Monday, March 30, 2015

Improving Instructional Practices

5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools

Domain 3: Instruction: 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction
“I thought I could read my students' body language. I was wrong. As an experiment, I used Socrative when I taught binary numbers. What I learned forever changed my views on being a better teacher”.-Vicki Davis
Here's what happened in my classroom. I was teaching my hardest topic of the year -- binary numbers, where students learn to add ones and zeros like a computer. It looks harder than it is, and many of my students will shut down and not even want to try. So I taught how to count in binary numbers, and we worked some examples together. After a few minutes, two students piped up.

"We've got this, it's easy," they said. "Can we move on?" I looked at the other students and asked, "Do you have this?" They nodded their heads furiously up and down in a "yes."
So I wrote a problem on the board. Students were already logged into Socrative, and a box opened up on their screens. Each student typed in his or her answer to the problem. They clicked enter, and all of their answers appeared on my screen beside the name of each student. I was floored. Guess how many knew the right answer? Two! Just the two students who had spoken up and no one else!
Good teachers in every subject will adjust their teaching based upon what students know at each point. Good formative assessment removes the embarrassment of public hand raising and gives teachers feedback that impacts how they're teaching at that moment.
Instant Feedback. We can do this now. Here's how.
1. Socrative: Socrative can be used for quick quizzes and also on the fly. Here's another feature. Before class,  create quizzes that we can play as a game called Space Race. The website automatically divides the class into teams. Kids know what color team they're on and can look at the rockets racing one another on the board.
2. Kahoot (shared with you last blog post) Kahoot lets us build fun quizzes. Students use computers, cell phones, or other devices to join in the game. You can create flashcards for review. You can also embed videos and use Kahoot as part of the teaching process, or students can create review games to share

3. Zaption: Just as we know that it's better to ask questions throughout the text rather than only at the end of the chapter, you should also ask questions after a topic is covered in the video and not wait until the end. Zaption lets you embed questions within the video. Students can't move forward in the video until they can correctly answer the question. Whether you’re flipping your classroom or in-flipping, this is a powerful tool.chatzy.jpg
4. Backchannel Chat Tools: Backchannel chat -- a live chat that accompanies class discussion -- is a great way to do exit ticket activities. While these chat tools aren't anonymous, Chatzy, Today’s Meet, or Ning can be powerful. Students can take notes as you teach together, and you can check for understanding by having them type answers to questions. Another riff on this would be group note taking in Google Docs. (If you need to have anonymous chat, you could set something up in Google Forms.)
5. No BYOD? But what if you have no computers, no cell phones, no nothing? Do you have a smartphone or tablet? If so, you've got two simple answers.plickers.jpg
For verbal questions: Log into Plickers and create a page for each student. This tool will code in the student's name and answers. Hand each student their plicker card and ask a question. The student will hold the card up in the direction of their answer. Looking at the class through the camera on your smartphone inside the Plicker app, you’ll see the name of each student and whether he or she got the answer right to the question you just asked! BAM! (Hat tip to Richard Byrne for teaching me about Plickers in a recent interview.)
For quick quizzes: QuickKey is one mobile scanning app for the iPhone. There are several others, such as ZipGrade and GradeCam. The disadvantage of this method is that your questions must be multiple choice. You print out the short form and students bubble it in. Use your smartphone to immediately know what students know with a snap of a picture.  Read the full article here.

Friday, March 27, 2015

PMS News & Notes 3/27/15

Spring break is here!  It is time to recharge the batteries and get ready for a very important stretch run. We have all worked extremely hard.  Thank you for your part in the positive work, effort, and attitude it takes to run successful programs which lead to student success.  Some quick news and notes before break...

Monday 4/6 PD Day
You can check out the schedule for the PD Day HERE.  We will start Badger Exam Proctor Training at 1:00pm, and that training should take no longer than 2 hours. I will have an updated list of the test proctors and activity schedule for those not involved in proctoring the exam on Monday.

