Friday, January 30, 2015

Sharing Instructional Strategies

Using the Comments feature on this blog, please share an instructional strategy that you have found to be successful in one of the following areas:

Purposeful Reading



Example:  I have used Socratic Circles in my classroom to create meaningful discussion on topic X.

News & Notes 1/30/15

January and the 2nd quarter are already in the rear view mirror, and we continue to look ahead... Poynette Middle School is a great place to be.  A few notes about the week that was, and the weeks to come.

STAR Testing
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, middle school students took the STAR test in their respective Math and ELA classrooms.  The early results show positive student growth, and analyzing the results has been really fun.  Seeing the scores of students increase from the fall is very satisfying for us, especially the ones that we have worked so hard with in the Intervention setting.  This data will be useful for us as we analyze our lessons, curriculum, and well as tracking SLO progress.

Report Cards
Report cards will go out in the mail today.  I sent an Infinite Campus message to all parents yesterday.  In looking at the report cards, our goal of giving more information about how our students are doing in class is being met.  Thank you for using this opportunity to give feedback about each student's progress.

Mid-Year Review for EE
It's time to start getting ready to sit down with me for a mid-year meeting focused on SLO.  Even though Non-Summary year teachers are not required by the state to meet with an administrator, I would like to sit down and meet with each of you to review the progress of the SLO, and determine if we need to tweak the goal.  I'll be checking these meetings off on my whiteboard as they happen.  If you are ready to meet, please let me know, otherwise, I'll be setting up these meetings.

Staff Meeting Next Week
This is a reminder that we will have a PMS Staff Meeting this coming Wednesday (2/4), at 2:50 in Room 201.  We will talk budget process/timeline, analyze data, and collaborate about best practices going on in our building.

Budget Reminder
We will discuss this more in detail at the staff meeting on Wednesday, but please be thinking about the materials that you need in your classroom for next year that will boost student achievement.

Educational Politics
It is a very interesting time in educational politics, especially at the state level.  There seems to be a divide in the Senate, Assembly, and the Governor's office about a school accountability bill, and with recent news about major cuts to the University of Wisconsin system, many eyes are on the upcoming release of the state budget, and the K-12 funding.  For the latest on school accountability, click HERE and HERE.  For recent news about the budget, click HERE.

Printer Ink
A reminder to utilize our copy room, and avoid printing more than one copy on the printers.  Our printer ink supply is dwindling more quickly than year's past.

Twitter Find of the Week
Challenge: Ask your students this question: "How can I improve our class?" Use the weekend for reflection.

Duty for Next Week
Morning - Hazard, Hendrickson
Bus - Kallungi

# of NE scores earned by students

1st Quarter - 146
2nd Quarter - 112

Monday, January 26, 2015

Critical Strategies that Work

The first 5 and last 5 minutes of class time are so crucial to a lesson.  We have touched briefly on their importance at times this school year.  Below is a link to a brief article that provides ideas for how to get the most out of these crucial minutes.  This article is from the Edutopia blog.

Student Engagement Article

Saturday, January 24, 2015

PMS News & Notes 1/24/15

There is only one more week in January left!  How did that happen?  The end of the semester signals the time when we reach the top of the hill and each day we are working our way down...with all of the goals that we have for our students this school year, and the days left to achieve them winding down.  This is just another reminder that each second in school day is so important for each of their growth.  We impact their growth, both academically and overall...I think that is the best thing about this profession.

Friday's Professional Development Day
I thought that Friday was a lot of fun.  Collectively, we were able to get a lot of things done, have good conversations about grading, instruction, and student growth.  It is really enjoyable to work with a staff that is not afraid of continuous improvement, and is willing to look at challenges, and work collaboratively to find solutions.  Kudos to all for a great day.

