Friday, March 18, 2016

The Middle Update 3/18/16

It's March Madness time!  We have one more week to go till everyone gets a much needed Spring Break.  I am continually impressed with how our teachers maintain focus and make the most out of every classroom minute with our kids.  This solid routines that we have built will continue to be of the utmost importance as we head into next week.  Check out below for more information about this past week and next week.

Puma Pride Committee Meeting
The Puma Pride Committee will be meeting on Monday (3/21) at 2:50 in Ms. Deans (109) room.  As always, anyone is welcome to attend.  Click HERE to view the tentative agenda.

Staff Meeting
We will be having our March Staff Meeting on Wednesday (3/23) at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's Room (3).  We will be continuing our work on 3B: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques, along with an update on progress for this school year.  We will also have a Staff Share segment...if you have something that is working well, send me an email and we'll set up your segment at the meeting.

Tornado Drill
We will be conducting a tornado drill next week.  Specific details will follow, but please review the locations, and share with students.
6th Grade - Ms. Stangl's Room - (107)
7th Grade - Band Room (111)
8th Grade - Downstairs Hallway (adjacent to rooms 109 and 110)

Hoops 4 Heart Event
Ms. Strobel and the 8th grade Health class have been working hard to prepare for the 10th annual Hoops 4 Heart Basketball game.  The game will be on Thursday, 3/24, with the doors opening at 5:00 and game time set for 5:30.  Please let me know if you are interested in playing in the game, representing the staff.

March Students of the Month
We will be hosting our next Student of the Month Breakfast next Thursday (3/24) morning.  Congratulations go out to this month's recipients:
Gemma Buss     Michael Leiterman     Jessica Bruchs     Ethan Buss
Maddie McGlynn   Cory Hohlstein   Evonna Morgan   Shelby Reeder

Staff Websites
In a conversation with a teacher from another school, I learned that some of our individual teacher websites are outdated.  If you have been here for a while, and have put information on your teacher website in the past, check it out, and remove any outdated material.  In a future staff meeting, we will all add our syllabus information to our individual webpages.  The best way to see your own webpage is the search your name under "Staff Directory", and click on webpage if there is a link available.  See me with questions.  Also, email Anna to get your username and password information if you do not remember that information.

Twitter Find of the Week
10 things that teachers know keep students engaged: .

Duty Next Week
Morning - Frehner
Bus - Rogness

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Middle Update 3/11/16

Friday PD Session ReCap
I was really happy with how our Friday PD Session went.  I thought we were able to dive a little more deeply into Component 3B: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques, and add some more tools to our tool belt in this area.  I will be checking in with your note card and on some of your ideas for ways to develop our questioning further and incorporate discussion techniques into our lessons.
Also, the collaboration and action on our student data was pretty exciting.  With this continued focus, we will continue to refine our practices.  Great job!

Forward Exam
The Wisconsin Forward Exam is coming up.  It will be computer-based, just like the Badger Exam.  Click HERE to learn everything you want to know (of what has been released anyway).  Also, click HERE to view a very early tentative exam schedule.

PT Conferences
One night is in the books as far as PT Conferences more to go.  I enjoyed the chance to greet everyone as they arrived, and hand out the student data folders.  If you have any feedback from the first night, please share.  It will be interesting to see what type of turnout we get for the second night.  Thanks for your work in prepping for a productive round of parent discussions.

Twitter Find of the Week
How emotions affect learning, behaviors, and relationships: .

Duty Next Week
Morning - Deans
Bus - Schoen

Friday, March 4, 2016

The Middle Update 3/4/16

Happy March!

Check out below for some Middle School updates.

Spring Parent/Teacher Conference Goals
Parent/Teacher Conferences are next week.  This is the first time that we are running a format where we will have scheduled conferences on the first night, and more of an open format on the second night.  There are sure to be some things that come up that we did not anticipate...that is ok...we will learn from any of these items as we move forward.  Please review the NOTE sent out to parents.  Our goals for having this format are as follows:

-We wanted to specifically schedule conferences to ensure that we meet with students who may be struggling a bit.  We want to help open the lines of communication so we can work together to see improvement in effort.

