Monday, August 31, 2015

The Middle Update 8/31/15

We are back!  I wanted to thank everyone for your focused participation in a week of professional development.  During Thursday night's Open House, it was apparent how hard everyone worked to get our classrooms ready to go.  It's definitely an exciting time to get the kids back into our building.  The sooner that we can start to build our routines and structure, the better.  Below are some news and notes for the coming week.

Building in Great Shape
I would like to recognize the hard work that our custodians put in this summer to get our building in great shape.  It looks outstanding.  The deep cleaning, painting, and construction really have put our building in perhaps the best shape it's been in quite some time.  Great job crew!

Morning/Bus Duty
I forgot to mention this in our management meeting, but I shared the Morning and Bus Duty schedules last week.

For morning duty, I thought we can get by with one assigned staff member each day.  I plan to be out there every day, and if I know I cannot make it, I will get coverage for myself.  It is critical that the assigned staff member is out there promptly at 7:15.  Anytime students are here, they need supervision, and our supervision starts at 7:15.  I appreciate each of your efforts on your assigned week.

Morning Duty Schedule

For bus duty, it is also critical to get outside on the sidewalk along Cleveland St. in a timely manner after students are dismissed until the buses leave.  We must have an adult supervisor each day.  Thank you for noting your scheduled week, and following through on this very important duty.

Bus Duty Schedule

IE Plan for Week 1
For IE time during the first week, we will be meeting in our Homeroom groups.  Here are the Homeroom groups.  Please post those lists, and communicate to students where they should go during IE time during the first week.  We will start next week meeting in our IE groups.  During the first team meeting, teams should also assign students into classrooms for IE time.  We will start the year with students in Intervention that are noted on the IE Schedule.  Mrs. Graeve will be coming around sometime the first week during IE to get students signed up for the IE Choir group that meets every other day in 6th and 7th grade.

Much of the first week will be spent going through portions of the handbook.  Mrs. Morton has outlined what those sections should be in her Homeroom Lesson Plans that she will share.

All students will need to sign the form on the last page of the handbook, and have their parents sign the form as well, and turn it into their Homeroom teacher.  The first Homeroom that has all of the forms signed and returned to their Homeroom teacher will get a treat courtesy of Mr. Pritzl.

Handbooks are located in the following rooms: 6th - Rogness, 7th - Hendrickson, and 8th - Frehner.

Puma Pride Training Camp
We will be hosting our Puma Pride Training Camp on Wednesday, starting at 9:05.  We will also be having nutrition break prior to meeting with our elementary groups.  Students will be grouped according to their Homeroom, with the exception of one 8th grade group.  Please see the Puma Pride Training Camp Schedule, for more details.  We will be meeting with our assigned Elementary classroom group first, and then we will follow the rotation schedule until the end of the Camp.  Please see me with any questions.

Sub Caller
Gary Laib is our sub caller, and please call before 9pm at night, or after 5:30am in the morning.  His number is: 608 635 4879.  He really appreciates everyone following these timelines.

Student Academic Progress Document
Thank you for your input on getting the Understanding Student Progress document.  This should be helpful for parents and students to better track their academic progress.  Please keep this handy and share with parents if questions arise.  It is available on the Middle School website as well.  Also, I will be sending out an Infinite Campus message today, and this document will be a part of that message.  I'll send a copy to you as well.

Review of Guiding Principles from the Week
Each of the meetings/collaboration time that we had last week is so critical to our mission.  It is critical for the success of our organization and our students that we all share the same understanding and principles of doing what we do.  Please see this Document to review the meeting notes from the past week.  If there are any questions, especially with the "evidence in campus" discussion, please contact me right away.

Puma Pride Day
The whole 1-8 Building will be participating in a Puma Pride dress day on Wednesday, September 2.  I will share with students that this will be a competition that counts towards the "Chase for the Carelli Cup" standings.

Twitter Post of the Week
10 "non-negotiable" teaching methods: .