End of Semester Celebration Wrap-Up
As this event approached I wasn't sure how I felt about it...weighing pros (tradition, excited kids) and cons (loss of instructional time, planning/organization time) during the whole planning process.  After seeing the kids leave and come back excited, I think this was a great opportunity to cement positive feelings about the school and teachers in the minds of our students...a true culture building opportunity.  Staff members connected with students in a different venue.  Thank you for everyone's efforts to make this event run smoothly and work on relationships with even the most challenging students.

New Semester starts Monday
Monday will be a B Day.  6th and 7th Grade teachers should distribute schedules during the first class of the day, and 8th grade teachers will hand out schedules in the cafeteria/hallway right away Monday morning.

Grading Timeline
This is a reminder that grades are due by end of day Wednesday.  I will review report cards on Thursday, and we plan to mail them home on Friday.  Please keep in mind the following: 1.) you must overwrite mid-term grades, 2.) leave standards blank if you did not assess them this term, 3.) comments must be attached to a standard, and 4.) to complete the coursework completion score (see Anna's email).

STAR Testing
We will be administering STAR Math on Tuesday and STAR Reading on Wednesday of this week.  These will be conducted in the respective Math and ELA classes on these days.

Mid-Year EE Activities
I will be meeting with staff members for a Mid-Year Review meeting.  For staff on the Summary Year, we will check in about Teacher Practices and SLO progress.  For those on a Non-Summary Year, we will check in about SLO mid-year data.

Twitter Find of the Week
Culture of Teaching vs. Culture of Learning from @stephe1234

Duty Next Week
Morning - Greer, Harms
Bus - Lendobeja

Number of "Needs Improvement" scores on Puma Pride Report Cards

8th Grade
1st Quarter - 47
2nd Quarter - 36

7th Grade
1st Quarter - 9
2nd Quarter - 5

6th Grade
1st Quarter - 2
2nd Quarter - TBA

Monday, January 19, 2015

10 Assessments in 90 Seconds

Check it out...!dpJ5oR

Friday, January 16, 2015

PMS News & Notes 1/16/15

I am proud to be a Poynette Puma.  Below is some important information from this past week, and the week ahead!  Have a great day everyone!

Professional Development Day next Friday 1/23
Next Friday, we will host another day of professional development.  The schedule is HERE.  This will be another solid opportunity for collaboration, and to spread around the knowledge that we have right here on our staff.

Educator Effectiveness Tip
I have been getting an opportunity to really look deeper into the critical attributes associated with each domain of the Danielson Framework.  I thought I'd share a tip or two in this space.  For 3C: Engaging Students in Learning, a Level 4 (Distinguished) critical attribute that everyone can do in their classroom everyday...Students have an opportunity for reflection and closure on the lesson to consolidate their understanding.  This opportunity is really important for students to make a deeper connection with the material that they just worked hard to learn.

MS Celebration Activity on Thursday, 1/22/15
We will be running a celebration activity next Thursday.  The purpose of this event must be for us to continue to build and grow our culture by working on the relationships that we have established with our students.  As the day approaches, be thinking of those students that could be really getting on our nerves...please look to seek out an opportunity during this day to try to connect with as many kids as you can, but these kids especially.  There are no easy answers for how to get some of these students back on the right track, but research continually shows that relationships and connections have proven the most effective.  Taking time for a student is like putting money in a bank, that we know we may have to withdraw later...Staff assignments and details will be shared either later today or Monday.  We will have normal classes till 10:15 am.  If you have questions, let me know.  Special thanks again to Mr. Jorgensen, Mrs. Greer, Mr. Kallungi, and Mrs. McNicol for their extra work to make this event a reality.

I know there has been questions about student eligibility to go on the trip, and I apologize for the air of uncertainty out there...there are different philosophies and viewpoints regarding "reward days" this time, my philosophy is that if a student gets into some trouble, they need to have immediate consequences, serve them, and get right back to getting the opportunity to build back trust...(I do reserve the right to change my mind on this philosophy)...however, any student in question I will have direct communication with them about their attendance on this day.