-For both nights, we will have a folder for each student available to parents as they enter the building.  The goal is for them to get the chance to review student information prior to their time with the teachers.  We want to maximize the time they have with the teachers so there is a better chance for rich discussion and an opportunity to review student work using rubrics and model papers to outline the path for improvement for each student.  In the folder will include: Current Grades Report (similar to report card format), STAR Progress Update, and Puma Pride reflection sheets (done in Homeroom this Friday).  The folders will be put together by the front office staff.

-For the Open House night, we really want to get the chance to check in with all parents.  It will be important to have some samples of student work ready to review.  The conversations should focus on areas of strength, but also highlight areas for each student to improve.  Seeing work samples can really help all parties understand the expectations and our system.

-If a parent would like a more in depth conversation during the Open House portion, work with them to set up a time to come in and meet.

-If a parent would like to schedule a conference on the 2nd night...we can be flexible and do that, as long as it only involves one teacher at a time.  On the 2nd night, all teachers should be near their rooms ready for parent drop-ins.

-Applied teachers should schedule any conference they wish or join a conference for a student on the first night,  If you want to leave a note for a parent to stop buy, that is acceptable also.

Field Trips/Chaperones Reminder
If you plan on having a field trip or have any parent/community volunteers working with our kids, please review the Field Trip Guidelines.

The budget process materials have been shared.  By March 22nd, please have paper copies of your requisitions to me.  Each department's requisitions should be submitted together below a cover sheet.  I will review the requests once I receive them or over Spring Break.  I will meet with teachers or departments after Spring Break if there have been modifications to the requests.  Once approved, I will return them so they can be entered into Skyward for the 16-17 school year.  Please see me with any questions.

Student of the Month Breakfast
The next SOM Breakfast will be on Thursday, March 24.  Please begin discussing your selections for this month's recognition, and let us know as soon as you make a decision.  Mr. Lendobeja is up for the Applied teachers this month.

Twitter Find of the Week

Strategies for helping teens stay organized & manage their time: .

Duty Next Week
Morning - Barnett
Bus - Williams

Behavior Referral Data (Through March 4)
15-16 - 165 Events, 64 Students
14-15 - 210 Events, 65 Students
13-14 - 254 Events, 97 Students
12-13 - 197 Events, 81 Students

The Middle Update 3/18/16

It's March Madness time!  We have one more week to go till everyone gets a much needed Spring Break.  I am continually impressed with how our teachers maintain focus and make the most out of every classroom minute with our kids.  This solid routines that we have built will continue to be of the utmost importance as we head into next week.  Check out below for more information about this past week and next week.

Puma Pride Committee Meeting
The Puma Pride Committee will be meeting on Monday (3/21) at 2:50 in Ms. Deans (109) room.  As always, anyone is welcome to attend.  Click HERE to view the tentative agenda.

Staff Meeting
We will be having our March Staff Meeting on Wednesday (3/23) at 2:50 in Mrs. Anderson's Room (3).  We will be continuing our work on 3B: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques, along with an update on progress for this school year.  We will also have a Staff Share segment...if you have something that is working well, send me an email and we'll set up your segment at the meeting.

Tornado Drill
We will be conducting a tornado drill next week.  Specific details will follow, but please review the locations, and share with students.
6th Grade - Ms. Stangl's Room - (107)
7th Grade - Band Room (111)
8th Grade - Downstairs Hallway (adjacent to rooms 109 and 110)

Hoops 4 Heart Event
Ms. Strobel and the 8th grade Health class have been working hard to prepare for the 10th annual Hoops 4 Heart Basketball game.  The game will be on Thursday, 3/24, with the doors opening at 5:00 and game time set for 5:30.  Please let me know if you are interested in playing in the game, representing the staff.

March Students of the Month
We will be hosting our next Student of the Month Breakfast next Thursday (3/24) morning.  Congratulations go out to this month's recipients:
Gemma Buss     Michael Leiterman     Jessica Bruchs     Ethan Buss
Maddie McGlynn   Cory Hohlstein   Evonna Morgan   Shelby Reeder

Staff Websites
In a conversation with a teacher from another school, I learned that some of our individual teacher websites are outdated.  If you have been here for a while, and have put information on your teacher website in the past, check it out, and remove any outdated material.  In a future staff meeting, we will all add our syllabus information to our individual webpages.  The best way to see your own webpage is the search your name under "Staff Directory", and click on webpage if there is a link available.  See me with questions.  Also, email Anna to get your username and password information if you do not remember that information.