Duty for the Week
1st Day - All Teachers
Morning - Barnett
Bus - Williams

# of adults that are committed to guiding Poynette Middle School students to maximum achievement

The Middle Update 8/31/15

We are back!  I wanted to thank everyone for your focused participation in a week of professional development.  During Thursday night's Open House, it was apparent how hard everyone worked to get our classrooms ready to go.  It's definitely an exciting time to get the kids back into our building.  The sooner that we can start to build our routines and structure, the better.  Below are some news and notes for the coming week.

Building in Great Shape
I would like to recognize the hard work that our custodians put in this summer to get our building in great shape.  It looks outstanding.  The deep cleaning, painting, and construction really have put our building in perhaps the best shape it's been in quite some time.  Great job crew!

Morning/Bus Duty
I forgot to mention this in our management meeting, but I shared the Morning and Bus Duty schedules last week.

For morning duty, I thought we can get by with one assigned staff member each day.  I plan to be out there every day, and if I know I cannot make it, I will get coverage for myself.  It is critical that the assigned staff member is out there promptly at 7:15.  Anytime students are here, they need supervision, and our supervision starts at 7:15.  I appreciate each of your efforts on your assigned week.

Morning Duty Schedule

For bus duty, it is also critical to get outside on the sidewalk along Cleveland St. in a timely manner after students are dismissed until the buses leave.  We must have an adult supervisor each day.  Thank you for noting your scheduled week, and following through on this very important duty.

Bus Duty Schedule

IE Plan for Week 1
For IE time during the first week, we will be meeting in our Homeroom groups.  Here are the Homeroom groups.  Please post those lists, and communicate to students where they should go during IE time during the first week.  We will start next week meeting in our IE groups.  During the first team meeting, teams should also assign students into classrooms for IE time.  We will start the year with students in Intervention that are noted on the IE Schedule.  Mrs. Graeve will be coming around sometime the first week during IE to get students signed up for the IE Choir group that meets every other day in 6th and 7th grade.

Much of the first week will be spent going through portions of the handbook.  Mrs. Morton has outlined what those sections should be in her Homeroom Lesson Plans that she will share.

All students will need to sign the form on the last page of the handbook, and have their parents sign the form as well, and turn it into their Homeroom teacher.  The first Homeroom that has all of the forms signed and returned to their Homeroom teacher will get a treat courtesy of Mr. Pritzl.

Handbooks are located in the following rooms: 6th - Rogness, 7th - Hendrickson, and 8th - Frehner.

Puma Pride Training Camp
We will be hosting our Puma Pride Training Camp on Wednesday, starting at 9:05.  We will also be having nutrition break prior to meeting with our elementary groups.  Students will be grouped according to their Homeroom, with the exception of one 8th grade group.  Please see the Puma Pride Training Camp Schedule, for more details.  We will be meeting with our assigned Elementary classroom group first, and then we will follow the rotation schedule until the end of the Camp.  Please see me with any questions.

Sub Caller
Gary Laib is our sub caller, and please call before 9pm at night, or after 5:30am in the morning.  His number is: 608 635 4879.  He really appreciates everyone following these timelines.

Student Academic Progress Document
Thank you for your input on getting the Understanding Student Progress document.  This should be helpful for parents and students to better track their academic progress.  Please keep this handy and share with parents if questions arise.  It is available on the Middle School website as well.  Also, I will be sending out an Infinite Campus message today, and this document will be a part of that message.  I'll send a copy to you as well.

Review of Guiding Principles from the Week
Each of the meetings/collaboration time that we had last week is so critical to our mission.  It is critical for the success of our organization and our students that we all share the same understanding and principles of doing what we do.  Please see this Document to review the meeting notes from the past week.  If there are any questions, especially with the "evidence in campus" discussion, please contact me right away.

Puma Pride Day
The whole 1-8 Building will be participating in a Puma Pride dress day on Wednesday, September 2.  I will share with students that this will be a competition that counts towards the "Chase for the Carelli Cup" standings.

Twitter Post of the Week
10 "non-negotiable" teaching methods: .

Duty for the Week
1st Day - All Teachers
Morning - Barnett
Bus - Williams

# of adults that are committed to guiding Poynette Middle School students to maximum achievement