Classroom Go-Kits
Throughout the course of the year, we have been working on our safety plan.  Part of that plan involves classroom "Go-Kits".  These will be in a red envelope that should be visible in the room, and hung somewhere close to the door.  The red envelopes will be distributed soon along with more information about safety procedures.

Budget Time
This is a reminder the be thinking of classroom supplies and materials that could take student learning to the next level in your classroom.  Budget time is right around the corner...

Yearbook Pictures
This is a reminder that if you have taken pictures, please email them to me, and I'll forward them to the Parent Club for the yearbook.

Educational Politics
The Assembly and the State Senate have produced their own versions of a school accountability bill. There has been a public forum on the bill, and the Governor has spoken about his view on the bill. This debate has been interesting to follow...if you are interested in the SAA's take, you can view their testimony that was heard by the Education Committee this week.

Twitter Find of the Week
Are today's youth lazier and more disrespectful than ever???...Click HERE for a short take on the matter...from @justintarte

Duty Next Week
Morning Duty - Frehner, Graeve
Bus Duty - O'Connor

Behavioral Referrals for corresponding time period in the 2nd Quarter.
14-15 - 67 Events, 38 Students
13-14 - 85 Events, 55 Students
12-13 - 67 Events, 44 Students
11-12 - 218 Events, 80 Students

Thursday, January 8, 2015

PMS News & Notes 1/9/15

We are back in action after a solid winter break, and it seems like we haven't skipped a beat.  This week featured our first weather day, a solid staff meeting, and students learning like crazy.  Here are a few notes from the week and some of what is to come...

Staff Meeting Recap
Thank you again for a solid staff meeting.  I am really impressed and energized by the "let's roll up our sleeves and get better" mentality that each of you bring to the table.  With this mentality, we are sure to continually increase the achievement levels of our students.  I appreciate the focus and effort that you put into your work, and I feel that the collaboration time at our staff meetings is so valuable.

End of Quarter...Jan. 22
The end of the 2nd Quarter is on Thursday, January 22, 2015.  Grades will be due on Wednesday, January 28, and report cards will be mailed home from here on out.  A couple of reminders...
1.) You will need to go in and overwrite scores from mid-terms
2.) If you did not assess a standard, please leave it blank
3.) Take note of Greg's suggestion about comments on the report card.  We can still put them in, but they need to be in the right place.

End of Semester Celebration
On Thursday, January 22, students will have the choice to go to KEVA Sports Center or the Portage Movie Theater for our End of Semester Celebration.  More details about times, assignments, cost, etc. will come early next week.  I am still waiting to confirm the movie time, and cost.  Special thanks to Mrs. McNicol, Mr. Kallungi, Mrs. Greer, and Mr. Jorgensen for helping with sign-up and permission slip collection.  I will share the documents with details soon.

Summer School Courses
It is time to start thinking about summer school already.  If you have an idea for a new summer school course that you'd like to teach, or are interested in teaching summer school again, please touch base with Mr. Hausser.

Welcome New Staff Members
We expect to have two new food service workers for your building in January.   Faith Tomlinson and Liz Campbell will be starting in the kitchen soon.

Educational Politics
Congress is back in session this week, and they are getting to work quickly in terms of introducing educational bills.  The first bill introduced this session deals with school accountability.  If you are interested, HERE is an article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about the bill, and HERE is the School Administrator's Alliance's viewpoint about the bill.  In the coming months, there is projected to be more education related bills introduced.

Swimming Pool Locker Room Renovations
The School Board approved renovations to the pool locker rooms.  The work is scheduled to be started on April 1 and then will be completed by June.  This will be a very nice upgrade to our schools.

Twitter Find of the Week
"You must have long term goals to keep you from being frustrated by short term failures." Charles C. Noble...posted by @Leadershipfreak

A teenagers TAKE on Social Media...