Twitter Find of the Week
10 things that teachers know keep students engaged: .

Duty Next Week
Morning - Frehner
Bus - Rogness

The Middle Update 3/11/16

Friday PD Session ReCap
I was really happy with how our Friday PD Session went.  I thought we were able to dive a little more deeply into Component 3B: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques, and add some more tools to our tool belt in this area.  I will be checking in with your note card and on some of your ideas for ways to develop our questioning further and incorporate discussion techniques into our lessons.
Also, the collaboration and action on our student data was pretty exciting.  With this continued focus, we will continue to refine our practices.  Great job!

Forward Exam
The Wisconsin Forward Exam is coming up.  It will be computer-based, just like the Badger Exam.  Click HERE to learn everything you want to know (of what has been released anyway).  Also, click HERE to view a very early tentative exam schedule.

PT Conferences
One night is in the books as far as PT Conferences more to go.  I enjoyed the chance to greet everyone as they arrived, and hand out the student data folders.  If you have any feedback from the first night, please share.  It will be interesting to see what type of turnout we get for the second night.  Thanks for your work in prepping for a productive round of parent discussions.

Twitter Find of the Week
How emotions affect learning, behaviors, and relationships: .

Duty Next Week
Morning - Deans
Bus - Schoen

The Middle Update 3/4/16

Happy March!

Check out below for some Middle School updates.

Spring Parent/Teacher Conference Goals
Parent/Teacher Conferences are next week.  This is the first time that we are running a format where we will have scheduled conferences on the first night, and more of an open format on the second night.  There are sure to be some things that come up that we did not anticipate...that is ok...we will learn from any of these items as we move forward.  Please review the NOTE sent out to parents.  Our goals for having this format are as follows:

-We wanted to specifically schedule conferences to ensure that we meet with students who may be struggling a bit.  We want to help open the lines of communication so we can work together to see improvement in effort.

-For both nights, we will have a folder for each student available to parents as they enter the building.  The goal is for them to get the chance to review student information prior to their time with the teachers.  We want to maximize the time they have with the teachers so there is a better chance for rich discussion and an opportunity to review student work using rubrics and model papers to outline the path for improvement for each student.  In the folder will include: Current Grades Report (similar to report card format), STAR Progress Update, and Puma Pride reflection sheets (done in Homeroom this Friday).  The folders will be put together by the front office staff.

-For the Open House night, we really want to get the chance to check in with all parents.  It will be important to have some samples of student work ready to review.  The conversations should focus on areas of strength, but also highlight areas for each student to improve.  Seeing work samples can really help all parties understand the expectations and our system.

-If a parent would like a more in depth conversation during the Open House portion, work with them to set up a time to come in and meet.

-If a parent would like to schedule a conference on the 2nd night...we can be flexible and do that, as long as it only involves one teacher at a time.  On the 2nd night, all teachers should be near their rooms ready for parent drop-ins.

-Applied teachers should schedule any conference they wish or join a conference for a student on the first night,  If you want to leave a note for a parent to stop buy, that is acceptable also.

Field Trips/Chaperones Reminder
If you plan on having a field trip or have any parent/community volunteers working with our kids, please review the Field Trip Guidelines.

The budget process materials have been shared.  By March 22nd, please have paper copies of your requisitions to me.  Each department's requisitions should be submitted together below a cover sheet.  I will review the requests once I receive them or over Spring Break.  I will meet with teachers or departments after Spring Break if there have been modifications to the requests.  Once approved, I will return them so they can be entered into Skyward for the 16-17 school year.  Please see me with any questions.

Student of the Month Breakfast
The next SOM Breakfast will be on Thursday, March 24.  Please begin discussing your selections for this month's recognition, and let us know as soon as you make a decision.  Mr. Lendobeja is up for the Applied teachers this month.

Twitter Find of the Week

Strategies for helping teens stay organized & manage their time: .

Duty Next Week
Morning - Barnett
Bus - Williams

Behavior Referral Data (Through March 4)
15-16 - 165 Events, 64 Students
14-15 - 210 Events, 65 Students
13-14 - 254 Events, 97 Students
12-13 - 197 Events, 81 Students