Badger Exam
There was a recent update delaying the ELA portion of the exam for 2 weeks.  This does not affect our testing schedule.  Beginning with 8th grade on Wednesday 4/8, we will run a Badger Exam dry run, including having the students watch the video tutorial on their own, and taking time to go through the practice test. I will have details on Monday as well.  7th grade will do a dry run on Thursday 4/9, and 6th grade on Friday 4/10. Testing groups will be shared on Monday as well.

Field Trip Reminder
As we get deeper into spring, we have more field trips in our lesson plans and schedules.  If you are planning a field trip, and are having parent volunteers to chaperone, they need to complete the volunteer/background check process through our district office.  Please plan ahead for this, as they need about two weeks notice to get the chaperones on our approved volunteer list.  If a chaperone is already on our volunteer list, please confirm that with me.

Student of the Month Breakfast
Our next Student of the Month Breakfast will be on Friday, 4/10.  We almost have all of our candidates selected.  Thanks for your support of this great event for our students and families.

Twitter Find of the Week
The author poses a great question, and the conversation in the comments is the valuable part...feel free to add to it!  The link is HERE too...

What Do We Do When What We Do Is Still Not Enough? via

Duty Next Week
Morning - Hazard, Hendrickson - After spring break, we will be outside only again :)
Bus - Fraser

3rd Quarter Behavior Referrals
14-15 - 53 Events 37 Students
13-14 - 141 Events 59 Students
12-13 - 99 Events 54 Students

Have a Great Spring Break!!!

Friday, March 20, 2015

PMS News & Notes 3/20/15

Spring is here!  This is the time of the year where the relationships we have worked hard to establish with our students continue to pay off. These relationships help to keep the focus of the kids in the classroom, when it becomes continually more difficult as we all look outside and see the nice weather.  Thank you for your contribution to making this a great place to be!  Some news and notes below...

End of Quarter 3
The last day of the 3rd Quarter is next Friday, 3/27.  Spring Break will push back the due date for 3rd Quarter grades. We will plan to get report cards out in the mail on Thursday, 4/9. Please aim to get grades posted by Wednesday 4/8 at noon.  As a reminder, you will need to overwrite mid-term grades, and if you did not assess a standard, please leave it blank. Also, individual comments should be next to a standard.  If you have any questions about how the report card looks for your class, please see me, and I'll show you what the report card looks like.

Spring Time
As the year nears the end, the focus remains the same.  The capital that we have at our disposal to maximize student achievement is instructional minutes. I appreciate the way our staff utilizes these minutes to get our students to achieve at the highest levels of our expectations.

Carol Dweck's Message
I would like to keep Carol Dweck's message about the importance of praising effort (in lieu of intelligence), and how that builds motivation in our students. At the beginning of the year, I wanted to be sure to keep this message in the forefront of our thinking, so that is why I included it in another post.

Tornado Drill
Next week we will be conducting a tornado drill.  The drill will be held on Wednesday, 3/25 at 1:30pm.  Please review the tornado drill procedures with your students prior to the drill.

Puma Pride Committee
The Puma Pride Committee met this past Thursday and had another good meeting, talking about our Puma Pride rubric and the culture of our school.  An update will be provided at our next staff meeting.  The next meeting is Thursday, April 23 from 3:00 - 3:30 in Mrs. Hendrickson's room.  Feel free to join the group.

Badger Exam
The time for the Badger Exam is quickly approaching. You can find the schedule in last week's blog, and information about room assignments and testing groups is coming soon.  I will be at a training on Friday (3/20) afternoon to prep further for a successful implementation.

Student of the Month Reminder
Please collaborate on your nominees by next Wednesday (3/25).  The next breakfast is Friday, 4/10.