Duty Next Week
Morning Duty - Deans, Fraser
Bus Duty - Rogness

% in Attendance (measured from 1st day of school to the corresponding day in January)
Our Vision 2020 Goal is 96% of higher...
12-13 - 96.17%
13-14 - 95.69%
14-15 - 95.87%

Sharing Instructional Strategies

Using the Comments feature on this blog, please share an instructional strategy that you have found to be successful in one of the following areas:

Purposeful Reading



Example:  I have used Socratic Circles in my classroom to create meaningful discussion on topic X.

News & Notes 1/30/15

January and the 2nd quarter are already in the rear view mirror, and we continue to look ahead... Poynette Middle School is a great place to be.  A few notes about the week that was, and the weeks to come.

STAR Testing
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, middle school students took the STAR test in their respective Math and ELA classrooms.  The early results show positive student growth, and analyzing the results has been really fun.  Seeing the scores of students increase from the fall is very satisfying for us, especially the ones that we have worked so hard with in the Intervention setting.  This data will be useful for us as we analyze our lessons, curriculum, and well as tracking SLO progress.

Report Cards
Report cards will go out in the mail today.  I sent an Infinite Campus message to all parents yesterday.  In looking at the report cards, our goal of giving more information about how our students are doing in class is being met.  Thank you for using this opportunity to give feedback about each student's progress.

Mid-Year Review for EE
It's time to start getting ready to sit down with me for a mid-year meeting focused on SLO.  Even though Non-Summary year teachers are not required by the state to meet with an administrator, I would like to sit down and meet with each of you to review the progress of the SLO, and determine if we need to tweak the goal.  I'll be checking these meetings off on my whiteboard as they happen.  If you are ready to meet, please let me know, otherwise, I'll be setting up these meetings.

Staff Meeting Next Week
This is a reminder that we will have a PMS Staff Meeting this coming Wednesday (2/4), at 2:50 in Room 201.  We will talk budget process/timeline, analyze data, and collaborate about best practices going on in our building.

Budget Reminder
We will discuss this more in detail at the staff meeting on Wednesday, but please be thinking about the materials that you need in your classroom for next year that will boost student achievement.

Educational Politics
It is a very interesting time in educational politics, especially at the state level.  There seems to be a divide in the Senate, Assembly, and the Governor's office about a school accountability bill, and with recent news about major cuts to the University of Wisconsin system, many eyes are on the upcoming release of the state budget, and the K-12 funding.  For the latest on school accountability, click HERE and HERE.  For recent news about the budget, click HERE.

Printer Ink
A reminder to utilize our copy room, and avoid printing more than one copy on the printers.  Our printer ink supply is dwindling more quickly than year's past.

Twitter Find of the Week
Challenge: Ask your students this question: "How can I improve our class?" Use the weekend for reflection.

Duty for Next Week
Morning - Hazard, Hendrickson
Bus - Kallungi

# of NE scores earned by students

1st Quarter - 146
2nd Quarter - 112

Critical Strategies that Work

The first 5 and last 5 minutes of class time are so crucial to a lesson.  We have touched briefly on their importance at times this school year.  Below is a link to a brief article that provides ideas for how to get the most out of these crucial minutes.  This article is from the Edutopia blog.

Student Engagement Article

PMS News & Notes 1/24/15

There is only one more week in January left!  How did that happen?  The end of the semester signals the time when we reach the top of the hill and each day we are working our way down...with all of the goals that we have for our students this school year, and the days left to achieve them winding down.  This is just another reminder that each second in school day is so important for each of their growth.  We impact their growth, both academically and overall...I think that is the best thing about this profession.

Friday's Professional Development Day
I thought that Friday was a lot of fun.  Collectively, we were able to get a lot of things done, have good conversations about grading, instruction, and student growth.  It is really enjoyable to work with a staff that is not afraid of continuous improvement, and is willing to look at challenges, and work collaboratively to find solutions.  Kudos to all for a great day.

