecuing
Hopefully this is what your grill will look like this weekend!

Forward Exam is Under Way!!
The 8th grade has already kicked off this year's state testing.  So far, things have gone pretty smooth, and having a practice session prior to the first official testing session proved to be valuable.  8th grade will be finishing up their testing sessions next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Tornado Drill
Hats off to all of our staff members in leading another efficient, successful tornado drill on Thursday afternoon.  In May, we will be having a fire drill.  More details to come.

3rd Quarter Report Cards
3rd Quarter report cards are printed.  We will be prepping the report cards for mailing today and into early next week.  While we did not meet our goal of 80% with all ME's, we improved considerably from 2nd Quarter.  See the Data section below for results.

Middle School Track Meets
This is a reminder that we will be hosting 2 MS track meets this spring.  The first one is set for 5/26.  Thanks to all of those who signed up to work the event.  We are still in need of a couple workers.  If you are able to work the meet, feel free to sign up on this document.  Our 2nd home meet is on Monday, 5/16.

End of Year Planning
The end of the school year seems pretty far off, but the time will go fast.  For planning purposes, I wanted to share some guidelines for the last couple weeks of school using my notes from last year so that we may maintain our strong culture of hard work and high expectations right up to dismissal time on the last day of school.
     -We will not have a bump-up day on the last day this year.  We will schedule a time for the 5th graders to meet with 6th grade teachers only (detailed information to follow).  We will run a modified early release schedule similar to the one we used earlier this year on that last day.  We should be as routine as possible all the way up to the time of dismissal on the last day.  If your team has an idea for your group during that last week, please let me know in advance.
     -Class time spent outside should be limited only to academic activities that require us to be outside.  IE periods should also follow our consistent lesson plan format right up through the end of the year.
     -I am anticipating another assembly during the last week.  More communication will follow on this.
The 4th quarter will be our best yet!

Improving Instructional Practices (from Mrs. Morrissey & Ms. Niemeyer)

Four Fast Ways To Assess Understanding
Danielson’s Domain 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction

To know where your students are at with their understanding one must utilize various ways to assess. Below is one teacher's example of how she came to realize that just calling on students wasn’t giving her enough information.
"We've got this, it's easy," my students said. "Can we move on?"  I looked at the other students and asked, "Do you have this?"They nodded their heads furiously up and down in a "yes." My teacher instincts said that everyone knew it, but I decided to experiment. So I wrote a problem on the board. Students were already logged into Socrative, and a box opened up on their screens. Each student typed in his or her answer to the problem. They clicked enter, and all of their answers appeared on my screen beside the name of each student.I was floored. Guess how many knew the right answer? Two! Just the two students who had spoken up and no one else!
Good teachers in every subject will adjust their teaching based on what students know at each point.  Here are some ways to quickly check to ensure their understanding:

1. Socrative

Socrative can be used for quick quizzes and also on the fly. Another feature, you can create quizzes that can be  played  as a game called Space Race. The website automatically divides the class into color teams and can look at the rockets racing one another on the board. Socrative allows students to link to their name so you can see what students have it, and what students may still need support.

2. Kahoot

Kahoot lets you build fun quizzes. Students use computers, cell phones, or other devices to join in the game. You can create flashcards for review. You can also embed videos and use Kahoot as part of the teaching process, or students can create review games to share. One disadvantage is that students can use aliases. While you can see overall how the class is doing, unlike Socrative, you can’t see the patterns of which unfamiliar nickname is struggling.

3.  No BYOD? Plickers and Mobile Scanners Rock

But what if you have no computers, no cell phones, no nothing? Do you have a smartphone or tablet? If so, you've got two simple answers.   For verbal questions: Log into PlickDeansers and create a page for each student. This tool will code in the student's name and answers. Hand each student their plicker card and ask a question. The student will hold the card up in the direction of their answer. Looking at the class through the camera on your smartphone inside the Plicker app, you’ll see the name of each student and whether he or she got the answer right to the question you just asked! BAM!

4. Backchannel Chat Tools

Backchannel chat -- a live chat that accompanies class discussion -- is a great way to do exit ticket activities. While these chat tools aren't anonymous, Chatzy, Today’s Meet, or Ning can be powerful. Students can take notes as you teach together, and you can check for understanding by having them type answers to questions.
Adapted from Edutopia Blog Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessments

Duty Next Week
Morning - Hendrickson
Bus - Deans

Attendance rates (through mid-April)
15-16 - 95.52%
14-15 - 94.86%
13-14 - 95.24%

Behavior Referral Data (through mid-April)
15-16 - 195 Events, 69 Students
14-15 - 245 Events, 73 Students
13-14 - 341 Events, 105 Students

Percentage of all students receiving ME in all areas of Puma Pride for 3rd Quarter
6th: 75.3%
7th: 77.5%
8th: 63.5% (up from 54% in Q2)
Total: 72.2%

1st Quarter - 73%
2nd Quarter - 69.5%
3rd Quarter - 72.2%

The Middle Update 4/8/16

End of Quarter 3
We are at the end of Quarter 3.  Grades are due by the end of Wednesday (4/13).  I will review report cards on Thursday and our goal will be to have them in the mail by the end of the day on Friday.  If your final Quarter 3 grades are not posted by the end of the day on Wednesday, please let me know.  As always, comments help to get a clearer picture of student performance in class.