Twitter Find of the Week
I want to be a student in her class! Dean MS

Duty Next Week
Morning - Greer, Harms
Bus - Hazard

Attendance Rates 14-15 School Year
September - 95.97%
October - 95.96%
November - 94.48%
December - 96.82%
January - 95.20%
February - 93.88%
March - 95.96%

Monday, March 16, 2015

Improving Instructional Practices

Formative Assessments ~ Kahoot
Danielson’s Domains:  1f Designing Students Assessments, 3d Using Assessment in Instruction

Want a quick and engaging way to formatively assess student learning?  Give Kahoot a try!

This website lets students respond to polls that teachers can create on a computer, phone, or tablet.  Kahoot students to answer on their device and gives you a quick graph of results as to what students know, and any misconceptions they still may have that you can address right away.  

Try it out at

Friday, March 13, 2015

PMS News & Notes 3/12/15

I don't know about you, but this is my favorite time of the year...especially when the weather is so nice, so quick, and the snow is nearly gone.  There is nothing like the excitement and energy of March Madness, especially with the Pumas playing for the right to go to state tomorrow.  With all of that being said, our focus remains the same.  The end of Quarter 3 is almost upon us, and routines and expectations are well established.  It is so important to maintain high expectations and continue to nudge our students towards higher level work...Thank you for all you do for our kids.  Check out below for some important updates.

Badger Exam Update
Earlier this week, the DPI released some significant news about the Badger Exam.  The ELA Performance Task portion of the test has been cancelled.  This new information means that we will have a less daunting and time consuming Badger Exam schedule.  The projected schedule at this time is:

4/14 - 4/17 - 8th Grade - 9:05 - 10:45 each day.  ELA on Tuesday, followed by the Math portion.
4/21 - 4/24 - 7th Grade - 7:35 - 9:15 each day.  ELA on Tuesday, followed by the Math portion.
4/28 - 5/1 - 6th Grade - 7:35 - 9:15 each day.  ELA on Tuesday, followed by the Math portion.

We will need about 3 of the newer chrome carts for each grade level, and we ask that we look at not overloading the network with traffic during testing times.  We will also be using Homeroom time on 3/27 for Badger Exam Prep.  Also, the week after spring break, we will schedule a dry run for each grade level on different days starting Wednesday with 8th Grade, Thursday with 7th Grade, and Friday with 6th Grade.  Testing groups and assignment information will be out soon.

Homeroom on Friday 3/27
Like I mentioned above, on Friday, 3/27, we will have a Homeroom lesson plan for Badger Exam prep.  All students should report to their normal Homeroom groups on this day.

End of 3rd Quarter Celebration
On Friday, 3/27 we will be having an assembly for all Middle School students at 2:00 pm in the 1-8 Gym.  For 6th grade Applied Academics, this means that your last day with them will be Thursday, 3/26.  We will need all teaching staff in the gym for the assembly.

Budget for This Year
At this time, spending for the 14-15 school year is complete.  The only thing that can be purchased are any consumable purchases that normally occur each year for certain classes.  If you have questions, please let me know.

Also, a reminder to get your requisitions and summary sheets (by department) to me by end of day today.

Excellence In Our Building
There are so many great things happening in our building, and we need to share and recognize these things. At our next staff meeting, we will be taking time for a staff share/collaboration/celebration.  Please communicate with me if you have a shining activity/practice/method that you would like to share. Also, it is important that we share our story with the community.  I am looking for people to help me lead this charge.  I hope to foster and grow a culture of teachers that are innovators and proud of the effective, hard work that we do.  Don't hesitate to send an email or talk to me about the special things that we do for our students.

Student of the Month Breakfast
Thanks to Mr. Jorgensen, Ms. Fraser, and Mr. Lendobeja for their participation on Thursday morning. This is truly a great event.  The next breakfast will be on Friday, April 10.  With spring break in the mix, we'll need nominees by Wednesday, 3/25.  Please start thinking and communicating about this soon.