End of Semester Celebration Wrap-Up
As this event approached I wasn't sure how I felt about it...weighing pros (tradition, excited kids) and cons (loss of instructional time, planning/organization time) during the whole planning process.  After seeing the kids leave and come back excited, I think this was a great opportunity to cement positive feelings about the school and teachers in the minds of our students...a true culture building opportunity.  Staff members connected with students in a different venue.  Thank you for everyone's efforts to make this event run smoothly and work on relationships with even the most challenging students.

New Semester starts Monday
Monday will be a B Day.  6th and 7th Grade teachers should distribute schedules during the first class of the day, and 8th grade teachers will hand out schedules in the cafeteria/hallway right away Monday morning.

Grading Timeline
This is a reminder that grades are due by end of day Wednesday.  I will review report cards on Thursday, and we plan to mail them home on Friday.  Please keep in mind the following: 1.) you must overwrite mid-term grades, 2.) leave standards blank if you did not assess them this term, 3.) comments must be attached to a standard, and 4.) to complete the coursework completion score (see Anna's email).

STAR Testing
We will be administering STAR Math on Tuesday and STAR Reading on Wednesday of this week.  These will be conducted in the respective Math and ELA classes on these days.

Mid-Year EE Activities
I will be meeting with staff members for a Mid-Year Review meeting.  For staff on the Summary Year, we will check in about Teacher Practices and SLO progress.  For those on a Non-Summary Year, we will check in about SLO mid-year data.

Twitter Find of the Week
Culture of Teaching vs. Culture of Learning from @stephe1234

Duty Next Week
Morning - Greer, Harms
Bus - Lendobeja

Number of "Needs Improvement" scores on Puma Pride Report Cards

8th Grade
1st Quarter - 47
2nd Quarter - 36

7th Grade
1st Quarter - 9
2nd Quarter - 5

6th Grade
1st Quarter - 2
2nd Quarter - TBA

10 Assessments in 90 Seconds

Check it out...!dpJ5oR

PMS News & Notes 1/16/15

I am proud to be a Poynette Puma.  Below is some important information from this past week, and the week ahead!  Have a great day everyone!

Professional Development Day next Friday 1/23
Next Friday, we will host another day of professional development.  The schedule is HERE.  This will be another solid opportunity for collaboration, and to spread around the knowledge that we have right here on our staff.

Educator Effectiveness Tip
I have been getting an opportunity to really look deeper into the critical attributes associated with each domain of the Danielson Framework.  I thought I'd share a tip or two in this space.  For 3C: Engaging Students in Learning, a Level 4 (Distinguished) critical attribute that everyone can do in their classroom everyday...Students have an opportunity for reflection and closure on the lesson to consolidate their understanding.  This opportunity is really important for students to make a deeper connection with the material that they just worked hard to learn.

MS Celebration Activity on Thursday, 1/22/15
We will be running a celebration activity next Thursday.  The purpose of this event must be for us to continue to build and grow our culture by working on the relationships that we have established with our students.  As the day approaches, be thinking of those students that could be really getting on our nerves...please look to seek out an opportunity during this day to try to connect with as many kids as you can, but these kids especially.  There are no easy answers for how to get some of these students back on the right track, but research continually shows that relationships and connections have proven the most effective.  Taking time for a student is like putting money in a bank, that we know we may have to withdraw later...Staff assignments and details will be shared either later today or Monday.  We will have normal classes till 10:15 am.  If you have questions, let me know.  Special thanks again to Mr. Jorgensen, Mrs. Greer, Mr. Kallungi, and Mrs. McNicol for their extra work to make this event a reality.

I know there has been questions about student eligibility to go on the trip, and I apologize for the air of uncertainty out there...there are different philosophies and viewpoints regarding "reward days" this time, my philosophy is that if a student gets into some trouble, they need to have immediate consequences, serve them, and get right back to getting the opportunity to build back trust...(I do reserve the right to change my mind on this philosophy)...however, any student in question I will have direct communication with them about their attendance on this day.

Classroom Go-Kits
Throughout the course of the year, we have been working on our safety plan.  Part of that plan involves classroom "Go-Kits".  These will be in a red envelope that should be visible in the room, and hung somewhere close to the door.  The red envelopes will be distributed soon along with more information about safety procedures.