Fire Inspection
Earlier this week, we had the fire department in for a fire inspection.  From the inspection, we received reminders that everything must be 2 feet from the ceiling, including wall hangings.  Also, no more than 25% of a wall can be covered with paper.  Please take a look at your classroom, and adjust if necessary.

Also, another safety annual reminder that candles, scents, toasters, and space heaters should not be in any classroom.

Earlier this week, I submitted the Middle School budget numbers to the district office.  Once I get approval from the district office, I will hand back the requisitions that have been approved for you to enter into Skyward at a later date.  Things like conference fees or encumbered money do not need to be entered into Skyward.  Once I have approval I will give an update to each department about what will be ordered for next year.  If you have questions prior to that, please let me know.

Forward Exam
Our 8th graders will be kicking off our Forward Exam testing at the end of next week.  In Homerooms, students will learn about the interface and tools required for the Forward Exam.  This is an important time for our students to demonstrate their abilities.  When you talk with students about the exam, continue to stress how this is another opportunity for us to display what being a Poynette Puma is all about.

Improving Instructional Practices (from Mrs. Morrissey & Ms. Niemeyer)
Creating Better Questions
Domain 3 Instruction: 3b Using questioning and discussion techniques

Asking good questions gets students to do more of the work and allows them to gain a deeper understanding of the material.  For questioning to be effective one must allow for wait time, not simply ask questions that have one right answer, and scaffold questioning so that students can gain a greater understanding.  Below is a resource you can utilize as you create questions to ask your students, or could even be shared with students as they create their own questions.  

To get a copy of this resource just click on the link here ,or if you want a hard copy without the work of printing, you can grab one from the teacher’s workroom!  

Duty Next Week
Morning - Harms
Bus - Barnett

14-15 Badger Exam Results - To see DPI site for comparisons, click HERE

ELA (% P + A) - 55%
Math (% P + A) - 52.5%

WKCE Results
SS (% P + A) - 80.3%
Science (% P + A) - 83.1%

The Middle Update 4/1/16

It's almost time to get back in and finish the home stretch on a high note!  I hope everyone has had a relaxing time and is ready to come back and get after it.  See below for a couple of items of note.  Looking forward to Monday!

Hoops 4 Heart Rescheduled
Due to last Thursday's weather cancellation, we'll make up the Hoops 4 Heart game on Tuesday, 4/5 night.  Doors open at 5:00pm, with game time set to start at 5:30.

16-17 Budget
I appreciate all of your hard work to get your budget requests to me on time.  My recommendations for final requests are due to the district office on Tuesday, 4/5.  I will meet with some groups on Monday to clarify some of the requests.

Forward Exam
The Wisconsin Forward Exam is coming up later this month.  Click HERE to learn everything you want to know (of what has been released anyway).  Also, click HERE to view the testing schedule.  It's important to share this information with students to help prepare them.  We will be having a meeting on Monday, 4/11, to train all test proctors.  An invite has been sent for that meeting.  Teams should be reviewing testing groups, and making any adjustments they feel is necessary this week.

Assembly this Friday
We will be having a Middle School Assembly this Friday, 4/8, in the 1-8 Gym.  Students should be released at 2:10.  All teachers that aren't teaching elementary or HS classes should be there.

March Students of the Month
The March Student of the Month Breakfast has been postponed and will take place on Thursday (4/14) morning.  That will bump back the final SOM Breakfast of the year to Thursday (5/12).

Congratulations go out to this month's recipients:
Gemma Buss     Michael Leiterman     Jessica Bruchs     Ethan Buss
Maddie McGlynn   Cory Hohlstein   Evonna Morgan   Shelby Reeder

Wisconsin Observance Days
Please share the following information about a day this week. This information is from the Wisconsin DPI website.

Saturday, April 9 : Prisoners of War Remembrance Day *

Commemorates the date during World War II when the largest number of Americans were captured in the Conquest of Bataan. Customarily observed through gubernatorial proclamation, the day recognizes those who suffered captivity in foreign countries while in active service with the U.S. armed forces.
Enacted November 29, 2001, from the 2001 Laws of Wisconsin, Act 20 budget bill.
Twitter Find of the Week
This takes our study of Dweck's growth mindset to the next level...

Carol Dweck wants you to know that growth mindset isn't just about praising effort: .

Duty Next Week
Morning - Greer
Bus - O'Connor