Twitter Find of the Week
Embedded image permalink

Duty Next Week
Morning - Frehner, Graeve
Bus - Graeve

Behavior Referrals through 7 weeks in 3rd Quarter
14-15 - 39 Events 39 Students
13-14 - 107 Events 51 Students
12-13 - 83 Events 48 Students
11-12 - 184 Events 73 Students

Friday, March 6, 2015

PMS News & Notes 3/6/15

What a week!  With a couple nights of conferences, and a jam packed school schedule, it's time for everyone to enjoy a much deserved weekend.  Despite the longer hours this week, the focus on student achievement and effort remained constant. See below for some more information...

Monday Sub-Caller
If you are not feeling well on Monday morning or late Sunday evening, I will be the sub-caller for the Middle School.  Please call 608 692 2088 if necessary, and the earlier, the better.

Parent-Teacher Conference Wrap-Up
The second round of PT Conferences are in the rear-view mirror.  During both nights, I observed many parents seated at a cafeteria with their child rummaging through materials from a locker trying to get organized.  Thank you for your willingness to connect with parents, and work with them as partners in their child's education.

Staff Meeting Wrap-Up
Most of our staff meeting focused on building upon the culture of literacy in our school.  The very next day, during a mini-observation, I observed a teacher utilizing reading comprehension strategies with a text reading from their content area, and it went very well.  As a reminder, to accelerate our movement, we should show an interest in what our students are reading, read with them during silent reading days during IE time, and be enthusiastic about becoming better in all areas of literacy.  I appreciate your attention and efforts towards making each day a little better than the previous one in this area.

This is a reminder to schedule a time to get together with me to talk budget sometime this next week if you have not already.

Student of the Month Breakfast
This Thursday, 3/12/15, will be our next Student of the Month Breakfast.  Thank you to all who acted quickly to get our nomination in.  Also, thank you to Ms. Fraser, Mr. Jorgensen, and Mr. Lendobeja for presenting this month.  Our next SOM Breakfast will be on Friday, April 10.  Please be thinking about possible candidates for next'll be here before you know it.

Twitter Find of the Week

Duty Next Week
Morning - Deans, Fraser
Bus - Greer

Attendance rate - 95.3%
Behavior Referrals in 3rd Quarter so far...37 Events, 32 Students

Improving Instructional Practices

5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools

Domain 3: Instruction: 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction
“I thought I could read my students' body language. I was wrong. As an experiment, I used Socrative when I taught binary numbers. What I learned forever changed my views on being a better teacher”.-Vicki Davis
Here's what happened in my classroom. I was teaching my hardest topic of the year -- binary numbers, where students learn to add ones and zeros like a computer. It looks harder than it is, and many of my students will shut down and not even want to try. So I taught how to count in binary numbers, and we worked some examples together. After a few minutes, two students piped up.

"We've got this, it's easy," they said. "Can we move on?" I looked at the other students and asked, "Do you have this?" They nodded their heads furiously up and down in a "yes."
So I wrote a problem on the board. Students were already logged into Socrative, and a box opened up on their screens. Each student typed in his or her answer to the problem. They clicked enter, and all of their answers appeared on my screen beside the name of each student. I was floored. Guess how many knew the right answer? Two! Just the two students who had spoken up and no one else!
Good teachers in every subject will adjust their teaching based upon what students know at each point. Good formative assessment removes the embarrassment of public hand raising and gives teachers feedback that impacts how they're teaching at that moment.
Instant Feedback. We can do this now. Here's how.
1. Socrative: Socrative can be used for quick quizzes and also on the fly. Here's another feature. Before class,  create quizzes that we can play as a game called Space Race. The website automatically divides the class into teams. Kids know what color team they're on and can look at the rockets racing one another on the board.
2. Kahoot (shared with you last blog post) Kahoot lets us build fun quizzes. Students use computers, cell phones, or other devices to join in the game. You can create flashcards for review. You can also embed videos and use Kahoot as part of the teaching process, or students can create review games to share