Budget Time
This is a reminder the be thinking of classroom supplies and materials that could take student learning to the next level in your classroom.  Budget time is right around the corner...

Yearbook Pictures
This is a reminder that if you have taken pictures, please email them to me, and I'll forward them to the Parent Club for the yearbook.

Educational Politics
The Assembly and the State Senate have produced their own versions of a school accountability bill. There has been a public forum on the bill, and the Governor has spoken about his view on the bill. This debate has been interesting to follow...if you are interested in the SAA's take, you can view their testimony that was heard by the Education Committee this week.

Twitter Find of the Week
Are today's youth lazier and more disrespectful than ever???...Click HERE for a short take on the matter...from @justintarte

Duty Next Week
Morning Duty - Frehner, Graeve
Bus Duty - O'Connor

Behavioral Referrals for corresponding time period in the 2nd Quarter.
14-15 - 67 Events, 38 Students
13-14 - 85 Events, 55 Students
12-13 - 67 Events, 44 Students
11-12 - 218 Events, 80 Students

PMS News & Notes 1/9/15

We are back in action after a solid winter break, and it seems like we haven't skipped a beat.  This week featured our first weather day, a solid staff meeting, and students learning like crazy.  Here are a few notes from the week and some of what is to come...

Staff Meeting Recap
Thank you again for a solid staff meeting.  I am really impressed and energized by the "let's roll up our sleeves and get better" mentality that each of you bring to the table.  With this mentality, we are sure to continually increase the achievement levels of our students.  I appreciate the focus and effort that you put into your work, and I feel that the collaboration time at our staff meetings is so valuable.

End of Quarter...Jan. 22
The end of the 2nd Quarter is on Thursday, January 22, 2015.  Grades will be due on Wednesday, January 28, and report cards will be mailed home from here on out.  A couple of reminders...
1.) You will need to go in and overwrite scores from mid-terms
2.) If you did not assess a standard, please leave it blank
3.) Take note of Greg's suggestion about comments on the report card.  We can still put them in, but they need to be in the right place.

End of Semester Celebration
On Thursday, January 22, students will have the choice to go to KEVA Sports Center or the Portage Movie Theater for our End of Semester Celebration.  More details about times, assignments, cost, etc. will come early next week.  I am still waiting to confirm the movie time, and cost.  Special thanks to Mrs. McNicol, Mr. Kallungi, Mrs. Greer, and Mr. Jorgensen for helping with sign-up and permission slip collection.  I will share the documents with details soon.

Summer School Courses
It is time to start thinking about summer school already.  If you have an idea for a new summer school course that you'd like to teach, or are interested in teaching summer school again, please touch base with Mr. Hausser.

Welcome New Staff Members
We expect to have two new food service workers for your building in January.   Faith Tomlinson and Liz Campbell will be starting in the kitchen soon.

Educational Politics
Congress is back in session this week, and they are getting to work quickly in terms of introducing educational bills.  The first bill introduced this session deals with school accountability.  If you are interested, HERE is an article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about the bill, and HERE is the School Administrator's Alliance's viewpoint about the bill.  In the coming months, there is projected to be more education related bills introduced.

Swimming Pool Locker Room Renovations
The School Board approved renovations to the pool locker rooms.  The work is scheduled to be started on April 1 and then will be completed by June.  This will be a very nice upgrade to our schools.

Twitter Find of the Week
"You must have long term goals to keep you from being frustrated by short term failures." Charles C. Noble...posted by @Leadershipfreak

A teenagers TAKE on Social Media...

Duty Next Week
Morning Duty - Deans, Fraser
Bus Duty - Rogness

% in Attendance (measured from 1st day of school to the corresponding day in January)
Our Vision 2020 Goal is 96% of higher...
12-13 - 96.17%
13-14 - 95.69%
14-15 - 95.87%