3. Zaption: Just as we know that it's better to ask questions throughout the text rather than only at the end of the chapter, you should also ask questions after a topic is covered in the video and not wait until the end. Zaption lets you embed questions within the video. Students can't move forward in the video until they can correctly answer the question. Whether you’re flipping your classroom or in-flipping, this is a powerful tool.chatzy.jpg
4. Backchannel Chat Tools: Backchannel chat -- a live chat that accompanies class discussion -- is a great way to do exit ticket activities. While these chat tools aren't anonymous, Chatzy, Today’s Meet, or Ning can be powerful. Students can take notes as you teach together, and you can check for understanding by having them type answers to questions. Another riff on this would be group note taking in Google Docs. (If you need to have anonymous chat, you could set something up in Google Forms.)
5. No BYOD? But what if you have no computers, no cell phones, no nothing? Do you have a smartphone or tablet? If so, you've got two simple answers.plickers.jpg
For verbal questions: Log into Plickers and create a page for each student. This tool will code in the student's name and answers. Hand each student their plicker card and ask a question. The student will hold the card up in the direction of their answer. Looking at the class through the camera on your smartphone inside the Plicker app, you’ll see the name of each student and whether he or she got the answer right to the question you just asked! BAM! (Hat tip to Richard Byrne for teaching me about Plickers in a recent interview.)
For quick quizzes: QuickKey is one mobile scanning app for the iPhone. There are several others, such as ZipGrade and GradeCam. The disadvantage of this method is that your questions must be multiple choice. You print out the short form and students bubble it in. Use your smartphone to immediately know what students know with a snap of a picture.  Read the full article here.

PMS News & Notes 3/27/15

Spring break is here!  It is time to recharge the batteries and get ready for a very important stretch run. We have all worked extremely hard.  Thank you for your part in the positive work, effort, and attitude it takes to run successful programs which lead to student success.  Some quick news and notes before break...

Monday 4/6 PD Day
You can check out the schedule for the PD Day HERE.  We will start Badger Exam Proctor Training at 1:00pm, and that training should take no longer than 2 hours. I will have an updated list of the test proctors and activity schedule for those not involved in proctoring the exam on Monday.

Badger Exam
There was a recent update delaying the ELA portion of the exam for 2 weeks.  This does not affect our testing schedule.  Beginning with 8th grade on Wednesday 4/8, we will run a Badger Exam dry run, including having the students watch the video tutorial on their own, and taking time to go through the practice test. I will have details on Monday as well.  7th grade will do a dry run on Thursday 4/9, and 6th grade on Friday 4/10. Testing groups will be shared on Monday as well.

Field Trip Reminder
As we get deeper into spring, we have more field trips in our lesson plans and schedules.  If you are planning a field trip, and are having parent volunteers to chaperone, they need to complete the volunteer/background check process through our district office.  Please plan ahead for this, as they need about two weeks notice to get the chaperones on our approved volunteer list.  If a chaperone is already on our volunteer list, please confirm that with me.

Student of the Month Breakfast
Our next Student of the Month Breakfast will be on Friday, 4/10.  We almost have all of our candidates selected.  Thanks for your support of this great event for our students and families.

Twitter Find of the Week
The author poses a great question, and the conversation in the comments is the valuable part...feel free to add to it!  The link is HERE too...

What Do We Do When What We Do Is Still Not Enough? via

Duty Next Week
Morning - Hazard, Hendrickson - After spring break, we will be outside only again :)
Bus - Fraser

3rd Quarter Behavior Referrals
14-15 - 53 Events 37 Students
13-14 - 141 Events 59 Students
12-13 - 99 Events 54 Students

Have a Great Spring Break!!!

PMS News & Notes 3/20/15

Spring is here!  This is the time of the year where the relationships we have worked hard to establish with our students continue to pay off. These relationships help to keep the focus of the kids in the classroom, when it becomes continually more difficult as we all look outside and see the nice weather.  Thank you for your contribution to making this a great place to be!  Some news and notes below...

End of Quarter 3
The last day of the 3rd Quarter is next Friday, 3/27.  Spring Break will push back the due date for 3rd Quarter grades. We will plan to get report cards out in the mail on Thursday, 4/9. Please aim to get grades posted by Wednesday 4/8 at noon.  As a reminder, you will need to overwrite mid-term grades, and if you did not assess a standard, please leave it blank. Also, individual comments should be next to a standard.  If you have any questions about how the report card looks for your class, please see me, and I'll show you what the report card looks like.

Spring Time
As the year nears the end, the focus remains the same.  The capital that we have at our disposal to maximize student achievement is instructional minutes. I appreciate the way our staff utilizes these minutes to get our students to achieve at the highest levels of our expectations.

Carol Dweck's Message
I would like to keep Carol Dweck's message about the importance of praising effort (in lieu of intelligence), and how that builds motivation in our students. At the beginning of the year, I wanted to be sure to keep this message in the forefront of our thinking, so that is why I included it in another post.

Tornado Drill
Next week we will be conducting a tornado drill.  The drill will be held on Wednesday, 3/25 at 1:30pm.  Please review the tornado drill procedures with your students prior to the drill.

Puma Pride Committee
The Puma Pride Committee met this past Thursday and had another good meeting, talking about our Puma Pride rubric and the culture of our school.  An update will be provided at our next staff meeting.  The next meeting is Thursday, April 23 from 3:00 - 3:30 in Mrs. Hendrickson's room.  Feel free to join the group.

Badger Exam
The time for the Badger Exam is quickly approaching. You can find the schedule in last week's blog, and information about room assignments and testing groups is coming soon.  I will be at a training on Friday (3/20) afternoon to prep further for a successful implementation.

Student of the Month Reminder
Please collaborate on your nominees by next Wednesday (3/25).  The next breakfast is Friday, 4/10.

Twitter Find of the Week
I want to be a student in her class! Dean MS

Duty Next Week
Morning - Greer, Harms
Bus - Hazard

Attendance Rates 14-15 School Year
September - 95.97%
October - 95.96%
November - 94.48%
December - 96.82%
January - 95.20%
February - 93.88%
March - 95.96%

Improving Instructional Practices

Formative Assessments ~ Kahoot
Danielson’s Domains:  1f Designing Students Assessments, 3d Using Assessment in Instruction

Want a quick and engaging way to formatively assess student learning?  Give Kahoot a try!

This website lets students respond to polls that teachers can create on a computer, phone, or tablet.  Kahoot students to answer on their device and gives you a quick graph of results as to what students know, and any misconceptions they still may have that you can address right away.  

Try it out at

PMS News & Notes 3/12/15

I don't know about you, but this is my favorite time of the year...especially when the weather is so nice, so quick, and the snow is nearly gone.  There is nothing like the excitement and energy of March Madness, especially with the Pumas playing for the right to go to state tomorrow.  With all of that being said, our focus remains the same.  The end of Quarter 3 is almost upon us, and routines and expectations are well established.  It is so important to maintain high expectations and continue to nudge our students towards higher level work...Thank you for all you do for our kids.  Check out below for some important updates.

Badger Exam Update
Earlier this week, the DPI released some significant news about the Badger Exam.  The ELA Performance Task portion of the test has been cancelled.  This new information means that we will have a less daunting and time consuming Badger Exam schedule.  The projected schedule at this time is:

4/14 - 4/17 - 8th Grade - 9:05 - 10:45 each day.  ELA on Tuesday, followed by the Math portion.
4/21 - 4/24 - 7th Grade - 7:35 - 9:15 each day.  ELA on Tuesday, followed by the Math portion.
4/28 - 5/1 - 6th Grade - 7:35 - 9:15 each day.  ELA on Tuesday, followed by the Math portion.

We will need about 3 of the newer chrome carts for each grade level, and we ask that we look at not overloading the network with traffic during testing times.  We will also be using Homeroom time on 3/27 for Badger Exam Prep.  Also, the week after spring break, we will schedule a dry run for each grade level on different days starting Wednesday with 8th Grade, Thursday with 7th Grade, and Friday with 6th Grade.  Testing groups and assignment information will be out soon.

Homeroom on Friday 3/27
Like I mentioned above, on Friday, 3/27, we will have a Homeroom lesson plan for Badger Exam prep.  All students should report to their normal Homeroom groups on this day.

End of 3rd Quarter Celebration
On Friday, 3/27 we will be having an assembly for all Middle School students at 2:00 pm in the 1-8 Gym.  For 6th grade Applied Academics, this means that your last day with them will be Thursday, 3/26.  We will need all teaching staff in the gym for the assembly.

Budget for This Year
At this time, spending for the 14-15 school year is complete.  The only thing that can be purchased are any consumable purchases that normally occur each year for certain classes.  If you have questions, please let me know.

Also, a reminder to get your requisitions and summary sheets (by department) to me by end of day today.

Excellence In Our Building
There are so many great things happening in our building, and we need to share and recognize these things. At our next staff meeting, we will be taking time for a staff share/collaboration/celebration.  Please communicate with me if you have a shining activity/practice/method that you would like to share. Also, it is important that we share our story with the community.  I am looking for people to help me lead this charge.  I hope to foster and grow a culture of teachers that are innovators and proud of the effective, hard work that we do.  Don't hesitate to send an email or talk to me about the special things that we do for our students.

Student of the Month Breakfast
Thanks to Mr. Jorgensen, Ms. Fraser, and Mr. Lendobeja for their participation on Thursday morning. This is truly a great event.  The next breakfast will be on Friday, April 10.  With spring break in the mix, we'll need nominees by Wednesday, 3/25.  Please start thinking and communicating about this soon.

Twitter Find of the Week
Embedded image permalink

Duty Next Week
Morning - Frehner, Graeve
Bus - Graeve

Behavior Referrals through 7 weeks in 3rd Quarter
14-15 - 39 Events 39 Students
13-14 - 107 Events 51 Students
12-13 - 83 Events 48 Students
11-12 - 184 Events 73 Students

PMS News & Notes 3/6/15

What a week!  With a couple nights of conferences, and a jam packed school schedule, it's time for everyone to enjoy a much deserved weekend.  Despite the longer hours this week, the focus on student achievement and effort remained constant. See below for some more information...

Monday Sub-Caller
If you are not feeling well on Monday morning or late Sunday evening, I will be the sub-caller for the Middle School.  Please call 608 692 2088 if necessary, and the earlier, the better.

Parent-Teacher Conference Wrap-Up
The second round of PT Conferences are in the rear-view mirror.  During both nights, I observed many parents seated at a cafeteria with their child rummaging through materials from a locker trying to get organized.  Thank you for your willingness to connect with parents, and work with them as partners in their child's education.

Staff Meeting Wrap-Up
Most of our staff meeting focused on building upon the culture of literacy in our school.  The very next day, during a mini-observation, I observed a teacher utilizing reading comprehension strategies with a text reading from their content area, and it went very well.  As a reminder, to accelerate our movement, we should show an interest in what our students are reading, read with them during silent reading days during IE time, and be enthusiastic about becoming better in all areas of literacy.  I appreciate your attention and efforts towards making each day a little better than the previous one in this area.

This is a reminder to schedule a time to get together with me to talk budget sometime this next week if you have not already.

Student of the Month Breakfast
This Thursday, 3/12/15, will be our next Student of the Month Breakfast.  Thank you to all who acted quickly to get our nomination in.  Also, thank you to Ms. Fraser, Mr. Jorgensen, and Mr. Lendobeja for presenting this month.  Our next SOM Breakfast will be on Friday, April 10.  Please be thinking about possible candidates for next'll be here before you know it.

Twitter Find of the Week

Duty Next Week
Morning - Deans, Fraser
Bus - Greer

Attendance rate - 95.3%
Behavior Referrals in 3rd Quarter so far...37 Events, 32 Students